(¯`·._) Jareth (¯`·._)

The girl had opted for Jareth to show her to a room for the night. This was just as well for the King, as he himself, wasn't sure what to do with her just yet. She was too old to be given away to a family, as most other children that were wished away were, and probably much too defiant to be a maid in the castle. What would her purpose be? Surely, if anyone knew that he were just harboring a moral woman in his castle, the rumors would fly.

Still, he pushed all those thoughts away, as he offered his arm to the young woman, and escorted her out of the Throne Room.

"There are several places, within the palace, that you are welcome to enjoy." Jareth started, the smalltalk almost a challenge for him. He wasn't used to trying to have to accomodate anyone. Even when other Royals came, it was all just in splendor and magic. This girl had no magic of her own, she had no knowledge of the castle, it's inhabitants, or it's dangers. Without any guidance, she would perish.

He couldn't think of that, not really. The thought that a human life was hanging on a thread that he held... It wasn't exactly something he was comfortable with. He had build walls, hell, he had built an entire Labyrinth as not to get close to anyone, and now this? How was he to stay so distant, and still protect her?

It would be a tough line to walk.

Approaching a small room, in the guest quarters, Jareth let go of the girl's arm, and opened the door. It was furnished delicately, in lovely shades of ivory and honey, not too extravigant, not to baren.

"If it is not to your liking, I can make modifications." He said lightly, "I will also call for a maid in here for you in the morning, to get your measurements for the tailor."