Ally finally pulled away and rested his head on Mael's chest.

Mael started to absently stroke Ally's hair.

Ally sighed happily. "What else was on that list of yours?"

Mael laughed. "I thought it was your list."

"You were the one with all the dirty plans in the bathtub earlier."

"Hmm...I guess our show outside the parlor destroyed my memory."

Ally kissed him. "Oh you poor thing."

Mael nodded. "Yes. I suppose we will just have to come up with new ideas."

Ally wrapped his arms around him. "I'm sure that brilliant mind of your will figure it out."

"You're not going to contribute any ideas?"

Ally smiled. "I just love the way your mind works so much."

"I don't want to be the only one in charge of things."

"You were always in charge when we first met."

"But, I like it when you're in charge. You're very good at it."