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PostPosted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 12:49 pm
Table Of Contents

Post 1
Base Defences

Post 2
Armada Munitions

Post 3
NACCS Mobile Unit
The First Biological Description

Post 4

Post 5

Post 6
Gamma Police

Post 7
Extra Capital Ship Information

Post 8
Vacuum-Only Fighters

Post 9
The Planet Daraka (to be written)
Darakan Physiology

The Base Defences

The following defences apply to both the Usean and African bases.


Covering the whole base, these runes prohibit all powerful magic from being used inside of NA's buildings. Projected magic from outside will be absorbed into the technomagical shield generator. The shield is rarely used, but stored energy can be used effectively for around 10 minutes with no drain caused by impacts.


Name: Anti-Personnel defence turret
[Artist unkown. Permission for use not obtained]
Class: Anti-personnel cannons
Armour: Duracrete walls on a steel frame
- Electronic Wave jammer
- two pairs of 15mm
Crew: 2
Units: 25
Information: The AP turret is designed for fending off invading platoons on foot. The ammunition used has dense armour-piercing capabilities too, meaning the turrets can fire upon APCs or tanks should they need to.


Name: Fixed Ground Anti-Air
[Artist unkown. Permission for use not obtained]
Class: Anti-Air 25mm cannon
Armour: Titanium and steel bonded shell and frame
- Electronic Wave jammer
- four 25mm railgun
Units: 20
Information: The anti-air guns are constructed for use against a wide array of aerial vehicles, be they heavily armoured or not. Dense anti-armour rounds can be fired at up to one half of a mile per second, making this a formiddable weapon against most invading aircraft. Sophisticated trajectory tracking technology aid the gunners in targetting, but ultimately it is up to the human controllers to fire the weapon at the right time.


Name: Vauss Turret
[Artist 'Kuman'. Permission for use not obtained]
Class: Variable Assault and Unified Shield System
Armour: Titanium
- heavy shields
- heavy class x-ray cannon
- short range raildriver cannon
Crew: Automated
Units: 15
Information: The Vauss turret is the staple defence of the Novan base. It offers mile per second railgun firing with a range of fourteen clear miles, and an x-ray cannon that bombards a target with x-ray radiation, doing a great deal of damage to biological pilots (death).
On top of this, is a heavy shield system that protects the turret and can be extended laterally and vertically. A Vauss turret network can create a viable shield around a large radius.

Name: EMP Turret
[Artist unkown. Permission for use not obtained]
Class: Electromagnetic Pulse Generator Turret
Armour: Steel and titanium construction
- Electronic Wave jammer
- EMP generator and containment unit
Crew: Automated
Units: 8
Information: The EMP turret is an automated system that lies closer to the Novan base. It contains electromagnetic pulse through a small nuclear combustion chamber, then releases the pulse in a confined cone outward from the turret's exit point. This invisible form of energy races toward the target at speeds around half that of the speed of light. It causes electrical shorts in unprotected circuitry, but can tend to be weak as the full electromagnetic energy of the nuclear reaction must be contained at all times.
PostPosted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 12:53 pm
Armada Munitions

Note: Remember that range within space is infinite. There is no air resistance in space, and as such nothing to slow down a physical weapon such as a missile of bullet. So, while they will lose all maneuverability when they run out fuel, such ammunition will exceed the ranges given here (effective only in atmosphere, of course).


AA-80 - 400 Km radar guided missile.

ARM - This MR-AGM carries a 10 megaton blast. It is capable of speeds of over Mach 5, and can travel up to 600 Km.

ASM-MMS - LR-ASM. 9.75 metres long, 15 gigaton nuclear warhead. Mach 3, and a range of 250,000 Km. Purely an Anti-Ship Missile, this is used to take out large battleships.

NA-AGM Napalm Missle - A 1000lb HE napalm missile, for air-to-ground use, this missile can be launched by any of Nova Armada's aircraft, and has a range of 2300Km. The NA-AGMNM can travel at approximately Mach 4.6.

AGM-204A TSAM - The TSAM (Threat Suppression Attack Missile) is a low-cost self-protection weapon designed to defend strikeships and dropships against airborne missiles, early warning radars, SAM sites and AAA. Small, short ranged and lightweight, the TSAM design trades off the loiter mode of most modern Threat Suppression Missiles for speed, in order to eliminate a threat rapidly. The Tekell solid motor is a high impulse unit that will accelerate the missile to hyper velocity in less than two seconds; after burnout, the missile coasts to the target. Range varies considerably with launch speed and altitude, though practical limits in an Earth-density atmosphere are 20 km at sea-level up to 60 km at high altitude. The TSAM is guided but cannot be fired at. It is designed to attack incoming missiles. It locks on automatically.

