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PostPosted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 1:27 pm
Ok, the first one sucked. But I wont delete, cuz it seems popular. This time around, however, I will right the wrongs of the first time, cuz I apparently wasnt clear enough.

*clears throat*

The land of Jal'Rusai is a continent about the size of Asia. It is the neighbor of the land of Ithranna, a continent of about the same size. Before the arrival of Jager and Jotyma, the ruler of a part of Jal'Rusai wanted to put together a crew of Dragon Knights much like the ones he had heard about in Ithranna, but there was no one worthy enough on the land to become the Dragon Cheiftain. The reason for this council of Knights was to combat and protect the land from the demons that would sometimes terrorize parts of Jal'Rusai. 3 years later, two Knights from Ithranna had arrived. They were Jager and Jotyma, two Dragon Knights who had been wrongly exiled, and they came to Jal'Rusai. After a few months of working on a farmland to get by and have a shelter, the two got wind of the rumors of the Demon King. They journeyed to his castle and beheaded him. The king who was searching for the right person to start the Dragon Knights had heard of these two, the summoned them to his part of Jal'Rusai. He tested both Jager and Jotyma with a sort of spell to test if they were worthy enough. Jotyma did not pass to become the cheiftain due to his recent count of man slaughter. (more on that later) But Jager, somehow passed, dispite the darkness that still dwelled in him. He became the Dragon Cheiftain that Jal'Rusai had been waiting for.

Now, here's where I messed up:
4) There will be a map coming soon.
PostPosted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 6:33 pm
There was a girl. Jager knew this girl.
The figure nodded and seemed to get further away. Jager held his hand out to reach her, but he couldn't reach. He started to run. The faster he ran, the further she was. She finally stopped, and when he could almost touch her, a shadow fell over them and laughed wickedly. He looked back to Inu-Ryu, but she was fading out. Jager looked frantically around, and was enveloped in the shadow.
And that's when he woke up, he darted out and his his arms out, hoping to find the girl in his dreams there in front of him. He was drenched in a cold sweat and panting. His dragon, Valk, had also awoken.
-=Did you have that dream again?=-
Jager nodded. He got up and changed into his clothes, which consisted of an orange top with lines going down them and brown going over his shoulders and a broad stripe down the center of his chest. He wore a matching set of pants, only these were charcoal colored with black trims around his was and legs with to black circles on his knees. They came down to about his mid shin, and they were covered with a bair of boots that had the same color scheme as his shirt, except the brown was outside, with orange in the center. He put his black gloves and jacket on. Valk completed the outfit by hovering over to and perching on Jager's shoulder and they headed to Jotyma's room. He found a note on his bed.
It read: 'Jager, when you're finally up and read this message, I just wanna let you know I'm gonna explore around a while. We'll be back when we get back.
-Jotyma and Krieger'
Jager continued down to the staircase. He was greeted with a cook who had already prepared a meal. Jager wasn't too sure how to act; he wasn't used to anything like this. As he ate, a man named Xavier came up to him.
"What are you going to do first today?"
"Dunno. I'll probably try to find any other Knights and help them with their dragons. If that doesn't happen, I'll just train I guess."
"Sounds logical enough. How many Knights did you say there were?"
"The Keeper of the Knight Alters said that about 18 were expected to surface soon. The dragons just need to make a choice with who they want as their partner."
"Oh, by the way, Jotyma came down and told me to give you a message that he-"
"I know, I know. He left a note."
"Oh, I see. Good day." With that, Xavier departed and Jager continued to think.
Since he became a Dragon Chieftain, he couldn't stop thinking about Ithranna and the people he had to leave, like Rue, Hoshi, and Inu-Ryu. He also started thinking about how much he's advanced as a Dragon Knight.
-=You know, there's a chance they could come here. Who knows? It's not that hard a travel.=-
Jager turned to Valk.
-=Are you serious?=-
Jager finished his meal and grabbed his Draco Dao.
-=What next, Jager?=-
-=Well just have to find out, won't we?=-
The dragon smirked and Jager did too. The Dragon and Dragon Knight of Wisdom headed off, adventure leading them where ever they would go.  



