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Sith Navy

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 1:20 pm
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 1:21 pm
Name/Model Number: Predator-Class Star Destroyer

Alias: Predator

Race/Product Manufacturer: Sith Drive Yards

Physical Description/Dimensions:
Height: 943 m
Length: 2843 m
Width: 1822 m

Affiliation: Sith Empire

History/Design Features:
The Predator is the primary ship of the Sith Fleet. A formidable vessel, it boasts weaponry more potent than most ships in its class. While most of her weapons lie under her skin, the front of the ship sports a powerful "Maw Cannon." The Maw cannon channels energy directly from the ship's warp reactor, and focus it into a powerful beam of Warp energy. The result being distorted space and time around the beam, which causes rapid decay and structural warping of the target.

Master/ Operator: Ship Master

Weapon(s): 300 x Plasma Megacannon, hidden under Weapons' pores; 30 ten-barreled barbette Turbolaser batteries, hidden under weapons' pores; 100 Phased Polaron Emitters, hidden under weapons' pores; 150 Anti-ship Rain Cannons, hidden under Weapons' pores; 50 x missilce tubes, hidden under weapons' pores; Maw cannon, located at bow of ship.

Defensive Capabilities: Sitharium Armor in Ablative layers; reactive Armor; Sith Variable Shielding; Sith Cloak

Ship/Mode of transport/Propulsion: Lux Transporti drive x 28; Warp field; spatial fold

Specialty: Star destroyer

Strengths: Intimidation, firepower

Weaknesses: power requirements, agility

Combat Stats: TBA

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 1:22 pm
Name/Model Number: Crypt-class Assault Carrier

Alias: Tomb, Crypt, or Carrier

Race/Product Manufacturer: Sith Drive Yards

Physical Description/Dimensions:
Height: 1016 m
Length: 3427 m
Width: 2690 m

Affiliation: Sith Empire

History/Design Features:
The Crypt is the primary carrier of the Sith fleet. Withs its assortment of ships, fighters, and MS, it can dominate a star system in a matter of hours.

The Crypt is built around a hexigonal open-mouth hangar. Five of the walls have their own gravity fields, allowing for optimal usage of the space. These five sections are littered with repair bays, machine shops, and personal hangars. It give a look reminiscent to a space Colony's cityscape. The 'ceiling' (from an objective viewpoint) is left bare, as that is the launch deck. This enitre hangar facility is lit with an artificial blue sun at the far end of the structure. Beyond that, there are street lamps on the corners of the machine shop blocks.

As far as engines go, they are very minimalist. The power of the Lux Transporti drive system means that large stardrives are a thing of the past.

Of all the capital ships in the Sith fleet, the Crypt is the only to be encorporated into the Crimson Diablo

Company: 100 wings (72 fighters) of Nightengale Strike Fighters; 5 platoons (50 MS) of Zaku III; 3 Platoons of Rick Dom II, 5 platoons of Gelgoog (and variants) 2 platoons of Kämpfer
---Crimson Diablo Company: 100 wings of Nightengale (CD); 8 Platoons of Marasai; 2 platoons of ReGelg; 3 Platoons of Gelgood Jäger; 2 platoons of Elite units (Doga)

Master/ Operator: Ship Master, Deck Master

Weapon(s): 200 Plasma cannons

Defensive Capabilities: Sitharium Armor in Ablative layers; reactive Armor; Sith Variable Shielding

Ship/Mode of transport/Propulsion: Lux Transporti drive x 8; Warp field; spatial fold

Specialty: Carrier

Strengths: Intimidation, compliment

Weaknesses: firepower, maw provides a large target

Combat Stats: TBA

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Crimson Diablo colors  
PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 1:23 pm
Name/Model Number: SF-666S No-Life King Refit Stardreadnought

Alias: Death's Harbinger, NLK

Race/Product Manufacturer: Sith Drive Yards

Physical Description/Dimensions:
Height: 3233 m
Length: 29649 m
Width: 23649 m

Affiliation: Sith Empire

History/Design Features:
The No-Life King was the primary stardreadnought of the Empire during the Oblivion Wars. When the war came to an end, many of them were grounded, or converted to space colonies with minimal defenses. Many, but not all.

The Sith are never to be without an ace up the sleeve. A single NLK was hidden away, in the core of a moon. When tensions started to strain this fragile peace, orders were issued to refit the NLK to be a modern weapon of absolute terror.

