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The original Kenka

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Holy rasheed13

PostPosted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 4:59 pm
Epic 1 Fistsplosion
Togakure academy, the largest school in the world. It exists on its own island. The island is about as big as New York City, and terribly under staffed. Fights break out in unprotected zones. Weak students hire martial artist for protection. However these “hired fist” can be hired for just about anything now days.

Stanza 1 Break
The entire school waited in anticipation as the boat landed at Togakure Island. Then three figures stepped of the boat. “Alright, let’s just destroy the first martial artist we see” Calm said eager to fight. In fact that is what attracted them to this school.
“Whoa, Calm let’s get some food first. We were on that boat six hours” Wakefield or Wake said.
“Yeah Calm live up to your name” Odin said. The three boys had been waiting on this day a long time.
They didn’t have a fancy name for the group, but every where they went gave them different names. Usually they were the three “lunatics who beat everyone up”. Here they hoped to become legends
Later at the cafeteria. “So what’s our plan Wake” Calm said chewing on a burger.
“We go to the nearest blind spot.” Wake said “Better yet we start a fight here. To warm up you know” Wake said also eating.
“Remember the plan; don’t show off your martial arts.” Odin said
Calm jumped up and threw a punch to some random guy’s face. Wake kicked some guy in the shin. Odin took someone’s face and wiped it across the table (we call this move a “barfight”). More and more people jumped in one after another. No one could stop them.
Meanwhile, “Haruhi, Yama, Mitsurugi” one panicked student yelled “Three new students are beating everyone into the floor”
“Yama, Mitsu, stay back I’ll deal with all three” Haruhi said a smile on her lips.
“Haruhi don’t” Yama began to say something else, but was beaten into the floor by Haruhi “go in alone”.
“Never question your captain” Haruhi said.
Later, “I’ve beaten thirty-one” Calm said. The others were going to name off their numbers, but Haruhi entered.
“Step down you delinquents” Haruhi said.
“The girl thinks she can beat us” Calm said as he punched some guy’s face.
“Impressive body count, so I’ll go easy and finish all of you in one step” Haruhi said.
“What the, I’ve never sensed this kind of sakki (killing force)” Calm said “we may really be beaten”. The others were shocked at Calm as he pulled out his kusarigami (the traditional chain scythe). Haruhi moved in and palm struck Calm the force seemed to go through him into Wake and Odin. The force also broke Calm’s weapon. The feeling of defeat strangled their hearts as the blacked out.

Stanza 2 Wandering
The boy’s woke up in the infirmary. “What kind of monster is that girl” Calm said.
“What kind of monsters are you three.” Haruhi said looking over them “Conscious in less than two hours after being hit by my HakkeTenshou (eight trigrams heaven’s palm)”
“We are fighters after all” Wake said weakly.
“Yeah we can take a hit. Even that kamehameha you used” Odin said
“Anyway if you ever fight again I won’t hesitate to kill all of you” Haruhi said.
Haruhi left the room as another visitor to the infirmary began to speak “You three are lucky to be alive” he said “Haruhi is the head one of the schools martial arts clubs”
“Which one” Odin asked
“The Kenka club
Later “We lost big” Wake said
“Yeah” Calm and Odin said both at once.
“Way I see it we have options” Wake said “One leave the school.”
“Not an option.” Calm said as if he we talking to a crazy person
“Two give up our dream of becoming legends”
“Definitely no an option” Odin said in the same was as Calm
“Well I guess you guys know option three” Wake said
“Let’s get this over with” Calm said
Later at the Kenka club building. Yama and Mitsu were sparing. Mitsu was using his sword to block Yama’s attacks. Just as Mitsu gained the upper hand, Wake, Odin, and Calm entered and bowed with their faces to the floor.
“Please allow us into the Kenka club” they said all at once just as planned.
“Get off the floor it’s not becoming of members of Kenka” Haruhi said with a look of disgust. The boy’s felt like they had been through an ordeal bowing, but the worst was over.
Later, the boys hung upside down over a fire as Yama was fanning it.
“So this is their idea of training” Calm said in a shaky voice
“Let’s hope we can survive the first day!” Wake yelled as he looked into the flame
“Only one more hour you three” Haruhi said with sadistic glee
“I think my hair’s on fire” Odin said
Stanza 3 Special training
One week after joining the Kenka club. Odin, Calm, and Wake were doing push ups and holding the down position for three seconds.
“Keep going” Mitsu said as he swung a sword over their heads. One after one they fell out. First Wake, then Calm, and finally Odin.
“Okay now that you’re done warming up” Haruhi said “Time for your real training. Yama take Wake with you to train. Mitsu take Odin. Calm your coming with me”
“Calm, your dead.” Odin said “She’ll probably eat you”.
Later in an open space with trees surrounding it. “Odin you’re physically stronger than the other two” Yama said “So some sparring should be fine”.
Odin ran forward and punched Yama in the face. Yama shrugged it off, and grabbed Odin’s arm, flipped him and slammed him to the ground.
“This is going to be harder than I thought” Odin said to himself “Achowa chowa chowa.” Odin screamed as he got up and let loose a flurry of punches. Only to do no damage, and have his face amended by a fist.
“That’s enough” Yama said calmly as if the fight never happened.
“This guy’s a monster too” Odin thought as he sat bleeding from his mouth, nose, and ears.
“Wake physically you’re the weakest, but we’ll fix that with physical training” Mitsu said
“Like what” Wake said in a hoarse voice
Later, Wake was standing in the ocean as sharks swarmed around the box of fresh cut meat.
