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Ponder Bear

PostPosted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 6:01 pm
He cracked the pickaxe into the ground as hard as he could. He wasn't quite sure what to do, so he followed what the others were doing. They seemed to have a rythym, but Atticus slowly sped that up. A small smirk went onto his face as he had just made the entire brigade work harder and faster. This way they would be done a lot faster, he hoped. The light shined onto his bare back as he cracked out his neck a bit. It seemed like the slaves were pretty well kept here, but he knew that Zephyr would be hard to win over for Atiicus to get on his good side. Also, who was this other man who had chosen the girl he tried to help, and what was he going to do to her? So many questions whirled through his mind, but his body kept working, and working, and working.  
PostPosted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 8:11 pm
A feeling. Can it really be a feeling? No... it was much more than just some feeling. It was something that became more important than any other feeling, to the point where it wouldn't even be considered a feeling anymore. It is now as important as life itself, maybe even more... However it may be definded, Titto definitly knows deep down in his heart that he is in love. The night, as well as the world around him, seemed to drag to a hault as his kiss with Kurai continued. In his mind, he believe that everything would last a lifetime as long as they were together as they are now. It was as if Titto's wishes were being granted but somehow he knew... not all of his wishes were done being granted yet. They were in the process even at this very moment.

(Cue Twilight In The Moonlight Music)
Kurai... I love you... with all my might, heart, and soul. And as long as I continue to breath and my heart continues to beat, the love I have for you will never end. Once he said these words, they were repeated multiple times in his mind as he continued to embrace Kurai in his arms. It was now the middle of the night. Had to be passed midnight by now. Kurai's body began to weaken as her eyes began to disappear in her eyelids. Titto felt Kurai's tail slowly wrapping around his waiste and soon realized that she might actually be falling asleep from feeling too relaxed and comfortable. As she leaned on him, he could here her words slowly drift out of her mouth in a tiny whisper that could still be heard and understood.

Titto... I lov--- She didn't have the strength to finish her words. Titto smiled down on her as her head was resting against his chest. He then picked her up a little bit and slowly fell back on the bed, making sure she doesn't wake up from her sweet slumber. Now they both were on the bed. Kurai was sleeping on top of Titto and he was stroking her behind her ears and down her backside. He even might've heard her purr a couple times. He didn't bother trying to put the covers over the both of them cause somehow he knew he was keeping her warm and comforable enough... mainly because she was doing the same for him. Titto was very happy with everything right now. He didn't want that night to end at all. As he continued to pet and rub Kurai, he looked out the window and stared up into the star. He was just lost in thought and he couldn't stop thinking about her. He thought about what the future would be like too and he was really looking forward to spending the rest of his life with her and having a future with her. There was nothing more he wanted than a future with Kurai, who was now the one he absolutely loves. As he continued to let his mind wonder among the stars, he began to finally doze off and later fell asleep.


Vice Captain

PostPosted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 6:31 am
(Death-sleeping )
Her sub concious mind, felt her blood run out as if has turned cold. Her skin was light pale from getting her blood sucked out of her. Her mind was still cloudly, her body was brought onto the bed, a new one from the last one she was going to have. Her arms and hands rested over her chest, as if she was dead or a deep sleep like sleeping beauty.

The room was silent and still when he left, but inside a fire was burning, her body was lying across the firery abyss. When she opened her eyes, almost like the song, she was already up. Her out fit simple but yet sexy.

If you was in the dream, you'd her the songs, as it went ,

Typical and hardly
The type i fall for
I like when the physical
Don't leave me askin' for more
I'm a sexy mama (Mama)
Who knows just how to get what I wanna (Wanna)
What I wanna do is bring this on ya (On ya)
Back up all of the things that I told ya (Told ya)