PostPosted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 7:37 pm
Emelin walked the long dusty road with one thought on her mind.... ''where to next?'' She''s been traveling from town to town all her life, so it was almost her nature to keep on the move. She was getting hot from all the walking and sun beating down on her... so she stopped under a tree''s shade and took off her black leather jacket.

Two wings unfolded from the jacket, being mostly white, but with black feathers scattered here and there. Her red hair gleamed in the few rays of sun coming through the leaves, and the two black, thick streaks of black glittering against the red.

She stuffed the jacket into her small pack that was weather worn and covered in dirt. Em still had no idea where she was... but she wanted to know at least how much longer until the next town. She stood up and turned to the tree she was under. She studied the branches and finally stretched her wings and jumped up. She reached the bottom most branch, then continued to jump easily until she could go up no more. She curled herself up and jumped as high as she could go, she cleared the top most part of the tree and flew upwards. Em floated in the air, looking around for the next place to go, which was at least a days walk from where she was.

"Oh bother..." She started to let herself fall and then catch herself a few feet from the ground. Em gracefully touched ground and let out a huff of exhaustion. She wasn''t built for flying, as she had wings but wasn''t built light enough to fly longer than her wings could take her. She fell back to the spot she was in and decided for a nap before the journey to the next town.
PostPosted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 9:30 pm
Jager made his down a dirt trail that seemed to lead to his new castle in Eyeral. His Draco Dao's blade gleamed in the sunlight as Jager and Valk walked. They'd been walking for a few hours now. Jager halted suddenly, startling Valk a bit.
-=Something wrong?=-
-=No, nothing's wrong. I was just trying to think of what we could do. You up for training?=-
-=Always. I want to be as strong as Silver if I ever get to meet him again.=-
Jager laughed.
-=Don't worry, we can arrange that.=-

The dragon on Jager's shoulder grinned in the way a dragon could and the two scanned for a suitable thing or place to train on. The walked off the path and then down a hill, where a small village lay. They were about to turn and walk on, but a sudden burst of flame captured their attention. Jager, in a mighty jump, made his way down to the village, his jacket flying in the air. He landed on a building and jumped the tops of the small structures until he saw the source of the fire. It was a fire demon. He clutched the arm of a young woman in his hand. Jager listened in.

"I'm taking this woman and this village in my name! Bow to your new king!!
The demon didn't notice a barrel of water being thrown at him. He was hit square in the back, and the girl got away.
The demon, enraged, searched for the source of the attack. Jager whistled to show the demon where he was.
"Right here..!" he said, waving his hand a bit.
"You'll pay for that!!"

The demon unleashed a burst of flame at Jager, which was easily sidestepped by the Knight. Jager jumped from roof to roof as the demon continued to attempt his attacks and hit Jager. He used his telekinisis power and threw many objects at the demon, like boxes, crates, barrels and assorted farming tools. Some of the items hit, but most were dodged by this demon as well. Jager kept running, but then the demon shot flames directly in front of Jager, forcing him to jump. He saw another burst of fire coming at him, which he narrowly dodged. Jager landed and charged the demon dodging many of the demon's attempts to attack. He prepared to strike with his blade and before he hit, the demon set up a wall of fire that singed Jager a bit. The demon jumped throught the flames and tackled Jager. As soon as he hit his back, Jager kicked the demon backwards in a fluid motion. The kick propelled Jager to his feet and the demon was on his back. The demon saw Jager's foot coming for his face from above and rolled to dodge, the swing kicked Jager to the ground. He rolled and both the demon and Jager stood, staring eachother down.  



PostPosted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 11:41 pm
Topaz stood on the docks of the prt she had just reached. Her pack on her shoulder, and bow strapped to her back, she looked out at the sea. It was beautiful, but she didn't have time to watch. A gold and red colored bird swooped out of the sky. Topaz held out her arm, and the phoenix landed on it, its claws making a slight click on the girls hidden arm guards, fashioned by herself. A small gust of wind caught her silver hair and threw it backwards. Her pointed ears showed only for a moment, but it would be clear to passersby that she was an elf. During that moment, she heard a voice. Small, insignificant, but it was beautiful. It sounded like music. But it came in and out of focus, as though it was being whipped around in a windstorm, or.... something... It disappeared as quickly as the wind.

Topaz did not know where she was, nor did she care. All she wanted to do was to see if Onyx was here. Then, when she did not find him, she would move on, to the next continent. She found a nearby fisherman, and asked where the capital was.

