Concerning Call of Duty 5.

Ok, so far the game looks good. WW2 with perks this time. So this game might hold some promises. But online is still gonna suck.

I played the beta for the first time, (this was weeks ago) and already in one map someone found a glitch area to hide underground and not get hurt at all (as far as I know). This is just f****** fantastic. The actual game hasn't even come out yet and already some loser found a glitch area. And because of that NO ONE is going to leave it alone. I'm like great. The noob is gonna stay there for the rest of the game. And there's nothing anyone can do about it. And I don't care what the excuse is. My brother was playing earlier tonight, and he knew the kind of excuse this idiot was going to use. "Oh, I was here to make sure no one else uses it." BULL! I mean, yeah, he was honest at least. He made sure no one else use it so that he can use it.

And another thing is, that same noob will have like 20-0 or 3 deaths in that one map, but in other maps his kill/death ratio is freakin' bad. And like any noob, he will deny it. rolleyes Wow man. Just wow.

Is BS like this that ruins online gaming. And is that same reason why I barely play online anymore. Learn to be real players noobs! This is why classic gamers are better because they don't need to glitch!

EDIT: Well here's some good news. I heard they fixed it. So now I can actually kill without a gopher taking me out.