You've been sayin' all the right things all night long
But I can't seem to get you over here to help take this off
Baby, can't you see?
How these clothes are fittin' on me
And the heat comin' from this beat
I'm about to blow
I don't think you know........
When she opened her eyes, she groaned. Her neck felt stiff, she felt mighty cold. Touching her neck first, there was a two peircings on her neck, vampire's kiss mark on her neck. Her lips tingled as well, "What happened to me..?" She asked out loud. She looked around at her room, she even wondered where was she. The room she had before, was like what a servant or a normal slave like her self would have. She got up, started to walk quietly out the room, before she thought she was caught some where she shouldn't be.
PostPosted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 6:12 pm
[[sigh... now we go back to the posting of music... I guess I'll restart doing that... but maybe not for every post...]]
[Cue Sweet Lullaby Music]

A true paradise. It was absolutely lovely outside. You could smell the scent of the lavender and mayflowers spread through the air, the sun was shown brightly and reflected off the near by stream behind the temple. The vivid wings of butterflies caught the attention of everyone, including Ushi, who began chasing them about happily.

The young Kurai was sitting by the stream, deep in concentration and thought. Her tail wafted a little with the warm breeze and the sun felt good raining softly upon her closed eyes. A tall figure began t o approach her. Wearing a long pair of gray pants and a sleeveless grey shirt in which the sleeves seemed to have been ripped off, the man slowly kneeled over and rested a hand on Kurai's shoulder. Both of her neko ears perked at his voice.

"It looks like your really determined to learn it huh little Rai?"

Kurai fell back, landing softly at the feet of him. She stared up at him cutely, her tail reached up and wrapped around his wrist.

"Why of course Master Bengi! Kurai will try her hardest to learn your secret technique! Because Master Benji said--" The two began to talk in unison.

"In order to become powerful, and in order to learn the ultimate techinique, one must concentrate hard, and fully try to understand themselves better!"

Kurai giggled as Master Benji bellowed out in laughter. "That 'a girl Rai! That 'a girl! You keep at it, and one day, you might almost get to be as cool as I am. Ha Ha Ha!!"

"I will try hard to make you proud Senpai!"


7:35 am. [Cue Peaceful Sense of Mind Music]

The red of her eyes was visible yet again. Not only was the warmth from Titto's embrace keeping her warm, but the sunshine through the window sill also warmed her skin. When Kurai looked over, she spotted Ushi, asleep at the doorway, to guard anyone from entering. Even during the night he was protective it seemed. Though she did not get much rest from the night before, she felt completely rejuvenated. Titto seemed to still be asleep, and for the time being she spent her first moments after waking to think about the night before and to think about the dream she just had. A small sigh escaped her plush peach lips and she nudged Titto's chest affectionately, trying not to wake him.

A Mistake Called Love


PostPosted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 8:55 pm
(Cue Sadness Of The Fallen Ones Music) It was a dark day. An ominous feeling littered the atmosphere as black clouds seem to linger around above. Down below was a burning house in the woods. A band of what appeared to be bandits were shooting fire arrows at the burning house to add to the blaze. The only person left alive that could watch from a safe distance away from it all... was Titto. He could only watch as his family and his home... just go up in a giant burning flame. When his mind was shattered and he body had seen enough, he turned and ran. He didn't know where he was going but he knew it was far away. He never could imagine that after the tragedy happened, his life would greatly improve after a certain point. As he continued to run, everything around him seemed to turn pitch black. He could no longer see anything around him anymore. It was as if he was in a void dimension full of nothingness. He looked around in a panic state, desperately looking for a light to show him the way. That's when it appeared. He suddenly say a golden shining light coming from one direction. Without thinking, he instantly began running to the source of the light. As he got closer, he could see the outline of a person. The more he ran, the more the person was revealed to him. First the cat-like ears. Then came the tail. The arms and legs became visible after a few seconds and finally the face was revealed. The person he was running to... the person that was emitting the golden warm light... was Kurai. Seeing her face seemed to give Titto more strength as he ran faster than before. When he finally reached her, he embraced her in his arms. As soon as he did, everything turned white and bright. When the brightness faded, Titto saw the ceiling of his room.

(Cue Morning Soul Music) His eyes were halfway open for a good while until he finally opened them all the way. When they focus, he looked down in front of him and saw Kurai as she was smiling at him while softly and affectionately nudging his chest. Titto grinned at her and chuckled a little bit.

