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Hikaru Akumu

PostPosted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 9:13 am
Elixaynder was simply waltzing through the crowd, almost gliding as she passed by several familiar faces, but none she chose to speak to. Of course, they would find it odd that 'The Horrible Hex Witch' had known who they were and their names, their house, and everything else. Although, for Elix, she felt an uncanny ability of gathering information and her delightful sneaking schemes. It brought a smile to her lips, which only broadened upon the sight of the Hufflepuff girls from earlier. A laugh escaped, quite amused upon their sudden tussle with their object of affection, Sirius Black. Covering her mouth a bit, stifling the laugh after receiving a rather disapproving look from one of the professors, her sharp green eyes raised upwards, glinting with amusement, spotting the back of Sirius and James.


Weaving through the crowd, the woman managed to make it to the Gryffindor Table, taking her seat, somewhat in the middle, after being pulled down by a few familiar people. Not necessarily friends, but admirers one could say? Rejects, maybe, because they were the ones often bullied and teased by the Slytherins and had recruited the help of the 'Horrible Hex Witch'.

"Oi! Wolfgang! Sit with us! Come, now, sit here!"
"Yes! Elixaynder! Please sit with us!"
"I can't WAIT for this year, with you by our side!"

The woman felt a bit squeemish from all this attention and simply forced a smile before, somehow, removing their grip from her robes.

"Yes, yes, all in due time, third years. I have some people to talk to first, before the sorting!"

With that, the red-head managed to escape their grips and weave across the hall towards the Slytherin, as sly as a fox and as nimble as a mouse. She sneaked up upon two seventh years, two oh so familiar victims of her works, wrapping her arms about their shoulders with a rather large grin upon her face, mirroring that of the Cheshire Cat.

"Good evening everyone! I, indefinitely, look forward to another brilliant year with you all!" She dared to ruffle one of their heads, ruining their gelled back platinum blond hair. Elixaynder's eyes shifted slyly to either face before she stood up straight, giving a minor bow with a slight tip of her miniature witch hat.

"I bid you all, adeiu, now. Do enjoy the feast. I hope there isn't anything sharp and scaley in your meal..." A slight giggle escaped as she made her way back towards the Gryffindor Table, only to slightly bump in between James and Sirius from her lack of attention to her path, while stifling a laugh.

A smile was perched on her lips as she looked up to see whom she had bumped into and couldn't help but snort a slight laugh, holding it back, as she turned her head before looking back at their faces with a broad grin upon her lips. "Potter. Black. Forgive me for running into you. I wasn't quite paying attention, really." She was still holding back that laugh.
PostPosted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 4:31 pm
It had taken them quite a while to get from the carriage and into the Great Hall. Peter and Remus were no longer in sight, they might have even separated ways by now. Remus never did take a liking to Peter, it just so happened that Remus could make conversation with anyone, even rats. Peter never really fit in their group, or at least the girls all thought so. James, Sirius, and Remus all had something that made them attractive. James was just plain out attractive, but also very talented at Quidditch, big score for the Gryffindors; Sirius was ruggedly handsome and was dangerous in a kind of way, it didn't help that he had a great personality as well, also rejecting girls seemed to make him much more wanted (strangely enough); Remus was attractive in his own way, smart, and always had something to say. Peter was below average, got failing grades, could barely talk right, and was interested in only the group he was in.

Sirius sighed as they walked on, James had gone silent and wasn't up for much conversation, the look Lily had given him had made him feel more... confused? He normally lost his immaturity when Lily was around, and now that he knew that she was there, he was going to be acting less and less like a four year old. "Oof!" Sirius let out a surprised gasp, James had just been walking in front of him and narrowly missed the bump.

"Oh, heya, Elix." He said, realizing who it was. It drastically changed his mood. He had been very bored. And like magic, in comes an interesting person. "I wasn't pay much attention either. Sorry." He bowed respectively, causing a couple of people to laugh at his little joke. "I thought that you would be going to sit with your friends." Sirius added, his head pointing in the direction of the group of kids that she had come from before going to the other table. "They are your friends, aren't they?" He asked, smiling a little.

