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Dapper Lunatic

PostPosted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 2:04 am
Vincent of the Fire
Vince was caught off balance when he was released, and tumbled just a little bit. He shifted his weight, and evened out, just in time to hear the words. He took the initiative and dug his toes into the ground, forcing himself off and rushing the other. he lowered his shoulder, and tried to place the left on in the other's gut, while both hands went to pull his legs out from under him, and then pin him on the ground. His eyes searched for any sort of difference as he moved.

::Too obvious. Entirely too obvious, and it was plainly obvious that he was trying to impress his master with more than necessary manuevers. Cerebus's foot twitched as Vince rolled in order to flip, it would have been so easy to kick his body like a living ball, but there was good chance the strike would paralyze him. A heavy strike to the lower spine usually does.

No instead he decided to watch. Vince hit the ground and decided on another foolish manuever, to bull charge. So in summary Vince first exposed his back, and then attempted to over-power someone who was without a doubt physically stronger.

Cerebus's counter was as swift as it was efficient, he leaned back and reached his arms forward to grab both of Vince's arms as they reached for his legs. He would then jerk both arms back while sending a very firm knee towards Vince's chest with the express goal of knocking the wind out of him, in order to disable him while Cerebus spoke.::

Idiot! You strike with intent not pride! Know your opponent attack their weakness not their strengths! Get up and try again!

::In summary, Cerebus had shown a weakness when he was kicked in the face, and the force was enough to let him release his grip. That showed a definite weakness, but at the same time Cerebus showed his strengths when he hoisted Vince up by his knee without even a grunt. Basically he had shown Vince that he had weak defense, but was very strong. That would mean that one should try to weaken those defenses, attack. But what did Vince do? He bull charged him, a bull charge especially one meant to knock someone down is a strength based move, as well as a speed based move. You have to be fast enough to reach in on your opponent and strong enough over power them. Foolishly Vince had attacked both of Cerebus's strengths.

Secondly was his choice of manuevers. In a fight, a real fight, there is no time to be fancy, in flipping Vince risked his entire life, just to look cooler as he fell. Not at even trade. His attacks would have to show more for-thought.::  
PostPosted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 2:09 am
Vince fell to the ground completely, gasping for breath, before he made a simple roll back, standing and shaking it off. "Yes master." He took a stance that seemed like something of karate and shifted to the right, then to the left, waiting. Once his breath was back, he searched around. He looked to the other's leg, and as he did he took two big steps forward, using the second on to push off. It looked like he was about to force his right foot towards the other's knee, though he was merely using that as a focus point to force his other leg up higher and faster, aiming for his jaw. If all went well, he would end up on his feet, n a slightly crouched position, ready for his next attack.  

Vincent of the Fire

Cerebus Dark

PostPosted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 3:07 am
Vincent of the Fire
Vince fell to the ground completely, gasping for breath, before he made a simple roll back, standing and shaking it off. "Yes master." He took a stance that seemed like something of karate and shifted to the right, then to the left, waiting. Once his breath was back, he searched around. He looked to the other's leg, and as he did he took two big steps forward, using the second on to push off. It looked like he was about to force his right foot towards the other's knee, though he was merely using that as a focus point to force his other leg up higher and faster, aiming for his jaw. --

::Good, though Cerebus didnt say it, Vincent had the right idea. He was trying to attack now, and trying to outsmart his opponent. The idea was right, but the execution was flawed. No, not Vincents form, not his Karate, but the way in which he was trying to execute this idea. As was noted, Cerebus was faster, and stronger. And right now both fighters were starting fresh, Vince had just stood up and Cerebus had all the time and space to counter. They werent in combat, they were entering combat.

In this situation one is forced to deal with one of their opponents strengths, no matter what you do. So here there was a choice of two evils. On one end of the scale you can attack Cerebus's speed, you can try to out speed him, and hopefully score a hit. This is what Vince chose.

