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Vice Captain

Dapper Vampire

PostPosted: Tue Sep 17, 2024 12:19 am

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                                                        ۩ ) • • • NUMQUAM TIMEBUNT UMBRAE

                                                              Simple questions were easier to answer and ask. He didn't want to talk about their past. Kirean was beyond that at the moment. He found such conversation was likely to get them nowhere. Kirean was better off learning about each other as they had never had such discussions before. He found their relationship only consisted of sex. While the sex was good, he wanted more from Miguel.

                                                              Responding to Miguel's questions, he soon answered some of his own. Kirean was curious about Miguel. He hardly knew the man beside him. Kirean was partly to blame for that. He knew he wasn't an open book and preferred to keep his distance from others.

                                                              Indeed Kirean didn't want to be lied to. He hadn't even thought Miguel would from the question. It was reasonable to him. Listening to Miguel talk, he found the last response all the more amusing and surprising. Kirean soon heard Miguel's questions for him. He couldn't help but shake his head. ”No, just Abel and Addy…I'm glad I never had any other real siblings, my mother didn't need more children to abuse.” Kirean responded as he glanced away from Miguel. He hated to think if he had more siblings. The thought had crossed his mind when he was younger.

                                                              Taking a moment to compose his thoughts, Kirean thought of the second question. ”I've never given a thought to returning to Puerto Rico though I wouldn't mind, as for traveling to other places, sure.” He responded, though didn't exactly have a list of places he wanted to go to.

                                                              ”And as for learning Portuguese, you can blame Addy for that… She went to Portugal when we were in high school as part of some foreign exchange student program. Addy thought it would be funny to teach me Portuguese so we could talk without Abel knowing what we we're saying.” Kirean explained how he had learned it.

                                                              ”From those videos you've been binging on, is there anything you'd like to learn from them?” Kirean asked a follow up question, in regards to a possible hobby Miguel would like to learn. ”Did you have any pets growing up?” He asked curiously trying to come up with questions though was finding it hard.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 17, 2024 11:45 am
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      Jakob didn't mind leaving questions about their relationship alone for the moment. After all, it didn't seem as though the other was interested in answering such questions anyway. He was more than content learning what he could about Kieran. He recalled trying to get to know him somewhat in the past, but ultimately the conversation would die and lead to sex. While he didn't mind it, he too found himself wanting for more.

      As they sat there talking he found himself already learning new things about Kieran. Things he felt he should have known long before now, but it just never came up in a conversation. Jakob didn't allow it to bother him as he knew it was his own fault. So many nights spent together, sharing meals, laying down beside him when he could have asked these things and he just didn't. Answering the males questions he saw no reason to lie to him. What would be the point. When Jakob finished, he followed up with his next three questions. Looking up, he saw Kieran shake his head before speaking. He didn't say it out loud, but he agreed with him. What happened to Kieran was awful enough, there was no reason another child ought to suffer the same fate. Seeing the male glance away, Jakob gently squeezed his hand and waited patiently for him to come back to him.

      A couple of minutes passed before Kieran spoke again. Jakob relaxed as he worried that his last question might be the one to push him away. Luckily that wasn't the case. Beside him, Kieran spoke about possibly returning to his birth place along with other thoughts of travel. Though he wasn't very specific about it. Jakob wondered if given the chance to go anywhere in the world Kieran might go. Before lingering on the thought for too long, Kieran then explained why he chose to learn Portuguese. The first part seemed reasonable enough, studying up on a language before a big trip. Jakob had done something similar before his own travels. As Kieran continued how their language learning went, he found it amusing that they had used it as a means to keep Abel from the conversation. It was a bit mean, but probably well deserved for a teenage Abel. "Is that why Abel speaks German and you don't? Some sort of petty revenge?" he asked.

      With his own questions answered it was once again time for Kieran to ask again. Jakob smiled, unsurprised that the mention of those videos were already coming back to him. "There is." he replied. "I really like some of the stuff I've seen people make with epoxy sculpt and resin. Some of the videos can be for little trinkets or custom doll designs. But then I've also seen people use it to make really big projects, too, for art pieces, furniture, or some kind of replica. They both seem like they are very versatile crafts, y'know." Growing up, Jakob had tried his hand at a few hobbies here and there. He remembered his grandmother had taught him some simple sewing stitches, though it was only to be able to mend his clothes as they grew worn. His schooling on the other hand had introduced him to languages, music, and cooking. All things he had learned the basics of but never truly gave himself the time to go further with.