James had found the conversation a little boring, obviously he wanted to see if he could catch a seat next to Lily and save a spot for Sirius as well. Sirius only heard, "Oi Evans! Save me a seat!" Before he heard James run off. Sirius shook his head before turning back to Elix. "You can sit with us if you feel like it." He said, sounding as if it didn't matter to him or not.


Hikaru Akumu

PostPosted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 4:52 pm
Elixaynder chuckled lightly as she glanced between their faces, still stifling a laugh before glancing over to the group of underclassmen who had been begging for the woman to seat herself next to them. That made her lose her laugh. The girl couldn't help but grimace at his bow slightly before smirking lightly before she shifted her gaze towards James at his sudden yell towards his lovely girlfriend, Lily.

The oddly bright colored red head hadn't talked to Lily that much prior to any engagement. If anything, it was only when necessary. Not even then. A mild chuckle escaped as her thoughts traced back to when they were on the train, causing the girl to remember the chocolate frogs she still had in her pocket, and the card that she had traded with Sirius. Amused, the girl shifted her gaze back to Sirius, a smirk playing her lips.

"Hah, I would sit with them, if they weren't always running my way for help when a Slytherin came along, even if the fellow hadn't done anything..." Elix responded to Sirius, running a hand through her hair for a moment after removing the miniature top hat which fit snugly on her hand. She made a slight face at his mentioning them being friends. Friends? Hah. More like equal haters of Slytherin Snakes.

At the mentioning of those snakes, the woman felt chills go up and down her spine and dared to peek over her shoulder towards the Slytherin Table, many of them glaring daggers her way. All they received was a very, very, sly grin across her features.

"Well...I wouldn't call them friends. You'd actually be surprised with how much closer I am to Slytherins than Gryffindors..." She muttered a bit before returning her gaze back towards Sirius Black.

"I wouldn't be a bother to you and your boys, would I? Wouldn't want to intrude..." She couldn't help but stifle a laugh again. How amusing. Her intrude? How much of a possibility was that? Of course, the girl would cause another uproar before the school year started with all those dung bombs she had so slyly planted underneath their table when she went over to say her hellos...Although, they wouldn't go off until the food appeared.
PostPosted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 5:59 pm
Sirius looked at her interestedly. She seemed to be in a fit of laughter, what was so hilarious? Her sudden loss of the smile was apparent to him, not something that he would miss, at the mention of her 'friends.' Slowly, his fingers went through his messy jet black hair. A couple of girls from the Hufflepuff table seemed to swoon at his purely innocent movement. He immediately stopped, putting his hand down and frowning. "God, I'll never get used to that." As he looked out the corner of his eye he saw the girls show disappointment in their expressions.

Sirius knew a few people that were yelling Elix's name; they were picked on the most, which meant that they wouldn't be able to protect themselves if the time came. But they were weak enough to try and force those with actual personalities and traits to protect them from the "Horrible Mean Snakes". They had, at the beginning of the fourth year, asked Sirius to protect them from Syltherians. It was too much for him, laughing loudly he said, "That still wouldn't stop all the other houses. And besides, I don't feel like it." They never came back to him, obviously his message and insult got through. However, he supposed that they had taken Elix as their bodyguard, judging by the look on her face when he mentioned them, it wasn't a friendly relationship.

At this he chuckled out loud, "So they HAVE recruited you. I remember a couple of years ago when they came to me for protection. They figured that just because I hated the Syltherians that I'd lower myself to being a bodyguard. I'm guessing it's a win-lose situation." His waved away the conversation away. The only joy he could see her having in being their bodyguard was attacking Syltherians for no reason. Which is what had tempted Sirius before, but why would he want to suck all the joy from his life?

"Huh... you would think that'd be surprising." He repeated, scratching his neck nervously. Quickly he looked over his shoulder; one of his "ex-girlfriends" was crossing the room. She looked over him like he didn't exist and went they made eye contact she seemed to lose her focus. It didn't take much to see what she had been planning. "Does she really think that I'll get pissed that she's ignoring my existence?" He muttered accidentally, hoping after he had that no one had heard it. "Surely she doesn't think I'll run back to her arms." His eyes rolled in exasperation. "Please, this is what I've been begging for all last year."

