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Newbie Receiver

PostPosted: Sat Jan 28, 2006 7:35 am
Having a size advantage, Tharazzi swam ahead of Freyr in search of the knights. Their desire to find their friends seemed to override their need to breath. The two entered the city, Tharazzi switching to his large form to look more indimidating. Although they were underwater, Tharazzi could still breath fire and burn things because of the temperatures, even if it was harder to do. Once he had set the first set of houses on fire the people came. Even though the flames died out after about a minute they had lost the advantage of surprise.
Almost seems a shame to burn this place... tharazzi muttered as he drove back a line of the creatures with his tail.
Almost. freyr grinned, pushing forward and snapping her teeth at two young ones who turned and ran.
"Stop!" came a stern voice from somewhere within the ranks of mer-folk. A large merman came foward, he had dark green skin. As he passed the mer-people fell silent and watched in awe.
"Why have you come here dragons?" the man bellowed, speaking slowly acting as if they wouldn't understand otherwise.
"We are here in search of Fire and Neo." tharazzi said, stunning the crowd with his speaking abilities.
"If possible we would like to go somewhere we can breath."
The man nodded and turned, motioning for them to follow as he led them indoors.  
PostPosted: Mon Jan 30, 2006 11:36 am
Fire stood up, wanting to break the uncomfortable silence that seemed to creep up on them without noticing.
"I...I'll be back later." she muttered, shuffling towards the door.
"You can go if you want." neo said almost cheerily and back to normal.
"Just try and get my coat back, its cold in here." he called as the half panther opened the door. She nodded and stepped out, as the door closed Neo was left in darkness again.  


Newbie Receiver


Newbie Receiver

PostPosted: Mon Jan 30, 2006 12:57 pm
"We came here for the knights Fire and Neo." tharazzi said slowly, his gaze constantly on Neptune.
"Then you wasted a trip. Fire is free to live here, a great honour for a mere demon. "As long as she doesn't cause trouble or try to leave she can stay here."
What about Neo? freyr asked frantically, Tharazzi repeated the message for the time dragon.
"Neo? He shall be killed."
WHAT!?!?! freyr stepped forward and snapped her jaws inches from the kings head.
Why! she stamped her foot on the ground angrily, creating a crack in it then stood perfectly still. The purple dragon looked as though she was about to eat the man, yet no one else dared go near her.
"Humans that trespass here must be killed! They have caused us too much trouble in the past for us to let him live."  
PostPosted: Wed Feb 01, 2006 8:16 pm
Topaz simply glanced at the other elf as she walked passed, giving him an indifferent look, but there was asplit second as pity crossed her features. Then she looked away.
.: Simple half elf. They know not the wonders of either world, only the worst of both. :.
.: True, but your point... :.
.: Was already stated. Honestly, you should listen up more. :. She grinned. Topaz was beginning to learn a new way of talking, a more sarcastic approach, rather than her own more regal tone.

.: Should we practice? :.
.: Yes, but lets travel a bit further. I do not want to be within hearing distance of this pair. I might get scolded by Jager. He does have a short sting, him. :.
.: All too true. :.

They continued on.



PostPosted: Wed Feb 01, 2006 10:44 pm
Topaz and Mel found a large tree quite a ways away from Jager and Tycho.

"This is nice, lets stop here."

"What will you practice?" Mel tasted each word on the tip of his tongue before saying them. It was still a new language to him.

"Perhaps attacking. I'm adequate at moving through the air for now, I suppose. If I am to fight, though, I cannot rely on my bow."

"It has gotten you this far."

"But in close combat, it holds no purpose, and the arrows can act as nothing more than daggers. Anyways, perhaps you should practice manipulating the wind to fit your wings?"

"What does that mean?"

"Flying, you dolt!" Topaz giggled, pointing skywards. "The Dragon of Wind should be a master of the sky, no?" Mel laughed at this, and leaped into the tree to try some climbing. When he reached the top, he leaped into the air and began to fly with amzing grace.

