Welcome to Random Academy, a guild where randomness is BORN. We are based on roleplay, anime, manga, and video games. Our members are loyal and fun, and have trekked all the way from distant lands to provide Gaia with a truly revolutionary guild! Our old guild will still be maintained, though the guild leader's (that's me) interest for worlds left behind has fizzled out and been replaced with hatred.
We will have Giveaways, too! You gotta love those. They're spiffy. We're just happy to get members so we can become more active! Come on in, enjoy your stay, and don't spam! We hope to have great roleplays and such, here at Random Academy. Plus our wacky members can brighten anyone's day.
We've got everything you can want here. Artists, roleplayers, crazy mental grapefruits, and anyone else is welcome! Seriously, do we have to drag you in?
We're incredibly friendly and don't bite.... much.