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.:Where Fears and Lies Melt Away:. Goto Page: [] [<] 1 2 3 ... 4 5 6 [>] [»|]

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Rhionnan Everwind

PostPosted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 8:11 pm

The mud felt slick underneath her palms, in between her fingers and along her exposed stomach. Her bare body coated with muck, she slithered along the ground like a snake, the slimy, disgusting residue from the murk she writhed in gathering in between her fingers and her toes. The smell of algae, decaying plants and filthy creek water invaded her nostrils and made her gag, the stench almost overpowering her. But she was hungry, so hungry, she must find something, she must eat. The tightening of her abdominal muscles and the slow, lurching pain that gripped her body made her clamp her teeth together; a low, guttural sound rumbling in the back of her throat as she continued to make her way along the ground in complete darkness; her progress tracked by the soft, wet sounds her limbs made in the mud as she moved.

They must feed, she must feed them, before they feasted upon her.

The silence that pervaded the warm, humid night was unnatural; the animals that usually occupied the lake missing, their instincts warning them that tonight was not a night to be caught out in the open, tonight a predator that none of them could equal had come into their domain. And she would hunt any one of them down and slaughter them if they gave her half the chance.

Leathery wings unfurling, Giada paused a moment, lifting her head just enough so her crimson eyes looked out over the embankment of the small lake, the reeds rustling softly as the wind teased its way through them. Dark face streaked with mud, the demoness sniffed the wind briefly, her keen senses picking up even the faintest change in scents. Only after a moment did she lower herself back down onto the muddy terrain, eyes glinting as she slowly started forward once more, though this time not a single sound could be heard from her. Almost like a cat stalking its prey, she crept through the reeds, every muscle in her body coiled beneath taught skin, waiting for any sign of movement.

Without warning she lifted her body off the ground and lunged forward; the loud splash that followed shattering the silence and sending some unknown creature dashing into the nearby bushes. When she pulled herself out of the foggy water, a good sized bullfrog was frantically struggling within her grasp. She wasted no motion as she brought the frog up to her mouth and sank her fangs into it; tearing a mouthful of its flesh from its still squirming body.

The creature croaked feebly as it slowly died in her hand, being consumed as she crouched - covered in water, mud and other unidentifiable matter - within the shallow waters of the lake. She finished her meal in just a few quick mouthfuls, a trickle of the creature's blood dripping down the side of her chin, and she wiped her hand across her gently rounded stomach; neither hers nor her children's hunger sated.

Her tail coiled silently in the air behind her as she flattened out across the ground once more, closely following the shore of the lake as she hunted for more, always more. So hungry, so hungry. A soft, scratchy noise issued from her parted lips as she moved, her eyes scanning the night for movement, nostrils flaring for any scent. Any sentient part of the demoness was gone, all that was left was an instinctive need to feed, to eat and eat and eat. No consciousness, no thoughts, no calculating.

Tonight, there was simply an animal that needed to feast.
PostPosted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 8:01 pm

The sound of violent retching could be heard throughout the small, dimly lit room; the cringe-inducing noises echoing out from the half-open door of the bathroom. Light spilled from the tiny room beyond the door and out into the rest of the room, illuminating a bed, a dresser and a chair. The cold, white light was unflattering to the sparsely furnished room, glaring against bare walls, a worn, ugly brown carpet and the dull off-white bed set. It was obvious that this room had not had any sort of tender, loving care in its life, or perhaps the owner simply didn't want to waste a single fraction of space with frivolous decorations and accents.

The bathroom door suddenly swung open and Giada emerged, hair falling about her pale face; wings and tail dragging limply behind her. As the door slammed against the wall, a soft moan spilled from her lips, the sound seeming to drive a nail into her forehead and she squeezed her eyes shut. Body swaying a moment, she slapped one hand flat against the doorframe, trying to steady herself before attempting any further movement. Every blink of her eyelids caused her head to scream with pain, every twitch of her muscles induced nausea... what the hell was happening? It felt like someone had driven a metal screw into the core of her body; every twitch or flick and the screw twisted further into her.

She leaned forward, beads of sweat across her smooth skin causing her hair to plaster against her face; body trembling as she clutched at her increasingly rounded stomach. It had only been what? Two or three weeks since she had learned she was pregnant, already she looked like she was in her third trimester and nearing the labor itself. It certainly felt like she was going into labor, but she knew had at least a week left. Still, this was complete agony for her! She didn't know if she'd be able to last another week, let alone the labor itself. And it wasn't just one that was coming, it was two...