“Defend the box Wake. Defend the box.” Mitsu yelled from a safe distance. A shark jumped from the water at Wake, and with one kick he repelled it. Wake then spun around and kicked another. A large shark with many scars jumped out next. Wake kicked him in the eye, but unlike the others he didn’t run. He was a warrior. Wake then tried a heel drop (jump in the air, hold your leg out and let your heel land on the enemy. also called a drop kick), it had no effect. Wake threw out nine kicks all along the shark’s underside. Wake then jumped back and used a flying kick. The giant shark finally left.
“I’m alive” Wake said happily “what a strange method this club uses. Let us pray for Calm”
“Calm what you think of the Kenka club” Haruhi asked
“It’s a disgusting murder club headed by a sadistic beast” Calm replied. Haruhi began hitting Calm with palm strikes. Calm was beat for the entire training period. This was certainly “special training”.
Stanza 4 The Craft club
Calm was punching a tree over and over for his training. He still hurt from Haruhi beating him yesterday. He wasn’t wearing a shirt because his blood was all over his only clean shirt.
Wake was cooking on Haruhi’s orders. Wake was actually a good cook. He was at home in the kitchen. In Haruhi’s words “if martial arts don’t work out .you could always be a house wife”
Odin was playing on a tuba. The tuba always made Calm uneasy. Basically it was a large instrument that frightened small mammals. Calm said once that the tuba is so big it is almost alive.
“Hey! Come here. Calm go put a shirt on first” Haruhi said with a look of disgust at Calm.
Later, “You three need to learn Ki techniques or you’ll always be punching bags” Haruhi said
Later after the training was done Calm, Odin, and Wake were drained. “Hey you guy’s I need you to take this to the Cast club” Haruhi said surprisingly non-violent-like while handing Odin a piece of paper.
Later as the boys walk to the Cast club. “Haruhi said the Cast club was about here” Odin said as they walked through the door to be greeted by a dwarf-like boy.
“Welcome to the Cast club shop.” the dwarf said “I’m the captain of this club, Lark”
“Were here to pick up this order” Odin said handing Lark the paper
“Ah, for Haruhi” Lark said “That monster girl wants’ three sparks”
Lark hand began to glow with energy. He touched a bar of iron which began to glow in turn. “Enchanting a spark takes time, so sit around. Read some old magazines” Lark said
At that moment three ruffians entered. “Hey little Christmas elf give us all the money you’ve got form your sales” The big on said.
“Hey you guys, repeaters (as in had to repeat a grade, this story has some of its own slang) leave our minuscule friend alone” Odin said
“Don’t worry I’ll use my spark to beat them” Lark said channeling his Ki from both hands one to the metal, the other to his spark basically a sphere.
The spark changed into 9 foot tall armor with a red cape “Armor type spark Lord Steel” Lark said
The armor began pounding the repeaters with its detachable rocket fist. The repeaters turned tail and ran. The three boys’ were excited to get their sparks after seeing that.
“You guy’s take it for free, I owe Haruhi a favor.” Lark said
Finally there returned to the Kenka club. A nerdy looking kid sat in the clubs main room
Stanza 4 Kenka’s assignment
The boy started explaining “I’m with the computer club, and I made a game, you know to sell to a company so I can have some money. Then some noobish repeaters stole it. You guy’s are the cheapest hired fist club around. Please help me” The boy said.
“If you pay us well do anything” Haruhi said “The new guy’s will do it”
“Here’s the layout of their building. Three floors a martial artist on each one. There seems to be an unknown fourth martial artist. Be careful. Please pwn those newbs and get my program back” boy said
Later at midnight the boy’s approached a three story building. As they walked in they saw a guy in boxing shorts ready to fight. “Hey I’m Colt, second year student, master of boxing. Who’s going to fight me” Colt said.
“I’ll fight” Wake said “You guy’s go ahead”
Odin and Calm jumped over Colt and bolted out to the next floor. On the next floor a little girl sat in the next room.
“I’m the one called Hanabi” She said.
“Odin we put kicks against punches so we’ll put a manly man, that’s me, against her” Calm said
“You don’t want to go last” Odin said
“Hey that’s what friends are for” Calm said as he got in a stance.
Odin went to the top floor to see a giant warrior. “I’m Kaiju, let us fight” Kaiju said.
Stanza 5 Kick vs. Punch, don’t give up Wake.
Wake began the fight with a flying kick. Colt dodged and punched Wake three times in the face. Wake tried another kick, but Colt dodged and punched him again. Wake countered with a kick just as the punch connected. Both boys went flying back. Wake got up and began a combo a high kick to Colts face then a back kick to his stomach (spin one hundred eighty degrees and kick with your leg nearest to the opponent at the time and spin back into position) then finished with a heel drop.
“Mountain crushing roar combo” Wake said as he landed to his feet.
“Nice move. Time for me to get you back mustang charge!” Colt protested. Colt ran past Wake’s defense like a horse galloping over a plain. Colt jabbed him over and over in his face. “Ultra mustang uppercut!” Colt yelled. Colt punched Wake up into the air. “Mustang stampede jab”. One punch filled with Ki that exploded in the shape of a horse hit Wake.
Wake began to get desperate so he charged in and began kicking randomly. Colt responded by blocking the kicks with punches.
“I need a new plan. I didn’t want to use that technique, but Haruhi said it’s for emergencies” Wake thought as he prepared his Ki. Wake’s feet began to glow with Ki. “Lotus wave kick mark three. Doryah!” Wake said as he threw one mighty axe kick (bring your leg up and slam it into the ground. like a heel drop without jumping) filled with ki that gathered water from the air to form a wave.
Colt was overwhelmed and defeated. “I’m coming guys” Wake said as he weakly staggered up the stairs
Stanza 5 I continue to fight
Calm was disheartened. He expected to see another fighter like the one on the floor below. His disappointment soon faded as the girl exploded to reveal it was nothing but a cleverly disguised explosive device.
