{any problems let me know, will reply this afternoon}


In the year 2019 the U.S. breaks out into a second civil war and as a result has broken off into three factions. To the east there is the Union which stretches to the Mississippi river, the northwest has broken off into what is called The Allegiance, and the southwest broke off into a more disorganized group of anarchist, but soon fell into chaos and remains gap between Mexico and the U.S.—a modern day old west so to speak, where the lawless run rampant. The two remaining factions refer to that place as the Badlands. Bandits, pirates, and all other scum have flocked to this land as a haven from there crimes and to wreak havoc on anyone they can find, taking whatever they want. As a result the land has become scarred from countless battles. As the year 2025 rolls around technologies has made a giant leap forward especially in the robotics department. Mechs called Mechanical Entity Antibodies or M.E.A.’s have been developed mainly to keep the southwest under control. Unfortunately the Bandits have eventually gotten a hold of the new technology and used it for their own devilish purposes. By 2029 the Union and The Allegiance joined together to eliminate all of the lawlessness in the Badlands with unanticipated results. The bandits were stronger than they initially thought. With a weakened union, who could stop the bandits now? They need heroes, and heroes they would get . . .

Tuesday, March 9, 2030, 0800 hours
Location: California desert near the Nevada and Arizona conjunction

The morning soon beamed down on Viktor’s head as he worked. He had, what the officials considered, a class 1 M.E.A.; however it still required heavy maintenance. He had a lightweight mech outfitted with special equipment to promote enhanced maneuverability without cutting weight capacity. On to the back right of the mech, Viktor affixed a chain gun with a modified ammo storage and feed system that allowed him to stay out of the common firing stance so many others had to enter. Resting on the left side of his back, a compact and powerful radar system extended his range to five times the norm, like an external fuel tank on a fighter jet that extends its range. The crafty man installed a Vulcan Cannon into the palm of the right hand to use when his full-automatic blaster rifle ran out of ammunition or jammed. The left arm has a simple rocket launcher attached to the forearm, and when that runs dry he uses a laser blade. In the chest of the enormous machine sits a powerful plasma cannon that must be charged up. Since it takes up so much energy, he uses it as a last resort. He as a rear thrust system built in sync with the normal boosters in the mesh’s heels and lower back. The rear end of the torso opens up and sucks in a massive amount of air from two large front vents. The air is accelerated and ignited in combination with powerful fuel. This allows him to move forward to avoid incoming attack or fly for a distance in the air. The red paint of the mech had now faded to orange and a myriad of battle scars littered to surface.

“D*mn piece of junk.” Viktor grumbled as he inspected the chain gun of his now kneeling mech; though very powerful, it often jammed during extended combat. He huffed on his cigar as he worked the kinks out of the monstrous firearm. When needed, the mech could transform into a tank-like state for easy transport. He looked up from his work and examined the desert, scanning for the next settlement to stock up on ammunition and other supplies, like more cigars.

-No godmodding of any kind
-PG-13, anything above must be taken it outside the forum and somewhere else
-when cursing ‘*’ out all vowels
-You have poetic license to make up any towns or anything you are unclear of any info, it’s the year 2030, go nuts
-Five sentence reply minimum, hey your literate so no problem right? I encourage plot twists, take it wherever I want to see it grow and ‘evolve’. Make me think.
-At least one post every week unless you give me further notice

Character Information:
P.M. me the characters please and they will be added. Each person is allotted a max of three characters; one bandit, one soldier, one hero/merc./antihero
Include the following;
Gender (there are three M/F/H):
Race (nothing too ridiculous):

Skin/fur color:
Usual Attire:
Weapon of Choice:

Qualities and Quirks-
Orientation (Straight, Gay, Bi):

History: back stories will be revealed in R.P. put the events of the past year here
Status (Bandit, Soldier, Hero, Merc.):
Marital Status:

Mech (not required):
Arms (Light/heavy/weapon):
Legs (bipedal (light/heavy), reverse joint (chicken walker), Quadruped, treads, hover):
Left arm weaponry:
Right arm weaponry:
Torso weaponry (if any):
Rear right weaponry (includes radar and defense mechanisms):
Rear left weaponry (includes radar and defense mechanisms):

Stats (allotted 25 [-])-
Weight: [-----]
Maneuverability: [-----]
Attack Power: [-----]
Defense: [-----]
Cooling: [-----]

Special weapon/defense:
Greatest Strength:
Greatest Weakness:
What makes it unique:
Overall overview:

Sireez’s list of Characters:

Name: Viktor Wolfsan
Gender: Male
Age: 35
Race: Middle Eastern mixed with some kind of alien
Origin: Unknown, even to him