Making an effort to traverse the gap between the bathroom and the bed, as small as the distance was, Giada stumbled after two steps away from the wall and was too weak to keep herself from falling to her hands and knees; rigid fingers digging into the dirty, worn carpeting. She sat there for a moment, frozen and staring downwards, mouth open and lungs heaving in breaths of the musty air. As sweat dripped from her nose and chin, her body feeling as if it were burning, she reached up and tore the robe she had been wearing from her body; leaving her clad nothing. As the shredded garment fell to the floor about her, she lifted her head and closed her eyes, the pain, nausea and unbearable heat tearing another moan from her throat.

She had been wrong.

All this time, ever since she had first gone back to him, she had fully believed she would not need anything from him. She had intended on leaving and never going back after she let him know, after she watched his reaction and fed off of his confusion and angst, she had intended on letting him taste everything and then leaving him with nothing. She had wanted him to know about them, had wanted him to think about them, had wanted him to care... then she wouldn't even give him the grace of seeing their innocent faces, the faces of the lives he had helped her create. She had wanted him to suffer for an eternity, but now... she realized it had all been wrong.

She couldn't do this alone.

Another sound escaped through her lips as she lowered her head, hair shielding her face; softer, filled with something more than just her physical anguish, the sound that floated through the air was almost a whimper. She dipped her head forward until her forehead touched the ground, twisting the lower half of her body sideways as her protruding stomach no longer allowed her to kneel in any other fashion. Her tail coiled about her sweat-laced legs, wings drooping to the floor behind her, and she folded her arms about her head; hands curling into loose fists within the strands of her bi-colored hair as the pain writhed and twisted within her.

I... need you...

Rhionnan Everwind

Moriko Omori

PostPosted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 7:24 pm
Hot water rushed underground from some unknown reservoir, churning and steaming and causing the pipes to creak and groan miserably with its liquid cargo. They were old, and would probably have to be repaired or replaced soon to keep the château as well-hidden as possible. He couldn’t risk having anyone find him, cornered defenselessly, in his own home again.

But then again, here was the vampire, standing almost still under a steady rain of water. It had been calm, the past few days… quiet and even uneventful. Giada had gone, he had stayed, and he’d seen nothing nor heard nothing of her since that day he was… educated.

A father… I’m going to be a father…

The thoughts still plagued his clouded mind, even though he was sure he wouldn’t see the birth of his children, and would only be able to love them from a far and never really know them as they grew. At times he couldn’t bear it, and would break down in the study; in the same spot the children had been conceived. Lars bit his lip as rage and anger and guilt and so many other roaring emotions swelled within him. Bloodshot eyes peered down at his feet, watching the water as it flowed over them and down into the drain. Was this really what was going to happen? Was he going to be forgotten?

The vampire’s veins were swollen, thick with new blood from last night’s hunt. He could feel the pulsing, the beating and whirring of circulation. He felt very much alive, though the anguish thrown upon him kept him from enjoying the distant, yet familiar sensations.

Why does it have to be this way…

The pit of his stomach gripped him, gnawed inwardly until his knees slammed against the tile floor of the shower stall. These pains… They had grown more frequent, and he often had the urge to vomit and grievous migraines drilled away at his temples every other day. He held his stomach tightly, thinking back to the mother of his children. He was quite convinced that she was the caused of this, that he was feeling her pain, and their children’s, and was somehow connected to them. His empathic abilities weren’t normally this in tune, and he knew he could safely say that he was the only person he knew – the only man he knew, anyway – that had ever experienced the pains of a pregnant woman, if his hunch was true.

Lars loosed a quiet snarl as thrills of pain and stinging shot along his nerves, muscles tightening as he dropped his head, hair pooling about his wet, naked body.

‘…I need you…’

It was faint at first, echoing, but then it grew louder, repeating over and over again as his snarl grew more feral, the noise competing with the mental pleading. What…? He managed to think before he lost touch of where he was all together, the tile floor, running water, plexiglass doors and soft light from the bathroom all blurring together as he was wrenched from his hole in the ground.

“Aaahnnn…,” he groaned loudly, beads of water rolling off his skin and down his back from the ends of his hair. Familiar presences engulfed him as he strained to open eyes, thoroughly shocked. This… this had never happened before. In almost nine-hundred years, he had only once lost control of his powers! Staring blankly, he lifted his head, adjusting to the sparsely furnished room and the woman in front of him, kneeling on the ground. Why… He started, though the words never left his lips. Giada was in as much pain, more even, than he was. Why was he here? It was almost unexplainable! He had an inkling… Did she? No, he didn't want to believe it.

