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Mad Scientists' Lab - lots of race photos Goto Page: 1 2 3 4 [>] [»|]

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Vice Captain

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 8:20 am
June 02, 2012
Professor Ladin's Journal.
My colleagues and I have built our laboratory, equipped with cells for over 30 species. We hope to understand the different races that are in this world. We also have samples of genes from all the races that are existant, as far as we know. There are a few colleagues in the field right now to find other races, for samples or for experiments.

There are ten experimental labs in our laboratory, to facilitate the staff of ten that includes Doctor Emirl, Doctor Persimm, Mr. Quislek, and myself.

This is the beginning of new discoveries. Luckily we are located in a location that the 'rights movement' fanatics can't find.

And that's that. As the current culture would say "Way cool".  
PostPosted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 9:39 am
June 03, 2012
Doctor Shielf's Journal.
This is a record of the races we have on file. These files include blood drawings, gene and DNA samples, hair samples, and (where applicable) photos of the beings that the samples were taken from. These also have the descriptions and definitions of the races and the branches of the races.

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An angel is a being that is generally of higher intelligence and is of a higher birth right. Dr. Drikenglough, the main researcher, is quoted saying that an angel is "a spiritual being superior to humans in power and intelligence; especially one in the lowest rank in the celestial hierarch", but that he has noticed a few differences among the angels. There are two branches of angels: Higher and Lower.

Higher Angels:
Higher Angels are those who are pure-blooded angels and who are, from what we hear, harder to kill than Lower Angels. They are also known for their fighting capability, killing a ratio of 30/1 more than the Lower Angels. They are also known for contempt of lower forms of life (towards humans, anthros, etc.). They would rather not deal with any other type of beings unless they are killing them "for god and glory". They usually wear armor to seem impressive and daunting.

Lower Angels:
Lower Angels are also pure-blooded but are easier to kill than Higher Angels, from what we've heard. These angels kill less than their 'superior' relations, but are still more capable of killing than say, perhaps, a mere human. Lower angels do not share the contempt of lower forms with their 'superiors'. In fact, they would rather help someone than kill them.

Angels of pure blood (as of the Higher Angels and the Lower Angels):
- have blond or white hair.
- have white or clear wings.
- have blue or light-colored eyes (no brown/black/dark-colored eyes).
- live longer than human-kind.
- change hair color and eye color when they are involved with the demons (from light colors to dark colors [white wings to black wings; sky-blue eyes to ocean's depth blue eyes).
- Lower Angels usually live 25/1 years compared to humans [humans living 80 years, Lower Angels living 2000 years]; Higher Angels usually live 35/1 years compared to humans [humans living 80 years, Higher Angels living 2800 years].

Angels that have 'flirted' with their rivals (the demons) change appearances. Also, as far as we've heard, their aura becomes darker instead of clear and 'purified'. These changed angels are called, by the Higher and Lower Angels, Impure Angels - those that have pure-blood but have been tinted by the demons. The Impure Angels are kicked out of the society of the Higher and Lower Angels to fend for themselves.

- We hope to find out why the angel lives longer, applying this to the human life expectancy.
- We hope to find out why the angel's appearances change when they become involved with demons.
- We hope to learn how Higher Angels have the innate sense of balance/grace so that we can apply it to the babies and children of humankind.
- We hope to find the true differences between Lower Angels and Higher Angels so that we can distinguish why the humankind has different races in amongst the ranks.

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A demon is the "opposite" of the spectrum of life (considering evil and darkness). According to Dr. Drikenglough, a demon is "an evil spirit; a source or agent of evil, harm, distress, or ruin". Demons, like angels, have two branches: Higher and Lower.

Higher Demons:
The Higher Demons are pure-blooded demons. They feel contempt for all beings but especially for the Lower Demons (half blooded demons). Each Higher Demon typically has a record ratio of 500/1 kills, as compared to a human's killing record.