“Wow that was a nice explosion” Calm said.
“Thank you” his real opponent said as he walked out of a hidden door “they call me Maroboshi”.
“Dead men need no names” Calm said running in. Calm was instantly stabbed by another person from behind. “Maroboshi means illusion” Calm thought “this wound isn’t real then”. Calm touched his back to find a very real wound. “That’s cheating not giving away your fighting technique with your nickname” Calm joked. Calm threw shuriken into the other person who in turn exploded. Calm noticed many more people suddenly entered the room. “What, when, how, forget it” Calm yelled in frustration as he leapt in to the fray revealing his hidden kusarigami. He spun the scythe in wide circles. Each of the people he cut in turn exploded.
Calm suddenly remembered his spark. Quickly removing the sphere from his shuriken bag he activated it “Black steel shinobi shozuku type spark Midnight Serenade” Calm said (please note that activating a spark by calling its name is far easier than it is without speaking) as he was instantly in a shinobi shozuku (ninja uniform).
“Oh, you made a costume change” Maroboshi began “those snazzy new clothes won’t help you”. Calm began punching at the exploding people one by one.
“I’ve got it you’re using a spark” Calm figured out “exploding puppets”
“Actually it’s called Tea time bomb. A pun on the phrase tea time and time bomb” Maroboshi said
“You’re not funny” Calm said brandishing his ninjaken. He slashed at his tea party ready puppets. Calm was punched in the face by his exploding dolls.
“Even if the dolls are terrible fighters they still outnumber you” Maroboshi said in a strange gleeful way
“Quality not quantity” Calm said throwing the exploding doll at his opponent. Maroboshi exploded on contact with the doll.
“Oh, you thought I would enter the battle field” Maroboshi’s voice said “I’m safe far away from here”
“Lie, lie, lie, lie, lie-lie” Calm sang “lie, lie, lie, lie-lie.” “I know where you are now in the crowd” Calm said “otherwise, even if you could sense where I was you wouldn’t have noticed my costume change”
Calm began focusing his ki. “Say kaboom!” Calm yell as he himself seemed to explode. All the dolls were gone but one. Calm staggered up the stairs.
“Odin I’m coming”
Stanza 6 Nectar of the Gods, First sip
Odin ran forward punching with his finger closest to the thumb extended aiming for pressure points. Kaiju dodged effortlessly. “All that weight doesn’t slow you down?” Odin thought as he decided to switch to his best style Zuijiquan (the drunken alcohol fist).
Odin staggered forward like a drunkard. He began to punch, but fell over. Just before he hit the ground he put his hands on the ground and did a front hand spring kick. Kaiju, unable to predict the kick, took the attack’s full force. Odin landed on his back. Kaiju came forward at him as Odin rolled back to his feet to kick Kaiju in the chin. Odin got up and held his hand out as if he had a wine bottle, and took an imaginary drink.
“Quite the fighting style you have there.” Kaiju confessed “But it’s no match for my Hung kuen (immense fist)”
“We’ll see who has the last drink” Odin said
“You mean laugh, and I’ll have the last” Kaiju said
“No!! It’s my wine!!!” Odin yelled as he role-played being drunk. Odin turned his back to the enemy (usually a fundamental error). Kaiju charged forward like a bull. Odin bent his back so he was looking at Kaiju upside down and began punching. After he punched four times he rolled backwards and kicked Kaiju in the face. Kaiju focused his ki and began to gather air into his hands.
“Air storing vacuum cannon” Kaiju said as he released blasted of air. Odin was cut by the wind created. Odin came back and punched away as Kaiju blocked the punches in the traditional kung fu movie style (he blocks by pushing Odin’s arm out of the way instead of stopping them). Kaiju took Odin’s arm and broke it, and after that began to punch Odin’s face with his “One thousand tiger’s leapt down the mountain fist (what a name)”.
Odin was desperate, so he took a sip of The Nectar of the Gods, the ultimate drink, from the gourd on his side “Ah! A good year.” Odin said. Odin’s power increased to 110%. “Achowa, Chowa, Chowa” Odin said punching wildly with his good arm. “Nectar of the Gods: wine opening corkscrew fist (a spin then using the momentum to punch)” Odin screamed in drunken rage. Kaiju was wounded and Odin passed out. Just at that moment another fighter entered.
“What the this ki is even stronger than Haruhi’s” Calm said as he burst through he door Wake trailing behind him.
Meanwhile at the Kenka club. “No, way it’s him” Haruhi said aloud
Stanza 7 Haruhi
Calm was stunned by the sakki he sensed, but Wake couldn’t sense the sakki so he went in. Wake exhausted all his leftover energy to release his Lotus wave kick mark three. The other trench coated fighter blocked it with a wave of his hand. Wake was out of energy.
“Calm it’s up to you” Wake said passing out. Calm had a blank expression. He ran forward, but fell out. He was some how unconscious before he reached the trench coated fighter.
Meanwhile, “Haruhi! Don’t go after that guy he’s too strong” Mitsu said.
“Shut up! This is a fight I have to finish” Haruhi said putting on a trench coat.
“You’ll have to go through us first” Yama said getting in stance. One minute later Yama and Mitsu were on the ground unconscious.
Later, Haruhi burst through the door to see the three boys on the ground. “Haruhi, remember me, Balance” trench coated Balance said. Haruhi didn’t want to talk as she charged in with a palm thrust to the right, then the left, and a kick. Balance dodged with a side step left, then right, and then he ducked. “You’re getting slow” Balance said as if he were having a friendly chat not a fight “Well it’s my turn to attack.” Balance threw one punch that exploded with enough ki energy to bend the very light in the room into the attack.
