Basic Facts about Wolves
arrow The name of a male is referred to as a dog
arrow The name of a female is referred to as a b***h
arrow The name or offspring, or a baby wolf, is a pup
arrow Pups are born inside a den ( a cave or hole in the ground)
arrow The average size of a litter is four to six
arrow The collective name for a group of Wolves is a Pack
arrow The sound made by a wolf is referred to as a howl

# The wolf has very strong jaws
# Wolves walk on just their toe tips
# Can reach speeds of up to 35 mph
# Highly developed sense of smell and hearing

A wolf holds the reputation of a killer and is known to be a skillful hunter who eats animals that may belong to the same genus.

A pack of wolves can range from two members to around 20 wolves as well! When in a pack, two members are known to stay back at the den.

Although wolves are described as wicked creatures, the acts of humans are even more wicked. In areas that are not protected, wolves are subjected to torture when they are trapped in snares.

The wolf has 42 teeth.Wolves can hear sounds up to 6 miles away.Wolves breed only once a year; while most dogs breed twice.

Fur coloration varies from gray to gray-brown, white, red, brown, and black. Males are larger than females.

Generally, mating occurs between January and April—the higher the latitude, the later it occurs. A pack usually produces a single litter unless the breeding male mates with one or more subordinate females. During the mating season, breeding wolves become very affectionate with one another in anticipation of the female's ovulation cycle. The pack tension rises as each mature wolf feels urged to mate.

* arrow Dominance – A dominant wolf stands stiff legged and tall. The ears are erect and forward, and the hackles bristle slightly. Often the tail is held vertically and curled toward the back. This display asserts the wolf's rank to others in the pack. A dominant wolf may stare at a submissive one, pin it to the ground, "ride up" on its shoulders, or even stand on its hind legs.

* arrow Submission (active) – During active submission, the entire body is lowered, and the lips and ears are drawn back. Sometimes active submission is accompanied by muzzle licking, or the rapid thrusting out of the tongue and lowering of the hindquarters. The tail is placed down, or halfway or fully between the legs, and the muzzle often points up to the more dominant animal. The back may be partly arched as the submissive wolf humbles itself to its superior; a more arched back and more tucked tail indicate a greater level of submission.

* arrow Submission (passive) – Passive submission is more intense than active submission. The wolf rolls on its back and exposes its vulnerable throat and underside. The paws are drawn into the body. This posture is often accompanied by whimpering.
* arrow Anger – An angry wolf's ears are erect, and its fur bristles. The lips may curl up or pull back, and the incisors are displayed. The wolf may also arch its back, lash out, or snarl.

* arrow Fear – A frightened wolf attempts to make itself look small and less conspicuous; the ears flatten against the head, and the tail may be tucked between the legs, as with a submissive wolf. There may also be whimpering or barks of fear, and the wolf may arch its back.

* arrow Defensive – A defensive wolf flattens its ears against its head.

* arrow Aggression – An aggressive wolf snarls and its fur bristles. The wolf may crouch, ready to attack if necessary.

* arrow Suspicion – Pulling back of the ears shows a wolf is suspicious. The wolf also narrows its eyes. The tail of a wolf that senses danger points straight out, parallel to the ground.

* arrow Relaxation – A relaxed wolf's tail points straight down, and the wolf may rest sphinx-like or on its side. The wolf may also wag its tail. The further down the tail droops, the more relaxed the wolf is.

* arrow Tension – An aroused wolf's tail points straight out, and the wolf may crouch as if ready to spring.

* arrow Happiness – As dogs do, a wolf may wag its tail if in a joyful mood. The tongue may roll out of the mouth.

* arrow Hunting – A wolf that is hunting is tensed, and therefore the tail is horizontal and straight.

* arrow Playfulness – A playful wolf holds its tail high and wags it. The wolf may frolic and dance around, or bow by placing the front of its body down to the ground, while holding the rear high, sometimes wagged. This resembles the playful behavior of domestic dogs.