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Interchangeable Divergence ((The Altered Chronicles))

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The future is bleak, and in the center of it all... Government experimentation gives birth to the Altered... 

Tags: mutant, experimentation, future, battle, slavery 

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Anna Lux

Bashful Explorer

PostPosted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 7:48 pm
Meeda was in a state of total shock as the woman with the big sword morphed into a dragon. Not something one will see everyday. It wasn't long until all the Institute that had been after them in the alley way. Someone must have reported back to base and informed them of how ridiculous the situation was so the attack was called off. Now they were probably dead as well... It was un-nerving. She spoke up after a second, hoping the dragon woman would hear her.
"Um... I think I'll be fine here... You should go find your friends..." She wasn't sure that that group was indeed friends, but she knew she would be able to get herself out of here and hidden before any Institute members showed up.

((Senko, just do it... I'm never on the computer, so I'm really sorry. I've been telling Jaz to tell you to just leave me there... But she wouldn't or something...))  
PostPosted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 8:14 pm
Jays eyes grew wide and then grew angry, " You killed my mother....and my father...." His hands clinched into a tight fist, his demonic form resurfaced over him making his power sky rocket along with make the building beneathe there feet tremble. " You new you killed them and you came knowing what I could do to you!!! How foolish of you.... If you give me the names of the others in your group, where they live, and who exactly instructed you to kill them then I will not kill you right now!!!" His hands clinched into a tight fist but also tears started to stream down his cheeks as he finally found there killer but couldn't even bring himself to kill her. " I suggest you tell me before I end up changing my mind and end up killing you.....So you say you couldn't control yourself try living with BEING A DEMON!!!!" His eyes turned completely white now, he sniffed the air smelling other institute members nearby. " I thought I told you to come alone!!!" Jay looked around as he was soon hit with a tranquilizer dart, he roared in anger and blasted the one who had hit him with it of the building with an orb of the swirling energy.

A couple of the men came in threw the buildings stairway, he rushed towards them claws at the ready. The men started to fire rapidly, in which more tranquilizer darts would hit Jay in the chest. Jay roared in anger but only to release a beam from his mouth and eradicate the men. He moved over to the women who had given him the information, he was about to ram his claws threw her only to fall to the ground as one more dart hit him. Jay collapsed onto the ground unconcious, it had taken ten tranquilizer darts to take him down.

:.:[ Sorry I thought of the institute people sending people to follow you and thought it would cause a great twist in the plot or somethin hope you don't mind.]:.:


Jaz Neko

Vice Captain

Original Lunatic

PostPosted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 11:37 am
((I don't mind at all biggrin , in fact- I'd prefer it if others would play the role of the Institute squad once in a while. I like that twist very much, but I want her to say a few things before Jay gets knocked out.))

For someone who didn't let emotions get in her way, Susan found herself drowning in guilt. She had slaughtered this man's family and now he wasn't even capable of avenging their deaths. Had she come here to meet Jay because she wanted him to kill her? Yes, Susan had unconsciously been willing to die at Jay's hand just so he could live with the fact he had killed the person that had destroyed his family. But his power kept on getting stronger and stronger and Susan could feel the building beneath her start to tremble. Still, she kept her stance and her eyes locked on Jay. It was one of her most powerful abilities, and yet even a human could do it- looking into your opponent, or anyone's eyes for that matter, meant you were showing them that they can trust you. That's what she had done with Jay and she couldn't help but think that that is why he hadn't killed her yet.

But when he asked her to give him the names of the others who had accompanied her on that mission she shook her head. "I cannot. They had no part in taking the lives of your foster parents, they only did what was ordered. And as for the man who ordered it, I will never reveal that information." When she saw the tears streaming down his face she didn't even flinch. She would not allow herself to feel anymore guilty than she already was. But when he mentioned how terrible it was being a demon she found herself engrossed in anger, she fired back with an even louder voice. "I just watched as one of my partners was killed by one of you rebel scum! Don't you dare tell me how hard it is being a demon- I practically am one working for the Institute! And I love my work, and I love watching you rebels fail while we succeed. I wouldn't give it up for anything in the world!"

