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Ponder Bear

PostPosted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 2:41 pm
Atticus looked over to Zephyr and said "Sir, thank you for buying me. I will serve you the best I can. His gruff voice and broad shoulders made him seem like some sort of killer, but he was ready to go any length to keep up with the rest of the slaves. He would need to work hard, every day, and that was excatly what he intended on doing.  
PostPosted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 2:54 pm
"Mmmm... hanhh---" A small twitch was given from Rose's small body and her eyes opened gradually. Cautiously the grey pupils shifted around. She was to weak to move her body much, but she turned to see Atticus, and the two other men. Her heart began to throb faster as she noticed she was already in a car. Frightened from such a fast transaction she began to inhale and exhale faster, small hardly audible noises were created from this.

"Where... where am I going... what is--- what is going to happen to me... ?"

Now the remembrance of Reva came to mind. Frightened her eyes shut tightly and a small tear ran down her cheek. So much has happened today, and for right now, Rose didn't know whether to be scared or grateful. Either way, it was obvious that she was anxious in her new surroundings and was far from at ease.

A Mistake Called Love


PostPosted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 3:09 pm

"Yes, yes...whatever...." Though he didn't show it, Zephyr appreciated the loyalty being shown by Atticus. Maybe he would be one of the ones kept around...

Kyrox turned towards Rose at the sound of the faint cry given off by her. She twicthed and opened her eyes. He didn't know exactly what to do at this point, but he could tell that she was getting nervous by the sound of her breathing.

"Where.... where am I going... what is--- what is going to happen to me.... ?"

Kyrox started to speak, but was cut short by Zephyr: "Depends...your master is sitting right next to you, it's up to him what your fate is." He spoke with a smirk across his face. Kyrox knew that he was trying to frighten her, it was why he didn't know.

"Shut it!!" His eyes grew dark with anger for a split second. Then his demeanor cooled, and his attention averted towards Rose again. "Don't let him frighten you....just relax for now. The future looks promising for the both of us..."

The limo started up and was heading towards one of the most prestigious homes around...Alance Manor.

PostPosted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 3:28 pm
Promising... Thats what she thought she heard, but she'd been tortured all her life, she didnt know if this promising future was as he said, or if it would be trampled on by cold reality. Then, there were the words spoken from the other man. He spoke cruely.

"Depends...your master is sitting right next to you, it's up to him what your fate is." These words brought a chill down her spine as they approached the manor. She had never before seen such a huge building and didnt know what to call it. Hotel or tower would be an understatment, and house was definately out of the question. Rose had of course been bought for a very high price, but just looking at the building ahead made it seem like only a drop in an ocean.

All she could do was gaze at it silently and try to forget the past, and live in the present.

A Mistake Called Love


PostPosted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 4:00 pm
Inuneko smiled lightly at the rumors spreading "You're quite different from the others it would seem." The voices calmed down, then hightened for bids of the auction. "I didn't want just anybody alongside me..." The voices deafened by the door of the club closing behind them. "I wanted someone that could give me a thrill, so a weak slave couldn't do the job."

He then took her bridal style, into his Dodge Viper as the rain cleared just suddenly, leaving the night sky to dry the road. "But I also admire your beauty and I'm sure that you are a cunning girl." He took his side, began driving home to his castle in the shifty roads of the town, then uphill in a hazardous route. "And can be more fun than your life threatened over having such person in your possession." He took a rough right, then a rough left, no barriers around the ******** up roads that led to bottomless ditches. "Hang on tight.." He then took a sharp U turn around a dime route, they were nearly there.

"But this bullshit is nothing compared to my true intention." He looked up at his castle, clicked a remote as he drove into nothing, but then a light bridge appeared and disappeared, passed it in record time as now it looked uncrossable "My car's speed is enough to surpass this bridge, so no one can come here normally by feet or by car.. let alone having no remote to cross it."

He slid the car to spin around, facing to where they were and backed the car in his special lot. "There we go..." The vampire then held her hands "Actually.... I myself was a slave once..." He sighed softly, refusing to say more as he unbuckled and jumped out of his car, then opened the door for her, letting her step out as he held her hand. The car then ruffled in a spiked shell along the open roof. "I'm gentle only if you allow it so." He guided her to the entrance to his castle.
PostPosted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 4:51 pm
"Ah.." She nodded. She was quiet while he talked, taking in what he said. She placed her seatbelt on, was quiet during then to. She was even shock, when he said he was a slave as well.

She just ,'hmph'ed at him, followed him inside of his home. She just crossed her arms over her breasts, I'm differnt huh? Spare me! She thought. When she looked around it had an ominious feeling inside.

This person was going to be tough to crack.