"What are you talking about? Please, you couldn't be any bother at all; in fact you'd be great company. Better then most actually." His face fixed itself into a wide grin, Sirius glanced past her, he had just noticed something sitting under a couple of Syltherian's sitting at their table. It took him a moment to realize what they were and to piece the clues together. He stifled a chuckle, instead he coughed. He wouldn't ruin her plan, it was going to be hilarious he could tell. "So, are you coming?" He turned his gaze back onto Elix, moving slightly sideways to show that he was getting ready to go to the Gryffindor table.

[Sorry, I haven't been able to highlight the talking and such. Do you mind XD?]


Hikaru Akumu

PostPosted: Sun Feb 15, 2009 6:03 pm
Another lightly amused chuckle escaped the red head at his half-way running of his hand through his slick hair. Despite it being messy, it was quite well taken care of, from what Elixaynder could tell. And she knew all too well the reason for his action being stopped halfway. The Hufflepuffs. Always the Hufflepuffs. And for some reason, it seemed, it was always them. Occasionally, there was a smart Ravenclaw who held this fantasy of being in a relationship with a badboy. Who didn't imagine those Romeo-Juliet nonsense? Besides Elix, of course. She wasn't interested in love, at the moment. Not at school at least. Summer, sure, but there wasn't ever anyone worth the time and effort of becoming apart of a relationship.

Her thoughts snapped back as she looked at Sirius, the man chuckling. Being recruited? Oh...OH! The other little punks who were pathetic in life. She scowled a bit, unsure of how to respond before a simply shrug came from her shoulders. "Ah, well, it's not necessarily being a body gaurd. They oh so believe it would be a good idea for me to 'show them the ropes' when they were first years, so the Slytherins would stay away. And they expect me to help out their underclassmen friends." She pursed her lips at the thought.

Noticing Sirius sudden detatchment to their quiet conversation, and his eyes shift towards someone else, she couldn't help but lean around him and follow his gaze towards the girl. A crooked grin tucked itself upon her lips. "Abigail, wasn't it? She's quite the snot. Talked a bit too much when you two were in a relationship last year. Continued to rant upon the fact that she was in a relationship with you....of course, after you two broke up, she wouldn't stop talking about how she expected you to come back to her. Although, most of the girls you've gone out with have been like that, haven't they?" She chuckled lightly as she straightened up, her hat disappearing in a small puff of smoke, her hands free now as she fiddled with her candy-apple red hair.

A gleam in her eyes came to when she noticed him registering a delightful item underneath the Slytherin's tables. "You don't need to ask twice, Black." She purred with amusement as she turned on her heel, following him over towards the Gryffindor Table.

[sorry for the delay in response. <3]
PostPosted: Fri Mar 27, 2009 8:04 am
His eyes tried not to stray from Elix's face because if the orbs did they would catch onto some staring women around them. It was easy to ignore the watching eyes; it wasn't hard when you've been stared at your entire school life. Dating girls would do that to you. However, if his eyes happened to get caught by the lovesick girls it gets so much harder to think of something else and act normally. "I don't think they would call it that to your face, but I think that they really believe that you're their bodyguard. And it shouldn't take a whole year to show them the ropes. You should be free of them by now, especially in your last year here. Let 'em know that if they don't leave you alone that you'll jinx 'em." He almost laughed, his black eyes smiling a little themselves.

Sirius said nothing at the mention of Abigail, his old very pushy and clingy girlfriend. Instead he just looked after her, her ebony colored hair flowing behind her. He didn't miss her, most of the boys she dated did. After all, yeah, she was cute but she really was snotty and full of herself. It's hard to date someone like that. "Yeah, I heard about that. She even talked like I wasn't in the room to a bunch of her friends." He chuckled lightly. "I don't even think that she liked me, she just liked the idea of 'being' with me. I guess that people talk about me a lot. Oh well, no kisses or public displays of affection wasted on her." He was silent as she spoke of what Abigail had been saying behind his back. At the moment he wasn't sure what he was feeling, it was as if his feelings were being written on paper but suddenly the pen stopped moving across the page.