Odin had a serious headache as he awoke. Wake was awaked by Odin, and Calm got up too. They all saw their captain being beat down by Balance. As if they were awake the whole time they used the little energy they regain from sleeping plus some energy from the defeated Kaiju to put together one big attack “Fistsplosion!(worst name yet)” the three yelled as a beam of energy pushed Balance out the window.
Later at the infirmary. “The entire Kenka club was injured” the nerd said “and you need a little extra”
“Yup” Mitsu said from a hospital bed.
“Well alright but only because you got my program back” The nerd replied.(The program was on Kaiju’s person).
Epic 1 end

Epic 2 Determination and devastation
Stanza 1 the prelude to a grand fight
Calm sat in class looking out the window. “Calm class is out” Odin said “let’s eat”
“Yeah” Calm said
Later in the cafeteria, a large crowd gathered for an announcement. A teacher on a podium announced the 38th annual Togakure academy martial arts tournament, the only time you could fight in protected zones.
“Welcome last year’s winner The Balance Firebrand Club” The teacher proclaimed.
Balance stood there looking like he was a normal person not a psychopathic killer. “This year I shall not compete” Balance said all of a sudden “instead I will watch”.
“We got to tell Haruhi” Calm said as he, Wake, and Odin ran towards the Kenka club.
“I already knew” Haruhi said “You guys need to train while Yama, Mitsu, and I go to train in the Dark Heart”.
“Dark Heart?” Wake said
“The heart of the island and the only undeveloped part” Yama said.
Later, “How do we train” Wake asked.
“Street fights” Calm said “This school has tons of gangs. We pick one to face and take them out”.
“I vote with Calm” Odin said
“Me too” Wake said
“Let’s start with Lark” Calm said “we never got to fight those guys”
“Fistsplosion!” they all yelled like a football team coming out of a huddle
Stanza 2 the leopards on the hunt
When the boys reach the craft club they see it taped up like a crime scene. “What happened?” Calm asked
“Break in” One guy said “don’t worry the hall monitors are on it”.
Normally hall monitors are nerds with a sash, but on this island they have the authority to punish with force. Their more like police.
“Calm, Odin, we’re on this case” Wake said
“No way a bunch of streetfightin’ vigilante punks are getting in on this operation” one of the hall monitors said.
“Oh yes we is” Calm protested.
“Let them in on it were short hand and these vigilante punks did live through a fight with Balance. If you recall Balance did win last year’s tournament single handedly” the hall monitors chief said.
Later, Calm, Wake and Odin were dressed like hall monitors. “Alright first we need to gather some information” Wake said looking at his hall monitor sash that said “to punish and inflict pain”.
“This school has low-life hangouts” Odin said.
“Well we’ll have to act gangsta” Calm said changing in to street clothes and sagging his pants “remember the lower your pants are the cooler you are”
Later, as they tried to enter the low-life hangout. “Whoa guys you can’t get in” a bouncer said.
“But homeboy foshizzle the grizzle hizzle my sizzle forfizzle” Calm said “Foshezza!! Foshezza!!”
“sohizzle for rizzle my grizzle, you hizzle?” Odin said
“Hi” Wake said
“You guys are just a bunch of idiots” the bouncer said.
“Fistsplosion!” Calm yelled as he put the bouncer in a sleeper hold.
“Word up” Odin said
As they entered the club they heard music that sounded like this “@#^#$^% my !$#^#%@ so #%#!%@% #%^$ @$^^#%@ ^&$%# @$@^#$^# you @$@!$# and $@%^@#%@^#%^#$T^#$^$^#$^$%^##@%#$%!% with a !$!$@! Hippo Word”
“Dance. So we can blend in” Wake said
“No way keep a low profile” Calm said
Odin had already jumped up on the stage and taken a microphone
“Give me a beat D.J.” Odin said as he prepared to rap.
“Yo! listen @#$@#%#$% my $^$^%&#$ and then @#@#$% you $%#%^# with a hippo #%@^! And @!%@%! a giraffe $^#^#^!!@ word @$#!%#$@#@$!$#$!#!@$!@#@!@$@#%#@! Fistsplosion!” Odin rapped.
“Good we’ve got a distraction” Wake said. Some people walked out and Wake and Calm followed.
“Well we’re all here. I’m this operation’s leader Cyrus.” A trench coated figure said “Here’s how it’s goin’ down, Togakure academy is actually a huge dormant volcano. It’s controlled by a device Lark made. If we take the control piece, a black spark, we can rid the island of electricity. The island has an emergency boat, our escape route”.
“Hey, could say a martial artist stop you” Calm asked
“No! That’s the beauty of it” Cyrus laughed
“Well I’ll try!” Calm said “Monitor! Takin’ you in”.
Stanza 3 Disco
“Get ‘em” Cyrus said. The gang attacked the Fistsplosion boys. Odin came in just in timed
“Miss me!” Odin said
“You almost missed the fight” Wake said “we wouldn’t want that”. Wake jumped up and kicked two gang members. Calm punched one enemy spun around and punch an enemy behind him. Odin punched a guy in the face and back roll kicked another. Wake used a jump inside kick to defeat a circle of enemies. Calm jumped on a table and did a low kick to some guys face, and then knocked over the table, and grabbed one of table legs, spun the table around and knocked some fools out. Odin fell to the floor and sliding kicked some enemies.
“Just like the old days” Odin said.
“Yeah like one of those days” Calm said remembering something.
“The good ol’ days” Wake said
“Fistsplosion!” They all yelled unleashing the attack, and defeating the leftovers.