Vice Captain


PostPosted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 5:02 pm
When they both stepped inside, a cloak wrapped around the castle, making it look like nothing was there but the cosmos among the sky. "Make yourself at home... I'll leave you plenty of time to explore the castle."

He smiled, then walked to the fridge. He took out a blood pack and slit it with a slice of his claw, then drank the content, wiping his lips after. "There's one thing I love about being a vampire, it's the thirst for blood we get when we're struck with feelings or hunger."

He then accompanied her, carried his hand around her waist. At the contact of her skin, he could feel some wicked hatred she's felt before, bringing him a chill.
PostPosted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 5:12 pm
Was walking around, when she felt a warm hand on her waist, she frowned, even with hand cuffs she can still pluck his hand off her. She walked on ahead, she checked the rooms.

She might as well get to know the house, she is going to be living here for a while taking his bloody orders. When she looked at the rest of house, she waited for him to give her first order.

Vice Captain


PostPosted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 5:17 pm
When he saw her pluck the hand, he muttered "Strike 1" under his breath. "Now I haven't picked you as a typical house maid, but you could help me clean this castle up abit." He gave her a duster and proper uniform for not dirtying her clothing. "I'll clean your old clothes and give you new clothes after, as for now, wear this."  
PostPosted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 5:48 pm
She looked at the outfit with a semi frown. "No thanks, I'm fine with the outfit I got on..."She rejected politelty. She snatched the duster out of his hand, went to start cleaning the castle.

As she boredly dusted the bookshelfs, fireplaces, portiats, desk tops. She looked at the uniquie antiques he postes. If I manage to get kick out or something, I can get some of these things to live off of. She thought, it had to be worth like lots of money for these old priceless things.

When she was just about finish, she came towrds him. "Anything else, you would like for me to do?"

Vice Captain


PostPosted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 5:57 pm
Inuneko twitched silently, took a duster himself and followed her dusting "I don't like letting someone else do my work, so you can rather help instead of doing all." He smiled when she looked at his art. "I won't let you go easy you know..." he knew that look of hers as soon as she saw the million dollar portrait.  
PostPosted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 5:29 am
"Hmph." Was alll she said, when she had competely finished cleaning, she laid the duster down. Crossed her arms over her chest, waiting for more orders.

Yep he's gonna be definately tough to crack. But a challenge is good every now and then She thought.

Vice Captain


PostPosted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 3:56 pm

Kyrox looked as Rose watched them approach Alance Manor, Zephyr's home by bloodline. Kyrox had been staying here ever since he became a vampire; it was because of Zephyr that we was like this. Yes...Zephyr was the vampire who transformed him into the being that he is now. It was strange to Kyrox how Zephyr allowed him to live in this large household, but he wasn't complaining.

They came through the main gates, which were already open for their entry. A lush garden and beautiful scenery surrounded them on all sides; there were also other slaves and servants present tending to everyday business, even in the rain. This was no shock to neither Zephyr nor Kyrox, but he didn't know how either of the newcomers would react...he assumed that they would be absolutely astonished. He checked Rose's expression for a quick second, she looked pretty awestruck.

Hmmm, she seems very interested...She just may be fun to have around...

They all got out of the limo, and were escorted to the front door. A butler opened the door for them....

"Welcome to my home...servants...take time to explore and know your way around...but do not attempt escape...this is your sanction, treasure it. Atticus, you'll be called for duty later. The butler, Silabus, will show you to your quarters....As for you Rose..." He turned towards Kyrox for a response or an order.

"Rose...A maid will be here shortly to show you to your quarters...From there, do what you want until you are called for...I'll see you later."

With that, the two masters walked away, leaving the slaves free, but not free...

PostPosted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 4:17 pm
He glanced to his left, his sharp eyes piercing his pursuer. His unwillingly gaudy clothing tore as he raced through the forest. He had no idea of where he was heading. All he was aware of was that his pursuer was ashamed of him…of his existence. He had to get away

Xerros tripped over a vine in which protruded from the forests’ bed so slightly, it was nearly invisible. He slammed the ground with his left shoulder, bouncing slightly and rolling to a stop. Blood covered the ground as he rolled, leaving a slender trail. He gripped the shoulder that was in pain, his face scrunching up at the pain in which now raced through his veins.

His pursuer caught him quickly, lifting him up by the ripped, black collar that was hardly connected to the rest of his shirt anymore. A deep tone then deserted the mouth of the man, "What the hell is your problem, boy?” As these words escaped his lips in which were merely ajar, he lifted his enormous fist, slamming it into the gut of Xerros.

