Name: Rico Hopkins
Gender: Male
Age: 29
Date of birth: 8/19
Height: 6’ 4”
Weight: 298
Abilities and aptitude: Rico has extensive training in nearly all human unarmed combat styles
Hobbies and talents: Working out, practicing any martial art, cooking, and working on old cars.
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Items & weapons:
Personality details:
Historical biography: Raised on a small refueling station Rico’s parents would spend hours telling him stories of Earth. His father was a mechanic and since Rico had little else to do when he wasn’t attending school would help his father at work. As Rico began to wonder why people kept getting cyber enhancements, he personally believed everyone was only as limited as they made them selves. Hearing of the Sons of Terra Rico looked into the group and soon joined. Since that time Rico has traveled aimlessly working as a mechanic, training himself to over come all physical human ‘limitations’, and recently under went a unusual surgery coating the bones of his forearms in metal to give them enhanced durability and striking force. He is currently working as a mechanic.
Personal information: Rico isn’t the kind of guy who stands out at first often he’ll stay off to the side and rarely says more then ten words at a time. He speaks simply and without much concern to how offensive his words are, and he never has anything nice to say about MACHINE. He’s the kind of guy most people never get to know because he’s rather harsh toward most every one at first. But when a fight starts he’s always in the thick of it cracking skulls and snapping bones with his bare hands. Rico tries to protect people this often gets into a lot of trouble, especially because he sides with the underdog most. He despises those who under go cybernetic mind enhancement surgery, and he especially hates node commandos seeing them as the worst possible future for the human race. Rico believes strongly in humanities adaptability and endless potential, he see MACHINE as a crutch that is holding the species back, to this end he endeavors to show the universe just how much they underestimate humans.
Greatest friend(s): Lewis ‘Blackgums’ Jacque (Fright jumper)
Other friend(s):
Likes: Quite ponds, forests, fast cars, rock and roll, metal, and action movies
Dislikes: Alarm clocks, long fights, eggrolls, and fanatics
Favorite food(s): Cheese Burgers
Favorite color(s): Purple
Occupation: Mechanic, mercenary
Theme Song: Invincible by Pat Benatar