Susan's eyes widened when Jay's eyes went white and he informed her that the Institute had betrayed her orders and had followed her here. Tranquilizer darts started firing towards him and Jay started towards Susan. She didn't budge from her place or move. If she was going to die, she had accepted it the moment she promised Jay she would meet him back here. But as a surprise to her, one more tranq bullet and Jay was down and out. She stared at his unconscious body for a few seconds and then looked up to see the men coming up from the steps. With them was her father.

"Dad..." Susan said, not knowing what to think. So she spat out the first thing that came to mind. "You're supposed to be with Lance! Is he okay? What happened?" She ran across the top of the building the where her father was. He was staring at Jay.

"What happened here?" He ignored his daughter's question and demanded an answer of his own. Susan sighed, knowing he would get his information before she would get any answers from him.

"His name is Jay Hin Ru and he's a demon. I met him here to try and capture him and bring him back home for experimentation." It was a lie altogether, but she would never allow her father to know the truth. He nodded and ordered for his men to bring Jay down the steps and onto the helicopter a mile away. A teleporter and another Institute lifted Jay's body up and the teleporter disappeared along with Jay. Susan started walking down the steps and asked again.

"What happened with Lance?"

Her father smiled and looked down at her. "He's with our best surgeon, and last I heard things are looking better for him. They've got his heart beating and his lungs are functioning at half rate. They say he'll be up and ready to work in about a week. But they have to fix that mangled face of his, or else no one will want to see his sorry a** around base." Her father let out a booming laugh, but Susan found no humor in any of it as she accompanied her father and his men back to the helicopter where it would bring them back to base.  
PostPosted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 12:04 pm
Jay fell into a deep sleep his body unwavering, all he could see was a dream. This dream though began taking him threw the day his foster family was dead. It would take him threw a hallway then he heard some conversation and then he heard his foster parents getting attacked. Jay rushed into the room only to see the women standing over his parents bodies. A demonic growl erupted from his lips and also unconciously he growled aloud out of the dream. The guards got scared but then realized he was just dreaming. The institute men soon got too the institute and put Jay into a cell where he was chained to the wall where his hands hung from the ceiling instead of the wall though. But the chains are stronger then any normal steel and the cell he was in was made of steel. Once he was locked up the institute soldiers left, but only to end up looking back inside the cell to see Jay had awakened.

" Let me out....." He would say as he hung there, the soldiers laughed and said nothing. Jay opened his mouth and blasted a beam threw one of the soldiers heads showing he wasn't playing around. " I WILL KILL ALL YOU INSTITUTE DOGS!!!" He roared in a demonic voice as he was still in his demonic form. Jay remembered that institute women had betrayed him which mean't he had to kill her along with every institute personale in this plae. He tried yanking on the cuffs and the chains but nothing worked and he needed to find a way to get out of here before this turned out badly for him. Jay roared demonically into the air once again showing he was angry.


Vice Captain

Proxy Raider

PostPosted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 2:37 pm
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Radé dropped back into her human-form and nodded, turning away from the girl and the bodies that now littered the alley. If she wanted to run, she was free to. Radé had a partner to find and then Alice. And maybe the other guy. She shrugged.

With that thought, she wandered back to the main street, whistling a jaunty tune that she knew Tripp would recognise.

And recognise he did. The moment Tripp hear the whistling he spun and headed after it, nearly running Radé down a few moments later. In a freak display of emotion, he grabbed his diminutive companion in a bear-hug, lifting her clean off the ground.

"I thought they had killed you... I looked..." He set her down and gazed at her, the first real emotion flickering across his face in years: genuine happiness.

"They're not good enough for that, Tripp~" She grinned up at him, then suddenly stopped as she noticed the metal sheen to his eyes. "Tripp...what happened to your eyes? On second thought, you lifted me too easily... What happened?" Concern raced across her face, followed by another (slightly different) concerned look, "Later guy, we need to go make sure Alice is okay!"

She and Tripp took off to the building Alice had spoken about, reaching it in record time and slipping inside. "Alice? Where are you?"