Xerros cried out in pain, blood bucketing from his throat and out onto the ground. He grasped his stomach, keeling over, “Father…why you do this to me? Why must you sell me as some wretched slave to just anyone!?!” He saw his father’s massive hand coming to grab him again, but in an instant he flinched and ducked, feeling the wind fly past the top of his head after the hand.

In a fit of rage, Xerros threw himself out against his father, tackling him to the ground and pathetically trying to wrestle him over. Xerros felt his body weight shift instantly upwards and he was thrown off of the ground and into a tree, slamming it with his back and falling forwards. He felt slightly dizzy, and wanted to get up and continue running, but couldn’t.

His father began speaking again, walking slowly towards him while doing so, “You’re a burden on me and my life. Don’t try to deny it, boy. You can’t do ANYTHING! Ever since your dismal mother died and you moved in with me, you’ve been nothing but a lumber. I need my normal life, and you know this. So this is the end of your time with me…”

Xerros struggled to rise to his knees. He was planning on running still. He had no intention on being caught. He couldn’t be caught! It would ruin everything! A firm grip clasped his right wrist. Xerros struggled to try to break free from it…but couldn’t.

After being dragged for what seemed forever, the woods disappeared behind them; a small city emerging in front of them. Xerros stood in disbelief as his father held him tightly and talked to a large man who seemingly awaited their arrival. The man had the stature of a guard of some sort. After another three minutes, Xerros’ father turned back towards him, the grip on his wrist changing from tight, to massive. He was handed over to the guard! “I’ll see you hopefully never. But don’t expect to go running and coming back to me. I won’t accept you. I never have and never will. You were born by accident…don’t ever forget it,” he trotted off swiftly into the darkness of the woods.

Xerros’ heart sunk at those words. Oh how he wished his mother or anyone was here to comfort him at this moment. He glanced up at the figure in which gawked back down at him, his stare cold…hard, “Alright, kid this is normal procedure.” He struck the back of Xerros’ neck with such a force that did not damage him, but merely knocked him out of conscious.

Xerros’ awoke in what seemed like days. He was in a large cage of sorts, on a stage. He didn’t know what was going on or how he got there, but was very weak. He was bloody. He stank of blood, and mold from running in the vine infested forest for so long. He glanced out off of the stage and noticed a rowdy group of people. Most looked rich, but some looked poor. They looked eager to leave, and most looked a little ragged, like there had been a fight earlier. The day was late and he was one of the last people on the stage.

He sat hunched over next to a small boy, obviously in better condition than he. A voice boomed over the stage and out into the crowd. It was the voice of a man, “Next we have…him,” the man pointed at Xerros while pausing before his next comment, “His name is Xerros. He’s scrawny…very scrawny. I don’t know why any of you would want him but he does need to be sold. He doesn’t look like he’ll be fit to do any kind of grunt work, but having him in the kitchen where a young girl would be is where he looks best fit.”

Xerros was highly embarrassed, but the man’s next comment set him off the roof, “We’ll start him of at a mere 200 gold! ANY BUYERS?!?” The bidding started…the thought that he wasn’t worth even a thousand gold made his ego that much worse…


Vice Captain

PostPosted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 4:32 pm
Standing in the audinience, she had looked around boredly. All these pathertic slaves wore either weak mortals or nobodies. She crossed her arms mover her pressed in ample chest, tapping her foot impatiently.

"Master...shouldn't we go since there is no one here?" The puppet asked, the wooden doll looked up. Veronica simply shooked her head 'no.' She was going to get a slave and be damned if she didn't.

When she heard the call for the next slave, by a guy.

"Next we have him..His name is Xerros. He’s scrawny…very scrawny. I don’t know why any of you would want him but he does need to be sold. He doesn’t look like he’ll be fit to do any kind of grunt work, but having him in the kitchen where a young girl would be is where he looks best fit.” Her crimson eyes traveled over him.

"Hmm...He looks pretty useful." She had a cold smirk on her lips.

The puppet only just looked at him as if he grewed boobs on his head.

"“We’ll start him of at a mere 200 gold! ANY BUYERS?!?” The man said.

Veronica smirk grew more, just to defeat off competions. "10 grand." She said simply. The guys eyes widen in pure shock.

"B-but..He's worthless!"

A prestant, woman who appreared to dress like a slut. (Just imagine Ivy's normal outfit) "20 grand."

Veronica, calmness didn't faulter. "50 grand." She wanted this person to get off her back of taking what is going to be hers but before she could have the last laugh.

"80 grand!"

She only chuckled, shaking her head. "You are try me...200 grand." The guy was competely pale by the buyers enthastic perstiance on this slave.

"200,000!! Sold to the Tall woman!"
M.M.O.M - Guild Role Play

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