Hey... Good morning, Kurai...
PostPosted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 5:50 am
[ Cue Lost in A Dream Music]

Where am I.... what happened to me... Rose looked about her and she was surrounded in an black shroud. Everything looked dark and the only thing visible there was herself and a small ray of light. The light spoke inside of her mind, giving her encouraging words.

'Rose... everything will be ok, just trust in the one who cares for you most...'

Its undefined shape slowly began to engulf her.

[ Cue Awakening Music]

Who cares for me the most.... A small flash and the scene reappeared in her mind. Rose could see the young vampire male kneel beside her and tenderly cradle her body back and forth to wake her. There was no response from the girl. In a sort of anguish and guilt, he cradled the girl in his arms and took her inside. Resting her gently on the bed provided, he caressed her face and hair. His facial expression showed affection and apology. Rose blinked once, and the light disappeared from her eyes, the scene began to fade to black. One more blink and her eyes were slowly opening again, this time, she was peering up at her master.

"Hmm---" The grey of her eyes began to slighty hue a simple green tone, illuminating and giving her once concealed eyes life. A small flush of peach tone began to replace her once pale skin and it seemed now that Rose would be alright. All she could do was gaze at the one beside her, who was softly ebracing her.

A Mistake Called Love


PostPosted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 6:17 am
((Never mind guys...never mind...))

Kyrox had been sitting at Rose's side near the bed for quite some time now, carefully stroking her hair and tenderly embracing her skin to keep her as comfortable as possible. He was relieved to see her start to come to, her pale skin gaining hue, a color of soft peach. Rose's eyes began to come to life as well, sporting a slight green light within. All he could do was look at her, she looked and gazed up at him in response. Their eyes met gaze for a few moments, and her look gave him the feeling that she was alright...for now.

"Rose...I'm so sorry..." He spoke in a soft, but honest tone. His words were sincere, he meant what he said with all of his heart and soul. "I...didn't mean to yell and force that amount of work on you...I..wasn't myself then..." This much was true as well, his darker vampiric side took over briefly, he lost sight of what was really important to him. He wanted affection, he wanted...love even...

Kyrox stood up enough to be able to gently hover over Rose's small body. He carefully lifted her, and softly embraced her in his arms, but this time not to carry, but simply to hold her and caress her back and hair...he hugged her for what seemed like the longest time, then brought her face to meet his in gaze again. Their faces were very close, he could feel and hear Rose's faint yet lively breathing. She looked at him with the same eyes as before it seemed.


((Seagull, your post will come soon today.))  
PostPosted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 7:16 am
[ Cue Peaceful Sense Of Mind Music]

"Hey... Good morning, Kurai..."

"EEP!" Kurai rolled off the bed in shock as she realized he had awakened. She was far to concentrated in caressing his sleeping body to notice he had opened his eys and woken up. Ushi rose to the sound of Kurai hitting the hardwood floor and carpet beside the bed. He pounced on the bed and bgean to bite at Titto's leg, automatically thinking him the culprint.

"ME-ME-ME!" This sort of yell could be translated into a "How dare you hurt master you jerk?! I'll show you!"

"Gahh----" She was in a complete daze. Small little spirals could make out for her eyes and she dizzily rocked on the floor. Kurai's tail wagged back and forth as her ears sunk closer down to her head. 5 minutes passed like this. Kurai laying on the floor moaning in slight pain and confusion, Ushi nawing away at Titto's leg in anger, and Titto in shock and confusion as well.

When Kurai finally began to regain her composure, she sat up placing her back on the side of the bed. "Oww-oww-oww... gahh... I'm so stupid..."

A Mistake Called Love


PostPosted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 8:33 am
(Cue Friendly Fire Music) Titto was surprised by Kurai's reaction when he awakened. She yelped and fell off the bed. His body shot up but before he could get out of bed to help her, Ushi came rushing in and began to attack Titto. When he bit his leg, he grunted a flinched a little bit but he endured it.

