*Name: Lennox
*Race: Elf
*Size: Medium
*Age: 2,034 years
*Gender: Male
*Height: 5' 4"
*Weight: 150lbs.
*Alignment: Lawful Good
*Deity: Tyr
*Class: Fighter
*Level: 1st
*Paragon Path (when applicable)
*Epic destiny (when applicable)
*Ability scores: STR: 18 DEX: 14 CON: 14 INT: 12 WIS: 14 CHA: 18
*Initiative score: +6;(improved Initiative feat, DEX Mod)
*Defenses: Steel shield, chain shirt, silver gauntlets
*Hit points (max, temp, healing surges): 12
*Movement speed: 30ft.
*Senses: Magical doors/ portals within 5ft.
*Attack/damage information (attack bonuses, damages, defense): BAB: +1, +4 STR Mod
*Skills: Climb, handle animal, intimidate, craft: weapon smithing, swim
*Race features: +2 to listen, search, and spot checks. Immune to magic sleep spells and effects
*Class/path/destiny features
*Feats: Improved initiative, quick draw
*Languages known: Common, sylvan, elven
*Powers (at-will, encounter, daily, utility)
*Magic items: