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[INFO] Roleplay Applications and Rules

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Vice Captain

PostPosted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 12:39 pm
As suggested by the title, this thread contains the application form, as well as rules for the current roleplay. It is strongly suggested that you read it all, even if you're an old member as some aspects have changed. If anything is unclear, then feel free to sent a Private Message to any of the Crew and they will be more than happy to clarify it.

1. The Plot
2. Application Rules and FAQs
3. The Application Form and Explanation  
PostPosted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 1:16 pm
The Plot

Year: 3681 BBY (Before Battle of Yavin)

The galaxy is at peace. It has been nearly three centuries since the Mandalorian Wars and the Great Jedi Purge. The ruined galaxy has slowly been repaired. While many planets, like Taris, will still see reconstruction many centuries into the future, much of the galaxy is back up and running.

All is well.... or so we thought

Little did we know, the Sith had survived from the time of Naga Sadow. They sought shelter on the ancient world of Dromund Kaas, and from there gradually rose their numbers, spreading their dark Empire, constantly growing and getting stronger. When ready, they struck.

The first encounter was in the Outer Regions. The Sith cut a swathe of destruction, conquering planets, and destroying all Republic ships. Countless planets and systems fell. Their progress was slow, but brutal, as they worked their way deeper and deeper into the Galaxy, making their way to Coruscant. Twenty eight years passed, while the Republic fought a futile war, one many felt was destined to end in defeat.

The year was now 3653 BBY, still more than three millenia before the Clone Wars. The Sith and Republic had fought to a standstill, with much of the Outer and Mid Rim in possession of the Sith, while the Inner Rim and Core was held by the Republic. The galaxy was effectively cut in half, and all seemed lost. One more push, and the Sith would swarm out and blanket the galaxy. What the Republic didn't know was that they had spread themselves a bit too thin, and while they held the Republic at bay, they could not push to capture any more territory, at least for the future. The Invasion of Alderaan , despite an early Sith victory, ended in a drastic defeat that left their forces devastated in their greatest loss of the war. The Republic had earned peace, and so the Sith offered to send an envoy to Alderaan to agree on terms of the treaty.

At last, peace.... or so we thought.

While the Republic and Sith envoys met on Alderaan, betrayal was brewing. Behind our backs, the Sith amassed a fleet led by a Sith Strike Team and attacked their heart We were caught off guard, and not only did we lose the Jedi Temple, but the Supreme Chancellor, and much of the cityscape. Our groin had been kicked. Left with little choice, we signed their blasted treaty, and watched as the triumphant Sith returned to their border, while we re-established our beloved, defeated, Republic.


Fast forward six months. The war between the Republic and Sith is over, but much resentment still rests. With a great deal of new territory to their name, the Sith is hunkering down, reinforcing their position, and rebuilding their fleet and armies, likely to continue the war at some later time.

The Republic is doing much the same, but at a slower rate. Much of their home is destroyed, and Coruscant is largely in shambles, with only the bare necesities up and running. Following the invasion, the Crown Prince of Alderaan demanded war, and when the Senate refused, he stormed out in protest. The Prince wanted revenge against the Sith that had burned his world, but an assassin's bullet killed him, and the Queen's death mere days later pulled the planet into chaos. The Jedi, bereft of their Temple, have fled to their ancestral home of Tython, rebuilding the temple and consolidating their numbers.

But, not everyone has agreed to just put their guns down and give up. While the Republic officially is at peace, many of their forces and even some Jedi have resigned their commissions, in order to continue the fight. Countless conflicts and proxy wars have popped up, each pushing the two super powers closer, and closer to the edge of war...  

Vice Captain

Vice Captain

PostPosted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 1:44 pm
Application Rules/FAQs

Application Rules

01. The Application Form, found in the following post, must be filled out completely.
02. You may not post in designated RP threads until your application has been approved by a Crew member.
03. Crew members reserve the right to reject any application for any reason.
04. Do not PM Crew members asking for their attention regarding your application, unless he or she has PMed you first.
05. You may not have more than one character in the role play (This applies to the Crew too), to reduce the risk of plot monopolisation. There will also be no Crew-only characters. Everyone only gets one character. Period. Anyone discovered to have more will be banned without a second thought.
06. Your character can be aligned with any major faction. The two prominent ones are the Sith and the Republic
07. Jedi relatives are allowed, but strongly discouraged. This pertains mainly on the basis that most Jedi don't maintain relations with the rest of their family, and so cannot be counted as a relative
08. All role-play applications must be written in third-person omnipotent.
09. If you posted your app but are not finished put "UNDER CONSTRUCTION" at the top, if you do not the application will be graded as is.
10. No non-canon material allowed. All races, planets, technology etc. must be pre-approved by a mod, who have all authority to allow or disallow.