Kurai! Are... you okay? All the while, Ushi get biting and growling at Titto. All he was trying to do was make sure she was ok. Kurai seemed to be dazed from the fall. Her head tilted back and forth for a good few minutes. Finally, she recovered from her cofusion and sat up with her back leaning against the side of the bed.

Oww-oww-oww... gahh... I'm so stupid... Titto was finally able to get out of bed with Ushi still attacted to him by the teeth. He kneeled down by Kurai and tended to her injury.

Are you ok? I'm very sorry if I startled you. I didn't mean to cause you to fall... Oh I'm so sorry... You could tell in his voice that he felt pretty bad about it and he only hoped she was too badly hurt from the fall. After all, she did land on hardwood floor. That can be pretty painful when falling on it. He placed his hands on both her shoulders to straighten her body and he looked directly into her eyes to see if she was really ok.
PostPosted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 8:49 am
Night swilled out over the land, corroding the sky quickly and pilfering daylight from the earth.

A dark light temporarily blinded Xerros from all possibilities of getting caught. This was it. This was his time…

Xerros smirked, ripping the zipper from the top of his new garments with his teeth. With a rapid, nearly invisible movement from his tongue, he flipped the broken zipper in his mouth, the sharp end now sticking out slightly. He glanced to his left, insuring no one was looking even though he was locked in a room by himself; chained mercilessly to a wall. Spiked chains that hung from the ceiling bound him so. He smirked.

He lowered his chained hand towards his mouth, slipping the end of the zipper into the hole where the key was supposed to be. He struggled, trying quickly to find which direction to rotate to that it would snap from its tight hold.

Blood filled his mouth suddenly, his tongue scorching in pain. His left eye twitched, as he watched the red liquid leak from his mouth to the floor. The spiked chains his master set up tried fiercely to pierce his bare skin, but he fought valiantly, staying as still as possible while trying to complete the operation. He had to be stealthy so he wouldn't wake anyone up.

Nearly 5 minutes passed and Xerros heard a click. He was nervous, thinking the click came from the door to his left; but in actuality was the chain that bound him so tightly to the wall that was the source of the noise. The hold on Xerros’ arm lost its grip, now dangling futilely from the ceiling.

Xerros smirked, grabbing the metal that was once a zipper lodged into his tongue and used it quickly to undo the chain around his other arm. He now smiled fully, flexing his scrawny, long, pale arms and undoing the chains from around his ankles.

It was time.


Xerros glanced around his surrounding area. All he needed was something sharp. He scratched his head, now moving about the room in a silent manner. There was no way he could’ve been heard. Then it dawned on him. The epiphany of a lifetime flew from the earth’s core, slamming him smack dab in the head. The spiked chains!

Xerros slipped back to the other side of the small, dark room quickly, grabbing one of the chains that once held him to the wall. He glanced at the point of the long, metal object. Surely it was sharp enough.

He then stuck two fingers in his mouth. Out of his mouth came two bloody fingers; this would do the trick. He smeared the blood on the window in front of him, making large circle. No matter what the size, Xerros would be able to squeeze out. He thanked God that moment he had a scrawny body.

After outlining the circle on the window, he spat in the center of the circle. Blood and saliva oozed downward slowly, gravity taking its toll. Xerros smirked, dabbing the point of the sharp spike in the blood in which was spat in the middle. This would cancel any squealing noise that would be made while he cut the very thin window.

He went around the circle with the sharp spike 3 swift times. The window cracked stealthily; the part that he cut out falling out towards the ground outside of the building.

Xerros let the spiked chain go, diving quickly for the piece that had fallen out so that it wouldn’t make any noise hitting the ground.

Cold air stung his face. He didn't know the weather could change so quickly. He grabbed the loose, large window shard before it touched the ground, placing it then quietly on the ground. Xerros smirked, looking back and seeing no one. He glanced out the window, soon squeezing through and flopping out onto the ground outside. When the master of slaves woke up the next morning, she would find no one in the spot he used to be in. This made him smile.

Wind whipped his hair back behind him and he rose to his feet, hopefully free at last.