"Eyeral? Oh, take tha' roa' there, an' you shou' ge' there winth in a few days. No' real sure 'ow long i' takes tho'..." He guestured to a road leading out if the city and inot he wild country.

Topaz sighed and moved on. .: Should I go and see how long it will take? :. The thought came to her from the phoenix. They do not have a continuous bond, and therefore canot mind speak. Phaeox, the phoenix, simply placed a thought in Topaz's mind, and she thought it. Then she would think something in response, and he would steal it. It was more of mind speak than anything, though she couldn't reply if he wasn't paying attention. But rather than thinking anything, she usually spoke to him, to keep coversation running because of his short attention span.

"No, no. I don't want to be disappointed yet. He will not be there, but I feel like something good is going to happen."

.: Awww.... my little seer..... :. Phaeox muttered the phrase Onyx used to speak to her, when she felt this way.

Before he could do anything to the contrary, Topaz had grabbed the bird by the neck.

"Say it again, birdbrain, and I will tear you feather from feather. Try me." She threatened him, and it was not an empty threat. This was only the second time he had looked into her memory. He had never dared before, except to learn that she was safe to be with, when he was born. She had seen a fire deep in the woods once, and found an egg, wreathed in flames. She would have rushed to save it normally, but something had told her not to. Something spoke in her mind. It told her to stay and watch. Then the egg began to crack, and Phaeox had emerged from it, a baby Phoenix. He had stayed with her since, feeling content with her, as a sort of guardian.  
PostPosted: Sat Aug 20, 2005 12:48 am
Neo groaned and sat up rubbing his head slowly, partly to move some of his blond hair from his deeply set eyes. He didn't know where he was or how he had got here but it sure wasn't where he had been before. The man peered around to find that he was in a village, more of a market than anything else though. There was various objects for sale most of which he didn't register. Somehow Neo managed to stand and as he did he began to walk towards one of the many farmers he guessed lived in this town.
"Excuse me sir, this may seem like a really stupid question but can you please tell me where i am?" He asked looking at the floor briefly, he spoke with what seemed to be a soft English accent though there was something strange about it.
"Heh, you're in Jal'Rusai, jus' like the rest o' us." The farmer said softly looking the strange man up and down. The man dressed in creme with strange clothes that he had never seen before.
"Thank you sir." Neo nodded turning to walk away.
"Excuse me, where did you get them clothes?" The farmer asked placing one of his dirty hands on Neo's clean creme jacket.
"Erm...they were a gift. From a friend." He muttered looking at the floor then back up. "If you let me go, when i find what i am looking for you can have them." He smiled shaking his head. The farmer nodded and let go.
"Remember me!" He called watching the stranger go.
"Jal'Rusai, but where in Jal'Rusai?" Neo muttered, that was his next problem. And then how he could get back...to where? There was no where for him to go, not anymore. But that wasn't a problem for today, first he would find out where he was.  


Newbie Receiver


PostPosted: Sat Aug 20, 2005 8:12 am
She awoke with a start and looked around. She had had a dream, though it wasn't like any dream she's had. It included her real parents, the very thing she was searching for since her adoptive parents told her about they finding her. She rubbed her eyes and saw that it a couple hours from nightfall, so she decided to keep moving. As she got up and flung her pack across her shoulder, she saw a passerby.

"Excuse me sir, would you happen to know how far the next city is?" The passerby looked like a boy in his late-twenties and also looked like a fellow traveler by his apparel and his large pack on his back.

She saw him look at her like she was a lake in the middle of a desert, but he answered her kindly. "Yep. It's a days walk from where we are right now. I'm heading there myself."

"Mind if I travel with you? I don't think it's very safe to travel alone, especially at night..." He nodded and he kept walking. She quickly caught up and walked beside him, her wings reflecting some of the sunsetting rays.

"So what's your name? If I'm to be traveling along side you. My name is Emelin." She gave her most welcomeing smile and awaited his answer.
PostPosted: Sat Aug 20, 2005 9:18 am
Neo groaned and sat up rubbing his head slowly, partly to move some of his blond hair from his deeply set eyes. He didn't know where he was or how he had got here but it sure wasn't where he had been before. The man peered around to find that he was in a village, more of a market than anything else though. There was various objects for sale most of which he didn't register. Somehow Neo managed to stand and as he did he began to walk towards one of the many farmers he guessed lived in this town.
"Excuse me sir, this may seem like a really stupid question but can you please tell me where i am?" He asked looking at the floor briefly, he spoke with what seemed to be a soft English accent though there was something strange about it.
"Heh, you're in Jal'Rusai, jus' like the rest o' us." The farmer said softly looking the strange man up and down. The man dressed in creme with strange clothes that he had never seen before.
"Thank you sir." Neo nodded turning to walk away.
"Excuse me, where did you get them clothes?" The farmer asked placing one of his dirty hands on Neo's clean creme jacket.
"Erm...they were a gift. From a friend." He muttered looking at the floor then back up. "If you let me go, when i find what i am looking for you can have them." He smiled shaking his head. The farmer nodded and let go.
"Remember me!" He called watching the stranger go.
"Jal'Rusai, but where in Jal'Rusai?" Neo muttered, that was his next problem. And then how he could get back...to where? There was no where for him to go, not anymore. But that wasn't a problem for today, first he would find out where he was.

Neo was stopped by the same dirty hand on his shoulder.
"Er, i din' tell you me name." The farmer smiled letting go of Neo. "Most o' the people i meet call me Mike." He nodded.
Neo looked at this man, Mike, for real. He looked oldish, in his late 40's and was about a foot smaller than him though most people were. He was bald and wore simple clothes that seemed to be made of leather.
"Neo." He muttered nodding his head then walking on. "You any good fighting demons Mike? You are going to need to be if you want to travel with me." He half grunted not caring for his new "friend".
"Demons? None o' them around here mate." Mike laughed. "Hasn' bin' for years." Though he pulled a small dagger from one of his pockets and winked. Neo rolled his eyes and drew his sword, it was longer than most and looked sharp though he was holding it to the sun. The wierdest thing was the pale purple blade that seemed to be come alive at Neo's touch.
"That fish gutter won't help you." He grunted, sheathed his sword and walked faster hoping to loose the man or make him change his mind.  


Newbie Receiver


PostPosted: Sat Aug 20, 2005 9:29 am
"Bennett. Nice to meet you Emelin." He simply replied and kept walking. Emelin looked at him and how he walked. He walked with a slight limp and his left hand was badly scarred. His hair looked as if he hasn't done anything with it for days and his clothes was covered in dirt. She then looked at her boots and kept walking. Night was falling fast and Bennet kept walking faster. Finally he stopped in front of her and she nearly ran into him.

"What's uh...."

"Shhh..." He turned and put his finger to his lips and walked forward slowly. It was several feet he walked ahead until the bushes to her right rustled slightly. She quickly looked at the bush and in a slight moment, jumped into the air, wings spread. A shadow type creature jumped out and nearly missed Emelin by inches. Bennet turned on his heel and saw the shadow creature and ran for it. Emelin was left alone in the air whilst she watched him run. Apparently the shadow saw him bolt and quickly sprinted after him.

"Oh dear..." she took out both her long daggers from her boots and dived after the mysterious creature. She tackled it and sent it rolling back into the forest. Bennet stopped at the sudden screech of the creature and saw Emelin jump out of the bushes before she could get further hurt.

"Keep running or help me! Don't stand there like an idiot!" Bennet just stood there frozen and fumbled for his own knife. Emelin looked back and saw the creature jump for her. She stood there wide-eyed and dived out of the way.
PostPosted: Sat Aug 20, 2005 9:50 am
The creaure stopped and glared at Emelin with it's red peircing eyes. It's side was leaking black colored blood onto the dirt. It stood on four legs and his long, pointed claws dug into the ground. Saliva was dripping from its yellow-tinted fangs and it was breathing heavily. It looked more like a wolf if anything, though larger.

Emelin glared at it in return, though not directly at its eyes. She also was hurt, she accidently cut herself on her upper arm and got tackled into the thorn bush, resulting in cuts and thorns. Some of her feathers on her wings got ruffled and a few fell to the ground. She also, was breathing heavily.

Bennett just stood behind Em, knife in hand and looked like he gained more confidence whilst Emelin stared down the creature.