AGM-220C Hellhound II - The Hellhound II is a multi-role tactical missile designed for use against point targets such as vehicles, armor, buildings and bunkers. The missile employs a three-stage motor consisting of a launch boost engine, an in-flight sustained motor and a third-stage booster designed to accelerate the weapon during its terminal attack phase. The weapon can be launched in two different modes: in the first, the missile's seeker locks onto a target before launch and provided the lock is maintained until the moment of launch the weapon will then be guided to that target; in the second the weapon is directed to a grid reference where it then commences a search for a pre-designated target, or one selected from an internal menu of potential targets, or for a target of opportunity. The dual-seeker system combines a high-resolution millimeter-wave radar and infrared imager linked to a sophisticated 12 Mb processor which determines the missile's optimal attack profile and warhead fusing to ensure a kill. The 'C' variant of the AGM-220 incorporates a new, jam-resistant radar and improved countermeasures refection logic to bring it in line with current weapon needs. This is a guided weapon.

AIM-90E Headlock - The AIM-90E is a short-ranged air-to-air missile optimized for dogfight engagements. Guided by a dual optical/active radar seeker, the Headlock missile accelerates to hyper velocity speeds after launch and then glides the remaining distance to the target.
The warhead consists of thirty four explosive darts that are released by the missile as it approaches the target. To ensure a kill, the AIM-90's unique fusing system directs these flechettes into an optimum attack pattern upon release, dependent on the target's current aspect. The 'E' variant of the missile incorporates changes to the countermeasures software and enlarged aerodynamic surfaces to improve lift at high altitudes.

Mk 88 120mm SGW - The Mk. 88 is a 120mm, short ranged (under 1500m) weapon designed as a low-cost alternative to the Hellhound versus light armor and prepared positions such as hangars or gun emplacements. A simple weapon, it comprises a rocket with a low-impulse motor steered by fold-out fins. Guidance is by an imaging infra-red seeker in the nose, and a 2.2 kg shaped-charge warhead is positioned just behind. The SGW is a fire-and-forget weapon - once locked by the dropship, the missile self-guides to the target.

NIC-17 Captor Missile - The NIC-79 is a low yield nuclear weapon with an almost microscopic sized payload. The explosive capacity is directed forward, incinerating the rocket before it even impacts on its targets. The blast is enough to go right through most craft. The Captor missile is designed to go against space targets only. It is so clumsy, however, smaller vessels can evade the explosive charge. Hitting a smaller craft is a little like overkill. Captor Missiles cannot survive entry in an atmosphere. They are also guided.

LAD-45e - The Low Altitude Launch Driller missile was made in response to underground bunkers beyond the range of conventional bunker busters. After launch, the missile uses both its own trust and launch momentum to acheive a velocity of around Mach 3. The nose cone, quite simply a large and fast drill, begins to rotate. Upon ground impact, the drill is spinning at a sufficient rate of RPM to provide a burrowing speed of 40 kph after the missile's counter thrusters have decelerated it. After burrowing for a pre-programmed distance, the warhead detonates and the thermonuclear payload is focused strictly downwards. The resulting explosion is enough to excavate an area the size of a small town.


LY-R - Nicknamed the 'Liar', this 2 megaton yield laser-guided bombis able to penetrate 6 feet of solid titanium, and contains a tail-mounted PPD-193 fuse to ensure detonation after penetration.

SLV-500 Napalm Bomb - The 'Smells Like Victory' 1000 Kg bomb was designed to destroy targets with high temperature flame, where plasma yield will not do. It is used to destroy aircraft on parking ramps, trucks, RADAR stations, small buildings and soldiers. SLV-500 can be used in all seasons, but in a minimum temperature -250C. This bomb can be dropped at speeds smallers than 1500km/h and at altitudes between 50 and 1500 metres.

SAB-401 Shredder - A bomb based around the Captor missile with the capbilities of the LY-R. This bomb is launched from high altitude, and then free-falls until 500 feet. At this point it ignites the sonic acceleration motor in the rear, which is good for a two second burst at maximum, usually enough to see it to the target in time to penetrate the equiovalent of thirty feet of solid titanium.
The plasmatic warhead detonates after a depth specified before release, unleashing searing plasma and death.

BZ-109 Plasma Yield - This bomb utilises plasma yield technology to deliver an electromagnetically contained payload of superheated plasma to a target. The warhead splits on impact which unleashes the plasma in a vageuly vaporous form; the heat of the plasma is around that of the surface of the Sun, and diminishes quickly in a matter of seconds. Anything caught in the radius of this plasma is rendered plasma itself, though despite this chain reaction on surrounding molecules, the effect still does not last, or else the weapon would of course eventually convert an entire planet into a ball of plasma, and we already have one of them.