Xerros glanced in the sky, looking at the stars. He began chuckling to himself, his red, blood covered teeth showing in the bright night sky. He glanced at a bright, star that lay gently in front of him in the sky. “I’m following that star to freedom!” he said, now running quickly into the forest. There was no way he was going to get caught now.

As Xerros ran, wind thrashing his hair around violently, he hummed slave toons to himself, laughing all the while…


Wade in the Water
Wade in the Water, children
wade in the Water
God's gonna’ trouble the Water

Who's that yonder dressed in red
Wade in the Water
Must be the Children that Moses led
And God's gonna’ trouble the Water


As he crossed a nearly dried river not five minutes later, he approached a sign. The sign had directions and locations of different areas. The letters were faded and unclear, so there was only one direction he was able to read. It was west: ‘OUTSKIRTS WEST OF MARINE’

“Screw the north star, that thing led slaves to their demise! I’m goin’ this way!”


A Mistake Called Love

PostPosted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 9:39 am
[Cue Ackward Happenings Music]

"Kurai! Are... you okay?" Titto rushed to her side while Ushi continued to battle with his pants leg. From the holes in the pants, it seemed like Ushi was winning. Pieces of Titto's pants lingered around the area.

"Ummm--- uh huh...." Kurai's head was still slightly spinning and her nod looked in need of some help, for it rocked side to side and up and down.

"Are you ok? I'm very sorry if I startled you. I didn't mean to cause you to fall... Oh I'm so sorry..."

"Its-- its okay. Meow... uhh ---- Drink no-co-co-co.. co co... Mew." Kurai blushed and shook her head more. "Uhh-- I mean water... would be nice... heheh"

Looking up at Titto with a faint bit of embarassment she tried to stand up and stumbled on top of him. Ushi's face went blank for a few seconds then flashed a hint of anger and jealousy. Quickly he dashed out of the room.

Kurai lifted herself up so that she was just inches from covering him completely. From Kurai's waist and up, she hovered over him, her legs spread apart around his waist, fanning out the long night gown she wore. She gazed down at him affectionately. In a gulity tone she muttered.

"Sorry about that Titto, are you ok? I didn't mean to fall on you.... do you forgive me..." Blushing she closed her eyes and sweatdropped. It was until she opened them again that she noticed where his head was near. The way Kurai's small body hovered over him was extremely ackward. Her chest were inches away from his face, and apparently he had noticed a while ago because his face was flushed red.

"!!! Eeeck! I'm so sorry wait let me---!" Kurai tried to reposition herself so the image of the two wouldnt look so bad. Before she could shift over enough she felt a cool sensation ease down her face. Her ears were wet, her hair and night gown were soaked, not to mention Titto as well.

"ME-Re-MEM!" Ushi smiled as the bucket of water hit Titto and Kurai. Ushi was very intelligent indeed, maybe to intelligent. After hearing the request from Kurai for water, he had rushed downstairs to furfill his task and show Titto that Ushi could be more usefull to Kurai. With haste he brought back the bucket and quickly gave his master water. Now Kurai should like him more for sure!

The water dripped down Kurai's ends, and soaked into her nightgown. Now not only was she in a bad position, her shirt was wet... and that was enough said. Kurai did not have enough time to even see if Titto had a nose bleed or whether he was staring or in plain old shock, but out of embarassment she fainted. Kurai's wet and fragile body now lie in the hands of Titto, who's leg was yet again being chomped at by Ushi. It seemed like though the day just began, it was going to be full of surprises.
PostPosted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 8:36 pm
(Cue Something Perculiar... Music)
Titto did the best he could to see if Kurai was alright after the fall.

Its-- its okay. Meow... uhh ---- Drink no-co-co-co.. co co... Mew. Uhh-- I mean water... would be nice... heheh. Titto heard Ushi make a snorted noise and dash out the room but he kept his eyes on Kurai. He could tell she was feeling slightly embarassed about falling like she did. When she tried to stand up, she didn't quite have balance so she fell over on Titto's body. She was now hovering over his body in a bit of an awkward position. Her legs were spread out around his waist and fanned out her night gown. She then stared at Titto with a feeling of affection in her eyes and muttered to him in a guilty yet cute voice. Sorry about that Titto, are you ok? I didn't mean to fall on you.... do you forgive me... Titto gazed back at her and smiled.