“Wait where’s Cyrus” Wake asked “He must have fled”
“Quick to the top of the Island” Calm yelled
Stanza 4 you want Fistsplosion you got Fistsplosion
The Fistsplosion rushed to the top of the Island. Their sat Cyrus taking the black spark. He jumped on a motor cycle to escape. “Hey Wake give us a wave” Odin said making a surf board from a nearby tree.
“We can’t surf” Wake said
“We’ll learn by doing” Calm said
Wake started a wave as they surfed down the mountain in pursuit. A cliff was the next thing in their path. They jumped and landed in the wave again. They wound down the mountain. Cyrus was still ahead and heading through the city. “I can’t keep the wave up” Wake said “I don’t have enough ki”
“Hey stop” Calm yelled at a couple on a two person bike “I’ll bring it back. Odin gets on.” Odin and Calm were in pursuit the made it to the boat as they saw Cyrus taking of. “Odin throws me” Calm suggested “how good is your aim”
“Better than Wake’s” Odin joked throwing Calm to the boat.
Calm landed and got ready to fight “Fistsplode” he said in a cop movie kind of way. Cyrus came at Calm punching wildly. Calm dodged multiple times. Calm punched Cyrus, and then jump kicked Cyrus, and finally landed and elbowed Cyrus. “Burst fist” Calm yelled as he channeled his ki into his fist and his fist exploded with ki (maybe he made up the Fistsplosion name and every one else followed his lead). Calm stole the black spark and rode the boat back “not even a challenge.
Stanza 5 Destroy Kenka
One week after Fistsplosion daring rescue of the island. “We’re back” Yama said.
“Hi! Everybody” Calm said
Meanwhile, “Today we will punish Kenka for their insolence” Balance said to a group of fighters in the Balance Firebrand club “You will take care of Haruhi’s soldiers” he yelled to two fighters. “You will take care of Haruhi’s dogs” Balance yelled to three other fighters “I’ll fight Haruhi. You all may be new additions to a club that was once only myself, but you will destroy Kenka.”
Later at the craft club. “Who’s there” Lark said. Lark was suddenly set ablaze.
“I am this world’s cleanser. The flame that burns all those who are unworthy away. I am Balance”. The craft club burst into flame as Balance left.
Later, “Lark” Yama screamed on his way to the burnt club “Don’t die on me”.
“You should worry about Yama” one of Balance’s fighters said “Lunar is my name, the last name you’ll hear.
Stanza 6 Erase
“Let’s go” Lunar yelled as he began punching. Yama began to dodge, but the attack was a feint, and Lunar kicked. Yama grabbed Lunar and threw him. Lunar grew tired of this game he was playing with Yama and went full power. Lunar soon had overcome Yama
“You’ve won” Yama said “I can’t go on”
“My orders were not to beat you” Lunar said punching Yama so hard Yama’s guts flew out from his back “They were to kill you”
“What are you” Yama asked with his last breath.
“Balance’s humble servant” Lunar replied
Meanwhile, “Yama” Haruhi said as she could no longer sense him.
“Balance, I’ve killed that mower (one who looks like they cut their hair with a lawn mower) Yama” Lunar said into a cell phone
“Good, now I will erase his existence” Balance said burning a small neighborhood and all within it. It was Yama’s neighborhood.
Mitsu was in the forest plain that was Kenka’s backyard.
“Hi I’m Shousei” Shousei said “Sleep now it’ll all be over soon” Shousei channeled ki into Mitsu’s brain. Shousei, unlike Lunar, didn’t play games. A surge of ki flowed up Mitsurugi nerves into his brain. Mitsu fell asleep never to wake up.
“Mitsurugi” Shousei said “Is dead”
“All that has ever come into contact with him shall perish” Balance said. Balance walked away from the burning buildings muttering some song to him “That should lure Haruhi out”
Stanza 7 to challenge existence
“Haruhi if you wish to avenge your friends meet me where it all began” Balances note to Haruhi said.
“Balance!” Haruhi said putting on the same trench coat as before “I’ll be there”
Later. Calm was in the Cafeteria unaware of his friend’s demises. “Hey, Name’s Shackle” Shackle said pulling out a pair of hand cuffs with an overly long chain.
“Let’s go then” Calm said “more training for the tournament”. Calm removed his chain scythe from its hiding place “I haven’t fired up in a while”. Suddenly Shackle began running “Sorry got a call from my boss. We got to save this for the torment” Shackle said over his shoulder.
Meanwhile at a large radio tower on the center of the island. “Ah, Haruhi here to avenge your friends” Balance said icy cold.
“Yeah! That and I’m here to take your head off” Haruhi spat back “put your guard up Balance”
“My, My, If that’s how you wish to solve this” Balance said getting in stance “Let the battle begin” Balance began to funnel out steam.
Haruhi charged in trying to strike Balance’s legs. Balance jumped into the air and shot out a fireball. Haruhi blocked the fire with a palm strike. Balance began punching Haruhi with a flaming fist. Haruhi was trembling in pain when Balance grabbed her neck set her ablaze and threw her into the air. Balance leapt into the air and appeared right above Haruhi. Balance shot forth a stream of flames from his finger tips that exploded sending Haruhi to the ground. Haruhi got up bleeding from the explosion and the fall. Balance began punching Haruhi with a vicious right hook, uppercut, spinning elbow, to axe kick. Haruhi was desperately low on blood, morale, and ki from trying, in vain, to heal her wounds. Haruhi collapses onto the floor as Balance walks over
“Had enough.” Balance said. Suddenly Haruhi got up.
“Hakke: Tenpa jyousai (Eight trigrams: take the heavens and smash them into a bazillion itty bitty pieces)” Haruhi yelled as she used a double palm thrust to deliver an enormous blast of ki energy straight through Balance’s stomach.