SIP-42 - The Seismic Inducement Penetrator is a bunker buster, with attitude. It penetrates up to three hundred feet of solid earth or two hundred feet of solid concrete, and then detonates. The warhead does not contain explosive, bur instead emits extremely powerful sonic pulses, inducing cataclysmic seismic tremors for a five hundred foot radius. These tremors then rely on the natural bedrock a facility is built on or in, to tear the structure apart.

LAD-38 - The Low Altitude Driller bomb was devised before its cousin, the missile. This bomb contains the same warhead and operates via the same methods, though is carefully weighted and aerodynamically sculptured to provide the same angle of attack with each drop. The driller bomb is less capable of the same depths its cousin is, and is sufficient for drilling up to two hundred feet.


'Shocker' cannon - The weapon operates by a series of irradiating chambers which, in sequence, create a devastating beam. Ionising radiation in the form of gamma particles first creates a beam capable of penetrating even the most dense of lead based metals. Next, the beam is released through an iris into a chamber of gases which adds a 'coating' of laser energy. The next chamber is a seething mass of plasma, which is then dragged through the next iris and out of the cannon by the momentum of the beam, adding a further destructive and corrosive, energy draining layer.
When the beam impacts against a target, the plasma first creates either an enormous surge of energy in shield systems, or eats through exposed hull. The laser energy lends a blinding, superheating effect, and finally the ion radiation beneath disrupts electrical systems.
When adjusted to it's most powerful yield, the beam is capable of punching cleanly through up to fifty metres of solid reinforced concrete, or equivalent.
Effective range is around 70,000 km.

Phaser (PHASed Energy Rectification) - The phaser array is powered by plasma managed through a series of physical irises and magnetic switching gates. When firing, energy is conveyed from flow regulators to the plasma distribution manifold. This injects the plasma into the prefire chamber; a crystal sphere. Here the plasma undergoes an electromagnetic energy shift associated with the rapid nadion effect. The energy is confined for a time between 0.05 and 1.3 nanoseconds, and then released. The rapid confinement and releasement is required to produce the rapid nadion effect. The beam energy is controlled by the relatived proportion of protonic charge that will be created and pulse frequency in the final emitter stage.

Tri-Cobalt Torpedo - In a tri-cobalt torpedo, quantumfilaments and tri-cobalt are mixed with each other. Then antimatter is added, causing a highly destructive explosion when the torpedo impacts against a target's shields or hull.

Neutronic Mine - A regular proximity mine, about the size of a tennis ball. It spreads neutrons over a distance of at least 20.15 km. Proximity range is 19 km.
> Neutronium
Very cohesive material made of densely-packed neutrons, held together by gravity. The material neutron stars are made of. Highly radioactive to ship systems and living organisms.

Micro Turrets - These are roughly the size of a football/soccerball (the round ones you bloody Yanks), and can easily fire for extended periods at a time, drawing from the base's gigantic power generator. They can fire up to three 'bolts' every second, and fire with deadly accuracy, with sophisticated targetting systems using trajectory calculation to fire ahead of any unit that may be trying to evade previous bolts.
Painted a dull black, they easily blend in with the natural 'colour' of space.

'Thunderhawk' railcannon - Railgun launchers fire kinetic ammunition at velocities over 1km per second. Despite their high rate of fire, these weapons are less accurate than beam weaponry against maneuvering targets, and have a practical engagement range less than 8 km. However, since a single hit from a railgun round is capable of causing catastrophic damage to almost any unshielded target, they remain the most powerful close defense weapons in a Novan unit's inventory. The railguns work by creating an intense magnetic field and using it to propel a solid round at the target. They fire up to 30 rpm each and are fed from an autoloader.
Effective range is around 14km in atmosphere, unlimited in vaccuum (solid projectiles do not dissipate and do not veer off course in vaccuum).

Phased Plasma Gun - The PPG fires a packet of superheated gas, usually helium, instead of a metal slug. When firing, the PPG heats a portion of gas stored in the gun's removable energy cap. When the gas is in a plasma state, it is "fired" down the barrel of the gun by the sequential activation of electromagnets in the barrel. After firing, the plasma packet retains its coherence from a residual magnetic field surrounding it. Upon impact, the magnetic field is broken and the plasma energy is released. As with most weapons, time and distance weakens the field, reducing the effectiveness of the shot.
Effective range is around 12,000 km.