Of course. Everything is just fine... At that moment, both of them realized just what position they were in. Titto looked to see where his head was for a second. Realizing where it was and the way Kurai was positioned on top of him made Titto's face turn blood red and it felt like his head got very heavy yet light at the same time. Kurai caught on to the situation and tried to reposition herself. The way she moved made things a bit more awkward. That's when water came from nowhere and showered down on the two. It was pretty chilling and surprising. They both looked over and saw that Ushi was the one who threw the water on them. When Titto looked back at Kurai, his eyes couldn't help but slip down for a second as he felt annoyed because didn't like being wet. With Kurai being soaked with cold water, Titto once again felt awkward at how things are currently situated. At that moment, his head fell back to the floor and his eyes were dialated as they aimed up at the ceiling and his mouth wide open from shock. He felt immobilized and couldn't do anything at all. As soon as his head flew back, Kurai fainted on top of him from too much embarassment this early in the morning. Until Ushi attacked Titto again, they were both immobilized on the floor. The bite revived him as his head shot up from the biting sensation. He looked at Kurai as she was knocked out on top of him. Titto overcame his embarassment and took action. Without shifting her body at all, he used his strength to stand up and hold her loose body in his arms. It wasn't too hard since Kurai was light to him. He then gently placed her body on the bed, put the covers over her so her wet body wouldn't get too cold and ran out the room. Ushi let go of his leg and went to check up on Kurai just before he went through the door. Titto dashed down the hallway and into the bathroom to soak a wash cloth in cold water. He came out with it and went back towards the room but he couldn't get in. Ushi was guarding the door and wasn't gonna let Titto in. He signed to himself as he still tried to get through. That's when Ushi lunged towards his face with his teeth baring out immensly. Titto reacted and put up his arm to defend. Ushi clamped on and his teeth went through the skin and deep into his arm. Titto had no choice but to endure this great pain. He just wanted to help Kurai and he knew Ushi wasn't gonna listen to him. He continued to walk in with blood dripping from his left arm. When he got back to her side, he folded over the cloth a few times into a perfect rectangle and placed it perfectly centered on her forehead. There, that should do it... I hope this will help revive you, Kurai. Until then, Stay there and get all the rest you need and just Titto take care of the house work for you. Hopefully I can........I can.....ahhh..... He turned and sat on the floor, leaning his back against the side of the bed. Now he had to figure out how he was gonna get the one attached to his arm to let go. First thing that came to mind was trying to relax and comfort him. Titto began petting and scratching Ushi all over his body, hoping to find a weak spot. He found a couple and he lessened his grip until he finally took his teeth out and began to make a happy playful cry.

(Cue Homebound Journey Music)
Me-rem. Ushi looked content now, which made Titto laugh. It was short-lived when he felt his arm sting from the bite wound with blood still dripping. The only thing he could do was grab a couple tissues from the night stand he was right next to and use the tissues to cover the wound and hopefully stop it from bleeding. It slightly burned a little but he could take it. After he wiped the blood off his arm and clean up as much as he could off the floor, he stood up and walked out the room.

Okay... There's still house work that needs to be done....like that window... He groaned at the thought only because he had such a hard time fixing it yesterday. Then he came up with a plan to do everything first to get it out the way and then do the window. That way everything else will be done in case he can't do the window. Before putting his plan into action, he turned and looked back at Ushi. Hey Ushi. He turned and gave him the cold shoulder. Titto just sighed and talked anyway, knowing full-well Ushi would have to hear him out since it concered his master. I'm counting on you to take care of Kurai for me while I do some house work. Think you can do that for me? At first, there was no response. He still had his back turned to Titto with his tail sway casually, ignoring him. But Titto knew he still heard him. He just grinned and proceeded downstairs to complete the chores. Slowly, the day was passing by as Titto did oddjobs. He swept the kitchen floor, cleaned and dusted the living room and all the nice and priceless decorative pieces it holds. His clothes from yesterday were finished being washed so in the midst of doing other work, he changed into his elegant clothes and washed the ones he was just in. A couple hours have passed and Titto got a lot done around the house. All the rooms were dusted, the kitchen has been cleaned and all the windows and tables have been sprayed and wiped down. The house even had a pleasant and enchanting fragrance lingering through. Titto did an exceptional job with the cleaning and other jobs. Now he just had one task left... He had to finish fixing that window. He felt that he was ready this time. He quickly got to work on it, hoping to have it finished before Kurai woke up. He wanted her to be surprised by his efforts and accomplishments.