As they walked down the row of their house table, it took a minute for Sirius to find James and Remus. It was merely seconds, but Sirius grabbed hold of Elix's hand so that they wouldn't be separated on the way to the section in the middle of the Gryffindor table. More then anything, it was a habit when he was with a girl, dating or not. His hand immediately let go of her hand once he realized what he had done and just resorted to looking back to her with a blush appearing faintly on his face. "Oi, James! Where are ya?" James waved excitedly in an effort to signal Sirius, but immediately stopped as he saw Elix following the black haired teen. No feelings of dislike or any such kind appeared on his features, but he was oddly quiet until Lily forced him into a kiss.

A snicker escaped Sirius as he took his seat; he momentarily made sure that he left enough room for Elix to sit and then turned his attention to his best friends. Remus was engulfed, as usual, in a rather boring DA book; Peter was looking out of place; James had his arm around Lily, whom was clinging to James' body. "Come on Remus, it's the beginning of the year! You'll have plenty of time to make your nose raw with all the books you'll be sticking it into." His voice was exasperated. Remus nodded, placing the book in front of him delicately and looking around, for what seemed the first time, the Great Hall. All of the students seemed to feel the teachers' eyes and began to sit down, the crowds dissipating.

[Sorry for my own delayed response crying ]  


Hikaru Akumu

PostPosted: Fri Mar 27, 2009 9:50 pm
Elixaynder simply chuckled as she followed after Sirius, almost lost to the crowd until the feeling of a cold hand latching themselves to her own, pulling her through. It was a bit odd for her, having another's hand wrapped about her own. Almost touching in some sense before she realized whom the hand belonged to. Black. Of course it belonged to him. The woman felt a tinge of pink rise to her cheeks before she banished the slight blush before Sirius and his crew had taken notice.

James didn't seem quite excitable to the fact that she was joining in. She could easily notice that when their eyes locked after his frantic and estatic waving to Sirius. Not like it bothered her. She had enough people dislike her. And it was no surprise that people within the school didn't like her either, even her own house. Really, most of the people expected her to be quite the Beater, but she hadn't tried out once. Who knows why.

"Lily. Potter. Pettigrew. Lupin. Pleasure seeing you all once again.
" Her words were courteous and actually quite polite despite her unnatural appearance and devious nature. She nodded her head to each of them in turn before taking a seat next to Sirius and some Gryffindor who was instantly edging away from her, whispering loudly to his peers, "It's The Hex Witch! Elixaynder Wolfgang! Psst! It's Wolfgang!"

Her lips were pursed in a grin as the excitement within the Great Hall settled down, First Years beginning to file in as the group of Second and Third Year cowards were waving and smiling to their friends and at the same time searching for the unnatural red-head. A yawn escaped the lips before she glanced at the group she had decided to seat herself with. Usually, around this time, she would be doing her own thing somewhere in the halls, either attempting to guess the password to the Gryffindor Tower, or speaking to the portraits near the Divination Tower.

Her thoughts traveled from one place to another before Sirius' voice broke her train of thought rather irritably. He was addressing the Scholar of their group. Remus Lupin. Quite smart. Seemed a bit illness-prone, she had to admit though. Although, the trouble-maker hadn't bothered to approach the male or anyone else within this group. "Ah. Reading Tauli Hourdin's Chronicles against Dark Arts? I read that a couple of years ago. Or maybe that was over the Summer...Not quite sure. It's a decent read, I must say." She mused quietly, settling down within the familiar atmosphere.

[<3 It's okay sugar. We all have those times.]
PostPosted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 10:57 am
As Elixaynder spoke their names, either first or last, they all nodded their head in her direction as a polite gesture. Lily smiled, her hair falling over her shoulder as she bowed her redish head slightly. James averted his eyes and nodded only because, and Sirius assumed this because of the wince of pain that appeared on his expression, Lily had forced him to with her fingers. Peter gave a little whimper and a nervous bow, not really one to understand what was polite and what was just fear. Remus continued to read his book and waved slightly.