On side B, there is Cerebus's strength. You can try an attack which is strength based, like a drop kick. Now in that situation, Cerebus's strength might be more than the force of the kick, but in order to block or counter the kick he would need to in some way "take" the hit. If he raised his hands up for defense his arms would take the full brunt of the assualt. If he tried to catch his feet, his hands would. And so in choosing strength one is able to attack an opponents strong point, but is not necessarily required to over power it. You dont need to be stronger than Cerebus in order to damage him in some way from swinging both your feet and your entire body wieght at him. In fact, if a good enough hit was scored, you wold be given time to continue attacking him while he was recovering. And then you could use your speed to attack.

Vince had the right idea, but he didnt think it out far enough or wieght consequences. A drop kick is not a formal Karate move, but you cannot use practiced style on broken rthym. Cerebus saw the first kick swinging for his leg. He instinticual responce was to lift that leg and ready to try and kick first. But then the leg changed direction, without hesitation Cerebus dropped down and jerked his body to the right to send a swift right kick toward Vince's right leg. The leg he would be using to support his weight. Even as Cerebus ducked, Vince's foot would brush through loose strands of his hair which had yet fall, just barely missing his head.::  
PostPosted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 2:13 pm
In his slowed down state of mine, Vincent viewed his options, rather quickly for his current mental situation. In the back of his head, he noticed everything, with excrutiating detail. His feet were bare at the moment, seeing as he had taken them off, and now they sit over by his shelter. HE could see each of Cerebus' moving muscles actually move, and it alamred him how simplistic it all seemed.

He also noted all he had to work with. Right now, his foot was flying slightly past the wolf's head, and brushing his hair a bit, and a foot was coming towards his right leg. It was almost impossible to not be hit by it, seeing as he had very little control over it. However, he couldl use it to his advangtage in a way, though he had to find out how.

Vince could get kicked, spin and try for the man's head again. If he did so, the man would probably get hit, if he properly made contact. Yet, if he did so, he'd end up on the ground, and the other would likely still stand, and that wouldn't be good. Of course, he could also let the hit come, fall onto the ground and sweep at the only leg supporting Cerebus. That might work, and put both of them on the ground, and Vince with a quicker recoupe time. Well, sort of. Vince didn't know exactly how long it would take the other to get back on his feet.

Vince could also shift his body weight and get his leg out of the way, but that would be a slim chance at best, and again, he'd probably end up on the groun, with the other standing.

He decided quickly, and as the foot made contact, he shifted his weight slightly, so his right leg pivoted the other one around, before a sickening crack could be heard. It was likely something was broken, but vince didn't notice at the moment. His left foot moved towards the other's supporting leg as he came down, aiming for the back of his kneecap, to bring him down to the ground, or at least to a one knee sort of kneel. Unless Cerebus did something else, he would fall flat on his a**, and probably begin rubbing his swelling knee.

Vincent of the Fire

Cerebus Dark

PostPosted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 9:26 pm
::There was a delay. A tiny delay, nano-seconds on the tick tock of life. Hours in the face of war. But it was enough, a pause and a waver his scent....he was thinking. And Cerebus could sense it, he could even, if he tried, hear the blood rushing to his brain. Vincent was thinking, and like any good teacher all good deeds, such as thinking, require a reward, and yet at the same time one must beat into the student what they are still lacking.

Smack! The kick impacted Cerebus legs, the wolf began to fall, but being a wolf as he was he was accustomed to 4 legs. He extended his arms and legs to spread out the impact and almost immediately after impacting the ground, he shoved off and upwards into the air.

By this time Vince was still in the process of falling, Cerebus was stronger but lighter, his momentum carried him forward and just about 2ft over Vince, with his legs tucked beneath him. It was just about then that he slammed both legs down toward the prone Vince. The goal was simply to pin Vince's shoulders to the ground as Cerebus shouted again.::

This is how you kill?! By tripping and kicking!? You insult me with this stupidity! Come at me as if it means your life, show me the meaning of your existance! Prove to me you belong on this world or I will scrape you off of it, like refuse from my boot!

::As Cerebus shouted the word "boot" he would grind his right foot deeper into Vince, to increase the pain, and drive the point home. Then with nimble feet he would kick back off of Vince, perform a slight flip in mid air and land a good 10ft back.::

Now attack! I want to see the fury in your eyes!!!  
PostPosted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 9:34 pm
Vincent rose slowly, favoring his right leg. It was obviously broken, and his right hand was holding it in place for a moment. His eyes glistened of something, and he limped forward, as fast as he could, his right hand moving from his knee in preparation. Summoning all his strength, and getting close to the male (taking all of ten seconds to do so,) mustering all his upper body streangth to place two forceful punches towards Cerebus' cheek with his right fist, and then up to his chin, in an uppercut.  