“…D-demon?” He choked out before another sweep of pain rendered him speechless.
PostPosted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 11:16 pm

Giada exhaled loudly, the rush of air gaining pitch and mutating into a moan halfway through. Everything hurt, everything burned, she couldn't even focus on the room any longer; eyes impulsively squeezed shut as warm, salty tears leaked from the edges of her eyelids. She lay half on her side and half on her chest, shoulder bent at what looked like an excruciatingly awkward angle, but how she was positioned was most likely the least of her worries.

Make it stop...

She didn't even realize he was here with her until he spoke; magenta eyes cracking open for only a moment before falling shut once again, vision too blurred to capture any of his features. She pressed her hand to the floor near her face, trying to lift herself up, but found any attempt at movement on her part caused more pain, more nausea. A soft groan broke through her lips, her breaths coming in shallow gasps, and she gritted her teeth as she felt her abdomen muscles clench tightly, the nausea hitting her even though there was nothing left within her stomach.

It hurts...

She opened her mouth, trying to say something, but all she managed to do was gag herself; her already raw throat screaming as she coughed violently. It had never been this bad before, it would always pass in a few minutes; leave her with a moment's peace... what made this time so different? Could it be possible that she really was going into labor? She hadn't had any contractions that she was aware of, her water hadn't broken. Maybe...

No. She wouldn't even think about it! It couldn't happen, it wouldn't happen! This was normal, for all the horrible suffering, this was normal. She was fine, would be fine, she would get through this. They were fine, nothing was wrong. Everything was fine.

The muscles of her throat worked painfully as she coughed, half her mouth smothered by the rug as she lay there, and she managed to reach out a hand to the vampire, her sweat covered fingers touching the back of his hand. She recoiled immediately, her scorching fingers feeling as if they had touched something even colder than ice, and a single word in the form of a sob erupted from her lips; a fresh trail of tears mixing with her sweat as one of her hands instinctively clutched at her stomach.


Help... me...

I'm afraid...

Rhionnan Everwind

Moriko Omori

PostPosted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 6:20 pm
They had made sure he was there for this.

Sweaty palms flattened against the floor, fingers splayed and scratching vainly for escape. His vision came and went in blurs, tiny bright spots floating around his eyes. It hurt so much, it was so unbearable, his mind wandered to totally random things, unimportant but brought up anyways. His lab... the chataeu... when did he last eat? The pain was so severe that he wondered if he would never eat again, if he would just die right here alongside Giada.

The mother of his children. Going into labor.

My children... a father...

What am I supposed to do?

Lars crawled forward, dragging his knees against the floor. It burned, but he didn't care. He was on a mission. He had heard her pleas, her desperate mental cries as he opened his mind, allowing himself to take quite a bit more pain than he had been feeling before - he hadn't realized he'd been protecting himself. Pale fingers twitched as the vampire moved, and the lean body visibly shook, weighed down with the sting of labor. His throat was hoarse and he found that he couldn't reply to her vocally. Dry and cracking lips curled up into a bitter snarl as she coughed, a shaky hand flinching and arm locking into place as he felt her touch. In a swift movement, he grabbed her hand, thumb caressing the smooth skin as he pulled himself closer, trying to read her, help her somehow as she sobbed.

Lars managed to pull himself to where he could lift her, unsure arms sliding beneath her pregnant frame to help her into a more suitable position. He pulled her against him so that he could turn her, and ended up half draggin her so that her back was against the edge of the bed. Panting heavily, arms shaking even worse now, he looked up at her, brows hitching. "Don't be afraid..."

I'm here now.

I'm here for all of you.
PostPosted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 11:37 am
Don't be afraid. Don't be afraid. That was easy for him to say! He didn't have two rabid hellspawn trying to claw their out of his womb, which was certainly what it felt like to her. She had never been one to gripe about pain, in fact she at times liked it, but this was so sharp, and it had been going on without rest for so long; it felt like someone had taken a white-hot poker and jammed it straight up her—

Giada let out a short cry as a new bolt of pain flashed through her midsection, eyes widening and hand involuntarily clutching at the vampire's shoulder. This new position he had dragged her into seemed to do nothing more than intensify the pain, every muscle in her body pulling tight. Only a moment after the pain had spiked, however, it lessened a great and she found herself able to manage huge gasps of cool, blessed air - something she hadn't been able to do since the pain had started.