((Not as much content as normal... I'm having an off day, I think))  
PostPosted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 4:26 pm
Madlax had been pulled from her shower by a group of men. All men. They came to take her back to the hospital so one of the surgeons could fix her right hand. After them explaining this Madlax looked at her hand, ‘There is nothing wrong with my hand.” She said then saw how purple her veins were. “But, no one attacked my hand?” she said thinking aloud then realized something, Madlax had given a homeless man some money in exchange for the whereabouts of the man she had been searching for. The homeless man had touched her hand, he must have had poison or something because Madlax’s hand was turning purple. “I will walk down there myself thank you very much.” She said and shooed the men out. Then Madlax threw her kimono in the wash, threw on a spy suit and walked to the hospital wing.

They wanted to knock Madlax out but she said no so they had no choice but to operate on her hand while she was still awake, and she could very much still feel the pain. It sort of cleared her head though. Even if it hurt like hell…



PostPosted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 7:27 pm
Elva had finally made it. She took a minute to catch her breath. Elva looked around. Onnipotente del Christ ..... che cosa l'inferno ha accaduto qui? From what Elva could see, it looked as if someone had done some hell breaking. But as far as she could tell, it seemed to be sputtering out. Elva started as she heard someone yelling for another someone named Alice. Alice.... The name sounds familiar.... I'll check it out. So, Elva took off running towards the voice.
Christ Almighty....What the hell happened here?))
PostPosted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 8:35 pm
The room was unfamiliar when Alice opened her eyes and looked around, trying to determine if the voices saying her name were real or not. They sounded vaguely familiar, and she was almost positive one of them was Rade's. She couldn't tell without seeing her own image, but she assumed from how she was starting to feel while becoming conscious again that something was very wrong. She felt unusually cold and although she hadn't moved quite yet other than to open her eyes, she knew something was wrong with her left arm. There was no pain, only a strange sense from that part of her body that begged Alice not to move it. Alice's eyes trailed around the room until the rested on a doorway where two faces appeared. She tried to find her voice, but it didn't come to her and when she went to move to sit up a bit more a terrible pain shot through her left arm.

Alice gasped out loud and reached over with her right hand to feel her left arm. Her eyes trailed down to a gaping wound and she could remember seeing Lance and a bolt stabbing through. The blood was still dripping out of the gash and Alice winced at the sight of seeing so much blood. Now she understood why she was so cold, and everything made sense. She looked up to where the two people were only to find that it was Rade and Tripp. She supposed that with her current situation, it wasn't making anything easier on them and that she probably looked like hell. She remembered that Rade had been left to deal with all of the Institutes and Tripp hadn't been back with her when she had made her way to the building they were now in. She supposed he had gotten into a fight of his own and she really hoped it wasn't one with Lance. She wanted to ask so many question but the words that managed to come to her mouth were simple ones and concerned ones. "Are you guys, ok- okay?"

Jaz Neko

Vice Captain

Original Lunatic

Vice Captain

Proxy Raider

PostPosted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 1:15 pm
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"We're doing better than you are, apparently." Radé chuckled quietly as she and Tripp walked over to Alice. Radé knelt down next to her and examined the wound quickly, casting Tripp a glance for some kind of input. His hands had been searching through his pockets the moment he noticed all the blood and they now held a vial of pain-killer and needle. He nodded to Radé.

Actually, the fact that they had been apart for so long and were still able to communicate without actually speaking or gesturing was a nod to their more than slightly close knit as partners and the apparently immortal bond they shared.

Radé loosened her arm bindings and tore off a decent length of the material to rig a quick bandage for Alice's shoulder. With that out of the way, she stepped back and let Tripp forward.

Tripp moved into the space Radé had just vacated and practically fell to the ground in a pile of limbs. While it had actually been more graceful than that, the six-foot skeleton could hardly do anything that resembled getting to the floor without looking like he had fallen/a pile of limbs sprawled all akimbo.

He filled the needle and gave Alice a slightly awkward grin. This was the second time he had done something like this for her. He examined her shoulder around the bandage, mentally changing pictures of muscles structures until they fit, superimposed by his head-computer, over her physical body. If it was him he would have just stabbed the needle into a likely place, but he didn't want to risk making Alice worse...

"Hey, Alice. What happened after Lance chased you, anyways?"

