Name – Sasori
Nickname/Alias - The black devil
Age – 19
Apparent Age – 6000
Gender – Male
Nationality – American
Height – 6'1
Weight – 156 lb
Appearance – User Image
Personality – Quiet , Doesn't listen to anyone
History – He is the secret brother of Lea nobody know's that they are brother but them they once had a great battle that left Lea with his strange tatto's that nobody knows how to read but Sasori . Now sasori lives in huceo mundo and is Espada 5
Likes – Girl's ,Sake ,and His zanpakuto
Dislikes – His brother

Zanpakutou Information
Zanpakuto Name – Pain
Zanpakuto Appearance – User Image
Zanpakuto Length– User Image
Number Location – Left side of cheek
Hollow Hole Location – Middle of stomach


Resurreccion Name/Release Command – Now you Die
Resurreccion Apearance – User Image
Resurreccion Abilitiy – He can use different kind's of weapon's that are in his puppet body

Other Information
Reiatsu Colour – Red
Reiatsu Shape – His
Any Descriptive Markings or tattoos? – None besides a scar he has under his left eye

Extra Abilities – If his body is broken apart he is able to put that
Power and Abilities– He has a really sharp mind making him really smart