Aaron woke up around 7:30 am, “Hmmm, its early, think I’m going to grab a sandwich and use the bathroom then head back to bed.” He then proceeded to pick himself up off Alex’s couch and make his way to the kitchen in just his boxers. He found some roast beef and cheddar cheese in the fridge, and a loaf of bread in the cabinet. “Hmmm, that works,” as Aaron proceeded to make himself a sandwich, after he was done he walked towards the bathroom to take a piss, when all the sudden, he sees Alex walk out of the bathroom wrapped in just a towel, “Well, good morning.” Just then, Alex turned to look at Aaron and just fainted dropping her towel and all. :Hmmm, got to admit, she has a smoking hot body,: as Aaron proceeded to pick her up and put her in her bed, as he then walked back out to the couch and passed back out.
Aaron was suddenly woken up by the sound of the front door opening, he peeked open his eyes to see who it was, just to see that it was Alex, “Hey Alex, wait, before you go do you think you can do me a favor?” “Ummm…what?” she said, as she looked away from him. Aaron then proceeded to pull out some money from his pants and hand it to Alex, “Think you can pick me up some beers, please?” “Sure,” Alex said as she took the money from his hands. “Thanks,” Aaron said as he proceeded to pass right back out.
Aaron was suddenly awoken from his sleep by the smell of food, as he then proceeded to get up and walk to the kitchen, not bothering with putting pants on. “Hmmmm, something smells good. What’s for breakfast,” Aaron said as he walked into the kitchen, grabbing a beer off of the counter as he walked past. “It’s dinner, and it’s chicken p…arm,” Alex said, as she turned around and noticed him standing there drinking his beer with a slight blush creeping upon her face.
Alex turned around and took a large swig of what looked to be rum, “Aaron, could you put some pants on at least…Dinner’s done…” she said just barely a whisper. “Sure,” Aaron said as he walked out to put on his favorite pair of black jeans. Aaron walked back into the kitchen, still drinking his beer, “Better?” he said as he raised just his right eyebrow a bit. Aaron then sat down at the kitchen table and pulled out a pack of Clipper menthol cigars, as he proceeded to light one up and smoke it.
Alex just then grabbed the plates, along with a beer and her rum, as she then set down their plates on the table. “Yeah…thanks. Hey, you mind if I get one of those, I tend to smoke when I drink.” “Sure, I bought a carton, so it’s fine with me,” Aaron said as he lit up a cigarette and handed it to Alex. He then took a bite of the dinner, “DAMN, this stuff is delicious. Where did you learn to cook like this,” he asked with a look of surprise across his face.
“I’ve been working for an Italian restaurant since I was 16,” Alex said, just staring at her plate. “Ahhh, that explains why it’s so delicious,” Aaron said as he took another bite, “Say, aren’t you going to eat too?” Alex then looked up at him and stared at him for a couple of seconds, “I….don’t really feel that hungry at the moment.” “You sure, it looks like you’re hungry for something,” Aaron said, quirking up his eyebrow yet again. Just then Alex’s face when beat red, “HAHAHAHAHA, just joking.” “Do you like to screw with me or something,” Alex said, with her blush finally calming down. “Meh, I make it my job to flirt with cute girls,” Aaron said with a wink.
“Well, I think I’m going to bed. Can you do the dishes for me?” Alex asked with another blush creeping across her face as she got up to go to her room. “Sure, no problem,” Aaron said as he took Alex’s plate and put it in the microwave thinking she might be hungry later, as he then proceeded to wash the dishes and put them on the rack to dry.
Aaron then walked out to the couch and sat down, lighting up another cigarette and drinking another beer, “Hmmm, what time is it,” Aaron said as he looked at the clock, “12:30, well, Alex should be asleep by now.” He said as he picked up his guitar and walked out the front door to feel the nice Spring air. He took up a position underneath the nearest cherry blossom tree and began to tune his guitar. Once it was in tune, he proceeded to strum the opening, as a beautiful melody drifted through the entire woods. As he then let his voice join the song,
~Step One,
You say we need talk.
He walks,
You say sit down it’s just a talk.
He smiles politely back at you,
You stare politely right on through.
Some sort of window to your right,
As he goes left, and you stay right.
Between the lines of fear and blame,
You begin to wonder why you came.