Oh Christ, now that was a contraction; she really was going into labor! But she hadn't even been pregnant for that long, what the hell was going on? Maybe something really wasn't right, maybe they should take her to a hospital. Were there even hospitals that dealt with the births of non-humans? She realized she had no clue, as she had never stepped foot into a hospital in all her life, and a strained, breathless laugh leaked through her lips at the thought.

"I... I..." But she couldn't get anything else out through clenched teeth. Closing her eyes, she tilted her head forward and dug the nails of one hand into the carpet, a few droplets of sweat falling from her jaw line onto her chest. She didn't want to go to a hospital, but if the lives of her children - their children - were in danger, she had no problem with taking a small trip there. She doubted they'd make it in time, so the question was, should they even bother?

Giada clamped her mouth shut against a second cry as another contraction hit her, and she found herself running inane thoughts through her mind. Somebody should time the contractions. Her water hadn't broken. She wasn't a human, maybe she didn't give birth the way they did. Maybe that's why it was so painful. Maybe she was going to die during labor. Maybe they were eating their way out of her. Maybe they were going to burst out of her stomach while she was still alive.

This last absurd thought tore a soft, distressed groan from her closed lips and she managed to crack her eyes open, rolling her gaze to the vampire that knelt beside her. Parting her dry lips, she took a few more deep breaths of air and murmured a hoarse, "Don't leave me."

Rhionnan Everwind

Moriko Omori

PostPosted: Sat May 12, 2007 6:36 am
"No, I won't leave you. I won't. I'll stay right here." He murmured, face close to her. A pale, cool hand pressed against the mother's forehead, wiping at the sweat as it fell around her face. The vampire's teeth were gritted, and he grinded them with each wave of fresh pain, a few strangled moans escaping his throat as the contractions intensified.

He didn't know how to do this. What if he hurt them? What if he hurt her? He had been to a hospital a few times in his human years, though he could scarecly remember why... and that was nearly nine-hundred years ago - no doubt the practices of the hospitals had been rendered obsolete by now.

Would they even see non-human patients? Would seeking public help put them in more danger?

Lars sighed heavily, the pains dulling and then sharpening as he moved to help her further, tilting her head back more so that she may breathe, lifting her torso so that it wasn't so stiffly positioned, her legs spread apart slightly. He pushed himself in front of her so that he may help when she really needed it - to catch the newborns from her bloody womb...

"Towels. Blankets. Anything! Where are they?" He breathed, staring hard into her face and then around the room. They were right beside a bed, yes, but he wasn't sure what to use and he didn't want to hurt her even though Giada - and the vampire - were nearly paralyzed with pain.

Please, please, please, please let them be alright.
PostPosted: Sun May 13, 2007 12:42 pm
She parted her lips, attempting to say something - anything at this point, to hell with the vampire's question - but her throat was raw and constricted, letting only the weakest of groans through, allowing her the smallest amount of air. She had never really been one for dramatics, but it really did feel like she was going to die via the process of bringing her children into the world. Perhaps even before they had a chance to savor the fresh air that now seemed to draw itself away from her.

"No, no, no, no." She nearly panted between her gasps for oxygen, damp hair sticking to her face as her head jerked from side to side. She knew she should be breathing some certain way, pushing when the contractions hit or something... something! Oh Christ, it wasn't supposed to happen yet, she shouldn't be going into labor so soon. She wasn't ready for this, wasn't ready for them; she had no idea how to care for an infant, let alone two! She also knew that she shouldn't be panicking, but she couldn't help it, damnit, she was about to give birth!

"I-" She licked her lips and then clenched her teeth together, another contraction hitting. Her breath hissed out through her teeth and she loosed a strangled groan, words spilling from her mouth in a rush, afraid that she wouldn't be able to get them out fast enough, "I can't do this, oh Christ, this is so <********>, you did this to me!"

Not that there was really anything she could do to stop the labor, but at the moment her mind was already thinking ahead to when she had the children in her arms, was taking care of them and nursing them. Could she really picture herself doing that, keeping them safe? It didn't really matter at this point, she was going to have to play that role, and it was going to start in a matter of painful moments.

Rhionnan Everwind

Moriko Omori

PostPosted: Thu May 17, 2007 5:13 pm
The vampire loosed a low growl that rumbled deeply in his chest, a bright spark of anger lighting his eyes as she took to blaming him again. He did this to her? JUST him?! If he remembered correctly, he was in no place at the time to refuse her, lest the unwise decision cost him his life! Pale red lips peeled back momentarily, revealing the gleam of white fangs as she threw a mini-tantrum over the inevitable.