NA-1408-b Neutron Cannon - These cannons fire 990 terrawatt bursts capable of destroying a fairly well shielded or large target with just a few shots. Recharge rate for cannons is four minutes, thirteen seconds. They operate via a molten iron core accumulating mass by a process similar to fusion until the mass reaches 1.4 regular mass, at which point the electron degeneracy pressure that has been supporting it against gravity gives up and collapses inward. At the very high pressures involved in this collapse, it is energetically favorable to combine protons and electrons to form neutrons plus neutrinos. The neutrinos escape after scattering a bit and mix with the neutrons to provide a massively powerful type of energy that is then ejected from the weapon as a beam.
Effective range is around 25,000 km.

M2025 40 mW Free Electron Laser - These are effective against both ground and air targets. Beam power is supplied by a 10 mW hydrogen fuel cell driving a homopolar fast discharged generator. The beam is propagated, without the need for lasants, by the interaction of a particle-accelerated electron beam with a static electric field. The advantage of a free-electron laser is it's ability to be tuned to wavelengths that minimise beam degradation by the local atmosphere. The lasers can be used in two modes. In 'dazzle mode, the beam is used to burnout enemy optical/infrared sensors or blind infantrymen and pilots, and has a low output. It is in this mode that the beam is at its most efficient, playing continuously across a target without the need for pulsing or the associated effects on beam propagation from thermal blooming , ionization or dielectric breakdown. In 'pulse' mode, a beam is pulsed at full power at the target. Damage is caused by the mechanical impulse of the beam as it superheats the target area, and in the case of the M2025 is capable of penetrating infantry persona armor or the skin of a missile or aerospace craft.
Effective range is around 10,000 km.

20mW Solenoid Ion Cannon - The power source for the Boyars is a 6mW hydrogen fuel cell capable of powering 3000 firing before refueling. The fuel cell drives a homopolar fast-discharge generator which stores power until it has sufficient energy to pulse the plasma gun's laser. When the laser is fired, it creates an ionized tunnel which is charged by the gun's electromagnetic coil to form a solenoid mass.
Because of the power usage, both guns in a turret fire in sequence rather than simultaneously.
Effective range is around 19,000 km.


Cloaking Device
Novan cloaks operate by plasmon waves. Plasmons are waves of electron density, caused when the electrons on the surface of a metallic material move in rhythm. A shell of plasmonic material scatters light negligibly if the light�s frequency is close to the resonant frequency of the plasmons. The scattering from the shell effectively cancels out the scattering from the object. In layman's terms, the ship goes invisible.
Note: Novan cloaks operate on a frequency adaptation design, and so the plasmon wave frequency will vary with that of the light hitting it.

Mass Inversion Drive
The MID negates the carrying vehicle's mass to an infinitely small percentile of its original figure, thus rendering even the largest ship (or station) as light as a feather. With a fully activated MID, in fact, even the smallest child could lift a structure normally weighing millions of tonnes.
The drive operates by focusing the carrying vessel's weight into a point of nearly infinitely reversed space-time (used for explanation purposes only; there is no real way for something to be nearly infinite. Infinity is a concept, not a number, and subsequently infinity cannot be reached by counting forever). The vessel's weight is then negated, resulting in lower fuel consumption and more output from powerful engines.

Faster Than Light [FTL] Drive
For faster-than-light travel, Novan ships use the "quantum Casimir effect"; using the unbalanced vacuum pressure on two parallel plates (these plates are nanoscopic) to 'skip' across space-time. The effect is also known as 'tunneling', and can be observed on the microscopic scale in semiconductors, nuclear fusion, and the tunneling electron microscope. In this effect, the ship becomes one big electron, tunneling through interstellar space at superluminal speeds.
Novan ships are able to go faster the bigger they are. This is because the larger the ship; the more parallel plates it can carry, and thus the more vaccuum pressure it can harness.
Note: When in transit, the system is often referred to as 'Tunnel Space', Sub Space' or 'Casimir Space'.

Dampening Field
The hazards of high speed travel (both superluminal and subluminal) are numerous, and the most prominent is that if you try to accelerate too fast, you will end up as a fine paste on the rear wall of your very nicely decorated bridge.
The Novan dampening field was actually an attempt at an energy based grapple system, designed to latch onto any object with an invisible beam. The design could never quite be worked out entirely, however, but it was discovered that rather than a beam, the device was emitting an entire field of this grappling energy. It was quickly converted for use in Novan vessels, allowing faster and harder acceleration curves even before the superluminal days of the Casimir plates.
The field allows anything within itself to move about freely under extreme speeds, and actually extends outside of a ship's usual shape. The tall command towers on the Northamptons, for example, are covered by this bubble, with the empty space around them also being filled with this field. Controlling it's size and shape is still an issue.