Application FAQs

Q: How do I know if a mod has OK'd my application?
A: The Crew member will edit a message at the bottom of your application. It is not their responsibility to notify you when they've accepted or rejected your application, so check it from time to time.

Q: What if my Application is not accepted?
A: If your application is turned down the mod that left the message will tell you why you failed and what you need to do to pass. Once you have corrected it put a note below the Crew member's first note and the same mod will look over it again.

Q: i want 2b a mandalorianz!!
A: The reason we don't like Mandalorian characters is simply because the race itself was wiped out. In the Old Republic, some warriors followed the Mandalorian way, but were not flesh-and-blood Mandalorians. In the same way no character is allowed to be a Sith, no character is allowed to be a Mandalorian. The Mandalorian species (Taung) went extinct long before this roleplay, so you can't be one.

Q: Why can't I have an ARC-170?
A: They haven't been invented yet, and won't be for more than three millenia. Want to use a vehicle that exists nowadays? We'll provide you with some examples in another thread.

Q: Everyone wants to be a Jedi! Won't their numbers alone be enough to end your plotline?
A: Trust me when I say no. Merely watching the video will tell you how much they got their butt whooped on. That also goes to say, the Sith won't always remain top dog.

Q: Can I use my old RP character?
A: No. That character is too well-developed for the new system.

Q: Can my character be a Jedi Master?
A: No, at least not yet. That goes for Sith too. With the exception of NPCs (Non Player Characters), everyone else will start at the bottom of the rung, and will have to earn their next rank. This applies to ALL characters.

Q: Can I start with a lightsaber?
A: Conditionally, yes. All Jedi and Sith start out with a basic lightsaber during their training. When done, they may construct a better lightsaber, or even use two, etc.

Q: Can my characters relatives be used in the roleplay?
A: Yes, but not to much. Character relatives, if included, are meant to play minor roles. Play them too much, and they become a major character, which aren't allowed.

Q: When does the roleplay take place?
A: This roleplay takes place more than three millenia before the Clone Wars. The exact date is 3,653 BBY.

Q: What are the factions in the roleplay that I can roleplay as?
A: Strictly, there are only three available factions within this roleplay. The Sith, The Republic (and by extension Jedi), and Neutral.

The Sith is the dominant force in the galaxy. They are led by the Sith Emperor and the Dark Council, and have a vast fleet of warships, soldiers, and battledroids. Of course, they also have Sith in their ranks.

The Republic consists of the remaining territory and military that the Sith did not conquer. Much of their technology dates to the Mandalorian Wars, and while old, is still decent. Despite failure, the Jedi is affiliated with the Republic.

Finally, those who are not aligned, or Neutral, are made up of Bounty Hunters, mercenaries, and pretty much any character that does not wish to be in either of the two main factions. Though it is encourage that they participate in some of the tension between the Sith and Republic, it is not mandatory.

Q: Who will control factional NPC troops and artillery?
A: We're going to try a new system. For this roleplay, every character will be able to gain control of minor characters (such as soldiers, droids, Jedi or Sith, and pilots) to fight for and with them. This system will be based on a Ranking System, in which players complete tasks and missions as designated by Crew, and thus earn the ability and right to command these NPCs. These NPCs will be treated as minor characters, almost deserving of character profiles in and of themselves. This will be dealt with later.

As you get higher and higher in rank, you have the ability to recruit more people onto your 'side.' For example, a Jedi will eventually become a Jedi Knight, and be able to take a Padawan. Or maybe as a Jedi Master you'll be chosen to lead a strike team, consisting of multiple Jedi.

Another example: as a 'trooper class', you start as common fodder, a private. Eventually, you earn rank; a sergeant can command a squad of 9. A lieutenant commands up to a platoon, or four squads worth of men. Ultimately, you can command an entire army, consisting of thousands of men and ships (but you have to earn it!).

And for those of you worried crew might take advantage and get all the promotions, crew can't promote themselves. Another crew member (on the same faction) must review their work and determine whether they earn the promotion.