As Radé ran the distraction, Tripp injected the pain-killer into Alice's shoulder, tossed the needle and replaced the vial into its pocket. If the three hadn't been right there, it wouldn't have looked like he had done anything at all. The reflexive actions of the paranoid occasionally made themselves known in Tripp.

"Well, never mind then, we can talk about that later." Radé chuckled again, shifting her weight slightly as she pondered what to do next. "Hey, Tripp. Is the apartment still secure?" He nodded. "Alright. You wanna carry her and take us there?"

Tripp nodded, then stood and (with Radé's help) lifted Alice onto his back. He didn't think about it, but her being that close to him increased the chance of someone noticing that every move he made forced some piece of electronic to move and hum almost inaudibly; especially the ones in his arms and back now that he was supporting her weight.

He moved carefully, not wanting to jostle her too badly. Once back outside the abandoned house he paused to get his bearings and make sure that everything was still... not deadly.
PostPosted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 5:30 pm
((My head is spinning right now, so if there's a part in this next post that is confusing, I do apologize))

Alice was slipping in and out of consciousness. She had barely kept her eyes open during the entire procedure of fixing up her arm. She had opened them just in time to see a smile and she racked her brain trying to remember whose face it was. She pondered it a while and then heard a voice she was glad she remembered was Rade's. She was asking about what had happened with Lance. Ironicilly, she was having a hard time staying awake and thinking, but she remembered every detail of the short encounter with her brother and Madlax. The images were imprinted in her mind and her entire focus was trying to form the words to explain to Rade what happened. And yet, the words didn't come. Alice gave up on trying to explain and instead focused on not passing out again.

She didn't even feel it as the needle was inserted into her arm and every thing in the room was blurring including Rade and Tripp. She heard Rade put the question aside for later and asked someone to carry her. Alice was starting to put it together that Rade and Tripp were the two in the room and they had just been reunited. She wanted to apologize for getting them into so much trouble, but again, words weren't coming out and she stopped herself for a slur of mumbles and grumbles escaped her lips. She could feel herself being lifted onto something, or perhaps someone. If she concentrated long enough she could hear some sort of low hum, but she tried to ignore it, coming to the conclusion that it was her head spinning. They started moving and Alice felt the temperature change and wondered if they were outside and she wanted to ask where they were going. She remembered Rade asking about the apartment, so she guessed that was their destination.

Alice continued to relive what had happened over and over. Her mind kept flashing the image of being forced out the window by Madlax's power and she physically shivered from the traumatic event. While they walked, Alice tried to speak but it came out as a terrible slur. She hoped Rade would understand anyways and gave it a shot. "M-mmm-Madahlacks." It didn't sound right, but she had said it and couldn't take it back. She figured she must look pretty messed up.

Jaz Neko

Vice Captain

Original Lunatic

Vice Captain

Proxy Raider

PostPosted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 11:35 pm
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Gha'aru stood stock-still on the roof of the institute building, watching the skies for the helicopter that would contain Susan Cross and her father. To most people and cameras that could be viewing the roof-top, there was nothing there; especially not a nine-foot Scorpion-man.

He scanned the area again, tilting his head so that he might be able to catch the sound of the blades slicing through the air easier. There was nothing. He sighed to himself, wishing that the return would hurry up. In his boredom, Gha'aru took the time to examine his hands, just for something to do. His ebony skin seemed to absorb all the light around him, clashing violently with his pale blonde hair and white eyes. He couldn't help but wonder what they had to have done to make him like this; a giant, half what appeared to be elven and the other half scorpion. He grinned. Never once had Gha'aru been unhappy with what he was; in fact, he rather enjoyed the wide range of reactions he got.

His reverie was broken by the sound of a helicopter on the approach. It landed and the blades stopped spinning as the people began to disembark. As Susan and her father hit the ground Gha'aru moved over to them, leaving the Ethereal Plane and becoming visible as he approached. To most people, even the more experienced Institute members, having a nine-foot scorpion-man appear at your side suddenly was a little unnerving.

