Are you interested in

arrow natural/alternative treatments and remedies?
arrow yoga, pilates, etc?
arrow meditation?
arrow herbalism?
arrow buying organic?
arrow "green living"?
arrow cutting the daily expenses of modern living?
arrow anything similar to the aforementioned?

Then please feel free to join! This guild is designed as a Gaian information repository for all of those "crunchy granola" things.

People with any sort of interest in any of the aforementioned list are welcome, whether it's Yoga, the many uses of economical and non-toxic baking soda, saving the environment, all of the above, or other.

Please remember that we are not doctors! Any of the advice in here as it regards health should be taken for what it is advice from a stranger over the internet. If it conflicts with anything your doctor tells you, don't follow it. There are a lot of frauds or health practitioners with no medical training out there in the world (see "Natural Cures They Don't Want You To Know About" roll), so you have to be careful. Concerning holistic health topics, herbalism, etc, the best rule to follow is to heed common sense.

If you want to join, just send a request with whatever you want in it. Blank is okay. There's no fee, but if you're going to join just to call us a bunch of dirty hippies, you will be rejected/banned and reported. KTHNX D