A Mistake Called Love

PostPosted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 6:44 am
[ Cue Thinking On A Sentiment Music]

The way he said her name made her feel a light. Thoughts were rushing into her head with every word he spoke, it made her think.

He says hes sorry... it shows he cares... But--- Looking into his eyes tenderly the greenish glow changed to that of a darkish blue. Rose's eyes showed affection and sympathy. But his vampiric side...

The thought of him becoming that cruel hearted soul hurt her, and made a small tear escape the corner of her eye. I am his now... there is nothing I can do about that... all I can do is try my hardest to help him...

Rose decided to act. Her slender arms found refuge on his back, and she lifted her self up to sit. Looking to his eyes now, this time her eyes becoming a color that resembled the bright blue sky, she looked at him, with a bold and happy gaze.

"I don't want to see you become that cold-hearted man you were before... I want to keep you sustained and at ease. I want to help you keep that evil at bay." Rose paused for a second, letting her thoughts take over. "I am yours... and only yours... and while I'm in this world, and while your still my master... I will do my hardest to keep you happy. No matter what..."
PostPosted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 11:58 am

"I don't want to see you become that cold-hearted man you were before... I want to keep you sustained and at ease. I want to help you keep that evil at bay."

Kyrox was slightly taken aback at these words.

"I am yours... and only yours... and while I'm in this world, and while your still my master... I will do my hardest to keep you happy. No matter what..." Could he believe what he was hearing? Did she just tell him that she actually did not mind being owned? He took a second to think...her face seemed happy...happy enough, at least. Wasn't that what he really wanted? For her to be happy and comfortable around him? Yes...but, he had to do his best to keep it that way, for her sake...he couldn't let the evil in his heart take over again...he had to do his best to keep it under control. He had to try....

"Rose...let me help you make yourself at home...Servant or not...you belong here now, and we're going to keep it that way." He embraced her closer to him, as she had wrapped her arms around him. He felt her warm body touch his own, and felt comforted at his own words, along with her body. He was glad that things were working out between them now...it seemed like they were to him.

"So...would you be interested in staying here with me for a few nights, or would you prefer your own room?" Although the question seemed awkward, he was being honest. He wouldn't mind having her by him at night, in fact, he would've liked it. She did belong to him, after all...



A Mistake Called Love

PostPosted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 2:39 am
"So...would you be interested in staying here with me for a few nights, or would you prefer your own room?"

Rose looked away when he stated this. Even though the mansion was amazing, and the scenery surrounding the whole structure was the most pleasant thing to the eye... It was also the house that made her feel uncomfortable. Rose detested being in areas full of people, let alone hard-working slaves and maids. Let alone that but Rose could feel a strange aura from the house, whether it was due to Zephyr or just the vampiric nature of the home.

"I--- I don't think this mansion is the best place for me.... or for you right now..." It was hard for her to do so, but she was going to muster up the courage to tell her master to leave his own home.

"You need to get away from all this.... Maybe this house is one of the reasons why you---" Rose shuddered at the thought of before and shook her head. "You should get out more.... travel the land... see everything this beautiful world has to offer.... don't condem yourself to live in these walls, you need to be free... plants arent the only things that need room to grow..." She turned to him again after giving her own little insightful words. Feeling proud of herself, and satisfied with the reasonings she just gave him, she silently waited for him to think and reply.
M.M.O.M - Guild Role Play

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