Otherwise, all other forces will be under the assumed control of the two GMs. Ultimately, it is their call whatever happens.
PostPosted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 1:57 pm
The Application

The Application Form

[b]Gaia Name:[/b]
[b]Character Name:[/b]
[b]Character Description:[/b]

[b]Character History:[/b]
[b]Personal Belongings:[/b]




[b]Roleplay Sample:[/b]

The Application Explanation

Gaia Name: Your username.
Character Name: The name of your character.
Gender: Is your character a male, a female, or an it?
Age: Your character's age.
Race: You don't have to be human, but you may NOT be Sith or Mandalorian. They're extinct.
Character Description: At least one good paragraph explaining what your character looks and acts like. LINK ALL PICTURES.

Relations: Do you have a spouse, any children or family? How about a best friend?
Character History: At least two good paragraphs describing where your character came from, and why he/she/it acts like he/she/it does.
Personal Belongings: Be realistic, but don't tell me about anything I don't care about, like his/her hairbrush. I only want important stuff.

Faction: Sith, Republic (specify if Jedi), or Neutral
Class: Of the given Classes, which is your character? Jedi? Trooper? Smuggler? Etc.

Equipment: Items you have on you, such as a blaster, lightsaber, vibrosword, comlink, etc. Jedi And Sith start out with Training Lightsabers.
Vehicle: After receiving your ___th promotion, all characters are allowed access to a vehicle, that will be for your personal use. For a list of vehicles, refer to ________.

Skills: Is your character good at anything in particular? Includes general skills (lying, holding down his liquor, etc.) and Jedi or military skills (Force Lightening, Marksmanship, Piloting, etc.)
Flaws: We encourage flawed characters, and we mean real flaws. Again, as this is largely combat orientated, we would like some combat weaknesses. If you're good at ranged combat, perhaps you're weakness is melee. Maybe you had your leg sliced off by a lightsaber and were forced to get a prosthetic. No half-arsed weaknesses like "Has a hard time forming friendships."

Roleplay Sample: Show us what you are capeable of, but don't get too cocky. The RP sample may be a regurgitation from another RP you've worked on in the past.

The Application Example

Gaia Name: Iamgreen
Character Name: Jeniffer Highly
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Race: Human

Character Description: Jeniffer stands 5'10 tall, with aa average build for her age. Her long blond hair flows paster her shoulders but you wouldn't know it because it is always in one ponytail behind her head. Jeniffer or Jenny as her friends call her is a fun out going girl. Always looking for fun, wether it's just messing around or trying to find something to challange her.

Relations: Her mother, Jessica
Character History: Jeniffer's father died when she was only a baby and has no memory of him. Though her mother would speak of him all the time. Jeniffer always hated see people with their fathers, because she never had one of her own. Some of Jenny's out going feelings is a cover up for the pain she feels from those day, though she would never admit it. The pain she keeps with her is something she would rather die then show anyone.

Jeniffer was always good at sports, which was one thing she felt had to come from her father because her mother would seem to trip over her own two feet all the time. About a year ago Jeniffere's mother started dating again, which Jeniffer was against. Now her mother is going to be moving off world to go leave with her new love, however Jeniffer will not. Jeniffer had no idea where to go or what to do, but when she remembered that Jedi trained people who were stronge. Thus Jenny has left for the Jedi Temple, to begin her new life.

Personal Belongings: Picture of her father

Faction: Jedi
Class: Jedi Padawan

Equipment: Personal Comlink, Jedi Robes, Training Lightsaber (Blue)
Vehicle: None

Skills: Has great stamina
Flaws: Completely combat inexperienced, with both ranged and melee weapons.

Roleplay Sample:

Read other applications to see what an good roleplay sample looks like.  

Vice Captain

Vice Captain

PostPosted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 8:30 am
Gaia Name: ElladanKenet
Character Name: Lady Synnestra Dragosa, Darth Syn
Gender: Female
Age: 24
Race: Human
Character Description: Synnestra

Relations: Darth Zanith (Zanith Dragosa, mother)
Character History: Lady Synnestra was born Synnestra Dragosa on Dromuund Kaas 24 years ago, the child of Zanith Dragosa and Nathiel Prestor. The spawn of two respected and powerful Sith, she would inherit the legacy of a long line of Sith, dating at least to the time of the Old Sith Wars, and possibly farther back.