Matter Converter: Pulls energy/matter from space, and even the engine exhaust, to fabricate limitless resources, such as food and ammunition.

Powerplant: Inferno Reactor: Active Quasar in a dimensionally transcendent prism

Crew: 3,235,697

Company: 3 Battalions of Sith Marines in prefabricated Garrisons; 10 wings of Fighters; 10 platoons of MS, 500 various support craft

Master/ Operator: Ship Master, Fleet Master, Darth Oblivion

Weapon(s): 4000 Plasma Megacannons; 7000 twenty-barreled Barbette Turbolaser batteries; 4000 Phased Polaron Emitters; 8000 Anti-capitalship Rail Cannons; 500 Missile tubes

Defensive Capabilities: Sitharium Armor in Ablative layers; reactive Armor; Sith Variable Shielding; Sith Cloak

Ship/Mode of transport/Propulsion: Lux Transporti banks x 15; Warp field; spatial fold

Specialty: Supreme Capital Ship

Strengths: Intimidation, Firepower, defenses

Weaknesses: Unknown

Combat Stats: TBA

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 1:56 pm
Name/Model Number: Ghoul-class Assault Cruiser

Alias: Sith Cruiser, Ghoul

Race/Product Manufacturer: Sith Drive Yards

Physical Description/Dimensions:
Height: 80 m
Length: 742m
Width: 256 m

Affiliation: Sith Empire

History/Design Features:
The Ghoul was built as a support ship and bridge between Capital ship and Shuttle.

Matter Converter: Pulls energy/matter from space, and even the engine exhaust, to fabricate limitless resources, such as food and ammunition.

Powerplant: 3 x Warpstar

Crew: 350

Company: 4 fighters; 8 Fighter drones 3MS

Master/ Operator: Ship Master

Weapon(s): 20 Plasma Megacannons; 5 Phased Polaron Emitters; 35Anti-capitalship Rail Cannons; 2 Missile tubes

Defensive Capabilities: Sitharium Armor in Ablative layers; reactive Armor; Sith Variable Shielding; Sith Cloak

Ship/Mode of transport/Propulsion: Lux Transporti emitter; Warp field; spatial fold

Specialty: ship-to-ship assault

Strengths: speed, firepower

Weaknesses: small compliment

Combat Stats: TBA

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 12:52 am
Name/Model Number: Altair Kai-Class Support Ship

Alias: Altair

Race/Product Manufacturer: Sith Drive Yards

Physical Description/Dimensions:
Height: 36 m
Length: 200 m
Width:223 m
Decks: 9

Affiliation: Sith Empire/ Crimson Diablo

History/Design Features: The Altair is the one of the oldest designs in the Sith fleet. Her original service was under the Nosferatu Colors, hundreds of years ago. Since then, the design has been used by Oblivion's Sith in almost every military act. It is the most widely produced Sith ship, and serves a myriad of functions.

Throughout the centuries, the Altair has been kept up to date with the latest of Sith technologies. However, it was finally replaced with this total refit.

The Altair Kai serves as Mid-Range Bomber, Troop Transport, Shuttle, Freighter, and Fighter Squadron Leader

Gravlift: The Altair has a gravlift in the aft of the ship. This allows for quick deployment of troops and equipment. Farther up, there is a Bay door, for armor deployment, like Mobile Suits, tanks, and APC.

Company: 2 platoons of warriors, 4 Wraith Tanks/3 MS/6 APC

Master/ Operator: Ship Master.
Crew: 4 (skeleton) 35 (Normal)

Weapon(s): Dry Plasma emitter; double-barreled Wet Plasma cannon; Antimatter concussion bombs

Defensive Capabilities: Sitharium Armor plating, Sith Variable shielding

Ship/Mode of transport/Propulsion: Lux Transporti banks x 2

Specialty: multipurpose Sith Vessel

Strengths: variability, speed

Weaknesses: undefended dorsal section

Combat Stats: TBA

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(in order of close to far) Wet Plasma Turret, Gravlift, Bay doors

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View of the bridge

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Crimson Diablo colors. The Dry Plasma Emitter can also be seen.  