Emelin finally jumped into the air and caught the creature by surprise. The creature decided to give up on her and go after Bennett. As the creature lept for him, with Bennett ready for the attack, Em fell on it, burying both of her elven-made daggers into its sides. It howled in pain and fell to the ground.

Emelin slowly got up and looked at her partner, to the dead thing bleeding all over the dirt. "So... would you mind explaining what that was?"

Bennett, once again, looked wide-eyed at her. He was stuttering quite a bit, but got the words out. "It was... was... a demon! A sh-sh-shadow one. And you k-killed it?"

Emelin also looked quite surprised. She just killed a demon. She's never killed one of those before. "I guess I have..." she wiped the demon blood off her daggers on a cloth she pulled out of her pack. It slightly burned her, so she threw it upon the deceased demon.



Newbie Receiver

PostPosted: Sat Aug 20, 2005 9:59 am

Neo was stopped by the same dirty hand on his shoulder.
"Er, i din'' tell you me name." The farmer smiled letting go of Neo. "Most o'' the people i meet call me Mike." He nodded.
Neo looked at this man, Mike, for real. He looked oldish, in his late 40''s and was about a foot smaller than him though most people were. He was bald and wore simple clothes that seemed to be made of leather.
"Neo." He muttered nodding his head then walking on. "You any good fighting demons Mike? You are going to need to be if you want to travel with me." He half grunted not caring for his new "friend".
"Demons? None o'' them around here mate." Mike laughed. "Hasn'' bin'' for years." Though he pulled a small dagger from one of his pockets and winked. Neo rolled his eyes and drew his sword, it was longer than most and looked sharp though he was holding it to the sun. The wierdest thing was the pale purple blade that seemed to be come alive at Neo''s touch.
"That fish gutter won''t help you." He grunted, sheathed his sword and walked faster hoping to loose the man or make him change his mind.

The pair walked silently for what seemed like hours, it must''ve been a while as the sun was setting and darkness was slowly creeping in.
"Can''t we rest mate?" Mike wheezed, his breathing was shallow and laboured, something that Neo hadn''t noticed before. He smiled and put a skinny arm around the dirty man and helped him walk for a while before setting him down on what seemed to be a boulder half buried in the ground.
"You''re not a good walker are you?" Neo said happily. "How far to the next village, town, city whatever?"
"About a days walk." Mike moaned. "Can''t we just rest?"
"The demons and nasty''s in this forest have a better chance of killing you if we stay still than if we travel by night." Neo muttered waiting for Mike to catch his breath before daring to start walking again.  
PostPosted: Sat Aug 20, 2005 10:20 am
"Well then... that's all the proof I need to keep walking..." She started to put away her daggers back into their sheaths in her boots when Bennett held up a hand.

"May I see those?" he half whispered. "I'd rather you not... but I'll let you look at them." She stood up again and showed him her daggers.

The daggers were about seven inches long and the hilt bared symbols and designs unlike any other. Shining blue sapphires sparkled in the moonlight, though they were not very large.

"These are elven made... unlike any other I've seen. Where did you get these? I'll buy them from you at any price!" He was practically begging her for her daggers. Though she remained adement.

"I'm not selling these. They were given to me by a dear friend. Though I am not very rich, I'm never going to sell these for any price." She put them away before Bennett would tackle her for them. She took one last look at the corpse of the demon and walked on. "We should get moving before more come and find us."

Bennett gave her a glare and trailed behind her like a hungry, lost dog. They walked for hours, not bothered by any demons or anything. She finally sat down on a cut tree stump and gave a huff of relief. Bennett followed suit, but sat on the ground instead. She ruffled her wings and sat back on the stump. "How long would you say now, Bennett." she emphasised his name on purpose, not having as much respect for him since the demon attacked.

He looked up at the waning moon and glittering stars and back to the path. "I'd say... at the rate we've been walking, we'll get there by late morning."

Em looked up at the stars through the trees and back into the forest. "Alrighty, let's head on then."