Synnestra grew up in Sith rule, neck-deep in a society where power was everything, and existance meant beating everyone else. Synnestra was no exception, and excelled in this life, fighting her way to the top of her school studies, and personal training under her mother. By the time she was ten, the Sith began to whisper that one day, she would be a powerful member of their order.

At 21, Synnestra was finally an adult. She'd attended the Imperial Academy, and was registered in their officer corps, one of their highest graduates. She'd also received considerable Sith training, mainly from her mother, who's name she took as her own.

The day finally came when it was time to prove herself who was to be the Sith who would herald in the future. though the war had been over for a while, Synnestra vowed she would become stronger, so that when the war recommenced, she'd be there to win it. To do this however, she would have to travel to Korriban, to complete her training and become a full member of the Sith order.

Which brings us to today. Synnestra arrived on the planet via passenger transport along with other students, and is ready to complete her training and become a Sith Lord.

Personal Belongings: Civilian Clothing, An old amulet that belonged to her ancestor, one of the Sith Lords under Freedon Nadd

Faction: Sith Empire
Class: Sith Warrior

Equipment: Training Lightsaber, Blaster Pistol, Personal Comlink
Vehicle: None Yet

Skills: Synnestra is a talented young Sith, prodigious in both saber combat and force skills, though favors the use of her saber more, and stick to combat abilities. Having grown up in luxury and a family of power, she's been well-provided for, and has her own bit of resources.
Flaws: A very brunt, no-nonsense woman. Though she can toy and flirt with people, she doesn't take kindly to no sense, and is quick to resort to threats and force. She's not a very subtle person either, so abilities like Mind Trick and Battle Meditation aren't to her calling. Having been raised in a rich lifestyle, she's also a bit spoiled, and used to getting her way.

Roleplay Sample: Elladan looked at the parts laid before him on the workbench, in his chambers. His room was modest, with a soft, linen bed, a wardrobe for his robes and clothes, a bathroom and fresher, a window viewing the Temple courtyards, and his workbench.

Laid out before him were the parts he'd need to construct his new lightstaff: his silver crystal, his amplifier crystal, a focusing lens, a shaft, a fusion battery generator, and the wiring. When properly assembled, he'd have his weapon.

First, Elladan took the shaft, and released the magnetic lock in the middle. He slid in the battery and focusing lens, then wired it all in, taking about ten minutes. When this was done, he fitted in the silver crystal, followed by his amplifier crystal. When it was secure, he closed the latch, and it magnetically shut tight, sealing his lightsaber firmly into one device.

Picking up the wepon, he stood up, and held it horizontally before him. He activated the left switch, followed by the right switched, and watched his staff hum to life.  
PostPosted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 12:00 pm
Gaia Name: Desmond Belmonte
Character Name: Kale Goran
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Race: Human
Character Description: Kale Goran
He is usually seen in his beskar'gam

Relations: Kotep Goran (Father)
Yamuna Goran (Mother)
Rath Ordo (Maternal Grandfather)
Character History: Kale’s life began on the Mandalorian world of Concord Dawn. He was born to Kotep Goran, a veteran soldier and warrior from a famed blacksmith clan, and Yamna Goran (nee Ordo), a descendant of the famed Clan Ordo and distant relative to the late Canderous Ordo. Kale was raised like any other Mandalorian child, being raised up by his mother until the age of three and then trained by his father to become a warrior. At the age of thirteen, he was initiated into the culture as a man. As he grew, he became a well-renowned mercenary, and now serves the Republic in the war. He knows from the stories of Darth Revan and Darth Malak that the Sith are tyrannical unlike the democracy of the Republic. He always keeps the Mandalorian swords of Rath Ordo, his mother’s father, which protected the late Ordo from Jedi and Sith alike
Personal Belongings: His personal blaster rifle, and his grandfather’s beskade

Alignment: Republic
Occupation: Mercenary
Skills: He’s very well-trained in the basics of ranged combat and sword combat.
Flaws: He’s cocky, a big-mouth, and is basically the guy you’d start fights with.

Roleplay Sample:

Sirens blaring. Warning lights flashing. Everything about the Santa Anastasia had gone to hell. Yet her Captain did even blink an eye of terror. He just sat at his command station, typing rapidly on the command computer. "Close all corridors leading to broken sections. Route all life support systems to to functioning sections." He said, seemingly talking to the computer. Once every broken section was closed off, and life support was routed to functioning sections, he started his way around the ship to give orders to surving medical staff.