“You aren’t the one to kill me” Balance said as he regenerated his stomach. Haruhi let out a gasp of surprise “I’m different that I was before. I’ve mastered the ultimate technique, Ashura (Ashura= a battle loving sprit in Buddhism)”
“You went that far” Haruhi’s said as Balance began to burn her alive with a black flame.
“Say hello to your friends” Balance said walking away laughing. Suddenly a battle cry rang out. A cry that brings hope in the darkest of time. It fills our hearts with joy. Here it is! “Fistsplosion”.
Calm, Wake, and Odin were riding in on Cyrus’ motorcycle. Balance used one punch to break the motorcycle. Calm punched Balance in the face, then the stomach, and finally an uppercut to the chin. Wake jump kicked Balance just as Calm ducked. Odin came out of the air and slammed both arms onto Balance’s head. “Enough” Balance yelled as he shot a huge river of black flame from his mouth. Suddenly Lord Steel was blocking the attack.
Stanza 7 Beat Down
“Lord Steel equips” Lark yelled as Lord Steel broke apart and equipped itself to Lark “Lark Steel mode!” Lark Steel began to shoot his rocket fist at Balance. Then Lark Steel’s shoulder plates opened up to reveal rocket launchers in within, as well as laser cannon in the chest plate. The arms became Gatling guns. “Vicious Steel” All the weapons fired at once. Afterward Lark Steel revealed a jet pack and began flying foreword. He grabbed Balance and flew him high into the sky. “Rolling Steel” They plummeted to the ground. Lark Steel kept on punching Balance.
“Ether burn!” Balance yelled punching Lark Steel with a black flame fist. Lark steel was coated with a new black coat which stopped the attack. Lark Steel also was caring an ornate spear and an ornate gun on his arm. Lark Steel was equipped with the sparks he had given the Fistsplosion. “Lark Steel! Black! Knight! Mode!” They all yelled. Lark Steel began slashing at Balance with a spear. Balance was impaled over and over. Lark Steel shot the gun, but Balance dodged. “The gun is too slow activating Gungnir” Lark Steel said. Gungnir’s power is 30 seconds of 100% accuracy (Gungnir is Odin’s spear in Norse mythology). Lark Steel shot his blaster that on impact increased gravity on Balance ten fold. Calm, Odin, And Wake did a triple flying kick. Balance was soundly beaten.
“I’m... not... dead yet!” Balance said getting to his feet.
Balance blasted Haruhi with a stream of flames. Balance began to limp away as Lunar and Shousei showed up in a helicopter as Balance climbed up. “Till next time Fistsplosion, till next time.” Balance said “We’ll see how strong you are at my tournament”
Stanza 8 Picking up the pieces.
One month after Kenka’s punishment. Lark, Calm, Odin, and Wake are dressed in black at a funeral. Lark places a spark on the bodies of Kenka’s original three and they all transformed into ornate coffins. Calm left a shuriken on all their coffins, a symbol of himself. Odin put a gourd on each, a symbol of the drunken fist and himself as well. Wake places a black belt on each. They all walk away.
Later Calm is lying in his bed looking at the roof. He turns to see a picture of the Kenka club as it once was. Calm puts his shoes on goes outside and starts running some where. Further into the city everyone turns to watch him run. He stops at the old Kenka building burnt, but one thing still stands. The training post. Calm began punching the wooden post.
Wake is reading a book when suddenly he throws it to the ground. Wake begins knocking over bookshelves and the like in an emotional rampage.
Odin was passed out in an alley. Some muggers walk up to him. He beats them all down into the ground.
Later on a dock at midnight the three boys sit looking out at the sea. “Wow, just one month, everything is gone. What now.” Wake asked the other Fistsplosion.
“You fight on” Lark said in a wheel chair from his burning and then fighting “No matter what you do you move forward (Lark is like yoda) and don’t look back. For yourselves, for your pride for Kenka and the Fistsplosion.”
“You three need to further your training” Lark said “Go to the country of your martial art’s origin to Korea, for Wake’s Hapkido, To China, for Odin’s Zuijiquan, and Japan to perfect Calm’s Ninjutsu. The craft club has plenty of field trip budgets since all the members quit”
“Fistsplode” They all said
Epic 3 the Distance
Stanza 1 Goodbye Togakure.
“Okay first we go to China, North Korea, and on to Japan” Lark said “Well be going to mostly rural areas. We will go to Tokyo because it’s awesome”.
Calm was getting packed (being a book/anime character he mostly has multiple copies of the same shirt, plus a few formal clothes like a tuxedo and a kimono. He also has clothes for extreme temperatures. Same with all the others). Calm put in his weapons and a couple of manga.
Later on their small boat. All of the passengers headed for India. Odin was by the pool trying to pick up girls when a tuba fell from the sky and hit him into the pool. Wake and Calm were in the buffet.
“Now this is traveling way better than the boat that brought us to the island” Calm said.
“Maybe this will bring our fighting sprit back” Wake said in between bites.
“Hey we’ve stopped in China” Lark said hours later “Let’s drop off Odin”
Stanza 2 Fistsplosion level ultimate training
“This in the place” Odin said looking around a grungy bar. An old man sat in one of the seats drinking.
“Ah you are Odin come with me” The old man said
Later in a river. “Push back the river Odin” The old man said.
“Push back the river?” Odin sounded confused “Is that possible”
The old man pushed Odin in. Odin tried pushing back the river to no avail.