Deflector Shields
By combining a low gravitic field with a siphon shield, a ship can be rendered immune to incoming weapons fire. There are, however, limits to this. Despite the siphon shield being tied in to the system, the energy involved always outweighs anything that may impact the shield.
Smaller ships with self-sustaining units can only remain immune for a limited amount of time, an estimated fourteen hours. Larger ships, which can generate more power of course, can sustain the fields for longer, up to two days.

Siphon Shields
Seized from Alpha technology, these shields are energy fields, which encapsulate the carrying craft in a 'bubble' of properly adjusted energy to form a protective barrier. Invisible to the naked eye, the field is created by the shield generators on board the carrying craft. Shields operate on an energy conversion scheme. It will absorb the momentum of a penetrative object, instantly rendering it immobile. This kinetic energy is then converted into power for the ship's systems. Energy weapons are converted in a similar manner, though the process is less efficient. Both Deflector and Siphon shield systems scatter teleportation signals, and with an adequate teleportation system, beamed objects will simply end up where they tried to leave off. On an inadequate system, however, there is no guarantee of that...
Too much energy absorbtion can also cripple the shield, if the energy is not spent fast enough.
[Shields come in Weak > Mild > Moderate > Strong > High Performance]

Infra-Red Magnetic Plasma Dump
A rapidly decaying proton beam is beamed back from the ship. As the beam loses it's energy and reaches a critical limit, the beam 'dumps' it's energy in the form of a plasmatic ball of matter that gives off powerful IR emissions and also has strong magnetic properties.
The result is a ball of plasma that can trick most missiles, and failing that, attract them to it, and itself to them.
The IRM Plasma Dump is basically a space-based chaff/flare function.

Pinpoint Barrier System
The Pinpoint Barrier System generates four small disc-shaped force fields that can be positioned anywhere along the ship to deflect missiles, energy beams or projectiles. Each pinpoint barrier is about 200 ft in length, and can deflect any attack not designed to cause major damage (such as a nuclear device or Star Wars-esque Death Star cannon). Though the barriers can also be layered on top of each other to generate a field which provides adequate protection against even the strongest weapons.

A metal made of billions upon billions of nanites. Due to their computised state, they can be shaped into anything the user desires, and can repair themselves if damaged. Nanomacinium is around 52 times stronger than diamond.



PostPosted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 1:15 pm
NACCS Mobile Unit
Nova Armada Central Computer System[NACCS] Mobile Unit (Applicable 2150-2450)
Before the complete destruction of the main base, NACCS transferred itself to the Northampton Stealth Frigate, where it oversaw the end of the former NA complex.
More importantly, NACCS is able to think for itself, and carry out processes as and when it wants. It's personality is self-styled into a benevolent, caring individual. It prises the lives of biological personnel, be they human or other, and will try to take the least offencive action in any situation.
NACCS now inhabits a small body of it's own. This multilimbed, floating bug-like creation has interface blades for controlling the ship remotely (provided it can find an access port), since NACCS separated itself from the Northampton as a whole. The hull of the body is composed of reinforced steel, three inches thick. EM shielding lies underneath this, along with the internal mechanisms. The unit features seven 5THz processors, and a RAM count in excess of two million.
The unit stays aloft via electromagnesis, but can use the limbs for motion if so required.

The First
The First goes by no other name, and is around seven feet in height, an amalgamation of dull yellow and dark grey biological plating of a toughness equivalent to somewhere in between titanium and steel.
The First's head contains four large snake-like eyes, two aimed forward, and one either side of it's face for optimum peripheral vision. It's long snout is remindful of a mythical dragon's, and filled with an estimated two hundred serrated and sharp teeth, racked in rows. Careful gene splicing from multiple species produced a lower jaw capable of splitting in two vertically, it does, however, generally function as a normal lower jaw, the splitting apparently being no more than a psychological factor intended to strike fear into enemies.
It has three clawed fingers and an opposable thumb to each thinly padded hand. This trend carries over to it's feet, on digitigrade hind legs, perfectly balanced by a long and slender tail ending in a protrusion more blade than bone.
The pads on it's feet and hands allow it to scale most vertical and horizontal surfaces, clinging very securely to any surface through a system borrowed from gekko genes. Each pad has millions of microscopic hairs on the bottom that function as an adhesive, and these microscopic hairs divide further into smaller structures known as setae, and each seta has the adhesive strength to support around 20 mg, the weight of an ant.
First's setae, as with any Gekko's, are capable of supporting much more weight than that which First exerts.