"All capable of walking, help your wounded comrades to Medbay." He shouted over everything. He moved his way around the Santa Anastasia, enventually making his way to the cargo hold. They had picked up a pod with two people inside right before his ship and crew went through the blackhole. He prayed for the safety of the two in the pod. They were just children, after all, and he couldn't bear to have children die on his watch.

The Captain went up to the pod, and opened it. "Everyone okay, here?" He asked,"I'm Captain DiMercurio of the Santa Anastasia. We've experienced damage from passing through a blackhole." He held out a hand to help them out. "Might I ask your names?" He inquired of the two.

Magda Strongfang

Romantic Shapeshifter

4,500 Points
  • Brandisher 100
  • Wall Street 200
  • Signature Look 250


Dangerous Lunatic

PostPosted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 1:38 am
Character Name: John "The Cleaver"
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Race: Human (Echani descendant)
Character Description: John
John's facial expression always projects a calm seriousness. His bulky posture retains the sturdy state of mind, though this is not impenetrable and can be sometimes turned to a rage.
When walking through crowds, John is hardly a stealthy character and purposely so. His odd bright orange and brown clothing distinguishes him from the commoners he lives among.

Relations: The memory of parents is not familiar. When raised in the Jedi academy he was told he was from a farming family on Dantooine, and by means of personal investigation, he found that one of his parents were at least half Echani.
The only figure he respected and truly befriended was his Jedi master.
Character History: After becoming a Jedi Padawan, John trained and learned under his master, Asynjur. He was taught always to question and observe, ironically so. Once John's worldliness grew from following his instructor through the galaxy, he began to question the white lite factions and read extensive texts considered blaspheme. When the chance arose, John left his master to live a life of freedom and neutrality, without hypocrisy or strict tenants.
Personal Belongings: Numerous philosophical datapads covering the lives of those who manipulate the Force. His favorite, solid bright orange, synthetic-rubber based combat boots that reach up to his knees.

Class: Grey Jedi (padawan)

Equipment: A single training lightsaber, orange in color.
Vehicle: None

Skills: Ataru form, hand to hand combat, crafty runner
Flaws: Never camouflage or able to make socially sneaky entrances. John is always quick to speak his opinion and refuses to use blasters.

Roleplay Sample:

Rain that fell upon John's face only added to the shine of his sorrowed eyes. The wind brought not only a quivering in the tall grass but a misty embodiment of Asynjur. A mutual feeling wasn't present.
This made John's fingers grab more into the stained white sheets. Back and engaged, he drew a long chimerical rod, whose end let up in an orange flash. The enormous weapon scarred the phantasmagorical surroundings, and John's body seemed to be equally grand. Asynjurs periwinkle armament stood no chance and was destroyed with a single horizontal slash, along with the mans torso.
John threw himself upwards off his pallet bellowing a low hoarse roar. His wide-opened eyes identified his straight faced master, still intact and completely still across the room and within his own cot. Fiercely, the upset boy ripped his saber across into his possession and threw himself into his boots. After a bold stare, eye to eye, with his teacher, the student leaped from the room through the blinds of a large oval window, shattering them. John made no attempt to check if his master was observing, he knew there was an understanding.
PostPosted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 5:06 am
Gaia Name: Cybylt
Character Name: Helel Cyphere – C66 to Imperial researchers
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Race: Bioengineered Echani-Human Hybrid
Character Description: Like many of his maternal species, Helel has light silvery hair, pale skin and a thin if muscular build. Unnatural to the species however, he has light-yellow eyes, possibly a sign of his origins in the dark side.
Helel during his time in the Academy

Relations: Hundreds of “brothers and sisters”, Imperial Intelligence researchers and staff, Darth Chartis – genetic donor “father”
Character History: One of many mass produced soldiers made by bioengineering efforts between Imperial Intelligence plans and funding along with Adasca BioMechanical technology and surrogate processes. Made from genetic material of Sith Lords and various races with different intended goals, Helel was the combination of Echani and Sith Lord Chartis intended to make Sith Inquisitors along with the rest of the Cyphere line.

The tests however, proved largely fruitless, the artificial force-sensitives were not strong enough in the force or simply lacked the powers altogether. Helel was one of many ‘imperfect’ subjects ill-suited to become an Inquisitor and instead placed in the Intelligence agency’s training after the initial weeding out of weaker individuals that pitted squads of subjects against each other as well against many creatures deemed perfect training. Those who were uncooperative were tied down and used for practice of force powers from the other initiates to make examples out of them.