PostPosted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 8:47 pm
Name/Model Number: Altair Kai S-Class Support Ship

Alias: Vendetta

Race/Product Manufacturer: Sith Drive Yards

Physical Description/Dimensions:
Height: 36 m
Length: 200 m
Width:223 m
Decks: 9


History/Design Features: The Vendetta is Darth Oblivion's personal yacht, and flagship while the No-Life King is kept hidden. Unlike its Warpstar powered sisters, the Vendetta houses a miniaturized Zero-Point Energy Well, simply called, Cero.

Oblivion has used special dyes, filters, and focusing crystals to change even the color of the engines, shields, and weapons.

Gravlift: The Altair has a gravlift in the aft of the ship. This allows for quick deployment of troops and equipment. Farther up, there is a Bay door, for armor deployment, like Mobile Suits, tanks, and APC.

Company: Sazabi

Master/ Operator: Ship has been heavily upgraded to be automated, and thus only Oblivion is needed to pilot it. However, on diplomatic missions, the ship holds a crew of ten.

Weapon(s): Dry Plasma emitter; double-barreled Wet Plasma cannon; Antimatter concussion bombs

Defensive Capabilities: Sitharium Armor plating, Sith Variable shielding, Sith Perfect Cloaking device

Ship/Mode of transport/Propulsion: Lux Transporti banks x 2

Specialty: Personal yacht

Strengths: variability, speed

Weaknesses: undefended dorsal section

Combat Stats: TBA

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The Vendetta, docked at Oblivion's Citadel, with the gravlift active.  
PostPosted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 7:55 am
Name/Model Number: Sith Imperial Mobile Headquarters

Alias: Akator

Race/Product Manufacturer: Sith Drive Yards

Physical Description/Dimensions:
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Height: 1892.5 m
Length: 5303.3 m
Width:5303.3 m

Affiliation: Sith Empire

History/Design Features: The Akator is one of two Sith Mobile headquarters designs. After an area has been pacified. an Akator is sent to run as a pro tempo Command Center until a Sith Government Obelisk can be constructed.

If need be, the Akator can land, however, the docking bay is no long accessible. Being mainly an administrative building, the Akator has very poor armament, by Sith standards, but is still capable of subjugating, and putting down insurrections.

Company: One defense squadron of Nightingales
Crew: 2000

Master/ Operator: Chief executive and/or military officer

Weapon(s): Plasma Cannons x 30

Defensive Capabilities: Sitharium Armor plating, Sith Variable shielding

Ship/Mode of transport/Propulsion: Warp Field, Spatial Fold Generator

Specialty: Diplomatic Headquarters

Strengths: very impressive

Weaknesses: poor armament

Combat Stats: TBA




PostPosted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 8:08 am
Name/Model Number: Sith Planetary Command Base

Alias: Avalon

Race/Product Manufacturer: Sith Drive Yards

Physical Description/Dimensions:
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Height: 8122 m
Diameter: 1164m

Affiliation: Sith Empire

History/Design Features: The Avalon is one of two Sith Mobile headquarters designs. The Avalon is more offensive-based, and is a mobile command center for large-scale Sith offensives. It is heavily armed, and carries a great compliment of troops.

Company: 8 squadrons of Nightingales; 10 MS squads; 500 Drones

Crew: 5300

Master/ Operator: Chief Military Officer

Weapon(s): Plasma Megacannons x 50; Phased Polaron Emitters x 12; Rail-based CiWS x Many; Superlaser

Defensive Capabilities: Sitharium Armor plating, Sith Variable shielding

Ship/Mode of transport/Propulsion: Warp Field, Spatial Fold Generator

Specialty: Military Headquarters

Strengths: Heavily defended, and powerful offensive weapons

Weaknesses: Sluggish

Combat Stats: TBA

PostPosted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 8:42 am
Name/Model Number: Sith Planetary Mobile Shipyard

Alias: Scion (official), Supercarrier, Cradle, Bigg'un

Race/Product Manufacturer: Sith Drive Yards

Physical Description/Dimensions:
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Height: 52.47 Km
Length: 1651.22 Km
Width: 116.7588 Km

Affiliation: Sith Empire

History/Design Features: The Scion is a massive jump in size for the Sith Navy. Essentially, the Scion is a sector-dominator, easily capable of supporting a massive invasion fleet for an entire region of space.

It has all the facilities to repair capital ships, all the way up to the No-Life King class, the ability to launch Akator stations, Construction bays for fighters, drones, and smaller craft, matter converters for resources, and an agricultural deck to feed said armada.

