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Aeris? (Be nice! XD)
  I like her.
  I don't like her.
  She's okay.
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 2:30 pm
Well, in the U.S, I think people have gotten tired of the whole "damsel-in-distress" kind of girl. They like girls who can kick a** like Tifa. Personally, I didn't like Aeris because of the fact that she can be a bit clingy and self-centered but I respect her because she's brave and caring.

[[Yay, new member, WELCOME! biggrin ]]

Hmmm.... I guess that makes sense, but I still think she's a good character because, like you said, she's brave and caring.

(Thanks for the welcome! ^_^)  
PostPosted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 9:16 pm
Oh, and RanmaxHikaru? I love your siggy! blaugh

Oooo which one? xd  


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PostPosted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 9:17 pm
I can't stand Aeris.

Look, I don't have some spectacular essay on it like bereave does, but I could make one if I needed to. rofl

I just think her selfishness outweighs her non-existant good qualities. The way I see, it was obvious Tifa loved Cloud, plain as day. Every one could see it, and so could Aeris because she got busted asking him out on a date in front of Tifa and she got frazzled. Its like,
"Oh! I'll pretend to be concerned about your feelings so I can get closer to your man"
Sort of thing. So what if Tifa didnt VOICE it, she sure as hell showed it, and if Aeris werent as blind as a bat, maybe she would've backed off. Or of course there's my belief--- she wasnt blind, she just wanted Cloud all to her PRECIOUS INNOCENT ANGEL self. rolleyes

Sounds really bad the way Ive written it, right? too bad its true then. 4laugh

Kudos Aeris! You saved the planet from meteor randomly at the end of the game. She didnt SACRAFICE s**t. She didnt know she was going to be killed, as I believe anyway. So shes in the lifestream by default and notices, "oh gee now I have the power to save the planet guess Ill do that since I was worthless on earth lolz".
Call it sacrafice, I call it lame.

I am like the biggest flirt on the planet but even i have respect enough to not flirt on someone whos taken, or if its CLEAR that someone else has feelings for that person.

PostPosted: Sat Jan 05, 2008 2:04 pm
Oh, and RanmaxHikaru? I love your siggy! blaugh

Oooo which one? xd

Uhh.. I forgot. Whoops.. sweatdrop  


Iseru Dryves

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 24, 2008 3:06 pm
I still don't like her. But not because I like CloTi. I just find her too childish for my tastes...and she's even supposed to be older than Tifa. The only reason why she was interested in Cloud in the first place was because he resembled Zack... and even mixed up his personality with his in the beginning.. which is probably why Cloud had a more "up-beat" personality especially in his flashback when the more quiet SOLDIER was actually him.

And she's way too dependent, and always wanting a knight in shining armor to come and save her I-can't-fend-for-myself a**!! *ahem.. getting carried away here...*

So yeah she saved the planet and all but that doesn't change that I still don't like her character back when she was alive. >_> Although in the Advent Children, she still irked me a bit with her random appearances.. but she didn't bug me as she did before. I prefer her with Zack.. and she did leave with him in the end. It's just the way it was supposed to be.

I never saw Cleris as an actual pairing because with the short time span they had traveling together I don't think any love would develop. Most of the time I usually see her being the one who approached and tried to flirt with Cloud but that was because IMO she saw the "Zack" in him, not because he was Cloud (whom Tifa had known and loved since they were kids).

I don't have anything against Cloud and Aeris being friends, and that's how I've always pictured their relationship to be and the reason that Cloud was grieving in Advent was because he had been manipulated by Sephiroth and almost even plunged his own sword to her head and he didn't even do anything when Sephiroth himself appeared to do it. I think anyone in that position would be guilty for life for what happened. Not because he loved her like the way most Cleris fans thought he did but because he lost a friend and he was right there watching her in her last breadths of life.

