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Characters Name: Darek Walker

Age: 21

Race: Human

Weapons: Two-Handed Sword (Displayed in image)

Weapon/Fighting Skills: Master Swordsman, Journeyman in Hand to Hand

Abilities: Augmented reflexes, speed, agility and strength, accerated healing

Family: N/A

Darek comes from a Realm that is constantly at war. He was trained as a soldier at age 6 and became a full-fledged soldier at 16. He was breed for war as were most of the male children. The Kingdom he served was losing the war and so they asked for volunteers to under go an experimental super soldier program. Darek volunteered eagerly to help his nation. He went through horrible pain as they amplified his body and saw his brother-in-arms perish from the inside as their insides rotted and bodies broke down. He suffered for months and as a result of the experimental treatment he aquired augmented speed, agility, reflexes, and strength along with accelerated healing factors. Out of 100 volunteers, 10 survived. Those 10 became the turning point for the nation. As the war raged and the other nation started to lose, they started to develop a weapon that used the power from different realms or demenstions. The realm they found was filled with magic and the machine was altered without the knowledge of the men who built it. The weapon was tested and the objects that they tested it on disappeared and thought to be destroyed. During a seige they fired it and Darek was caught in the blast. With only what he had on him he was taken to a different realm thought to be destroyed.

-Quiet, loyal, determined, calm and collected, intelligent

-Likes: Reading, Sharpening his sword, gazing at the stars, hunting
-Dislikes: Needless killing, ignorant people, mistreatment of equipment

-Weakness: Can't use magic, limited to close quarters