Newbie Receiver

PostPosted: Sat Aug 20, 2005 10:30 am

The pair walked silently for what seemed like hours, it must''ve been a while as the sun was setting and darkness was slowly creeping in.
"Can''t we rest mate?" Mike wheezed, his breathing was shallow and laboured, something that Neo hadn''t noticed before. He smiled and put a skinny arm around the dirty man and helped him walk for a while before setting him down on what seemed to be a boulder half buried in the ground.
"You''re not a good walker are you?" Neo said happily. "How far to the next village, town, city whatever?"
"About a days walk." Mike moaned. "Can''t we just rest?"
"The demons and nasty''s in this forest have a better chance of killing you if we stay still than if we travel by night." Neo muttered waiting for Mike to catch his breath before daring to start walking again.

They hadn't got far before they were attacked. A winged figure landed in front of them and drew a sword that seemed to be made of shadows.
"What is that!" Mike yelled getting a hand to his mouth to keep him quiet. Neo watched the demon as it steadily moved closer, it looked almost human but seemed to be made of shadows. Neo slowly let go of Mike and drew his sword, it seemed to glow with its own light compared to the demon's shadow sword.
"Do i really have to kill you?" He asked advancing on the demon. It said nothing, just raised it sword and went to attack. But it didn't attack Neo, it went for Mike who stood petrified as the demon's sword came down on him cutting deeply into his arm. He whimpered like a dog and ran to hide by a tree, the demon then turned to Neo who had moved to help but had been too late. There was a hungry look in its eyes as it lunged at Neo though easily missing.  
PostPosted: Sat Aug 20, 2005 11:01 am

They hadn't got far before they were attacked. A winged figure landed in front of them and drew a sword that seemed to be made of shadows.
"What is that!" Mike yelled getting a hand to his mouth to keep him quiet. Neo watched the demon as it steadily moved closer, it looked almost human but seemed to be made of shadows. Neo slowly let go of Mike and drew his sword, it seemed to glow with its own light compared to the demon's shadow sword.
"Do i really have to kill you?" He asked advancing on the demon. It said nothing, just raised it sword and went to attack. But it didn't attack Neo, it went for Mike who stood petrified as the demon's sword came down on him cutting deeply into his arm. He whimpered like a dog and ran to hide by a tree, the demon then turned to Neo who had moved to help but had been too late. There was a hungry look in its eyes as it lunged at Neo though easily missing.

An angel appeared from somewhere in the sky. She had been watching them from a nearby tree and felt the need to save them. Just so that she could get something in return later. She threw something at the demon to distract it then she threw a small knife aiming to kill it instantly. She quickly pulled her hair up into a pony tail using a bit of string that was wrapped around her wrist them she jumped out of the tree her white robes still gleaming. She had her wings out but didn't seem to notice or care, her real feathery angelic wing and then her mechanical wing crafted by someone unknown out of the lightest metal avaliable then dotted with holes to make it lighter. She pulled the injured man out of the way and up into a tree.
"Stay there." She muttered jumping down to help the strange man in creme.  



PostPosted: Sat Aug 20, 2005 11:04 am
As they both traveled side-by-side, Bennett kept on looking at where Em put her daggers away. Em noticed this far along the journey. She would hear a rustle in the bushes every so often, but it would turn out to be a bird or some other small creature. The moon had sunk below the trees and the sun began to set. The birds began to chirp again and animals would occasionally scurry across the road.

After the sun bagan to illuminate the nighttime sky, another traveler crossed Bennett and Em's path. This time it was a girl. "Hallo." She waved and walked passed them, but did a double take on Emelin, due to her wings were not covered.

"Excuse me, but did you just come from a town?"
"Sure did." She stopped gazing at her wings and put her hands on her hips. She wore a frayed skirt and a pheasant top. Her brown hair was pulled back into a tight braid and her light blue eyes shown like stars. She had a sack across her shoulder and she waited for what Emelin was about to ask her.

"How long until you get there? Me and my... friend," Bennett looked to a bird sitting in a tree near by and then at his feet. "have been traveling all night and we would like a place to rest." The woman smiled and walked up to her.

"It's not far from where we stand. I'm out getting a special herb for my mother's medicine that the doctor told me to go get. Which I should get going. Good luck on your travels!" she walked away and disappeared into the forest. Emelin sighed and gave a yawn, but continued to walk on. Bennett looked after the woman and smiled at Emelin. "I think I'll follow her, since she is all alone in the woods and all." He gave a retreating grin and scampered off after her.
Dragon Knights of Jal'Rusai

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