In the last of FFVII, Tifa said to Cloud, "We'll find her." But I think they didn't get to and in Advent Tifa settled down in Midgar while Cloud did some errands around as a delivery boy. He was of course, still feeling guilty about the whole I-just-stood-there-while-Sephiroth-skewered-her phase. And it was about him forgiving himself and moving on. Thus, in the end, Aeris walked away with Zack and Cloud was facing Tifa in a new light.

Wah.. I didn't expect this post to be so long.. @_@
PostPosted: Sun Feb 24, 2008 7:54 pm
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"Love is not consolation. It is Light."

First of all, long posts please me. rofl

This Guild needs some more activity, so I'm glad a member like you is coming around and posing some new discussions. = ] I really used to hate Aeris with a strong passion. I was totally Anti-Aeris, but just recently I grew to like her, and she's actually a bit of a favorite of mine. Tifa has always been my favorite FF girl in general, and always will be. I've never seen a character that was so emotionally balanced, and it's amazing how strong/sweet she is at the same time. How she puts others before herself in such a mechanical way. biggrin

Anyway, I agree with a few things you said, but not all. =] I agree, that Aeris is a bit aloof and dependant, but that's just who she is, and how she chooses to be. She can actually make a stand when she really needs to, but her being a more "damsel" type of character is not what bothered me initially. What bothered me is that she was a bit naive to Tifa's feelings, as well as other peoples feelings in general. Not to mention she was an ice-queen to Zack, who is my favorite male FFVII character. >.<;; Though, I can't really say anything about that until I see what the hell happened in CC. (WHICH COMES OUT NEXT MONTH, THANK GOD) I agree that Aeris liked Cloud in the beginning because of Zack, especially since the Ultimania states that as a fact. xD Later on however, I do believe she started to fall for Cloud for "who he was". I mean, she wanted to get to know the "real" him, so that she COULD understand who he was.
However, I don't think she was able to see "who he was" until Tifa unlocked his true memories, which is something only she could do, and thus, is one of my biggest Cloti points. x]

Aeris saved the planet. That doesn't automatically mean shes "OMG A PERFECT CHARACTER~1211!1". She was still naive, still selfish, and still had flaws. But, that's what makes me like her.

I think Aeris and Cloud as FRIENDS is really cute, and I have no problem with that at all. ^-^ I think that's the type of relationship they've always had.


Iseru Dryves

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 3:56 am
Why thank you, hehe ^__^ I had been active in the day.. then, I stopped after my playstation broke down.. emo .. and then, Advent came out.. 8D But yeah it's been about a few months after since I watched it but CloTi is still <33

I really have got to play that game again. sweatdrop There's a PC version of the game.. but my... PC specs.. won't...cut it... *dies*

Before I became a rabid fan of CloTi I was more of a Tifa fan. She was always cool and composed during situations that needed it. It was obvious from the beginning that she liked Cloud but didn't push him too hard to get him to like her. Tifa's one of the best characters out there videogame-wise, especially in melee, I've always favored melee to magic unless I had no other choice and in a game like FFVII where EVERYONE can equip materia.. there's hardly the use for mages in this game. Thus, in the game itself I found Aeris rather useless.. plus I knew she would die.. so I didn't bother leveling her up or equipping her with better weapons.

Tifa's selfless and (this is going to turn out into a Tifa fanrant, isn't it? Sorry for going ooc.. >x<) she always looks out for everyone in the party. She puts her personal feelings aside and sees things in a bigger picture and that's what I like about her. I just hate sometimes that people prefer her because of her large "assets".. oh geez, she's not just about that. >___> Yes, it irks me but I can't do anything about it. Boys will be boys.

There actually came a point in time where I thought I was close to despising Cloud for not realizing what a wonderful person she is and is like right next to him while he's being angst and emo about the whole ordeal. I wanted to scream into his ear and tell him, "LOOK BESIDE YOU DAMMET!!" but yeah, phase over. I was a highschool kid then when I had those.. I still have them.. occasionally but I try to tone them down.. hoho.. ^^;

Okay-- back on topic..