      Jakob smiled to himself, feeling a bit giddy after gushing about his guilty pleasures and the thought of making something all on his own. He only wished. Sadly, his current residence was far too small and didn't have nearly enough ventilation needed to make anything with those particular materials. Hearing Kieran question him again, he was brought back to his childhood. Jakob nodded. "A few." he answered. "My mom always liked cats. Growing up we had two; one was a ginger tabby named Sophie , she was really sweet, and a grey Scottish fold named Louie. With dad, we didn't technically have any pets. But there were enough strays roaming around that we often fed, so it was easy to think of them as one. I think at one point there were about four dogs and three cats that would just come and go. I don't remember if he ever named them though."

      With those questions answered, Jakob shifted to lay his head in Kieran's lap. If he was too close or being too clingy then Kieran was free to tell him so. He couldn't help wanting to invade his space. "I've got another one for you. What is your all-time comfort food? Any time, day, it doesn't matter, you've gotta have it. Also, do you play any video games, have any favorites, or what do you do to relax?" he asked. Jakob wanted to keep this little game going, though he wasn't sure how many more questions he could think of. He liked being able to learn so much about Kieran in one sitting, but knew ultimately it would take time. He wanted them to have deeper and more meaningful conversations without falling into silence or meaningless sex.


Pure Acid Dreamer

Vogue Trash

Vice Captain

Dapper Vampire

PostPosted: Sun Oct 06, 2024 2:14 am

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                                                        ۩ ) • • • NUMQUAM TIMEBUNT UMBRAE

                                                              Talking about his mother never thrilled him. It only ever brought out pain and fear. He went silent for a few seconds soon feeling Miguel squeeze his hand. Kirean squeezed back as he soon answered Miguel's question. He didn't want to avoid it. Kirean was enjoying the conversation although it brought up the past. He found it comforting to communicate with Miguel wherever it was going.

                                                              Responding to Miguel's question, he thought about traveling but hardly thought doing it alone would be exciting. Kirean explained his reason for how he knew Portuguese. He wasn't surprised as Miguel questioned him about Abel's ability to speak German. Kirean shook his head lightly, ”Sort of, Abel's father was German and mother was Scottish. He learned German to better talk with his grandparents…Abel was close to his grandfather before he passed away.” He responded figuring it was easier to talk about someone else beside himself.

                                                              Questioning Miguel, he was curious about his passions. Kirean listened as Miguel spoke. He found his response amusing. Kirean was glad to see Miguel's happiness about such a topic. He questioned Miguel about pets. Kirean never really had one. Sure there were strays in the neighborhood but not one he could call his own.

                                                              Moving onto the next question, he found it odd. Kirean shrugged at the question though the next few were reasonable. ”Mm, there's nothing in particular that I crave, at least I don't think so…As for relaxing, not big on video games though I read when I have time.” He responded, trying to remember the last book he'd read, it had been a while.

PostPosted: Sun Oct 06, 2024 3:24 am
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      Not waning to upset Kieran, Jakob was quick to move away from the topic of his mother. Even though he wanted to know more about Kieran, he knew he needed to be cautious and not prod too deeply. When he squeezed his hand, he felt Kieran squeeze right back. Jakob was patient, allowing him to take all the time he needed to collect himself before continuing. As they moved on to talks of travel and language, he enjoyed hearing his thoughts. From personal experience, he could attest that traveling solo could be a bit dull. As well as a little bit lonely. He still remembered the long overnight flights he used to take when traveling from one parent to the next, and how exhausting they were.

      As Kieran went on to explain his reasons for learning Portuguese, Jakob instantly thought of Abel, and couldn't help being curious about his studies as well. Beside him, Kieran shook his head. The man calmly explained Abel's reasoning to learn German. It sounded somewhat familiar, at least the bit about his father. But he couldn't recall when or if it was Abel that had told him that was why he'd picked up German. Jakob wouldn't say it out loud, as he worried Kieran might take it the wrong way, but he thought the reason to be rather sweet.

