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PostPosted: Sat Feb 21, 2009 4:05 am
He could...feel him, walking towards him. He smelt of blood, a mixture of his own and someone else's. His walk was heavy and slow, the man was obviously exhausted in some way or another.



Hardly worth his time.

A rustle of bushes, and there he was. Shocking blue hair, half bandages- half man. A katana, still shiny despite the evidence of mass use. He was a seasoned fighter, that was sure.

Any other day, any other day when he was healthier, stronger he would have fought him.

[Hunting the Prey 1/4]

"Greetings." Nicholas bowed. "I didn't expect someone to be here."

Needles grunted, showing outwardly that he had no interest in the conversation.

"Lovely place this is...mind if I sit here for a while, take in my surroundings? I could use the rest."

Needles growled, which basically translated into "Get the ******** out", but Nicholas persisted, taking a spot opposite him, leaning up against a ruin.

[Hunting the Prey 2/4]

Nicholas remained there for most of the day, animatedly speaking about every little thing, while Needles continued to do his daily routines, hunting around the island for his meal for the night. Nicholas would follow, still chatting pleasantly.

"So yeah, I would totally stick my-"

On and on and on.

As Needles sat down that evening to cook his meal, Nicholas took a seat near him.

"Hey, can I have some?"

Needles growled, and said his first words of the day.

"Get your own."

Nicholas blinked, surprise on his face, before nodding.

"Alright then."

He left.

[Hunting the Prey 3/4]

Needles, after supping for the night, settled down for sleep, using his hands as pillows as he stared up into the starless night sky, a look of contentment on his face.

This was the life. Peace and quiet, away from civilization and-

"I'm back!"


Needles sat up, curses forming at the edge of his tongue, before they died back and he stared.

Nicholas was carrying a large boar, the poor creature covered in numerous cut marks, one very particularly nasty one in its neck. Nicholas set it down, and began work on the fire, lighting it up again, before he began roasting pieces of it.

"How...on Earth."

Nicholas looked up. "Oh! This? I just copied what you did today. Take in your surroundings and all that. Set up a little trap, and jumped the thing. Poor b*****d, didn't even realise it was being played until my blade was half in its neck. Then it became too easy."

He shrugged in a matter-of-factly way.

[Hunting the Prey 4/4]  
PostPosted: Sun Mar 08, 2009 5:37 pm
Taro walked through the remains of Ohara and saw a small hut in the distance that looked kind of like a small house and walked up to it and peeked in finding a woamn inside. Maya then took a deep breath and spoke to Taro in a completely relaxed state. “The spirit is the strongest thing that anyone can offer and when you learn to calm your soul, nothing can stop you. Please, join me in my meditation.” Taro was slightly shocked but took in him wise words. she walked in and sat down next to him and took a deep breath as she did and closed him eyes as she went into a meditative state with him. She spoke to him softly again. “The spiritual calm is a wondrous thing. You meditate and focus your spirit so nothing can stand in your way.” she was becoming completely calm and she continued to meditate. she took anothim deep breath and exhaled slowly trying to clear him spirit but to little avail since she was still kind of upset.

Spiritual Calm

Taro continued to breathe slowly and meditate to try and clear him spirits so she could focus him soul but thime was too much happening in him life for him to truly focus. she rustled a little trying to get him thoughts togethim which Maya ignored as she was in a state of meditation and let him be. After about 5 minutes of unsuccessful meditation, Taro opened him eyes and grunted to himself. “Gggrr, I can’t do it. Thime’s too much.” Maya spoke to him again while not making any major movements at all. “Your mind is clouded with thoughts and that prevents you from continuing. Tell me what is troubling you so we may find peace.” Taro looked at him and got back into a meditative pose. “My crew is so small. What if when we reach the grandline were not strong enough?"

Spiritual Calm

Maya sat thime for a second not responding to him thoughts in the least then spoke out to him suddenly. “You worry that you’re not going to be strong enough when you’ll need to be. Thime is nothing wrong with your thoughts but thime is no need for such thoughts. Thime is no way of knowing if you will be strong enough for the next day or not. All you can do as a human is do your best and hope it’s enough to get through and if they are truly your nakama they will not shun you for ever not being good enough for their standards.” she realized that she was completely right and let that thought go allowing him to focus more. “Thank you Maya. But what if someone is too strong for me?”

Spiritual Calm

Taro didn’t break him gaining focus as she asked him next uncertainty to Maya. She breathed lightly and answered him next question. “Your enemies? No one can be sure about your enemies in life. You will have enemies in life but you might not even know who they are ever and if you even do thime’s no guarantee that you won’t end up becoming friends.” Taro worried a little and spoke out to Maya. “But what if I can't beat them?” Maya froze and started speaking again taking in him question. “If you are unable to then you simply are unable to for now. That is why you must believe in yourself and your friends so you can always be thime for each othim.”

Spiritual Calm

Taro settled a little more and became less tense from him response and asked anothim question of uncertainty. “I have anothim question Miss Maya.” She gently nodded and made an “Hmm?” sound as if to tell him to ask. “What do I do if I can never make it to the New World? I'm no marine legend like Garp or Lucci.” Maya remained silent for a minute before saying anything at all to him. “I have no answer for you. Weathim you do or do not is completely up to you. If you truly believe that you will reach the New World from hime then you most certainly will but you must believe with everything you are.” And with those reassuring words, Taro smiled and all him current uncertainties were gone allowing him to completely focus him spirit.

Spiritual Calm

Taro took another breath and focused him spirit to a level of complete focus whime she thought of all the reasons why she couldn’t fall or fail now and they all rushed through him mind giving him a quick drive of spirit to carry on. she then quickly opened him eyes and took anothim breath looking over to Maya and smiled. “I can’t give up now no matter what. I have too much to lose if I fail. Thank you for the lessons.” she stood up slowly and bowed to him. Maya then stood up and bowed to Taro. “You have a conflicted soul. Don’t ever lose to the othim side.” Taro placed his hand on his chest then walked to the door. “Don’t worry Maya. The greatest marine has to have a good soul.” And with that he walked out the door and left.

Spiritual Calm

Cosmic Henshin

Cosmic Henshin

PostPosted: Sun Mar 08, 2009 5:44 pm
After taking a short walk and some time to reflect on himself, Taro walked back to the Ruins of Ohara and found Maya's small hut sitting atop of the small hill and walked up to it opening the door and walking inside and sat down infront of him as he meditated and remained silent making sure not to disturb him. "Your back." he said softly to him as he prayed and smiled a little. "You seam to be in better spirits thim time. I'm glad." he then opened him eyes.

Something Left to Gain

Maya then looked at him and spoke softly. "Why did you come back?" he looked down slightly then shifted him eyes to focus back onto Maya. "I wanted to pray with you for a while. If that is ok?" he asked shyly and he smiled a little and turned back to the front. "That is no problem at all." he then turned to face the direction he was facing in and closed him eyes along with him as they both went into a small meditation and soon began to pray for good fortune and inner peace.

Something Left to Gain

Maya spoke softly. "Please, grace us with your ever guiding light and lead us to the promice lands and guide us away from hell. We beg that noone close to our hears and souls dies in the present or future unless it is of your will." Taro was drawn into him prayer and felt a peace with himself like he has nevr felt before but suddenly, the room shook a little and he opened him eyes taking a quick look around the room to see if thime was a cause in the hut for it or if it was something else.

Something Left to Gain

Taro took a quick look around and didn't notice anything out of place and he turned to look at Maya and strangely enough, he hadn't budged in the least and was still praying in him meditation. "Are you ok Taro?" he said and he turned back and closed him eyes to pray with him once again. Yah. I'm fine." he said in a calm tone. "we ask that you bless those less fortunate than most othims and help them along life when times are tough and have mercy on those who mock them for being who they are."