Lower Demons:
Lower Demons are half-blooded (or less) demons. That means that they have at least one non-demon relative in their family [whether it be their father, their mother, their mother's grandmother, or their father's great-great-great-grandfather, or someone like that]. The non-demon relative are related directly by blood, (mother's family; father's family - "grand"s and parents, not cousins/siblings/etc.). Those that have 1/8th demon-blood are despised less than 1/2 blooded, sometimes, but that deals with the unit's preferences.

Demons of pure blood (as of the Higher Demons):
- have black or dark-brown hair
- have black wings [they usually have feathered wings or webbed/bat-like wings]
- have black or brown or dark-colored eyes (no blue/green/light-colored eyes; dark-amber is one of the usual non-black/brown eye color)
- live longer than human-kind, usually 33/1 years compared to human years [humans living 80 years, Higher Demons living 2640 years].

Demons of non-pure blood (as of Lower Demons):
- do not have a specific color of wings, though it is usually they are of a dark color: blue, red, black, brown, etc.
- do not have a specific color of eyes, though they are usually medium colored eyes.
- do not have a specific color of hair, though the common color is medium-brown or black.
- live longer than human-kind but usually live half as long as Higher Demons [if not killed by a Higher Demon before the age of "20" (150). About 15/1 years compared to humans (humans living 80 years, Lower Demons living about 1200 years).].

Demons that have 'flirted' with the angels do not change forms nor do their auras change. However, if someone finds out that a demon has been connected to an angel, the demon community has the right to kill the offender-demon (even if the demon is a pregnant demonness).

- We hope to find out what changes the angels upon demon-angel relationship, due to DNA or...
- We hope to find out why the demon do not change upon demon-angel relationship.
- We hope to find out how the demons are more prepared for battle [even upon ambush]
- We hope to find a way to "tame" demons (especially full-blooded Higher Demons) so that they can be warriors on our sides with their fighting personality without killing the human warriors.

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Humans are one of the "weaker" races that we have come across. They do not have armor on their selves by nature. They also do not have a fairly long lifespan. Most humans have to be in a community, for protection, instead of self-protection. One of Drikenglough's co-researchers says that a human is merely "a bipedal primate mammal".

- Many humans have hair color of: brown, black, red, orange, blond (yellow), grey, white. Some dye their hair different colors to "seem" cooler like purple, blue, and green.
- Humans are not naturally armed with weapons, thus they use (according to their society) swords, guns, martial arts, bows-and-arrows and other weapons to protect themselves.
- Human eye color is typically brown, green, blue, and hazel. Some humans use "contact lenses" to color their eyes without damaging them so that they appear to be yellow or red or another 'unnatural' color.
- Humans do not have wings or tails or claws.
- The human life span expectancy is about 80 Earth years, lower than almost all beings' life span expectancy.
- The human gestation period is naturally 9 months.

Many humans judge other humans according to skin color, language (seeing that there are over a million human languages), and gender. These judgments have caused wars before and could again in the future.

- We hope to find a way to arm a human from conception without hurting the mother.
- We hope to learn how to lengthen the life expectancy of a human so that humans can live longer.
- We hope to learn how to give humans wings and tails to better traveling and balance (seeing that some humans are very tipsy).
- We hope to learn how to make a human appear to be younger though they are aging.
- We hope to find a method of improving memory, even back to the years of infancy and childhood (through the eyes of that child from back then, not through the eyes of the adult in the present).

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Elves are typically the "next step" from humans towards 'perfection'. They have perfected the qualities of the humans, with a longer life span, and are more agile/quick-on-their-feet.
One of Dr. Drikenglough's researchers has said that an elf is "a usually lively mischievous or malicious" being. There seems to be unrest in the conclusion of this definition as Dr. Drikenglough has noticed that some elves are not mischievous or malicious. Some, he has noted, are actually quite "tame" and well socially adjusted.