      Making himself comfortable, they continued talking and sharing with one another. Jakob liked sharing these bits with Kieran, to let him know that he was interested in more than just sex and stalking people. Though Kieran was probably already aware of such things, they had just never gotten around to talking about them. When it was his turn again, Jakob asked about food and relaxation. He was surprised that Kieran didn't have a comfort food or play any games. Though he probably shouldn't have been too surprised that Kieran was a reader as he had mentioned it only minutes before. "Okay, so no comfort foods and no games. What kind of books do you read then?" he continued. "Any specific authors you like? When you read, music or no?"


Pure Acid Dreamer

Vogue Trash

Vice Captain

Dapper Vampire

PostPosted: Sun Oct 20, 2024 6:06 am

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                                                        ۩ ) • • • NUMQUAM TIMEBUNT UMBRAE

                                                              Talking about Abel, he was hardly bothered. Kirean would rather not talk about his past anyways. He was working on communication though was lost on more questions for Miguel. Kirean responded to Miguel as best as he could. He found video games to be boring, having no interest. Kirean preferred to broaden his mind through books. He would read at a young age just to hide from himself. Kirean preferred to spend his time in the library until it closed and he had to go home.

                                                              He wasn't surprised by the follow up question. Kirean shrugged at Miguel's question. ”No specific author, just anything really, fiction, non-fiction; history, art, the classics, etc.” He responded as he thought about it. Kirean had no specific interest. As for music, he was partial to the concept. ”It depends on my mood though I find it distracting to listen to music and read.” He commented honestly on the thought.

PostPosted: Sun Oct 20, 2024 3:54 pm
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      Jakob understood if Kieran had run out questions. Despite all their time together, it was hard coming up with such questions when they knew practically nothing about one another. His worst fear though, if he asked too much they might learn they have nothing in common at all. So far, everything he had learned was about as vague as the man himself. Perhaps he needed a different approach. Questioning him on the topic of books, he was met with a somewhat expected answer. All this talk of favorites, music, and the like were getting them nowhere.

      When Kieran finished speaking he did not follow up with anymore questions. Jakob continued to lay there quietly unsure of what he might ask him next. He didn’t want to talk about Abel, and he didn’t want to reminisce about their relationship either. So what was left? He took several minutes laying there and contemplating. ”Did you know that I was here when Abel flew you out?” he asked. It seemed like a fair question, a simple one even. One that couldn’t offend them both.


Pure Acid Dreamer

Vogue Trash

Vice Captain

Dapper Vampire

PostPosted: Sun Oct 20, 2024 5:21 pm

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                                                        ۩ ) • • • NUMQUAM TIMEBUNT UMBRAE

                                                              Indeed they hardly knew each other. In the time they were together, such questions were never asked. Kirean knew he was partly to blame. He had been wanting to know Miguel but now it seemed late and pointless. Kirean didn't mind the questions though he hadn't thought he was being vague, just answering.

                                                              Silence seemed to weigh after he spoke. He sat there waiting to see if they were done talking or if Miguel had more to say. As Miguel soon spoke questioning him, it wasn't what he expected but should have. Kirean shook his head lightly, ”No, I was actually surprised to see you in the pub last night…Abel didn't really explain why I needed to come, just sent me here to deal with some business he said.” He responded trying to recall their conversation before he was sent here. Kirean had thought he was being punished though he still wasn't sure if he wasn't.

PostPosted: Sun Oct 20, 2024 5:55 pm
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      Jakob wanted to believe that nothing was too late, that they could still try and make some connection. He just wished Kieran was a little more specific with his answers. Had the same been asked of him, he probably could have pulled out at least one song he'd been listening to, a favorite book from his childhood, or a movie he'd watched at least a handful of times. Still, he was going to keep trying. Jakob was anything, if not persistent. When silence fell between them, he took his time thinking about what he might ask him next. He was tired of the favorite this and that type of questions and felt it might time for a change of topic. After all, Kieran seemed out of those questions as well. Speaking again, he asked something that had been on his mind since Abel showed up. He knew one wasn't likely to tell him, so not ask the other.

      Looking up at the man, he watched him shake his head as he then spoke. Jakob had thought he'd seen something in Kieran's express last night, but was unsure of it as he too had been surprised and quickly fled from the bar. He shouldn't have been surprised that Abel had not told Kieran anything before shipping him off. And yet he felt like he should be angry or maybe sad even that Abel had kept such information from Kieran. "Wait, he never told you?" he asked. Shifting in the bed, Jakob sat up with his legs tucked to the side. "He knew where I was going for weeks. Why would he not tell you, that doesn't make any sense." More curious than ever, he wished he knew what exactly was said between the two men.


Pure Acid Dreamer

Vogue Trash

Vice Captain

Dapper Vampire

PostPosted: Sun Oct 20, 2024 7:38 pm

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                                                        ۩ ) • • • NUMQUAM TIMEBUNT UMBRAE

                                                              The questions Miguel asked him didn't necessarily require more explanation. He wasn't used to explaining himself to another person. Kirean could easily keep quiet if Miguel would rather prefer that. He wasn't surprised though by Miguel's next question though his answer obviously was. They hadn't talked about it. Kirean had been surprised to see Miguel, that's probably what angered him the most. He had long settled for not seeing Miguel again and here he was.

                                                              Kirean felt the bed shift as Miguel sat up. Abel had known where Miguel was since the moment he left his house. However he kept it to himself only keeping tabs on Miguel to make sure he was okay. He listened as Miguel spoke, making an observation. ”It makes perfect sense why he didn't tell me.” Kirean knew it was because Abel was possessive without being territorial.
PostPosted: Sun Oct 20, 2024 8:10 pm
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      The last thing Jakob wanted was more silence. A few minutes while they collected their thoughts was fine, expected even. But he didn't want to sit there ignoring him. He could easily imagine how well that would good if he did, and the answer was not well. Continuing on with the conversation he was both surprised and not at all that Abel had been keeping secrets. Shifting on the bed, he questioned Kieran as well as himself. Beside him, Kieran spoke and his cheeks warmed slightly.

      "W-what? You mean that thing he said back at breakfast?" he asked, referring to Abel's little love confession. Try as he might to play dumb, he wasn't so ignorant to Abel's feelings. He just wasn't sure how much he could trust them. It wasn't as though he'd ever asked him out on a proper date, wanted to get to know him, or tried to come and see him these past two years. The only reason he was here now was because of his tantrum. If he had just answered his call, he would still be in Chicago, and probably laughing about his little dramatic episode.


Pure Acid Dreamer

Vogue Trash

Vice Captain

Dapper Vampire

PostPosted: Sun Oct 20, 2024 9:04 pm

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                                                        ۩ ) • • • NUMQUAM TIMEBUNT UMBRAE

                                                              Secrets were all Abel had. At times he sought to express them other times when it came to his own feelings and thoughts, he suppressed them. For him, it was easier to give up Miguel than admit his own feelings for him. In a way, he had expressed them a few times but never admitted to them.

                                                              Of the two of them, Abel probably knew Miguel personally more than Kirean did. Kirean only saw the exterior, not the depth of Miguel. Sitting there, he watched as Miguel seemed surprised by his words. Kirean hardly thought it surprising himself. Abel was more expressive than himself. He listened as Miguel questioned him.

                                                              Kirean found it amusing and couldn't help but smile at Miguel's reaction. ”What, that he loves you?” He asked, wondering if that's what Miguel was referring to.

PostPosted: Sun Oct 20, 2024 9:43 pm
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      He didn't understand why Abel had to be so secretive all the time. Okay, maybe for the mob stuff it did. The less he knew about that side was probably for the best. But keeping his location a secret, knowing for two whole years, and never telling Kieran. It just seemed cruel in his view. Jakob had no idea what the man had been thinking in that moment they briefly locked eyes before running off to hide. He could imagine it might have been something like his own racing thoughts and wanting to know why the other was here. Though that was hardly important right this moment.

