Just a reminder.

Along with the Guild Rules (which are very important) here a just a few things the keep in mind while rping at the Theater:

- Thread creators may have some very specific ideas about where they want this rp to go plot wise. Players, please keep that in mind if you feel like you're being directed more than usual by the creator. Give them a little leash. If you think they're just abusing their power, contact one of the mods.

- Creators, if you have something really big you absolutely must have happen, you should explain that to your players. They don't have to know exactly what it is (for the surprises and such), but they should know what kinds of outcome you're looking at vaguely. Anything serious and character specific should be discussed with the players. If your players veto it, find another way.

- All members, creators and players alike must respect each other. Do not allow conflicts between characters to spill over out into other rps or even the main board.

- All players, creators, everybody, do NOT wander off on your own and expect people to follow you. Try to keep yourself engaged in the main action.

- If for some reason you have to post less often or drop out of an RP, please alert all the players so you can decide as a group if they can slow down for you or have you come back later when you can be more active.

- If you're in an rp with more than one other person, you should wait for everybody else to post before you post again. It's not nice when you wake up the next day and find that the RP has carried on ten pages without you. Nobody likes that.

Just some things to consider and some guidelines to follow to make everybody's experience here as fun as possible.