Sirius glowered at all of them, except Lily. Of course Lily would be kind no matter one's reputation. Look at her and James. As if it would have come to be if she hadn't ignored his tyrant like behavior. Throughout these last six years here at Hogwarts, James and the rest of his gang (I use gang very loosely) would cause pranks or bother Snape. However, now James had finally grown up, at least a little bit. Sirius was sure that Lily had been watching from afar and hoped that it would be soon so that they could start dating. Either way, Sirius was glad that Lily was nice.

Remus and the rest all cared very little for the Sorting ceremony now. After six years it had lost all appeal. Lily was now playing with James and flirting while he in turn touch her hair and played with it while they moved closer to each other, a hard feet since they were already about a centimeter away from each other. Peter had taken to looking over Remus' shoulder as he read and nodded as he read. There was a strange opposite feeling on either side of Elixaynder and Sirius. On Sirius's right side, a group of giggling girls were swooning and blushing. His hand restrained itself from going to his hair, something he always did when he was nervous.

Sirius, not bothered by the comment smiled as Remus put the book down and turned his head over to the Sytherian table. "How much longer till they go off?" He wondered quietly, he would assume at the end of the feast. Remus's pale complexion released a smile that seemed indeed quite sickly. "You've read this?" He asked, excited. Not in a million years would he have assumed that Elix had been a well-read student. She had never been kicked out, but that didn't mean her grades were excellent. James and Lily were too bothered with each other to look over. "Finally." Sirius almost yelled, the headmaster stood up and began to speak. Mere minutes later food began to appear in front of them. "Yes!" James and Sirius said in unison.


Hikaru Akumu

PostPosted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 11:24 am
Elixaynder couldn't help but chuckle lightly at Sirius' slight glare to his friends, except for Lily. She was always quite entertained to watch this group of Gryffindors together, such an odd group, as she considered. Except for Potter and Sirius. Those two were always together, and she could easily understand why. They were good-looking, and quite the trouble-makers. Although, they weren't as sly as she was. But then again, there was the spark in their antics, one could say. To get caught, to chase, Elixaynder could vaguely understand the problems of such. Not that she cared for them.

She could see Sirius restrain himself from doing his ever so habitatual habit, running a hand through his hair. All that ever did was cause the girls to squeal and giggle, if he did. Oh yes, Elixaynder registered people's habits and persona quite quickly after meeting them. But the again, Sirius and his group of friends were in her classes, lunches, studies, dinners, and house for the love of god, so how could she not notice? They were notorious! Almost as notorious as she was. Or perhaps it was the other way around. Hands together, fingers laced over one another, with her head tilted to the side, bangs drifting to her right, she seemed to be looking at Sirius with a rather befitting expression for her delicate features, one of calm content. Yet her eyes were elsewhere, drawn across the table of Gryffindors and their first years, but towards the Slytherin's instead.

She was debating upon when to deploy her delightful items of joy. But her thoughts were, yet again, interrupted but, this time, by Remus. She turned her head away from the table, now resting her chin up right upon her hands, looking directly at Remus with her bright green eyes, almost shocking as a coy grin traced her lips. "Indeed. It's decent, I have to say. I prefer Copperwite's Harmful Hex & Handy Tests..." She purred with amusement, nodding her head.

Just as the food appeared, along with Sirius' and James' exclamation of food, she jumped a bit at their remarks before a quiet giggle developed into a chuckle to a slight laugh as people began to attack the food before them. The red-head, gaining control of her laughter, simply poured herself some juice for the time being, content from her candy prior.
PostPosted: Mon May 04, 2009 7:41 pm
Sirius glanced down at her, his eyes softening as he caught her expression. His dark black hair fell briefly into his line of view as he tried his best to look around while dodging the eyes of his fan club girls. It had only been just recently that Sirius had found out about this little group. Apparently his ex-girlfriend had been the sponsor and also the President until she started to date him. It figures that she would break one of her own rules, or perhaps, she just used the rules to control the other girls so that she could get her hands on him. The fan girls had all done their utmost best to kick her off of office and forced her from her own group. The Black Haired Angel, which was the group's name. "God, how silly. It's almost embarrassing." Almost.