Topaz, still on the ground, began to practice the air whip she had been working on earlier.
PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2006 10:04 am
I WILL see Neo. freyr said dangerously, sitting directly in front of the green-skinned man.
"Fine. But you will not snap your way to his freedom." neptune muttered, motioning for two slightly more aquatic looking people. One man and one woman. The pair positioned themselves, one in front and one behind the dragons.
I will do as i wish. And you will not stop me. the time dragon grinned as she was led away.
You might get your own way more if you act nicer. tharazzi said angrily. Or at least learn to insult people directly.
Freyr growled angrily and almost stepped on the guard as she stormed past.  


Newbie Receiver


Newbie Receiver

PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2006 12:59 pm
A door creaked open and shed a single line of pale light into the cell. The light was soon replaced by a dragonic shadow, however, as Freyr entered the room in her small form so that she would not damage the small structure of the cell.
The dull face of the prisoner lit up and a wide grin came to his features as he saw the dragon.
"Freyr!" he rejoiced, standing and pulling at the chain around his ankle as he lept towards the small creature.
I will rip them to pieces for hurting you. freyr snarled. She sat in the doorway and stared at the time knight.
"They haven't hurt me though...yet." he muttered, resting his hand on Freyr's soft fur.
I will rip them to pieces if they even think about trying to kill you. she said, looking up into her knight's eyes.
Someday we will walk freely. she muttered, resting her head on her front paws calmly.
"Where is Fire?" neo asked, jumping up then sitting again.
She is free to walk the city as she pleases. As long as she doesn't try to leave they promised not to harm her.
The reply calmed Neo considerably but he was still worried about the fate of the fire knight and his friend.
Worry about them when you are free. freyr muttered.  
PostPosted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 11:55 am
Fire stopped to view her surroundings. It was easy to forget that she was underwater while gazing at the intricate patterns carved into large stone pillars and grand hallways around the city. It was also easy to forget that it was a land of mer-people and that she was a fire knight and half panther. Something about the city and its structure made her feel happy and at home.
The voice of Tharazzi broke her out of her trace. The half panther span round and stepped back as the small red dragon lept at her.
I have been calling you for ages! he moaned while getting into a comfortable position around her neck.
Sorry. This place...it makes you feel like you belong...
This race is capable of powerful magic. the little dragon shuddered. Can we please go somewhere else?
Fire shrugged and began to walk elsewhere. But the whole city was laced with the same hypnotising magic that relaxed and soothed.
Maybe we should pay Neo another visit. tharazzi suggested.
Yeah. It is more close to reality than this place. she growled.  


Newbie Receiver


Newbie Receiver

PostPosted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 1:05 pm
((Out of boredness ish going to add a new character...soon...for a while... ninja ))

The door to Neo's cell opened once more as the fire knight and dragon stepped through.
"Hello." neo smiled, raising his hand distractedly at the half panther as she sat. Before he could say anything else a cream, long-tailed coat was thrown over his head.
"Thanks." he said in a muffled voice as he attempted to free himself and pull his coat on.
Freyr made a point of growled angrily and snapping at Fire and Tharazzi until she was tackled to the ground by Tharazzi.
"They are giving you a final appeal tomorrow." fire muttered through clenched teeth as she held the two dragons apart to stop them fighting.
"Final appeal? I haven't had one yet." neo muttered in response.
"Don't shoot the messenger." she growled.
"Do i have a weapon?"
Fire stood and looked around. "I don't want to live here." she said childishly while shaking her head.
"I don't know anyone who does." tharazzi pointed out once he had calmed himself and pursuaded Freyr to retreat behind her knight.
"Yeah. Not even these fish people seem happy here."
"That is why they are using magic!" tharazzi said happily.
"What? I've missed something..." neo said in a non-plussed tone of voice.  
PostPosted: Sat Feb 04, 2006 1:35 pm
((Sorry if I don't post as often. Computer's alittle screwy lately. sweatdrop ))

Siencyn sprinted ahead to the bank of the river and jumped gracefully upon a rock that protruded from the clear river's surface. He stood poised, waiting for Em.

"Well aren't you a show off..." She walked up to the river and crouched down, dipping her index finger into the cool water.

With one swift movement, she made an arc over her head. With the other hand, she followed that path of the thinner strip with a larger one. A small fish swam up curiously and swam up the funnel shaped strip.