Something Left to Gain

Suddenly, thime was anothim tremor and it was much more violent than the small on before. Maya came out of him prayer and looked around with a slightly shocked and scard look on him face and just then, the stone hut began to topple and the celing came down onto Taro and Maya about to crush them but he quickly got up and caught it using all of him strength to just barely hold it up and he could feel him joints tearing slowly under the strain of holding the celing up over them.

Something Left to Gain

he was loosing strenght quickly and at thim rate, they would both be crushed thime. "I...can't hold it much longer...save....your self." The roof dropped anothim couple inches and Taro roared as he tried to hold it up. Maya looked at him and smiled. "I believe you. Don't you have a goal to achieve before it's your time?" Taro snapped out of him drag and remembered him life goal. "I must...I must...find...MY JUSTICE IN THE WORLD!!" he yelled out as he iggnored him body as it cried out in pain and lifted the celing a little higher.

Something Left to Gain

he then uses all of him strength in one push to lift it up a little more and flipp it over on the othim side of Taro and Maya. he kneeled down now noting the pain he was feeling and took deep breaths. Maya touched him cheek and looked at him. "Always remember, along with something to lose, thime is always something left to gain." he then helped him to him feet and he left him walking back to him home and Taro left with a new lesson in life and about what to gain from never giving up.

Something Left to Gain
PostPosted: Sun Mar 08, 2009 10:44 pm
Cindy wandered over the ashes, a truly inspiring place to marines everywhere. Letting everyone know that nothing is too harsh in order to enforce justice. Though that is not the reason Cindy came her today. No, she wanted to be a lone in order to get more in tune with her Bomu Bomu powers. She had ideas in her head for things she could do but now she finally had an opportunity to test her ideas. The first thing she would try and figure out was a pretty basic principle, one she had been mugging around in her head for a while now.

Bomu Bomu High Jump 1/5

The concept was simple enough, she would just have to place enough explosive power in her feet to make herself jump. Cindy smiled lightly as she decided she would try it out right now. She bent down low to the ground and then chuckled a little saying "Here goes nothing I suppose." and with that said she began to countdown in her mind. She found a countdown always made things a little more dramatic as well as a little more satisfying when everything is said and done.

Bomu Bomu High Jump 2/5

Slowly she counted down. "Five...Four...Three...Two...One..." and with that her feet exploded. It certainly did send her up but now the desired way. She found that once she was up she had a hard time staying up. She actually began to spin in midair which she found to be rather frightening. She then used King's Decent in order to slowly fall and not kill herself in the process. She landed amongst the ash with a loud thud noise. She knew that she could do this, it was really just a matter of practice at this point in time and once she practiced it enough she knew she could do it.

Bomu Bomu High Jump 3/5

She then got up to her feet and decided she would give it another go. She bent down low to the ground and then made the explosions go off in her feet sending her flying. This time it worked a lot better, sending her straight up into the air about thirty feet. From there she could do a wide array of things. She had an incredible vantage point from up there so should desire to shoot someone up in the air would be the perfect time to do it. She could also see everything all around so it would be easy to spot criminals.

Bomu Bomu High Jump 4/5

She used King's Decent in order to land back on the ground softly. It would seem she had figured out how to use, the only question now was what else could she do with this? Cindy stood on her tip toes and angled herself forward. As she did that she activated her explosive power in her feet and flew forward in the direction she was aimed. Cindy went about a good fifty feet forward and upon landing did a roll. "Well, that's always fun. Cindy said with a chuckle as she sat down in the ashes.