Further gene copying is shown in the form of it's perfect 'chameleoflage', aptly named since it's come from the chamelon. The virus did, however, 'evolve' the genes before they were placed into the First, and it's ability to mask itself from visual sensors is perfect, further enhanced by it's temperature-adaptable-blood morphology, leaving it able to alter it's blood temperature to the surroundings.

The First is not without in-built weaponry, either. Aside from it's bladed tail, retractable elbow, knee, and back bones take the form of vicious serrated blades.

All of this is augmented by sporadic appearances of machinery over it's body; it's cybernetic parts allowing it further enhanced sight, hearing and communications, all easily activated or deactivated at whim built in at an instinctual level.
PostPosted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 1:16 pm
The Terms


AI = Artificial Intelligence
AIRSUPREQ = Air Support Request
AMC = Air Mobility Command
AO = Area of Operations
AOI = Area Of Interest
BDA = Battle Damage Assessment
Control = Command Centre
Drone = A unit controlled by either it's own internal computer, or the base's central computer
Mess Hall = The canteen/eatery/grub-house/food shack. Got the point?
NACCS = Nova Armada Central Computer System. The advanced AI running the true Nova Armada (see Nova Armada).
Price Virus = The virus designed by Jack Price to usurp the Nova Armada Central Computer System
Unit = Any 'asset' of the base. This includes drones, mechs, jets, personnel etc

Flight Terms

HTOL/VTOL = In order, Horizontal Take Off and Landing/Vertical Take Off and Landing.
LZ = Landing Zone
Pitch = the up or downward motion of the nose.
Roll = the plane rotating around a lateral axis (think 'barrel roll').
Visiblity = How far a pilot can see clearly.
Yaw = is like regular steering on a car. It turns the plane on a horizontal plane.


AAM = Air-to-Air Missile
AGM = Air-to-Ground Missile
ASM = Anti-Shipping Missile
ATGM = Anti-Tank Guided Missile
HARM = High-speed Anti-Radiation[Radar] Missile
HAWL = High Altitude Weapon Launch
HE = High-Explosive
HOWL = High Orbital Weapon Launch
ICBM = Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile
LAWL = Low Altitude Weapon Launch
LOL = Low Orbital (weapon) Launch
LOAL = Lock On After Launch
LOBL = Lock On Before Launch
LR = Long-Range
SAM = Surface-to-Air Missile
SR = Short-Range



PostPosted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 1:22 pm

Feel free to make up your own biggrin

Air Force Pilot: The Pilot Utilization Field encompasses all functions performed by rated pilot officers to conduct or directly support flying operations, including combat, combat support, and training missions. Inherently included are supervisory and staff functions such as inspection, contingency planning, and policy formulation.

Infantry: Infantry Marines are trained in core competencies of gunnery on infantry weapons, combat operations, and battlefield awareness; employing a variety of weapons, and through communications links, supporting arms including artillery, naval gunfire, and close air support; sea-based, projecting onto vital littorals in any climate or place.

Intelligence: The Intelligence Career Field encompasses functions involved in collecting, producing, and distributing data that have strategic, tactical, or technical value from an intelligence viewpoint.

Medic: Provides medical unique administrative, field medical, technical, scientific, and clinical services to the Army Medical Department and the Army.

Munitions and Weapons: The Munitions and Weapons Career Field includes assembling, maintaining, storing, delivering, inventory managing, and loading nonnuclear munitions and solid propellants; and handling and aircraft loading nuclear munitions and guided aircraft missiles and rockets.

Captain: A Captain is expected to handle all shipboard decisions including communications decisions, personnel assignments, ship status, weapon status, and tactical situations, among others.

Security Forces: The Security Forces (SF) Career Field performs force protection duties. SF duties require the use of force, up to and including the use of deadly force.
PostPosted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 1:28 pm
Gamma Police
Nova Armada's Gamma Police

Introduction: The Gamma Police, or G Police, were created in response to military security and policing in Nova Armada bases. In addition to this, they are to be used as ground troops in combat. The G Police are not just police.
The G Police utilise usual police methods, along with SWAT tactics and FBI swiftness.
Listed below are the few units the G Police use in serious busts. They can also be used in combat. All images are captured from Psygnosis' G-Police 2: Weapons of Justice and copyright protected.