“No matter how strong you are your bare hands can’t push water” the old mad said “Focus your energy”. Odin tried to use ki energy to push it back. The river kept flowing. “Up till now you and your friend Calm haven’t learned to focus your ki to do more than explode” The old man said “Focus it. Ki is in you breath your respiration system is important for ki manipulation”
Odin focused his ki energy. Eventually everything began to come into focus. Odin’s hands were coated in ki “Divine hand of the eight drunken immortals” Odin said calmly for a battle cry. The ki pushed the river back like a giant hand.
Meanwhile in Korea, Wake had met up with his master and they went up a mountain.
“Fight that bear in the cave” the old master said
“Okay” Wake said this enemy would be tougher than a shark would be.
The huge animal took each kick as if it were nothing. “Control your ki” the old master said. “Lotus wave kick mark two” Wake said as he kicked the bear under the chin and a geyser gushed upward. “Focus harder Wake”
“Mark one” Wake said going a jump inside kick that created a tornado of water. The old bear was only slightly hurt. “Try harder Wake”.
“Mark zero” Wake thought. Wake kicked the bear into the air. Then he jumped up and began to create a watery grave for the bear. Holding it in the water until he ran out of breath. He dropped the bear to the ground
Calm’s training however remains a blank.
Stanza 3 the Sun will rise tomorrow
Calm, Odin, and Wake stood at the entrance to Kenka’s burnt remains. They were wearing trench coats in a testament to Kenka’s dead founders. “Let’s go” Calm said “The tournament is starting”. Finally the tournament they had been waiting for. Bittersweet was the event. The Fistsplosion had the fitness. Calm had the lean muscle and speed. Odin had the muscle strength. Wake had the flexibility.
Later at the tournaments registration. “O.K. Team Fistsplosion?” The clerk behind the desk was confused “the preliminaries start now”. A group of 108 of Cyrus’ old gang jumped out.
Fifteen seconds later. “Sorry it took us so long” They apologized while bowing.
They entered the arena. Round one was called Team Fistsplosion vs. Team Firebrand Neo.
Stanza 4 Blood licker
“First up from Fistsplosion Wakefield vs. Team Firebrand Neo’s Maaka” The announcer boomed “Hajime (Japanese means begin)”.
Wake rushed in and tried to kick Maaka. Maaka grabbed his leg small cuts opened up on Wake’s leg. Wake kicked at him again. His attack connected. Wake started kicking Maaka’s face. Wake used his mark two kick. Maaka grabbed Wake’s arm and sucked out the blood “Leeches” Wake said seeing the mouths on Maaka’s finger tips.
“Yes. This technique allows me to steal ki energy from blood through the leeches implanted in my hands” Maaka said “using Fu Jow Pai (tiger claw) claw strikes (claw strike using the finger tips as claws to cut flesh with grip) the leeches get a meal and I get the ki”.
“O.k.! How’s this” Wake yelled unleashing mark one kick. Maaka waste no time punching Wake’s stomach. The punch was only a feint to use his leeches again. Wake and Maaka began fighting in kung fu movie style. Wake threw a low kick, then a heel drop, to a jump inside kick that finally broke through Maaka’s defense. Maaka had been using this time to drain Wake’s blood with each block. Wake was desperate he unleashed his mark zero kick. Maaka was drowned in the water.
“Winner Wakefield” the announcer said again
Stanza 5 the unseen
Odin was up next against Blind. Blind wore bandages like a mummy. Suddenly the bandages came off to reveal nothing underneath. He was invisible. “Well if sight’s no good might as well drink some nectar” Odin said gulping down a small vile of the intoxicating elixir. Odin attacked quickly. Randomly punching at everything. Odin eventually connected. “Oh yeah!” he said as Blind became visible for a second. Odin was just punching again. Blind attacked Odin quickly. Blind caught a face punch at the same time “Nectar Hurricane” Odin said as he spun wildly punching in all directions. Blind was out of range. Blind came in as shot a flying kick at Odin. Blind revealed his weakness, He was visible while attacking. Odin punched him in the face. Odin jumped high into the air. “Nectar Double Armed Crash” Odin slammed both arms on onto Blind. Blind was knocked into a small crater.
Stanza 6 one cut on kill
Calm was up next. Shackle was his opponent. Calm attacked with his kusarigami. Calm went in punching. Calm cut Shackle with his ninjaken felling him in one blow. “I’m diffent than I was before” Calm said.
Meanwhile Balance and jumps down next to Calm
Stanza 7 Crimson Courages
Balance showed up from nowhere. “Calm you are my final opponent” He said “I choose you to be the catalyst of destiny. If you lose I’ll burn the whole world to nothing with the army I’ve been raising. Can you stand and fight.”
“Balance I accept” Calm said rising to his feet “this is it”.
Calm soon found himself in an arena that seemed to be made of stained glass. Rose petals littered the floor.
“Behold, my arena Crimson Courages” Balance laughed out.
Calm attacked and punched Balance in the face. Calm then slammed Balance’s head into the floor. Calm him picked up then threw Balance to the ground.
“Get up and I’ll destroy you” Calm said.
Stanza 8 I’ll go the distance
Balance got up and punched Calm in to the air. “Rose Crash” Balance said burning Calm with a giant fireball. Balance appeared beneath him and shot another fireball. “Crimson Sepulture” Balance said. Calm was enveloped in a flaming coffin. “Crimson sun” as the name describes an enormous burning ball of flame blew every thing up. “Still willing to fight” Balance asked.
“I said this to myself. No matter what I have to do” Calm began “I’ll go the distance.”