Where did I go wrong,
I lost a friend,
Somewhere along in the bitterness,
And I would have stayed up with you all night,
Had I known how to save a life~

During the slight intermission as Aaron continued to play the song, tears could be seen slowly falling down his cheeks.
~Let him know that you know best,
Cause after all you do know best.
Try to slip past his defense,
Without granting innocence.
Lay down a list of what is wrong,
The things you’ve told him all along.
And pray to god he hears you,
And pray to god he hears you.
Where did I go wrong,
I lost a friend,
Somewhere along in the bitterness,
And I would have stayed up with you all night,
Had I known how to save a life.
As he begins to raise his voice,
You lower yours and grant him one last choice.
Drive until you lose the road,
Or break with the ones you’ve followed.
He will do one of two things,
He will admit to everything,
Or he’ll say he’s just not the same,
And you’ll begin to wonder why you came.
Where did I go wrong,
I lost a friend,
Somewhere along in the bitterness,
And I would have stayed up with you all night,
Had I known how to save a life.
Where did I go wrong,
I lost a friend,
Somewhere along in the bitterness,
And I would have stayed up with you all night,
Had I known how to save a life~
During this next intermission, Aaron kept playing the song, but this time you could see tears streaming down his face.
~How to save a life.
How to save a life.
Where did I go wrong,
I lost a friend,
Somewhere along in the bitterness,
And I would have stayed up with you all night,
Had I known how to save a life.
Where did I go wrong,
I lost a friend,
Somewhere along in the bitterness,
And I would have stayed up with you all night,
Had I known how to save a life.
How to save a life.
How to save a life~
As Aaron finished up the song, he put his guitar down by him and ran his right hand across his face and back up through his hair, “Damn dimensional travel, it always makes me so emotional for a while,” as this was being said, Aaron rose both legs up and hugged his knees, still trapped in the memory. * “Well, this world doesn’t seem to have any need for me here. I’ll be going now Aaron, so long.” Shay said as he jumped off the building. “SHAY, NOOOOOOOO,” Aaron said as he ran up to try to catch his friends hand, but was too late, as Shay plummeted to his death.* biggrin amn it Shay, why did you have to do it. If only I was a bit faster, if only I was a better friend,: he thought as he punched the ground, as Aaron sat there, hanging his head, and letting his tears flow free.
“What did you mean by dimension travel,” Aaron heard a voice behind him say. Startled, he jumped and looked behind him to see Alex standing there. “That is what you said right? What did you mean,” Alex inquired after not getting an answer. “Um, nothing. That was just me talking to myself, don’t worry about it,” he said as he stood up and wiped the tears from his eyes and brushed off his pants. He then proceeded to bend over and pick up his guitar, slinging it back over his shoulder.
As Aaron looked at Alex, he noticed her fiddling with her fingers, “Please, I’m curious to know what you meant. That song was beautiful by the way… The Fray right, How To Save A Life?” “Yeah, It’s a song that reminds me of my friend,” Aaron said while taking a deep breath to calm himself, when suddenly he caught the faint scent of magic around Alex. “Alex, before I answer your first question, I would like you to answer mine. Do you believe in magic?”
As Aaron asked this question, Alex looked slightly taken aback, as she stared at him for a minute, “I believe that magic is all around us but is never seen, like in the way nature seems to call me to it. Is that what you meant,” Alex said after contemplating the question for a minute. “Well, yes and no. I meant, do you believe in the existences of people such as mages,” he said as he decided to take a seat back down under the cherry tree, motioning Alex to join him.
As Alex sat down under the tree, she looked up at Aaron, “What…I never thought about bit, but I guess it is possible. I’ve never seen anything to prove their existence though,” she said as she crossed her legs at the ankles and leaned back on her hands. “Well, would you like a little “proof”,” Aaron said as he looked over at Alex. “I guess, but how are you intending on doing that.” “Simple, like this,” Aaron said as suddenly a ball of fire appears in his hand, as he starts to move it back and forth between his hands, “This spell is called Din’s Fire and…,” Aaron said as he looked over to see Alex laying on the ground. “Hmmm, appears she has fainted. Oh well, that was to be expected,” Aaron said as he moved over to cast a bit of healing magic on her head to make sure she didn’t get a concussion. Aaron then proceeded to lift her up and take her back inside the house where he laid her down on her bed and pulled the cover up on her. He then proceeded to walk back out to the living room, as he stripped down to his boxers and put his guitar by the couch, as he then plopped down on the couch and promptly passed out.