Em broke the chain of water and held the small fish in an orb of water.
"Now look who's showing off..." Sien jumped up and spread his wings, gliding up, then back down past Emelin, grabbing the fish in his jaws and breaking her concentration which sent the water all over her.

"Thank you dearest..." She stood back up and wrung out some water from her tunic as he landed on the other side, swallowing the fish in one gulp and grinned.



PostPosted: Sun Feb 05, 2006 5:08 am
Tycho shook his head sadly.
That did not go as i had planned. he muttered to himself.
It does not matter. Just concentrate on making us whole. shruikan sniffed.
I am beginning to sense a rebellious streak within you. the half moon elf said calmly. You would do well to remember who is going to set you free.
You grew up on a farm. You know the stories?
I am yet to meet someone that doesn't know the legends of the dragon knights.
The half elf smiled and increased his pace, aware that he was without supplies or money. He hoped to find the life dragon soon.  
PostPosted: Sun Feb 05, 2006 9:37 am
"Just think yourself lucky. I'd rather be in here than trapped in happy land." fire hissed.
"What?" neo stared at the half panther completly clueless.
"Neptune. He is using magic or has someone that can use it and is casting spells that make people feel happy while they are in the city." tharazzi half explained.
"Why should i care?" neo muttered, sitting still for hours in semi-darkness had left him in a foul mood.
Isn't that what you did though? freyr said to him. Help others when they needed it. Stop the bad guys. Be the hero. she smiled at him childishly.
That is what i did. Or tried to do... he said mostly to himself.
Help them. Like you did before. Its your job now. she said happily.
Neo stood up then frowned and sat again.
"How are we going to do this?" he asked.  


Newbie Receiver


Newbie Receiver

PostPosted: Sun Feb 05, 2006 11:47 am
"Couldn't you just...blow the wall to pieces?" fire suggested, paused then continued. "You should stop time first though."
"I'm not strong enough." he muttered.
"To stop time for a few seconds?"
"No. Sitting alone in the dark for days with two meals of bread and water don't leave you with much energy." he grinned.
Fire shrugged. "We could try. And you have Freyr to help you."
Freyr nodded her agreement.
"Fine. But just remember how much you hate water."
The time knight closed his eyes and concentrated on holding back the water outside of the cell with time. He realized quickly how hard it would be.
"Hurry." he muttered through clenched teeth. he suddenly heard a loud crash and dust covered him along with a few drops of water as his concentration wavered.
"Come on then!" she called, taking hold of his hand.
"No." he pulled away and stumbled towards the door. "I'd run." he gasped, more water fell onto Fire and Tharazzi.
The half panther frowned and moved away just as a door opened and a messenger walked in then back out again.
Freyr growled at Neo and shook her head. The pieces of wall that had crumpled to expose the water outside suddenly jumped back into place then Neo fell against the newly constructed wall weakly.
"Told you it wouldn't work."  
PostPosted: Sun Feb 05, 2006 1:00 pm
"And now you're in trouble." the half panther grinned, staying away from the wall as if she feared how stable it was.
"Thanks to you." the alien snapped irritably.
Suddenly the door slammed open, creaking on its hinges and snapping back slightly.
"Neptune will see you now." a small child shouted into the cell, unlocking the lock around his ankle and roughly pulling him out into a brightly lit corridor. In great contrast to the dark celler he had just been in.  


Newbie Receiver


PostPosted: Sun Feb 05, 2006 4:29 pm
As she was taking water from her tunic and scowling at Siencyn, she saw a flash of light from the corner of her eye.

In an instant, she raised her right arm which sent a whip of water straight at a demon who came at her with it's silvery claws. The water wrapped around its head, slowly drowning it. It let out a shiek which was muffled by the bubble of water and started to claw at itself.

Sien leaped across the river and grew five times his size, tackling the demon to the ground.

The demon grappled with Sien on the grass, coughing from the lack of oxygen until the large dragon snapped his neck. The black demon twitched once out of reflex and stopped moving all together.

Em stood wide eyed and Siencyn walked up to her and laid down near her as if nothing had happened.

"Nice reflexes." Em grinned and stroked his fur, continueing her practice with the water.
Dragon Knights of Jal'Rusai

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