Calm rushed in and uppercut Balance. Calm began to punch again, but his fist was stopped by Balance kicking him away. Calm ran in and Balance jumped. Calm fought Balance in mid air. Balance tried to heel drop Calm. Calm caught the kick and threw Balance. “Shooting star impact” Calm said as he dove down. Calm attacked Balance with speed so great he looked like a hurricane. The rose petals on the ground were sucked and spun like a tornado around them, as if they were within a red pillar. Balance began to retaliate. As the two of them fought kung fu movie style, the pillar of roses spun even faster. Calm was suddenly thrown back as Balance yelled “I tire of this game”. Balance suddenly grew wings. His arms became snakes. Out of the snake mouths his fist came.
Stanza 9 Cou de Grace
Balance tossed Calm to the side like a ragdoll. Calm was out of energy. Balance picked Calm up into the air while the snake bit at his neck where he held him. “In three days I’ll attack Togakure. If you survive the poison I’ll fight you and the other two.” Balance hissed “See you then”. Balance threw Calm through the stain glass of the arena back into Togakure academy’s tournament crowd.
“Calm did you win” Odin asked, but Calm didn’t answer.
Later Calm is being treated while the other two train. Calm eventually gets out and they all train together. The Fistsplosion are soon joined by Colt, Maroboshi, and Kaiju. They wanted to help. Cyrus and his gang showed up too, willing to help. Lark came as well ready to lay his life on the line. The people from the tournament showed up. More and more clubs joined in. Finally the strongest fighting force in Togakure history was assembled. “The Kurokishi rengu (Black knight alliance)” Wake, Odin, and Calm proclaimed.
Stanza 10 Kurokishi rengu attack.
Calm woke up the day before the attack. Calm walked outside to see Colt training some Kurokishi members in boxing. Colt taught boxing because the moves were easy to remember quickly. Kurokishi would be powerful. Calm thought that they would be powerful enough. Odin was training at the beach with Wake. The medical club had begun to learn how to use medical knives as weapons by the Eskirma club. Even if they would stay on the sidelines, they needed to go into the fray to retrieve wounded and patch them up quickly. The MMA club was learning to use moves that were usually illegal. Any strong move would help. The pyrotechnics club was building explosive weapons. The equestrian club was being taught swordsmanship and archery by clubs (there are many forms of swordsmanship and archery).
Later, Calm was being outfitted with a new shinobi shozuku. It was designed to be even stronger than midnight serenade. He was now immune to the poison of Balance. He knew what he had to do.
The day had come. They were on Togakure islands western beach. Calm saw Balance’s army, a group of half reptile people, emerge from nowhere on a moving island. It was a giant turtle about the size of Togakure. It was not emitting any sakki, Calm noticed, it was not here to fight. “Calm! Let’s get this party started” Balance hissed “Snake Brood attack”
“Here is your chance to become legends. Take the moment Fistsplosion” Maroboshi said
Calm, Odin, and Wake all yelled in unison “Kurokishi rengu attack”.
Stanza 12 I will fight
Kurokishi’s archers took aim and fired exploding arrows. To calm’s relief the turtle was unharmed. Calm had hoped to keep the friendly creature alive. Kurokishi soldiers were fighting with the Brood seconds after the first shots. Calm sliced two Brood member’s neck with his new ninjaken called Mirror Halts Water (or Mirrors). Odin was back flipping kicking a Brood member while breaking a bottle over another’s head. Maroboshi was using his puppets to fight an entire squad of Brood members. Wake jump inside kicked multiple enemies. Colt was fighting side by side with the other captains of the schools boxing clubs (Savate, Kickboxing, Muay Thai, Japanese kickboxing, among others). Kaiju was punching Brood members in the face. Lark Steel was firing into the crowd. Cyrus was using his new found talent for Penack silat to fight multiple enemies. Finally the three Fistsplosion were fighting side by side. They all unleashed one of their biggest attacks. “Divine hand” Odin said.
“Mark one” Wake said.
“Shooting star catastrophe (spins quickly to form a tornado that instead of blowing sucks things in)” Calm said.
Balances forces fell back until the Kurokishi rengu had defeated nearly half of the group. “Fistsplosion second” the Fistsplosion yelled firing and immense ball of ki that move forward slowly, and suck every thing into oblivion, like a black hole. Somehow it didn’t affect the Kurokishi soldiers. The Brood was falling back. The Fistsplosion saw balance sneak away.
Stanza Final: When the sunset turns red
The Fistsplosion arrived at the place where it had all started, Kenka. Calm, Odin, and Wake stood looking at Balance. Odin almost ran in, but wake stopped him. “This is Calm’s fight” Wake said nodding to Calm.
Calm walked up to Balance as rain started to fall. Suddenly, Balance used an axe kick. Calm caught the kick with both hands, and the water from the rain flew back at the impact (the rain does that every time a hit connects or someone stomps). Calm lifted Balance into the air. Calm stomped his front foot to the ground, and threw Balance. Calm And Balance ran at each other, clasped hands, and head butted each other’s foreheads. Calm and Balance fought, and fought, hours passed. Balance had gained the upper hand. Calm laid on the ground as Balance stomped on him “Give up Calm, I’ve won” Balance said.
“I... I.. I will never give in to you” Calm said. “Wake, Odin, Lark, Colt, Kaiju, Maroboshi, Cyrus, Yama, Mitsurugi, Haruhi, God, give me strength” Calm said getting up and channeling his ki into both hands. Sparks flew in between his hands as a ball of ki formed. “This is it Togakure’s union in energy form” Calm shot the blast filled with the ki of everyone at Togakure. Balance was eradicated.
Thirty one years later. A statues stands next to a new Kenka building. A statue with only two words inscribed on it. “Fistsplode Forever”. The sunset and every thing turned red under the glow of the sun. All was right
See You Later  
PostPosted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 5:54 pm
Ahhh. Brings back good times. 3nodding  


Fanfiction T+(minor language and violence)

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