GP-44 "Tunnel Rat" Mk. I Patrol
Armour: Bi-layer composite
Weapons Loadout:
- quad-barrel 15mm minigun
- 2 double-tube missile launchers
Maximum Speed: Mach 1
- SRAM coating
- deflector shield unit
No of craft: 15


GP-44b "Tunnel Rat" Mk. II Scout/Reconnaissance
Armour: Bi-layer composite
Weapons Loadout:
- quad-barrel 15mm minigun
Maximum Speed: Mach 1
- SRAM coating
- deflector shield unit
No of craft: 10

Medium Attack

AT-RX-2 "Raptor" Mk. I Patrol Walker
Armour: Tri-layer composite
Weapons Loadout:
- quad-barrel 15mm minigun
Maximum Speed: 260 kph
- SRAM coating
- deflector shield unit
No of craft: 10


AT-RX-2b "Raptor" Mk. II Attack Walker
Armour: Tri-layer composite
Weapons Loadout:
- quad-barrel 15mm minigun
- quad-tube missile launcher
Maximum Speed: 210 kph
- SRAM coating
- deflector shield unit
No of craft: 10


GP-68 "Rhino" Mk. II Tactical Ground Support Vehicle
Armour: Tri-layer composite
Weapons Loadout:
- tri-barrel 20mm minigun
- eight-tube missile launcher
Maximum Speed: 340 kph
- SRAM coating
- deflector shield unit
No of craft: 15

Heavy Attack

C453 "Venom" Mk. I Air Attack
Armour: Tri-layer composite
Weapons Loadout:
- quad-barrel 15mm minigun
- 2 quad-tube missile launchers
Maximum Speed: Mach 2
- SRAM coating
- deflector shield unit
No of craft: 10



PostPosted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 3:18 pm
Capital Ship Information

This information applies to all capital ships, and smaller vessels where specified.

At the bows of the ships are the main sensor clusters; dozens of hardened blisters containing short range radar, imaging, and scanning systems.

The communications equipment of Nova Armada can communicate with up to 1,000 craft simultaneously at ranges of up to 900,000 miles. This range can be boosted indefinitely by using satellites or other spacecraft as to relay communications.

All Novan units contain some Electronic Counter-Measure abilities. Be it their SRAM (sonar and radar absorbent material) coatings, their radio jamming equipment, or the IRM plasma dumps, Novan units can fool most other ship or weapon systems.

Kitchens aboard each capital ship serve a basic diet of the four main food groups, with no great diversity from day-to-day. Stores of food are kept in the storage bays, located in various places on each ship.

Gravity aboard Novan units is acheived with gravity plating, which allows a fairly even pace to be established when moving around the ship's horizontal axes. It is not quite as strong as the standard 1 gee of Earth, but is enough to move by.
The gravitic plating utilises a specially shaped magnetic field that allows a person to remain somewhat weighted in space by their own blood iron content. As such, each individual experiences a tiny measurement more gravity than everyone else.

Life Support
The atmosphere on Novan ships is retained by two means. When in a vaccuum oxygen is circulated through internal ventilation networks, which contain chemical scrubbers and recyclers dotted about. In smaller vessels such as fighters there is only one such unit in place.
When in an atmosphere, vents to the outside are opened and fresh air allowed to mingle with the old, which is slowly replaced by this fresh air.

Navigation on Novan capital ships is acheived through RaDAR, long-range cameras, planetary grid formations, and an extremely reliable 'star-lock' system (visual tracking of the positions of over three thousand stars simultaneously). RaDAR is generally for use on planets, or when close to docking stations or other ships, long-range cameras are used when approaching a planet, with the planetary grid formation providing reliable coordinates should the surface be obscured, and star-locks are used when in deep space.

Novan powerplants are large spherical tokamak reactors. This plasma-based reactor provides adequate energy for all ship systems, though in combat suffers. This is the reason Nova Armada strived to develop the siphon shield system.

Novan units most commonly use ion thrust. For a given amount of fuel, ion thrust modules can give 1/50th of a pound of thrust, yet deliver up to ten times more actual thrust than a conventional chemical thrust module.

The radar array of Novan capital ships is equally as impressive as the communication system, and can track and identify up to 2,000 craft simultaneously. The radar system has an adjustable range of 100 - 500,000 miles.