      When Kieran spoke, he immediately thought back to breakfast. It was the only time he could recall Abel ever saying the words. Any other time had been brushed aside, if not outright ignored. Because of that he had never tried to think of having anything deeper with the man. Not when he had already been hurting himself by messing things up with Kieran. Jakob wasn't ready to admit that Abel probably knew him better than Kieran. Though it was probably true, it was bond to be after seeking him out so many times when things got rough. Abel was the one to comfort and care for him when he was at his lowest.

      Recalling this morning's conversation, Kieran smiled as he teased him. Jakob felt his cheeks burn another shade of crimson. He didn't mean it, he wanted to say. But he knew it was a lie, Abel wouldn't kid about something like that. "Yeah, that." he replied. "Do you think he'd not tell you this whole time over something like that?"


Pure Acid Dreamer

Vogue Trash

Vice Captain

Dapper Vampire

PostPosted: Sun Oct 20, 2024 10:47 pm

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                                                        ۩ ) • • • NUMQUAM TIMEBUNT UMBRAE

                                                              Abel had been trying to protect Miguel by not telling Kirean where he was. He was also being selfish and possessive. Abel wanted Miguel though wouldn't admit it, he barely said words of love knowing they likely wouldn't be believed. He hadn't given Miguel reason to believe, let alone trust him.

                                                              Right now was the perfect form of mistrust, Abel hadn't told Miguel about Kirean or vice versa. Teasing Miguel, he watched as he blushed. Abel could play with words though lying wasn't his strong suit. Kirean listened as Miguel questioned him again about Abel. ”Because he loves you, yes…Do you not think so?.. If he knew where you were, he'd protect you and allow you to keep your happiness over his own.” He commented as he watched Miguel. Kirean knew Abel cared for Miguel even if he chose to hide it. Between the both of them, Miguel meant something to the both of them.

PostPosted: Sun Oct 20, 2024 11:26 pm
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      Jakob didn't understand the way Abel thinks. By not telling Kieran his location, how was that helping him. When he knew this whole time he'd still been thinking about him. Just how bad were things when Kieran came home, what was he not telling him. All these questions and more he wanted to ask him, but Abel had stepped out on them over half an hour ago. There was no telling where he ran off to. Even if he was here, he couldn't trust that he would answer him. He seemed irritated having to admit that much over breakfast. He doubted he would anymore on the issue. It was just a simple admission and nothing more.

      As Kieran teased him, his blush only darkened. Jakob merely confirmed his question before asking one of his own. Once more Kieran reiterated that Abel indeed loved him. He still wasn't used to that, it didn't feel real. "No...I don't know. He's never gotten in the way of us getting back together before...well, okay there was that one time with the handcuffs. But other than that, he's never like forbade me from seeing you." he replied, still struggling to understand the males' actions. Jakob knew that they both cared in their own ways, but, for Abel, this seemed a little much. He had to wonder what made him ultimately decide to let Kieran come see him; was it guilt or love?


Pure Acid Dreamer

Vogue Trash

Vice Captain

Dapper Vampire

PostPosted: Sun Oct 20, 2024 11:57 pm

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                                                        ۩ ) • • • NUMQUAM TIMEBUNT UMBRAE

                                                              It was a cross between love and guilt, Abel couldn't forbid Kirean from seeing Miguel. He thought that was clear by sending him here. Abel had best intentions for Kirean although not surprised things had gone wrong. He'd been dealing with Kirean's anger and violence since he'd come home from New York. Abel knew that Kirean missed Miguel even if he didn't say it. He had been selfish in the two years keeping Miguel's location a secret. Abel knew though that Miguel didn't care for him the way he did Kirean. He found the admission was blunt and nothing more. Abel couldn't help but run from the two of them. He was afraid in his own right of the rejection and anger from Miguel. Coming to Germany was probably a bad idea as he probably only made things worse. Abel though hoped Kirean and Miguel could find peace again.

                                                              Kirean listened as Miguel spoke, trying to understand Abel's logic. He never understood Abel at times. Even now he was confused. Kieran shrugged at his words, ”And what if he came to see you then? Would it have changed the here and now?” He asked, trying to understand. Kirean wasn't oblivious to Miguel's feelings for Abel though it changed and he wasn't sure into what.

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