Eyes: Sweet, Pale amber color
Hair: Messy and black. He has a thick mustache that runs down the side of his chin
Height: 6’2”
Weight: 240 (mostly muscle)
Build: Broad shoulders and muscular
Usual Attire: A tank top and large mechanic coveralls, usually worn as pants
Scars/markings: A large one over his left eye and myriad of them over his arms
Accessories: Necklace with a simple locket
Weapon of Choice: Metal knuckles on his gloves, but he carries two revolvers just in case

Qualities and Quirks
Personality: Crafty both in his mech and out, constantly outwitting anyone he chooses, Outgoing and very laid back guy. Loyal
Orientation: straight
Attitude: Easy going
Goal(s): to stop the bandits that plague the badlands
Likes: Cigars, Guns (big ones), a nice lady every now and then
Dislikes: Heat, Jamming guns, Bandits
Strengths: Extremely Clever, and confident
Weaknesses: Can sometimes think to fast, can be over confident at times
Fears: Not stopping the bandits

Status: Hero
Marital Status:

Mech (not required):
Head: Cyclops type with antenna extended out the back to pick up radio frequencies
Torso/chest: Lightweight curved design
Boosters: custom thrust system
Arms: Lightweight, curved design matching torso. Built into the right is a Vulcan cannon
Legs: Lightweight Bipedal curved design that coincides with everything else
Left arm weaponry: Rocket launcher and a laser blade
Right arm weaponry: Full-automatic energy rifle
Torso weaponry: Massive Plasma cannon
Rear right weaponry: Chaingun with extended barrel.
Rear left weaponry: compact custom radar

Stats (allotted 25 [-])-
Weight: [-]
Maneuverability: [---------]
Attack Power: [---------]
Defense: [--]
Cooling: [----]

Special weapons/systems: Plasma Cannon can decimate anything it hits, high energy consumption, last resort.
Greatest Strength: Maneuverability, speed, and attack
Greatest Weakness: Low defense, and mediocre cooling
What makes it unique: It has an unusual weight to power ratio
Overall overview: Light agile mech with massive firepower and deadly accuracy, great in short encounters and in both close quarters and long distance combat. Not much armor and the cooling system leave a lot to be desired. The guns often get jammed or overheated.

Name: Commander Ambrose Wilshire
Gender: Male
Age: 29
Race: Wolf
Origin: The Union

Eyes: Deep yellow
Hair: Short and neatly kept
Skin/fur color: Warm
Height: 5’5”
Weight: 190
Build: somewhat tall and lean
Usual Attire: His Union uniform
Scars/markings: none that can be seen
Accessories: A gold pocket watch
Weapon of Choice: Semi automatic pistol

Qualities and Quirks
Orientation: confused . . .
Attitude: Prompt and punctual
Goal(s): to become a general
Likes: His mech, Pistols of all kind, history
Dislikes: Women, alcohol, bandits
Strengths: Highly intelligent and full of young wisdom
Weaknesses: lacks courage and confidence
Fears: losing his rank

Status: Union Commanding officer
Marital Status:

Mech (not required):
Head: simple lightweight head
Torso/chest: lightweight polygonal
Boosters: Highly advanced thrust system that allows max maneuverability
Arms: Lightweight polygonal
Legs: Lightweight polygonal
Left arm weaponry: advanced laser blade
Right arm weaponry: advanced laser blade
Torso weaponry: none
Rear right weaponry: none
Rear left weaponry: none

Stats (allotted 25 [-])-
Weight: [-]
Maneuverability: [--------]
Attack Power: [-]
Defense: [-------]
Cooling: [--------]

Greatest Strength: melee
Greatest Weakness: only uses melee
What makes it unique: advanced allow for lighter weight and higher defense

Name: Melissa
Gender: Female
Age: 26
Race: human
Origin: the badlands

Eyes: emerald
Hair: long silky black
Skin/fur color: caramel tone
Height: 5’0”
Weight: 120
Build: curvy, very feminine figure
Usual Attire: a worn tight shirt and ripped pants with boots
Scars/markings: tattoos
Accessories: hoop earrings
Weapon of Choice: a nice cutlass and a revolver

Qualities and Quirks
Orientation: Bi
Attitude: Sassy and shrewd
Goal(s): no real goals
Likes: Gold, loot, treasure, mechs
Dislikes: authority of any kind
Strengths: clever
Weaknesses: too confident
Fears: nothing, unfortunately
Status: Bandit
Marital Status:


Weight: [-----]
Maneuverability: [-----]
Attack Power: [-----]
Defense: [-----]
Cooling: [-----]

Greatest Strength: Well balanced
Greatest Weakness: no dominant stat
What makes it unique: Skilled pilot, has skates

I: Viktor is roaming around searching for others to aid his cause.