As you all probably know, god modding is an extremely lowly way to role play. It involves making oneself invincible and capable of doing up to anything, and so to eliminate the chances of this happening within The Wind Village, Kitkayo of Toltus have conducted the following rules in respect to god modding:

1. You cannot make yourself in any way invincible. You can die just like anyone else, or you will be banned.

2: You cant control your opponents moves as in making them see something as in role-playing for them. Also you cant spam as in you and your opponent take turns you cant just keep hitting them take turns you make a move then your opponent makes a move.

3. You must decide upon one way of fighting, and one alone. For example, you can't decide that one minute you have super strength and the next you can control things telepathically.

4. This goes along with 3, but you must choose one species for your character. For example, you can't be a vampire one minute and a demon the next, unless you've done some role playing to be permanently converted, but don't switch between species unless you have a set persona for each.

5. In the cases of 3 and 4, it's advised that you come up with a solid character before beginning to role play. Lay out how your character will fight, what weapons he/she will use, his/her species, and any conditions that your character is in. That way it will eliminate the chances of character confusion and unintentional god modding.

6. No one is a god or a goddess, so it's forbidden to speak of yourself as such. Do not proclaim to anyone that you are in any way invincible or a god, understanding that you will be banned if caught doing so.

7. Auto-hitting is another problem that goes along with god modding. Directing the hits given and taken during a battle is forbidden. For example, you cannot say *stabs you in the chest and you collapse lifeless onto the ground*.

8. If you die during a battle, you cannot immediately revive yourself or be revived in some other way to continue fighting. Dying during a battle means that the battle is over, and you cannot continue fighting in that battle or war depending on the situation. After the fighting is over, accept your loss and you will be able to fight again later.

I got this from Toltus i did not steal this.