But I see your point. I do somewhat remember that Aeris had often asked Cloud what he was like. But for Cloud to really answer that..? That's another question. I think Tifa really did know Cloud the best in the end. But I still think Aeris and Zack are better off with each other.. xDD They do have a history together...

So no, I don't hate Aeris as I did then. I even joined an anti-Aeris Club before. Goodness, wonder what happened to that.. but she's just so-so to me now. I officially stopped hating her in Advent..
PostPosted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 5:49 pm
Same here! I was so frustrated at Cloud too! Well, I was pretty frustrated with Cloud throughout the whole game because he was so dense...but he did amuse me with his unusual quirks.

I also prefer melee characters, haha. My team always had to have Tifa. She packs a good amount of damage and has a good balance in magic. biggrin She ended up being one of my strongest characters.

Anyways, back to Aeris--like Lunar, I used to despise Aeris until I was invited to the AerTi Guild. I came to respect her once I saw the perspective of other people. I still don't like the fact that she's quite selfish and rude, it will continue to haunt me. sweatdrop  



PostPosted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 6:19 pm
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"Love is not consolation. It is Light."

I think Cloud realizes what's in front of him, he just has a hard time with "emotions". x'D It takes a lot for him to just say the words "Thank you" for Gods sake. rofl

I think, that Aeris understands Zack to a large degree (Since Nomura said that Aeris is the type of girl Zack would go to, because she could always make him feel better. x]), and Tifa is the type of girl Cloud can go to. I think they make it painfully clear that Zeris and Cloti are the pairings of FFVII. O_o; Why else would Aeris continue to wear the pink outfit?

Zack: You should be wearing pink, and carrying a parasol.

And then at the end off CC, she wears pink along with the PROMISE ribbon. . . which she is ALWAYS seen with. A lot of Cleris fans associate the pink ribbon with Cleris, but it's more Zeris than they like to admit. :/ They really do seem to deny that "first love can work" and "Maybe Aeris never stopped loving Zack". -shrugs- I think the game makes Aeris's feelings unclear, but for the most part, they seem to be leaning towards Zack, IMO. No matter how much of an "ice-queen" she acts towards him in Maiden.

Some of the selfish moments Aeris partakes in, do still irk me at times.
PostPosted: Tue Feb 26, 2008 3:43 am
You're right, Cloud has to be a brick wall (no pun intended, Squall..) not to notice anything... but makes you wonder sometimes.. if he does it on purpose to keep a distance from other people or really feel nothing at all.. but he does feel.. for his friends and those he cares about. I won't deny that Aeris is one of the people he cares about because he's so remorseful after her death. And why wouldn't he be, since Aeris was a friend of his as well as his comrade.

Maiden? o.o Is this an anime or game? Or manga or book? I haven't heard anything about this one..?

Iseru Dryves

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 26, 2008 3:55 pm
The Maiden who traveled the planet? The novella by Benny what-his-last-name-I-don't-remember? There's also the Case of Tifa, Case of Denzel, and Barret's story. They don't have it in English so you'll have to find the translations. Have you read any of them yet? If not I can provide the link.  
PostPosted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 1:24 am
I haven't read any of them.
I'd be eternally grateful if you could share with me the link though~ X3

Iseru Dryves

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 3:52 pm

Here it is!! biggrin I recommend reading Case of Tifa and the Maiden. Case of Denzel is quite boring but informative...but read that later, trust me, you'll want to.  
PostPosted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 5:14 am
Thankie munchies~ >3< heart
*zips off to read*

Iseru Dryves

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 01, 2008 8:57 am
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"Love is not consolation. It is Light."

I actually haven't read Case of Denzel yet. x]

But Maiden is what got me into actually liking Aeris. ;] So, it's worth the read, I'd say. She's just so humble and sweet, and I really felt bad for her. D:

CoT is adorable all the way through. <3
~*Waiting On The Stars*~ The Cloti [CloudXTifa] Guild

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