Most elves:
- are skillful warriors, typically trained for decades before entering battle.
- are typically archers or swords-men/swords-women (not typically hand-to-hand combatants without daggers).
- live 20/25 years per 1 human year [if a human lives to 80, a typical elf lives to 1600 to 2000 years old though doesn't appear to age for 20 years at a time].
- tend to have long hair, not considering gender.
- tend to be more slender yet fitter than humans.
- learn an animal language while in school (whether it be "Bald Eagle" or "Timberwolf" or "Grey Squirrel" or "Starfish" or "White Elephant").

All elves:
- have pointed ears.
- have keen eyesight (can typically see at least two miles compared to a human's .75 mile eyesight).
- are graceful (rarely, if ever falling or tripping).

Elves are one of the most graceful races known to humankind. The equally graceful race (to the elves) would be the Higher Angels. However, it is easier to find Elves around than it is to find Higher Angels. Also, Elves are easier to seduce/capture than Higher Angels (due partially to the wings of the Angels).

- We hope to learn how Elves can live longer and how they age slower.
- We hope to learn what the difference is between Elves and Higher Angels, so that we can adapt humans to become like Higher Angels.
- We hope to learn how Elves have the innate sense of balance/grace so that we can apply it to the babies and children of humankind.
- We hope to learn how Elves can typically remember more than a typical human can.
- We hope to learn how Elves can learn animal languages (when most scientists/linguistics argue that animals don't have a "language").

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Vice Captain

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Vice Captain

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 9:51 am
August 14, 2012
Doctor Shielf's Journal.
We have not received any beings as of yet, even though we had two months of waiting.

However, the field researchers have brought back more information for us. Here are more records of races that we have received lately.

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 9:54 am
August 22, 2012
Professor Heringil's Journal.
We recently received three beings (two humans - one male and one female; one demonness). We have also discovered a fourth being in the fourth cell, of whom we do not know the race identity nor how he came to be there.

These are our subjects as of this point, with their treatments:
1. Mia Leelae (female Human) - Angelic DNA infused into her blood.
This subject has not resisted treatments, though she has had to be sedated to receive treatments (which is an usual case). One of the guards has informed me that her treatment is not changing her and that we have to figure out why [especially since it was Angelic DNA].

2. Sin Ravyn (female Higher Demon) - locked up and attempted to sedate.
This subject has ripped off the arm of one of our human guards. Our Rashaden guards, therefore, will have to deal with her since she is so vicious.

3. Maclyn Dozor (male Human) - Gene slicing/infusion with Oracle DNA.
We have also noticed that this subject has had his hair and skin tones change to become the more Oracle signature colors, especially for the males. Therefore, his treatment is working. What Professor Ladin wants to do with this subject is still unknown to me, however. It seems that between Ladin and Drikenglough that there's a lot more invested into experimenting with this being than there is with the other subjects.

4. --- (male ----) - Wings have been "surgically" removed.
This being appeared out of nowhere and we do not know how or why, especially since he was already in a cell. It's a good thing that the guards keep the cells (even the empty ones) locked at all times except when taking the subjects out of the cells to bring them to the experiments.  

Savory Garlic Crinkle

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Savory Garlic Crinkle

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 9:55 am
PostPosted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 9:56 am

Vice Captain

High-functioning Bibliophile

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Vice Captain

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 9:57 am
PostPosted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 10:08 am

Vice Captain

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Savory Garlic Crinkle

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 10:13 am
Oh crap. Somehow, for some bad stroke of luck, you've been imprisoned and have lost your freedom. To make it worse, you're a scientific experiment! What kind of race you are, what your gender is, or where you're from does not matter to the scientists. You have been put into a cell, to endure whatever torture there might be and maybe, possibly, being able to talk with other 'inmates'. There's no escape unless the scientists release you, with the suppression of memories of the place.
Good luck!

For those who are role playing, please post this in your post:
- what's your race? (what do you look like?)
- what's gender?
- where are you from?
- were you captured or did you somehow wander into the lab on your own?