Vincent of the Fire

Cerebus Dark

PostPosted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 9:46 pm
Vincent of the Fire
Vincent rose slowly, favoring his right leg. It was obviously broken, and his right hand was holding it in place for a moment. His eyes glistened of something, and he limped forward, as fast as he could, his right hand moving from his knee in preparation. Summoning all his strength, and getting close to the male (taking all of ten seconds to do so,) mustering all his upper body streangth to place two forceful punches towards Cerebus' cheek with his right fist, and then up to his chin, in an uppercut.

::Cerebus's face filled with rage as he saw the two punches coming forth. One punch was aimed for his cheek, the wolf opened his mouth as wide as he could and he slammed down on the oncoming fist. A normal earth Grey Wolf bites down with a full 1500lbs of pressure per square inch. Thats over 3/4's of a ton...right now about 500lbs of pressure were exherted on the hand. But that could change at a moments notice. Under the full force a human hand would be crunched like a gumball.

Of course there were two fist. With Vincents right fists still in Cerebus's mouth he leaned his head down to take the other fist directly in the chin. In other words Vincents' fist would connect with the bottom of Cerebus's chin and force the chin to jerk upwards, and increase the pressure the fist which rested in the wolfs mouth. Cerebus shouted back across the telepathic channel.::

MORE!! Show me your RAGE!!!  
PostPosted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 9:59 pm
Vince pulled away, doubling over and grabbing his right hand, yowling in pain. He let out a large growl, and looked up. His eyes had changed from a soft, comppassionate look, to one of complete and utter rage and hatred. He ignored the pain in his rage, moving forward to the other in one quick stride, His fist moved brutally towards the male's face, right towards the cheek, then left towards the other, despite one being most likely broken at the moment. He played through the pain, and in his rage, he would continue to punch, until he was subdued, or passed out from the pain that he didn't know he was feeling... yet. After two or three contacts (if he made it that far) he would switch to something a bit more devistating in his mind. He wasn't thinking clearly, all he could tell was, that if he made contact with his fists a couple of times, they would move to his stomach, alternating left and right.  

Vincent of the Fire

Cerebus Dark

PostPosted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 11:00 pm
Vincent of the Fire
Vince pulled away, doubling over and grabbing his right hand, yowling in pain. He let out a large growl, and looked up. His eyes had changed from a soft, comppassionate look, to one of complete and utter rage and hatred. He ignored the pain in his rage, moving forward to the other in one quick stride, His fist moved brutally towards the male's face, right towards the cheek, then left towards the other, despite one being most likely broken at the moment. He played through the pain, and in his rage, he would continue to punch, until he was subdued, or passed out from the pain that he didn't know he was feeling... yet. After two or three contacts (if he made it that far) he would switch to something a bit more devistating in his mind. He wasn't thinking clearly, all he could tell was, that if he made contact with his fists a couple of times, they would move to his stomach, alternating left and right.

::THAT. That was what he was looking for, the pure animalistic uncontrolled rage and fury which existed in all living things. In all "animals" humans were no different. Cerebus's jaws slammed shut chewin a few chunks of skin as Vincent ripped his hand back. He swung his fists madly, insanely. One, then again and again, he wanted blood he wanted death and he would reach for it with reckless abandon. Cerebus raised lunged forward at one punch smashing it aside with his forehead, then raised his right arm to block the next, before swining his left arm like a claw to smash down the next. Then came anothe right and Cerebus raised his right hand like a boxing trainer taking a punch to the palm, but the surprise was on him, this hand was torn shattered and broken, as he tried to directly defend against it he could feel as sharp bits of broken bone ripped through the loose skin from the impact and stabbed his hand. His eyes widened almost with surprise and a smirk grew on his face.

Humans hid their rage behind these false pretenses of right or wrong, but in this state. In this pure madness one throws their inhibitions to the wind. Pain means nothing, purity means nothing, nothing is sacred. In this state one will swing and thrust with everything they have until it kills them, and they will die without a care.