The fresh contraction hit him hard, knocking the anger from him, and a grotesque cough worked its way out of his body, leaving him shaking and gasping for air. They were coming soon, he could feel it, and they were as unprepared as ever. "You can do this, you have to do this." Lars hissed through gritted teeth, now trying to support himself on his knees.

Leaning over her, he snatched the blanket from the bed and pulled, the fabric snapping in the harsh effort before he loosely bunched it up in his hands, ready for his children.

Come now, we're waiting for you... The soft coaxing sounds of his inner voice were sent out towards the babies' growing minds, Lars trying his best to sound fatherly.

Hah! What a concept.
PostPosted: Sat May 19, 2007 9:18 am
At the moment, Giada couldn't care less if her words angered Lars, she was too busy trying to not pass out from the mixture of pain and lack of oxygen. Hands clenched so tight her nails bit into her palms, jaw muscles squeezing together so hard her teeth grinded against one another, she wasn't making this any easier on herself, any faster. But then, you couldn't blame the demoness, she had never had dealings with these kinds of things, and even though she had been pregnant for what seemed like a lifetime, she had never really studied anything to help her once the time came and her body was ready to let the children into the world.

And unfortunately for her, that time was now.

Breathe and push, breathe and push, Her mind chanted this almost like a mantra, as if it could fight off the pain or keep the darkness from encroaching on her vision further. That's the only thing she knew, the only thing she had to help her, and it had to be enough. What would she do if it wasn't?

Another contraction hit her and she slowly let her body take over, do what came naturally for it. She couldn't control the labor, she couldn't set rules and expect it to abide by them, couldn't just say get the ******** out of me and the beings within her would listen. Though perhaps on some level they wanted to be out as much as she wanted them out, because this contraction was different; the first of two was on its way.

Rhionnan Everwind

Moriko Omori

PostPosted: Sun May 20, 2007 5:49 pm
Sweat rolled off all parts of flesh, his body heated to an unbearable degree, despite his nakedness. The sheet lay across his knees, as he had moved slightly closer to receive the children. The vampire felt Giada's body tense differently, anticipatingly, and then he knew this was it.

A sharp, desperate cry from the first born boy echoed through the room as Lars picked it up, swathing it in part of the sheet, strong arms holding him possessively close. Pudgy little hands grabbed and reached for everything, clenching tiny fists as it wailed. Tiny stubs potruded from his head - the beginnings of horns - and a small, skinny tail and tiny pinions - all moving independently - further characterized the baby.

The other was soon in coming, and he felt a breif sense of relief at the first one, then a second sharp pain made the vampire hold the baby close, groaning through clenched teeth. The baby cried harder, also sensing the immense pain as he awaited his brother.

"Just a little more..." He murmured, readying the blanket for the second boy, stealing a glance at his first child. He was beautiful, and he was his son.

My son... you will always be my son.
PostPosted: Fri May 25, 2007 7:14 pm
If there were a higher power, surely they had used their godly will and cast this upon her as punishment for her years filled with hatred. The path of vengeance had led her here, for she chose such a life, and here lie the consequences of that life; the life of sin.

Bright, white-hot stars twinkled before her eyes as she let her head fall backwards, gritted teeth exposed for the heavens to see. Any divine beings that dwelt amongst the stars must have found amusement in her suffering, for there was no end as wave after wave hit her, burning her, tearing at her very soul and sucking everything from her, leaving her withered and hollow. There was only one clear thought that circled in her mind, cutting through the haze of pain like the beacon of a lighthouse through the night's fog.

My children.

Had it not been for them, her want to deliver them and keep them safe, she would have given in to the anguish long before the end was nigh. Even as the first entered the world, the son's sharp cries overpowering the mother's soft moans, the second gave her no reprieve; another contraction hitting almost before the vampire had taken up the child and cradled him in strong, gentle arms.

There was no pause, no lull to regain vigor or breath, and the demoness slowly felt her strength ebb away, the deepest black eagerly encroaching upon her vision. Her limbs felt like appendages cast from stone, her body nothing more than a cauldron of burning agony, and yet she struggled to keep conscious, refusing to yield to the comforting, painless oblivion that awaited her.

If I am to die, please... let my children live...