However, given their size, it goes without saying, there are rare, but not sparse. Their number is easily over 75, but under 120 There is one over Every key Sith world, Four over Erebus, and still enough to launch campaigns.

Company: 3 No-Life King-class Star Dreadnoughts; 7 Akator Stations (optional); 6 Avalon Stations, in orbit of central tower (Optional); 10 Predator-Class Star Destroyers; 10 Crypt-Class Carriers; 100 Ghoul-Class Cruisers; 500 Altair-Kai-Class; 100 Wings of Nightingale Fighters; 8 Battalions of MS; 10,000 Fighter drones; 2500 Legions of mixed warriors, with at least 10,000 Elites

Crew: 18,000,000

Master/ Operator: Chief Military Officer

Weapon(s): Plasma Megacannons x 5000; Phased Polaron Emitters x 5000; Anti-Capitalship Rail Cannons x 5000; 10,000 twenty-barreled Barbette Turbolaser batteries

Defensive Capabilities: Sitharium Armor plating, Sith Variable shielding

Ship/Mode of transport/Propulsion: Warp Field, Spatial Fold Generator

Specialty: Sectoral Invasion Headquarters, Planetary Shipyard/defense station

Strengths: Heavily defended, and powerful offensive weapons, high compliment, massive

Weaknesses: Massive, sluggish, power requirements mean it can't run all systems at once

Combat Stats: TBA

Other: Despite its massive compliment, and myriad of weapons, it has been proven in simulations that a single No-Life King can take on, and defeat a station exhausted of her ships and fighters  



PostPosted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 9:22 am
Name/Model Number: SX-999

Alias: The Nightmare Child

Race/Product Manufacturer: Sith Drive Yards

Physical Description/Dimensions:

Height: 2,464 m
Length: 4,480 m
Width: 2,921 m

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Affiliation: Sith Empire

History/Design Features: The Nightmare Child was constructed to test experimental Sith technologies- notably, the Nightmare Cannon. It was constructed entirely in secret, and its existence is known only to the crew, the Royal Family, and the few engineers who were too important to terminate after its completion.

The Nightmare Cannon: Utilizes the Dark Side of the Force to create a directional beam that will instill homicidal insanity in any being connected to the Force in its wake. The weapon's yield is on a planetary scale. It is particularly useful when one wants to keep a planet intact, but cleanse it of its citizenry. "Sit back, relax, and watch the world tear itself apart."

Force Void Bomb: A small black sphere, that, when activated, will create a void in the Force, draining all Forces Users of their abilities and advantage. While temporary, the bomb works immediately, and the sudden removal from the Force will cause shock and a loss of consciousness in most test subjects.. It can also be used as a 'cure' to the Nightmare Cannon.

Reality Cannon: Out of the same emitter as the Nightmare Cannon comes the Reality Beam. This weapon uses the four massive Gravity Rings outside the emitter to compress a wave of Z-Neutrinos into a single beam. The result being a weapon that will disrupt all electrical bonds on the subatomic level. "Matter becomes dust, dust becomes atoms, atoms become nothing." However, the power requirements for this Cannon require all other systems to shut down, even with all the power of the Inferno Reactor. It can only be fired once a day, in fear that repeated use could either create a never ending wave, or a feedback.

Phased Turbolaser: The Beam spectrum of these Turbolasers is adjusted minutely to let them pass through most forms of energy shielding.

Inferno Reactor: While the No-Life King sleeps, The Nightmare Child is the home of the Inferno Reactor

Dark Shielding: Utilizes the Corridors of Darkness to create a field made out of black portals, leading back to the weapons' origin.

Crew: 400

Master/ Operator: Darth Deletorious

Weapon(s): Nightmare Cannon, Force Void Bomb, Reality Cannon, experimental phased Turbolaser cannons x 40

Defensive Capabilities: Sitharium armor plating, sensor-absorbing stealth coating, Experimental Dark Shielding

Ship/Mode of transport/Propulsion: Lux Transporti bank; Corridors of Darkness

Specialty: Experimental Weapons

Strengths: Secrecy, Anti-Planet warfare

Weaknesses: Not many traditional weapons leave it vulnerable to fighters.

Combat Stats: TBA

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The Nightmare Cannon Revealed. Also, the Gravity rings for the Reality Cannon.  
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