In this state all limitation are done away with. The only limits are life, and death. This state was a persons maximum, but...it was uncontrolled. Vincent was there in the state, but he was too wild, even right now he was further damaging his own hand. The rage must fuel you like a burning fire raging from within but it must also be controlled. There was a fine line between madness and rage. Vince had crossed it and he needed to be put down.

Just then a punch flew for Cerebus's gut his right claw reached down and snatched Vincents hand by the fist, the broken fist, and like an arm wrestler slamming an arm down for victory he jerked Vince's hand down while simultaneously using his left hand to push Vince's forarm up, the goal was to literally break the arm at the elbow.::  
PostPosted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 11:10 pm
The arm was indeed broken at the elbow, and he let out a pained yelp. But the pain that suddenly shot into him brought him to his senses, and he calmed, panting loudly. He didn't make another move, his elbow and hand hurt beyond all form pain he had ever felt before, not to mention his knee. He tried to pull away, shifting vaguely. "Godamnit, that hurts, master."  

Vincent of the Fire

Cerebus Dark

PostPosted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 11:21 pm
Vincent of the Fire
The arm was indeed broken at the elbow, and he let out a pained yelp. But the pain that suddenly shot into him brought him to his senses, and he calmed, panting loudly. He didn't make another move, his elbow and hand hurt beyond all form pain he had ever felt before, not to mention his knee. He tried to pull away, shifting vaguely. "Godamnit, that hurts, master."

::NO!! This was weakness again!!! He heard the yelp of pain, and his face filled with rage yet again. The Wolf never was one for patience! He squeezed even tighter on the hand, pulled even harder on his arm, while sending a swift and fierce kick to his other leg, the leg holding all the wieght. And more specifically to its knee.

Simultaneously he twisted the arm and jerked it back while using his left hands grip to rip into his flesh. The goal here was obvious. By kicking out his leg Vincent would be forced to fall back and down, and with his broken arm being pulled in the opposite direction, the amount of pressure on the web of flesh and muscle at Vincents elbow, the flesh that would, if all went according to plan be torn by Cerebus's left claw, would be too much, and he would literally rip his arm off from the elbow down!

With more pain, perhaps, just perhaps his body or his mind would stop thinking and act to save its own life. Obviously by crying out in pain Vincent believed he was crying out to someone who would listen. Cerebus had clearly told him to either fight for his life, or lose it. And he'd best start fighting!::  
PostPosted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 11:30 pm
It all quickly came back to Vincent, and he used his right leg (which was locked in place) To support just a bit, with help from his left arm, that cluutched one of Cerebus' arms, more specifically, the one doing the sawing. With a small burts of strength only documented during times of great fear, or danger, he attempted to pull it forth, and then stop his elbow abruptly, to slam it into his enemy's face. He spoke as he did so, "I like my arm!"  

Vincent of the Fire

Cerebus Dark

PostPosted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 11:52 pm
Vincent of the Fire
It all quickly came back to Vincent, and he used his right leg (which was locked in place) To support just a bit, with help from his left arm, that cluutched one of Cerebus' arms, more specifically, the one doing the sawing. With a small burts of strength only documented during times of great fear, or danger, he attempted to pull it forth, and then stop his elbow abruptly, to slam it into his enemy's face. He spoke as he did so, "I like my arm!"

::Cerebus opened his left hand just as the elbow impacted his face. He reached the arm up to grasp Vincents other arm. His face was not one of happiness. But one of pure rage, did this pup just shout at him?!