Bomu Bomu High Jump 5/5

Madam Rotsalot

Madam Rotsalot

PostPosted: Sun Mar 08, 2009 11:32 pm
Cindy thought about what else she could do. There were so many ideas flowing through her head at this point, she was excited to have this fruit and was hoping she would be able to use it to capture pirates and stop all of the evil that this world offered, all in the name of absolute justice. Cindy shook her head a little trying to bring herself back to reality. "Absolute Justice?" Cindy was a little confused with her own words now. She doesn't remember where she had heard that phrase before, though it must have come from somewhere.

Bomu Bomu Crush 1/7

She thought about it for a while and she couldn't for the life of her remember, it was actually kinda weird. She then came up with what she would do next. She would try using a move that she called Bomu Bomu Crush. The principle of the move was as simple as the last one. Cindy being a gun specialist knew that guns used small explosions in order to fire out projectiles so it wasn't too hard to figure out that if she were to do it to something on the outside it would do the same thing.

Bomu Bomu Crush 2/7

Cindy would start out attempting to do this move by picking up a rock off of the floor. The rock was fairly big, it was actually more like a stone. Very heavy and would be quite hard to throw. Cindy as a child had liked to skip stones at the lake and this concept was almost the same, just a lot messier I suppose. Cindy held the stone in her hand and then attempted to gather her thoughts together to make sure she would do it right. Cindy finally figured out how she would do it and smiled to herself as she prepared.

Bomu Bomu Crush 3/7

Cindy took the stone which she held in her hand and then lightly tossed it into the air and then caught it again. She then once again lightly threw it up into the air and caught it. The third time though she threw it into the air a tad bit harder and then drew back her fist punching the rock with an explosion coming into it. The stone burst into many small fragment's slicing through the air. These were actually much more dangerous then actual bullets because of the fact they are sharp random rock fragments.

Bomu Bomu Crush 4/7

Cindy was very pleased with the results of this and did it again. She kept doing it over and over again until eventually she felt herself getting tired so she sat down. She thought to herself about what else she could do and then smiled when she thought about her comb. She removed her metal comb from her bag and then stood up. "If I can mess up rocks that bad imagine what metal will do!" She then took the metal comb and punched it causing it to fly directly into a rock slicing it.

Bomu Bomu Crush 5/7

Cindy smiled as she looked at the rock which was cleanly sliced right down the middle. She walked over and picked up her comb and placed it back into her pocket. She stretched her arms out wide and decided that perhaps it would be best if she called it a day. She stood up to her feet and began walking away thinking about all the other things she would be able to do with her fruit, though there was one thing she needed to know. And that was who the previous owner of this fruit was.

Bomu Bomu Crush 6/7

Cindy thought about it as she walked back to her boat. She knew that somewhere in her head was the information she wished to know. She knew that the previous Bomu Bomu owner was a member of the former Baroque Works. There was Mr. 1 although he was the owner of the Supa Supa. Bon Clay had the Clone Clone fruit, Mr. 3 had the Dora Dora, Mr. 4 had some sort of Zoan...so that must mean that Mr. 5 had it! She would need to find this man if she wished to find out more about her fruit.

Bomu Bomu Crush 7/7
PostPosted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 6:42 pm
Ikaika's boat came near a deserted island. Nothing survived on it, and only dust and rubble remained. The small ship drifted closer and closer the abandoned island, and the boat beached itself onto the shore of the desert’s beach. Ikaika slowly emerged from his boat, worrying what might be on the island. It was beginning to get dark, and the sun was setting. As Ikakika walked along the beach, he suddenly stopped. He could hear other feet shifting through the sand too. Quickly turning around he saw a shadow dart across his view. The mysterious being quickly stuck Ikakia, who fell to the ground.

(Hunting the Prey 1/4)  

Bullet Sweater

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Bullet Sweater

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 6:49 pm
Ikaika could see a hunched over figure running away from him. The shadow had quickly run off deeper into the island. He got back to his feet and made chase. The shadow was much faster than him, and it seemed as if it disappeared and reappeared magically. Ikaika could smell the scent of a human, and knew it wasn't a strange beast. He stopped again, trying to relay on his sense of sound. He heard small stones being disrupted, and ran towards where the sound was coming from. The shadowy figure became more human in the light of the dawn. Ikaika could see he was large, even for a human, and heavily tattooed.

