*As you enter the main hall, you see a document posted on the Announcement board, you begin to read, as it seems important.*


Greetings Comrades,

I, High Commander Iscariot, Have been working on the structure of our ranking system, this shall be the backbone of it, for now, it may change and mold into shape as time progresses, so send me your suggestions and other comments, and they may be implemented, no promises though. Well, enough rambling.


Command Staff:

High Commandant: Guild Leader

Generals: Directly under High Commandant, Either founders or Elite tacticians. 3 of 4


Colonel: Field Marshal, directs operatives inside their Area of Operations

Lieutenant: Takes over for Colonel in unforeseen circumstances.

Sergeant: Commands Squadron, receives orders from Lieutenant or Colonel. Orders From Lieutenant can be canceled/overridden by Colonel and above.

Major: Trains recruits. Takes over for Sergeant if need arises

Corporal: Step Above Private, has some degree of authority over them. Assistant to Sergeant.

Private: Recruits, Grunts, more or less.


Quartermaster: "Lord of the Stockroom" the Quartermaster handles the Quartering (Where they stay) of new recruits along with managing supply stocks.

Chef: Provides Sustenance for Operatives.

Weaponmaster: A Quartermaster who manages the Armory.

Contract Officer: Front Desk-jockey, Manages client data, sends contracts to Command staff to approve, and handles reward payments For Operatives.

Communications Officer: Guidance for Operatives on the field, sends data to their assigned Unit and tries to keep them alive basically.

In-Base Medic: Handles Medical Care of operatives, hires Nurses with approval of one of the command staff.

Intelligence Operatives: Get all information needed for a successful mission Before the contract is available for an operative to accept.


Let me know if I have forgotten anything. That is all....

Good Day, and Good Luck