Did this NOTHING dare raise his voice at him!?! Cerebus's hair almost immediately began to blow in the ethereal wind. His eyes began to spark with fury. There were so many options. His student was without useful legs, and less the use of one arm. And yet he pressed on. He showed good effort and of that Cerebus was proud, but he had crossed a line and lesson needed to be taught. The wolf leaned forward and spoke, the words dripping with hate as he said them.::


:: Quickly he peformed a slight hop so as to lift up both his powerful legs. And without any warning he kicked both forward with all the strength he could muster. And that was alot of strengh. These legs could propell Cerebus's 150lb body forward 30ft, and with maximum hieght of 20ft, without a running start. These powerful legs had once ripped the metal arms clean off of Panda. At this range, facing Cerebus's legs, with his legs useless, and with his arms grabbed, ther was no where for him to go. Only one outcome seemed possible, the strike would send Vincent back at least 25ft, and would provide more than enough force to literally rip his arms out of their sockets and leave both arms in the hands of the angry wolf. The kick was a swift as it was powerful, these same legs could propell the Shadow Wolf forward at speeds of over 40mph, and 60 in a full sprint. And as Cerebus kicked he shouted back at Vince, and continued his past sentence.::

PostPosted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 12:02 am
Vince was indeed propelled back, but he seemed quite lucky in a way. His right arm was gone from the elbow down, and his left arm was gone from the shoulder. He was propelled back and hit atree firmly, resting against it limply, his head hanging, hiding his eyes. If you looked close enough, you would notice that he wasn't bleeding as much as he should, and a small flicker of flame was running over his left shoulder, barely noticeable to the human eye. It seemed to be shaping, and rebuilding. He didn't look up, but he spoke, in a weak tone, as if it would make everything all better. "I... am sorry... master."  

Vincent of the Fire

Cerebus Dark

PostPosted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 12:30 am
Vincent of the Fire
Vince was indeed propelled back, but he seemed quite lucky in a way. His right arm was gone from the elbow down, and his left arm was gone from the shoulder. He was propelled back and hit atree firmly, resting against it limply, his head hanging, hiding his eyes. If you looked close enough, you would notice that he wasn't bleeding as much as he should, and a small flicker of flame was running over his left shoulder, barely noticeable to the human eye. It seemed to be shaping, and rebuilding. He didn't look up, but he spoke, in a weak tone, as if it would make everything all better. "I... a--"


::Cerebus shouted back as he tossed away both of the arms. The next moments, especially to Vince, would pass like hours. Cerebus charge forward with rage and anger on his face and body. A roar escaped him as his feet dug into the forest floor and propelled him forward, farther, faster, harder, fiercer. Everything about him, from his hair to his body language shouted that this was the end.

His hands and mouth were dripping with blood and only hungered for more. This was the face of death, and of life. While Cerebus was bringing death his body was alive, it was the most alive it could be. Ever muscle every pore, every fiber of his being was fueled by the rage, and yet he was its master, he focused it on this one goal.

Once he reached 4ft from Vincent he dove forward his mouth ready and aiming to rip Vincents throat clean out, it grew nearer, and nearer. Seconds seemed like weeks. Cerebus's breath could be felt on Vince's neck.....

And then nothing. Black. No more pain, just black. Like someone just pressed the stop button on life. Slowly from the black would come a small ball of light, the light would grow, and grow, steadily, widening, filling his eyes like a television signal filling the screen.

The visual was foggy but it slowly cleared up. Vince would see Cerebus standing 10ft away from him, just like he was at the start of the fight. Every wound on Cerebus's body was gone, and much to Vincent's pleasure every wound on his body was gone as well. As if the fight never happened. Infact the dirt from buring the bear pelt was still on his fingers. But there was something else....a splitting mind ripping head ache.

Cerebus spoke, not shouted, spoke.::

You fought well, pup. You will learn control, you will learn to give in and feed your rage...

::He then began to walk away, and as he walked away he shouted back.::

Fluids will clear up the headache, your weakling body de-hydrates from sitting in the sun without motion for so many hours.

::But....WHAT WAS GOING ON?!!?! Simple really. Cerebus Dark was a Shadow Wolf, he existed for well over 876 years. For 584 of those years his only means of communication was telepathy, for the remaing years he himself existed only as a thought sealed in a book. The only match for his physicaly prowess was his telepathic prowess. Every hit Vincent took felt so very real, ever punch, every kick, every tear. But not a second of that fight actually occured anywhere but in Vincents mind. Thus the flash of black at the start of the fight when the unsuspecting mind was invaded. A fighter with no arms or legs is useless, Cerebus wouldnt do that, it would defeat his purpose. Vince wasnt ready to really face the true Shadow Wolf. But maybe....soon...::  
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