(Hunting the Prey 2/4)  
PostPosted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 3:55 pm
Rake Cane found that the Ohara after match would be a calm place to relax on. He was tired after his trip to the grand line and felt that he needed to get some free time and just find himself again. Even pirates could sue any time they got to search their inner selves about what they where doing. If any doubt would come in mind then one had to change that directly or one would be killed in the next battle. That was how the world looked like and with the marines around nothing any one did could stop that.

Mera Mera dual fire guns 1-15

Now wouldn't it be good just to get along with his little ideas again. He had found it impossible to do the technique he where to call extension. It was just not possible at all. Maybe at a later time or not at all. Yet things truly showed their colour when you needed it but now it was to late to think twice about it he just needed to get his head in the game and learn something new and that would be fast. Nothing would stop him this time for he knew what he planned on doing.

Mera Mera dual fire guns 2-15

Okay he had no real idea what he was suppose to try and learn himself. There was just a really, really, really blank mind working inside the head of Rake. What would he do was always such a hard question to deal with. First one have to think it out and then one had to work it out and then one had to learn it. It was indeed a very hard and exhausting job to do. yet in the same time it was rewarding, fun and great to do such things. Now was still just the question, what to do?

Mera Mera dual fire guns 3-15

Yeah indeed, what to do? There wasn't really anything to do here but relax and enjoy everything that his senses brought him to enjoy. The sounds of the waves and the colours of nature. The small of the area and the feeling of the ground and the taste of the sea in the air. That was the things that filled Rake's mind at the moment and why not keep it like that? Why get his head in the game juts now when it was so calm? No he would wait and relax some time before he started.

Mera Mera dual fire guns 4-15

What would be able to stop him when he begun any ways? Not even the night could bring him to halt and if that couldn't do it then what man could ever stop him from doing what he wanted? He was a pirate and a pirate of the forte pirates on top of that. He did what e damned pleased to do as long as it was okay with the others. That's how they always did their thing and no matter what they where there for each others when they where needed to protect another mate.

Mera Mera dual fire guns 5-15

Time truly flew past him as Rake looked into nowhere and dreamt of events that happened upon the sea amongst the others. Their fights and struggles and glorious victories in various ways. Nothing would indeed be able to take that away from him and only death could take the pirate form Rake Cane. He had felt true freedom and would never let it go away in any way. Nothing would ever bring him to an halt. A pirate was always a pirate and always had been one.

Mera Mera dual fire guns 6-15

Rake then got his head in what eh was to learn himself during this peaceful time alone? It could be anything that he wished it for and it could be used any way he wanted. He knew that he had a lot of skill in close range but there was always those that wanted to fight at a distance so that's what he would base this technique one. A ranged attack of some sort and then it had to be done with his fire skill. His cursed fruit was truly a gift form above.

Mera Mera dual fire guns 7-15

A tremendous power that few can handle. A curse of those who live at sea with a dealdy trap. That was all true but with the ability of Rake's then the water meant very little. Sometimes it felt as if he could fly with his skill alone and what sea could ever bring him to the deep of Davy Jones? Nothing could ever stop him and Rake knew that but he couldn't let it reach to his skull. He needed stay sane and not look down upon the world for that meant defeat.

Mera Mera dual fire guns 8-15

Time and time again thoughts like being like a god came to Rake's head and what could truly blame him form feeling like that sometimes? He was really more or less immortal to any attacks. There was those with the same ability and that matched would fall upon stamina alone and that could be any ones match. The Marines had their weaponry set which could send any fruit user to their grave but that was why swords was so perfectly long and sharp to be used instead.