During his time as an initiate, Helel was paired with several other subjects; one in particular named Sera helped him many times along his training and became a close and trusted friend. However, she were unable to continue the training, a common side effect was heavy mental instability which in Sera’s case began in occasionally being unable to discern friend from foe after skirmishes; and ended in her death by Helel’s hands after she attacked and killed most of their comrades.

Since his graduation from the academy, Helel has become a minor operative as a Spy with little front line experience and basic training in the arts of hacking or deception.

Personal Belongings: Civilian clothing, Imperial recruit uniform.

Faction: Sith Empire
Class: Spy

Equipment: Personal blaster pistol that he received in training as well as Sera’s light slugthrower and a knuckle plate vibroblade concealed under his sleeve as part of a light bracer. Datapad used for slicing and as a communications device between him and the agency, usually to transfer mission and target information.


Skills: Excels in hand to hand and light weaponry, some ability with technological processes like slicing. Physical conditioning in his training and status as an artificial being has also yielded above average reflexes.
Flaws: Years of oppressive servitude and grueling training have beaten a subconscious fear of the Empire and their practices into him, with scars to show. His experiences with Sera have also led him to suffer from mild gynophobia, becoming easily unnerved around women as a result. It is unknown whether being an artificial being have created any sort of mental condition, but he seems largely unaware or simply doesn’t care of it as a result of being raised with others of his kind.

Roleplay Sample:
The dust settles around Helel as he jumps out from behind his cover, firing across the broken field towards a shadowy figure who began to dart towards the young soldier. As the two drew close, Helel ducks and swings his leg around, tripping his opponent before firing several shots at their chest. “Unit CB105 has ceased function, C66 'Helel' now has thirty-five kills,” stated the disembodied voice of the research director.

In a room with many viewing monitors, a woman in a sterile white coat sits overseeing the project while several others kept monitoring various status displays on their screens, “This kid isn’t bad, shame he wasn’t a sensitive.”

Back on the battlefield, Helel fired off several more blasts from his firearm in the direction of a frightened young man in similar clothing as his own, revealing a much larger figure behind him. “Keep it together Serph, I’m count on you for backup,” Helel states demandingly, “R-right,” his timid comrade complied. A large blast is heard from a nearby structure, “C80, ‘Sera’ now has sixty-nine kills,” announced the familiar voice. The silhouetted figure of Sera Cyphere calmly walks toward her teammates, Serph ran towards her, “Oh Sera, I’m glad you’re saf-“ he was immediately cut off as Sera grabbed him by the collar and pulled him towards her before pointing her slugthrower handgun towards his face, her eyes wide and shaking with fear and anger.

“Sera, stop it! Serph isn't the enemy!” Helel shouted, grabbing her by the wrist and pulling the weapon away. In the lab, the researchers are overlooking the current situation, “I’m not satisfied with this,” an employee turned towards the head researcher, “Something wrong, ma’am?” The woman sighed, “It’s lacking refinement… no matter how much ability they have, this instability is a serious problem.”  




PostPosted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 1:26 am
Under Construction

Gaia Name: TheXFactor
Character Name: Jaden Creed
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Race: Human
Character Description:

Relations: He had a Mother, and Father but cannot recall they're names.
Character History:
Personal Belongings:

Faction: Sith Empire
Class: Sith Apprentice

Equipment: Sith Apprentice Robes, Red Training Lightsaber, Personal Com-link.
Vehicle: None

Skills: A natural athlete, Jaden is excellent in saber combat. Also very intelligent for his bringing up, he is unnaturally good a fixing things. He is also adapt in the Force but prefers to use he's lightsaber.
Flaws: Through talented in combat, and the Force, with his age comes brash and arrogant decisions.

Roleplay Sample: - Note, this is just an example and not what Jaden is currenly capable of.
A massive space battle raged just outside the stardestroyer's haul, the implosion rattle's the destroyer's halls, as three Jedi run down the hall towards the destroyer's control room. But just as the approached the door, it slid open, as the cold steel slid apart, Jaden could be seen standing in the doorway. With his double bladed lightsaber at his side Jaden raised his head looking towards all three Jedi, and ignited his double bladed lightsaber.