Remus let a small chuckle escape him as he watched her interestedly with his green-like eyes mixed with gray. He was much older then his years, in his first and second year he had already read a good half of the library. As an outcast that preferred his books over human beings, he made friends with James and his crew. After they had found out about him being a wolf, they further increased his faith in human life by not only continuing to be his friend, but by helping him as well. His right hand held his head upon his palm. "Really? I've always preferred Moogal's book, The Kelisfer Burn Complete Jinxes. Have you read it?" He asked, excited that he had found someone that at least shared an opinion on his current readings. The book slid off the table and into his bag, most likely James had done it to save Remus the time.

Sirius and the others had started doing things for each other, they had been together long enough that they realized when things needed to be done and how. As Remus continued his interested watching of Elix, completely ignoring the food, Sirius and the other began to hurriedly eat. It didn't take long for everyone to be finished, however, Lily had taken so long, slowly and politely cutting her meat and making sure to take part in every delicious flavor that she had time for. This must have been one of the things that James liked about her, her lady-likeness.


Hikaru Akumu

PostPosted: Wed May 06, 2009 8:56 pm
Elixaynder applied some sides onto her plate, taking up very little room for that matter, and nibbled a bit as she discussed a few of the books with Remus. Nodding her head at his understanding of preferation over Copperwite's and Moogal's. It was reasonable enough. Yet, despite the conversation, she took notice of Sirius' glancing towards her and around, obviously unsure of where to settle his eyes despite munching like his best friend.

"Well, if Moogal's had been within the library the time I had read Copperwite's, I'm sure I would have preferred it over his as well. But, of course, by the first term of my second year, it seemed you had checked it out before I could. But yes, I've read it." She responded quite simply as she slipped some mashed potatoes into her mouth, slipping the fork from her closed lips and resting it upon her plate.

Despite how rowdy and rough-housed she was amongst most who bothered to attempt to anger the woman, she was quite elegant in her mannerism's. She knew how to politely pour drinks, add food to her plate, pass plates around, and the like. And truth be told, she was actually quite kind unlike what most would think. Or at least, to the members of her house.

The dinner had been proved to be quite excellent for Elixaynder. Perhaps a bit overdrawn, but she enjoyed being in pleasant company for once. But with a quick glance at the inside of her wrist, where a little clock drawing was ticking away at the time, she proceeded to pardon herself, crossing her silverware upon the plate, the food disappearing all together, replaced with a new set of silverware and a clean plate, along with an empty goblet.

"Well, I must say. Dinner was quite enjoyable amongst the company of you all, Lily, Potter, Black, Pettigrew, Lupin. But I have tings to attend to and plans to make, so I'm sure I'll see you about in the future? Adeiu." A polite smile to each of them in turn, a dip of the head towards Sirius and Remus, the two she had spoken to the most, and plopped on another witch's hat, a pure black one with a pleasant spider hanging from the side, and sashayed on out of the Great Hall ever so stealthly, despite her attire, her attractive hair color, and her overall appearance.

And just as she disappeared from sight, the very last strand of hair flowing around the corner, a slight giggle was heard, perhaps a bit louder than should be, almost as if it was right next to one's ear. The same giggle she had given towards James and Sirius' exclamation of food, was heard, and the little items beneath the Slytherin's table exploded. Confetti, dungbombs and their smells, fake snakes and pixies and fire-cracker sparks shot up from underneath their seats and their tables and their plates, many of the first years, third years, and perhaps even seventh years, screaming at the top of their lungs in surprise. And as the confetti flowed back to the floor, commotion sounding about the Great Hall from all tables and houses, the fire-cracker sparks held their place spelling out,

This year will be the last,
so enjoy it when it comes to pass!

They stayed up upon the air for the briefest of moments before they rearranged themselves into a snake, hissing and shooting down into the center of the table, disappearing all together with beads of red bouncing upon their tables, as if the sparks had turned to beads upon hitting the table. And with the standing and outraged Slytherins, they slipped and fell, causing an even greater commotion.

And the young red-headed trouble-maker Elixaynder Wolfgang, was quite content with her gentle whistling down the corridors.
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