"I was told to wait for you Susan..."
PostPosted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 4:02 pm
((I feel like such a nub. I was reading through posts and when I was reading Senkos, I realized I had stolen Rade's font color and chose the same one for Susan, and I hadn't done this intentionally, but I feel really dorky. I wanted to find something clever and unique, and I went and stole Senko's color. gonk I changed all of Susan's posts to darkmagenta and changed her profile picture for anyone that cares. I'm so sorry Senko, you'd think I'd realize this seeing as Rade has had that color since the beginning of time.))

On the way back to the Institute, Susan and her father did not speak to each other again. She was too focused on getting back and checking up on Lance and he was too busy discussing the war against the rebels with the men who had accompanied him to the rooftop. Susan couldn't help but give sympathy to Jay's situation, and now she wouldn't be able to imagine what horrors the Institute would inflict upon him, that is, if he let the scientists and doctors get near him. She wondered if the doctors knew that Jay was different from the others and that he wasn't an Altered. It was unknown if their experiments would do anything to change his abilities and his appearance as it did to humans.

The helicopter trip was short, but felt like forever as Susan waited for the damn thing to land. Once it reached the launch pad, she was out, but her father held her back before she could sprint off into the building and head down into the infirmary to check on Lance. He still said nothing and nodded towards someone approaching. Susan turned quickly in time to see Gha'aru, and as always, the site of him made her shiver with fright. He was a magnificent beast and had to be one of the Institute's most prized creations. Susan's eyes trailed over to his torso where his body turned into that of a scorpions. The entire image was amazing, and yet terrifying all at once. Still, knowing he was on her side let her know she had little to fear. She nodded towards Gha'aru, respectively and waited for him to speak. He did.

But what he said confused her. "By whose orders?" She asked, trying to think of why he would have to wait for her. "Is everything okay? Did you hear news of Lance?"

Jaz Neko

Vice Captain

Original Lunatic

Vice Captain

Proxy Raider

PostPosted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 4:38 pm
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"It just came down the ladder, I don't know who sent it." Gha'aru shrugged stiffly, though he did give her a harder look when she suddenly exploded about Lance, "Lance. The one related to the rebel. Like that narrowed it down..." He shook his head quickly to get back on track, "I haven't heard anything at all about him. Not that they let near many... high risk... members. I assume that he's injured." Gha'aru laughed sharply, shaking his head, "Do you know who did it? I can't say the b*****d didn't deserve it... He's no better than the rest of us."

With that done, and not really caring for an answer, the Scarrow turned to the elevator the rest of the Institute goonies had retreated down while the others were talking. "You're supposed to brief me on what happened and what rebels you saw. I guess I get to go out on assignment depending on who was there." Gha'aru's voice dropped into a low growl while he was talking about going on assignment. It was rare that he was allowed out, and when he was, it was damn important. Usually trapping/killing the rebels that were the most powerful that the normal Altered had failed to get. And he treated it like a hunt. It was well known that the ones he had been allowed to kill were torn to shreds and then returned to the Institute.

He held the freight elevator open, just to see if the two 'normal' people would get in it with him, since he was far too big to take the stairs in a physical form. If not, he would meet them at the bottom of the stairs and they would continue this conversation there.
PostPosted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 6:11 pm
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"Madlax? What about her?" Radé blinked, keeping pace with Tripp moderately easily, "Last time I saw her... she was at our place. Kinda... broken."

Tripp halted again, this time just off of where the fight had gone down. There was a woman standing there, looking around, seemingly stunned at what she was seeing.

The cyborg signalled Radé silent and shifted Alice so that he had a free hand to pull his gun. The weapon trained automatically and his body started kicking into battle mode. He would protect his partner and Alice to the best of his augmented abilities... And even one handed, that was a lot.

Radé started at Tripp's signal, then glowered at the female standing at the alley. A natural reflex to dislike women kicked up on top of the 'protect' thing she currently had going on.

She growled quietly in the back of her throat as she pulled the sword off her back and got into a fighting position.

Vice Captain

Proxy Raider


PostPosted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 7:30 pm
Elva turned to see Rade, Tripp, and Alice. Hey! No need to take out your sword Rade! I'm one of the good guys! Elva walked up to the three, giving them her cat-like smile. Would anyone like to fill me in on the detail of what happened? If nobody does, I'll just make something up. Of course, last time I did that, I got in huge trouble...  

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