The three Jedi got into a battle ready stances, as they prepared to take on the Sith. One came charging, at Jaden, and took a mighty horizontal swing at Jaden's side. Jaden brought his saber up, and blocked the attack, he spun his saber, knocking the Jedi's saber back. Quickly Jaden sent a sidekick into the Jedi's gut knocking him to the ground. Then the two other Jedi came charging at Jaden, but Jaden sent them back with a strong force push. The first Jedi to attack Jaden had gotten back to his feet, and came at Jaden with a spin swipe, but Jaden managed to block the attack, and quickly got low, aiming for the Jedi's legs. Searing the Jedi's legs off at the shins. When the Jedi fell screaming in pain from his lost legs, Jaden brought his saber up and plunged it into the Jedi's chest, ending his life. He stared at the other two Jedi with a cold, calculating stare.

As they got back to they're feet Jaden pulled his saber from the dead Jedi, and walked towards the them, without fear of what they we're capable of. The two Jedi prepared for him, as he neared. Both came in going to strike Jaden down, each taking one side of Jaden. Jaden knew he could handle it, not only because he was skilled at dueling, but he had with him a double bladed lightsaber. The three force user's lightsaber's clashed with fury and light as the three battled it out. A series of blocks and counters ignited the hall with light from each saber making contact with each other. It was until Jaden decided to end the fight. He sent one Jedi back with a sidekick, and went swiped at the other Jedi's feet, causing him to jump so not to suffer the same fate like he's comrade. However Jaden spun with his missed attack and came around, quickly slicing the Jedi in half.

The last Jedi left, looked on in disbelief, and anger. he let out a scream for his falling friend. "NOOOO!" He got back to his feet, and Jaden turned to stop him dead in his tracks. He raised his hand and let out a wicked surge of Force Lightening. "YES!" Jaden yelled, as he slowly walked towards the Jedi that was writhing on the floor in pain as electricity surged through he's body. "Listen well Jedi.. You are no match for the Dark Side, in time you'll council will realize this. And when we cut them down, they will beg for mercy, and my Master will look down on them and reply... No..." With that Jaden unleashed the full power of his Force Lightening and fried the Jedi, ending the conflict.  
PostPosted: Sat Aug 10, 2013 10:54 pm
Gaia Name: Zinhael
Character Name: Vairion Skaro
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Race: Human
Character Description: 6 '2 feet tall, Moderate build, Short cut hair (military styled), Fair complexion.

Relations: None (all deceased)
Character History: Vairion, after the death of his parents was taken in by an oversear in a sith training facility. He has spent his life being tranfered from acadamy to acadamy. The dark side and training are all he knows.
Personal Belongings: A coin

Faction: Sith Empire
Class: Sith Apprentice

Equipment: Sith Apprentice Robes,Training Lightsaber, Personal Com-link.
Vehicle: None

Skills: Due to his brutal training for so many years he has come to prefer three forms of combat (Juyo, Shien and Soresu) and has chosen an odd way of holding a lightsaber (reversed grip).
Flaws: Due to the death of his parents at an early age he was not exposed to "love and affection" and being moved from training facility to facility he never took to making friends, he is a bit awkward and is quick to anger. Due to his experience he is very lazy and slacks off most of the time.

Roleplay Sample: The doors to Vairion's quarters open, showing another acolyte entering. Vairion sleeping or at least appearing to be doesn't move or make a sound. The acolyte sneaking across the dark room, triggers a device that activates the lights, reveling Vairion sitting upright at the edge of the bed holding his lightsaber.

Vairion glaring the acolyte down and says,"To what do I owe the displeasure of you intruding into my room."

"Your supposed to be asleep, I was under the impression that this was going to be easy....it seems I was misinformed," says the acolyte.

"I'm not in the mood for games, I suggest return to your own quarters before we both do things we are going to regret"

"I was offered some valuable items, what are you willing to offer me?"

With a grin Vairion replys "your life with legs, it may be against academy rules to kill another acolyte, but it doesn't mention anything about crippling one."

"Then it's only you and me...there will be only one victor"

After a long and utterly exhausting battle between the two, security arrives as Vairion removes the acolytes legs from the knees down.

The acolyte reeling in pain, one trooper says "It is against academy rules to kill another acolyte"

Vairion replies "He looks plenty alive to me, he just doesnt have legs" Vairion looks down at the acolyte "I told you you wouldnt keep your legs, now remove this waste of an acolyte from my quarters so i can get a decent nights sleep, I have training in the morning"

Once the acolyte and the security detail is gone Vairion lays down on his bed, the grin never leaving his face.


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