Also, please continue to check the journal entries [above this one!]. There may be updates [like someone being released]....
Remember: no weapons that are not of your natural body - no guns (almost never allowed in Margem's threads), no swords, no bows & arrows, nothing.
All are wearing grey robes. Think of graduation gowns, yet in grey and brushing the ground no matter the race.
PostPosted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 3:00 pm
The scientist throws a girl on the cold ground of cell number one. She is the first experiment of the laboratory, already received a dose of Higher Angelic DNA by blood transfusion.

She lies on the ground, not willing to move or to say anything as the scientist slams the iron door on her cell. No blanket, no bed: there is nothing for the girl to lie on except the stone floor.

Tears start to fall from her eyes, alone, cold and desolate as a scientific experiment....

Character Name: Mia Leelae [me-ah lee-lay]
Race: Human (with lab alterations)
Gender: Female
Age: 17
From: The town of Herisay [hair-ih-say], the kingdom of Yers ["years"]
Arrival: Was captured by the groupies of Dr. Drikenglough near her home-town.
Appearance upon entrance: Brown hair, light blue eyes, fair skin, no protrusions/non-human-traits:
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Background: Mia lived with her family until she was about fifteen years old. At that point, she was to destined to be wed to a warrior-lord from the nearby kingdom of Krez [kra-ehz]. She ran away, so not to get married at such an early age. Her parents, distraught with worry, searched her out and, upon her discovery, broke off the wedding plans. They brought her back home, to figure out what to do with her, since Yers and Krez (as are the other kingdoms) are of the mindframe that one must be married off at 15. She started to work for a friends' family, to make sure that she is not 'useless' according to society. There she stayed until one night, walking home from her work, Dr. Drikenglough came near her and (finding that she was a perfect specimen to study) captured her.  

Savory Garlic Crinkle

Hygienic Man-Lover

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 3:42 pm
Name: Sin Ravyn
Race: Demon
Gender: Female
Came From: Third Reigon of Hell
Arrived to the Lab: Sin grew up in the Third Reigon as an orphan and she raised herself, coming to earth now and agian to cause havoc and steal food and such. She stayed away from other demons untill she felt strong enough to protect herself. At a strong age of 20 years (equivilating it to human ages.) she came to wander both hell and the world of humans.

However, she was captured while sleeping in the upper most branches of the tree. She didnt know what was comming to her, for she was never challanged by humans and she under estimated them.

Apperance: (Just take away the dark feathered wings.) User Image

Sin growled thrashing agianst her captors, they kept her tightly chained up so she wouldnt harm them, her eyes glowed a dark bloody red. Being thrown into the cage she ran at it bashing into the door, luckily for the scientists they locked it. Unluckly for her, she poped her right shoulder out of place, though she didnt care. She started tearing at the chains with her teeth, finding to her dismay that they wouldnt break, and she struggled with them.

The scientists left, not wanting to remove the chains from her, or even try. Sin was the second experiment, though they didnt do anything to her quite yet. She kept getting up to bash the impregnable bars, her arms were tied and all she had use of were her legs, and she was going to use them for helping her bash into the bars, even though it was pointless.  
PostPosted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 3:48 pm
The brown haired girl raises her eyes and looks over to the being in the cage next to her.

"Why do you think they want us?" she asks, quietly, not getting up from the cold stone floor yet facing towards the next cell.  

Savory Garlic Crinkle

Hygienic Man-Lover

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 3:56 pm
Sin looked over as she slumped to the floor, taking a breather, though she kept it silent. Her eyes were still dark red, and glowing in rage, "I dont know... but the next time they come I'll tear them apart so it wont matter." Falling silent agian, Sin licked her lips, she had split her head open on one of the bars when she was bashing into it. It was starting to heal, quite quickly from her demonic blood, but the blood still dripped down and she just licked it up quietly as it fel to her lips.

She quickly snapped to the girl, "What the hell is a dirty human like you doing here anyway? You wouldnt possibly hold any intrest to anyone." She smirked evily, "Unless you did something to piss someone off." Sin laughed to herself looking down at the chains around herself, "Did you slaughter a village or something?"  
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