*looks around* wow, nobody else has posted any problems!
Ok, I got Parallels for Christmas two years ago, but every time I tried to install it, it crashes my computer! More specifically, it acted like the Virtual Machine was created, but whenever I tried to start it (the virtual machine) up like the instructions said I should, it froze and gave the gray "restart" box. I was going to install Windows XP service pack 2, but that doesn't matter because I never got to the part where I was supposed to install the disk. I'm using an iMac with Tiger, 1 GB of RAM, 2 Ghz processor, 160 GB hard drive. Does anyone here have any knowledge about Parallels? Like a fool I let the warranty expire, so I don't really have any contact with them. I haven't found any one else with the same problem, but does anyone else have any ideas, suggestions, or opinions?