Rhionnan Everwind

Moriko Omori

PostPosted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 5:13 pm
More pain, that was all they knew. Burning, itching, relentless pains, and wave after wave of it. Each sensation - the mother's pain, the harsh cries of the newborn as it writhed in his arms, his own searing hurt - made him groan, teeth gritted, fingers twitching and eyes burning as he chanced a glance at the demoness's twisted face.

Hideous agony. Would it never end?

And then the startled, nearly choking cries of another child filled the room, accompanying those of his brother as they called to each other, wishing to be reunited. Holding the first born carefully in one arm, Lars reached down, grabbing up the sheet and wrapping the new boy in it, just as his twin was. With their eyes closed, they look so tormented, having been thrust upon unprepared parents, their little pinions and tails twitching and thrashing.

They were so innocent.

As the vampire's relieved eyes looked down into their faces, he smiled a smile that was rarely so genuine. But the mother wasn't forgotten - he felt her consciousness creeping around, reaching out for life as she slowly succumbed to the pain of child labor. Sputtering, eyes blinking rapidly as he held back tears, he moved slowly over to Giada's side, the babies cradled and seeming to quiet as they felt the nearing presence of their mother.

"You must live to see your children," a low whisper and a sort of purring sound issued from the new father as he leaned over her, slightly wavy locks of hair brushing against her sweaty skin. "Please..."
PostPosted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 9:09 pm
A soft sigh passed over the demoness's dry lips, the only sound that came from her in the moments following the birth of her children. Sweat trickled down her brow, following the contours of her cheek and jaw line, sinking lower and lower across her weary body; neck, shoulder, arm. Her eyes had fluttered closed sometime during that final, crucial moment, that horrible, anguish-filled time when all she knew was pain and push. Pain and push.

Now it was over, the pain still throbbed within her, but it wasn't as needle sharp, wasn't as intense. She had thought she would feel relief, a calmness maybe, perhaps sleep deeply until her body was fully rested. But the only thing she felt was an emptiness inside of her, a hollow, dark spot where the two life forms had once been. She had held them in her womb, nurtured them and protected them and now they were gone. Somehow, she had thought she would be happy to finally get them out. Now, it seemed all she wanted was them back in.

Another sigh escaped from her, quieter than the first, and soft creases formed on her brow as the vampire's voice registered, but his words drifted apart and their meaning was lost within the thick fog that surrounded her mind. She could feel him, she could feel herself and him and them, but it all felt very far away. She could hear them, their cries and warbles and squeals, but it was muffled and warped, almost dream-like. She just wanted to let it all go and fall into the darkness that surged beneath her, beckoned to her with soft whispers and beautiful promises. But she didn't give in, tempting as it was, she didn't give in, didn't let go; she held on. For them.

Magenta eyes rolled beneath smooth lids, full lips thinning and losing their color as she pressed them tightly together. The pain and the weakness and the separation were bearing heavily down upon her lithe shoulders, but after a brief moment, she exhaled in a louder sigh and her eyelids parted; casting a soft glow across her sweat-slicked face. She probably could have managed to lift her head from its bent position, resting upon the bed as it were, but she felt it would be a waste of what precious little energy she had left. Later, she would rest, but now, she would be with her children. Consciously with them.

Upon what seemed like instinct alone - there was no possible way she could see what she was doing - she raised both her hands; eyes drifting downwards to stop somewhere at the vampire's neck or chin. Her slender fingers easily found the soft curves of the children’s heads; fingertips gently running over the fuzz of their hair, the points of their ears, the small, rounded nubs of their horns. A smile found its way onto her dark lips then, eyes sliding shut once more as she trailed her fingertips down their arms. The smile was soft, genuine, warm; the smile of a mother.

"Our babies."

Rhionnan Everwind

Moriko Omori

PostPosted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 9:43 pm
As she came back to them, he smiled, letting go of his breath and relaxing his tense hold on the babies somewhat. They seemed to relax as well, quieting a bit as they felt their mother's touch. The vampire wished he could give the children to their mother, but he knew she couldn't hold them just then; she was exhausted, but she was also triumphant.

The words she said made his jaw drop - not that she would've been able to see it, but his lip quivered until he bit it, fangs breaking through the cracked, chapped skin. His eyes, half-lidded, misted over, tears welling up as the newborns lifted their chubby hands to try and catch Giada's.

"Yes...," He muttered, looking down on each of his sons' heads. They were their sons, their babies, and nothing could ever change that. How they raised them, he hoped it would be together.

"I know you're tired, but... what will we call them?" Even as he asked her, he was thinking up names, trying to pick out the strongest, most noble titles from his history.
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