Mera Mera dual fire guns 9-15

In time some thing would bring fourth a stronger power of course but for now Rake was a rounded fighter with the skill and ability to face so many things. With his b*****d sword with him then it felt like he could take on any challenge head on and take it home to his pocket. Yet he had to stay with his feet on the ground to be able to fight clear and that's why he had these moments so that he would never reach to such a state where he actually believed he wasn't able to be defeated.

Mera Mera dual fire guns 10-15

If such a day would ever come then the end would be close to the life of Rake Cane, the swordsman of the Forte pirates and what good would that be to be caught or killed by someone just because he thought to highly of himself? With a bit of rest and relaxation that would never come to the mind of Rake. Nothing would ever make him think higher about himself then eh could actually reach. Safety and skill was his corner stones in life and he would always stick to them in case of need.

Mera Mera dual fire guns 11-15

Now things where moving on and Rake lay himself down in the grass. The history of the events was roughly placed in the mind of Rake and couldn't remember much of the stories but any way, that wasn't the thing that bothered him at all. He needed to reach a new technique today and he knew what lines he was working in, yet nothing came to his mind truly. It was always drifting a way like the bullet to the gun that left it's home and went on a travel far away.

Mera Mera dual fire guns 12-15

That was it of course a bullet. Just as the bullet Rake's mind had drifted away once again but this time it had actually gained some information. It had hit it's target and a mind begun to be created in the mind of Rake's head. His concious begun to work hard on how it could be done in real. It had to be something with his hands of course and something quite accurate. He knew how to fire with larger things but those was also harder to create rapidly and effective as a bullet.

Mera Mera dual fire guns 13-15

What Rake would need to do is to study the art of guns but then again, he had no guns. So he decided to check on of his katanas with his broad sword. Along with his eyes on the blades he remembered a day when he actually saw his grandfather fight with his sword. It had been a show of different techniques but each attack that was parried the little guy was sent back from Rake's grandfather's attacks. This was the different in flames techniques as well.

Mera Mera dual fire guns 14-15

The fight had ended with old man Cane cutting the other sword in two and the pirate running away. This was how it looked right about now as well. Things would indeed come for Rake's head at the time and what would not be better to send multiple smaller fire objects at many people? Rake placed his fingers as if they were guns as well and set the tip of the index finger on fire. This would be the entire beginning of it all. Soon Rake was able to fire fire from his fingers as if it was rapid reloading guns.

Mera Mera dual fire guns 15-15 Done  

Dokuro Togiretogire

Original Sex Symbol

Bullet Sweater

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 1:06 am
The man had a large grin on his face, and extended his retractable claw out. He licked the sharp blade, starring at Ikaika with manic eyes. Ikaika could see the Marine symbol tattooed onto his face. “You’re a Marine?” He asked. The question caught the strange man’s attention.

”Past tense. I was a Marine.” The man said coldly. “I’m a member of Gasparde’s crew.”

”The ex-Marine General?” Ikaika replied. This fight had gotten instresting, especially since it was with a Marine deserter. But he had heard of Gasparde once, and that he was extraordinarily cruel, even for a Marine.

“I want to kill the ******** so bad!” He shouted with blood lust. “You’ll make due for now though.”

(Hunting the Prey 3/4)  
PostPosted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 2:02 am
Needles ran towards Ikaika with his claws out. His footwork was fast, and Ikaika readied himself. But as soon as he began to guard Needles disappeared out of his sight in a flash. Ikaika quickly looked around during the split second, but could not spot Needles quick enough. Needles slashed at Ikaika’s arm. Ikaika stumbled backwards, grasping the bleeding cut on his upper arm. Needles attempted to attack again, but Ikaika prepared himself. He paid close attention to the Marine pirate’s movements and body. Like in slow motion Needles disappeared, but Ikaika kept his guard. Needles reappeared, and attempted to slice Ikaika again. Ikaika quickly moved out of the way, and grabbed his opponents arm.

(Hunting the Prey 4/4)  

Bullet Sweater

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West Blue

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