Against the southernmost edge of the Galva park district, a hill stands upon the cross section of two ley lines- the very roots of the earth. Surrounding this hill an open field spreads farther south, when a forest suddenly springs, as if to create a barrier between one world and the next. If you ask any of the old-timers around the town, the general consensus is that they cannot remember the forest existing before the arrival of the demon hunter known as Lanyx. And yet, no one can remember the forest ever not existing either. The tree line quickly becomes so dense that seeing deep into the forest from the fringe line is impossible, making trekking blindly in the only option for explorers. Tall trees reach towards the sun, making the light that actually reaches the ground spotty and dim at best. Decomposing leaves litter the ground, with small shoots of vegetation breaking through to survive.
As the forest edge grows more distant, the flora and fauna grow stranger, plants never before seen by humankind growing in abundance. Climate and geographical location seem to have no bearing on what begins to grow as the shadows lengthen, almost as if magic has seeped into the very ground, allowing anything and everything to flourish. But plants that can bite and animals that cause unrest are not the things to fear in this forest. Demon breeding grounds have been spotted in spurts, feeding off the mystical nature of the forest, the size of these nests increasing the deeper in you go.
Darkness is only one element of the forest however. Down the paths between the trees, where death exists, so exists beauty and life. Unicorns have been seen to romp through sunbeams, suddenly seeming lighter with their presence. Fantastical, beautiful plants fill the air with smells that remind a person of precious childhood memories, or moments of great peace. Serene creatures, (humanoid or otherwise) bask near pools or in glades. On some nights the sound of beautiful flute music can be heard from deep within the forest, only to stop when a person thinks they have found the source. It is also rumored, that Faerie of all kinds grace the woods of mist and superstition - if one knows where to look.

description written by sleeping_seraphim
editing by Master Slayer Lanyx