Waste Management
When faced with the problem of waste management, Novan ship designers had to answer the obvious; Where does it go?
As an answer, they came up with; Into the crew.
Novan ships take recycling quite seriously, as you can never be too complacent about being in space. Self sufficiency is a must, and so waste is converted to rudimentary edible paste, by a lengthy process of molecular realignment with nanotechnology.
PostPosted: Sat Mar 18, 2006 7:57 am
Vaccuum Only Fighters
Vacuum Fighter Force

[Copyright Novalogic. Artist unknown. Permission for use not obtained]
- nanomachinium plating
- Deflector Shield
- 1 x Free-Electron laser [either wing]
- 1 x missile launcher [undercarriage]
- IRM Plasma Dump
No of craft: 60


Name: Pegasus
[Copyright Novalogic. Artist unknown. Permission for use not obtained]
- Composite armour panels
- Weak Siphon Shield
- 2 x Free-Electron [one either wing]
- IRM Plasma Dump
No of craft: 70


Name: Archangel
[Copyright Novalogic. Artist unknown. Permission for use not obtained]
- Tritanium plating
- Mild Siphon Shield
- 2 x Free-Electron lasers [ one either wing]
- dual missile launcher [undercarriage]
- IRM Plasma Dump
No of craft:40


Name: Orion
[Copyright Novalogic. Artist unknown. Permission for use not obtained]
- Tritanium plating
- Mild Siphon Shield
- 1 x Phaser [forward section of port wing]
- 1 x Solenoid Ion Cannon [forward section of port wing]
- 2 x Free-Electron lasers [ventrally mounted, one either wing]
- 2 x missile mounts [undercarriage starboard wing]
- IRM Plasma Dump
No of craft: 30


Name: Pheonix
[Copyright Novalogic. Artist unknown. Permission for use not obtained]
- Tritanium plating
- Mild shield
- High Performance Siphon Shield
- Deflector Shield Unit
- 2 x Phaser [one either side of prow]
- 2 x Free Electron Laser [one either side of nose]
- 2 x 20mW Phased Plasma Cannon [one either side of nose/prow connection]
- 4 x missile mounts [one either side of prow, one either side of nose]
- IRM Plasma Dump
No of craft: 24



PostPosted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 3:24 pm
Darakan Physiology

They are a massively multi-limbed species of roughly standard human height. They have vaguely segmented bodies, apparently a part of their physiology being worked out over time, they tell us. They are, in fact, not unlike centipedes or millipedes on Earth, though of course the Darakans are larger and possess less legs, only ten on the ground at any one time, while they have a further six that they use as arms and hands.

They move around bent, with three eighths of their bodies serving as a sort of torso, and allowing them to manipulate low the the ground objects with ease. Much of their technology is based on this scale as it makes it harder for the more common bi-pedal species to operate.
Their bodies are highly flexible throughout, their outer coating is, predictably, an exoskeleton of largely similar chemical makeup as the chitin on insects on Earth, but they no longer have the mass:strength ratio to enable to them walk along vertical surfaces, as most of our insects can on Earth.

Their exoskeletonal colour varies according to familial line, and this apparently leads back for centuries, encoded in their DNA from some chance evolutionary trait.

They have heads, of a sort, that currently seem to still be in the process of evolving into a separate part of the body, as yours is, albeit attached by a neck. Their eyes are a milky white and they can see in roughly the same wavelengths as a human, minus a few bands of colour. Their hearing is also akin to your own, but their sense of touch is incredible. They can, I have been informed, detect something like a whisper at a distance of over fifty metres, in an environment with little or no wind.
Their mouths are naught more than small 'o' shapes, which can of course open and close, and they are lined with rows of incredibly fine serrated edges, which I am assured cannot break apart anything as dense as human flesh. Their noses are almost non-existent, they can apparently smell very little unless it is in close proximity to their face.

Darakan Technology

Capital ship

"The design is quite simple. The ship is no more than one hundred component pieces all with their own systems. Life support, generators, engines. They all contain computer systems monitoring all aspects of ship function, and in turn all of these work together to keep the ship in synchronisation with itself.
If one ship-component suddenly falters in engine output, then the other components will rapidly compensate for it to avoid any stresses being placed on the whole assembly.

We found that it was much easier to design a large ship like this, than to create one large body. The advantages in battle are also part of the design. The ship can be ordered to break up into its components, providing more targets and allowing us to strike from more positions at an enemy."


"The teleportation array utilises specially cultured biological growths to effect a telekinetic transportation of matter. We found technological approaches too costly in both expense, time, and power.
The biological growths come from decades of research into latent psychic abilities of the conscious mind. The conscious mind cannot grasp these abilities by its own will, but an unconscious mind, a mind with no sentience, no personality, no awareness, can be made into a piece of technology in its own way.
We make absolutely sure that the growths have no real brain. No memory faculties, no sensory inputs, no neural connections allowing what we sentient creatures would term a.... soul. I use your word.
This is a safety mechanism featured in all teleportation arrays, there are several across the planet.
We would not wish for contaminated air to be teleported either way, either from our planet onto a vessel, for fear of the infection it could spread, or from another vessel to our planet, for the same reasons."


"of a dull grey composition that looked more like plastic than metal. They were around twice the height of the Warthog, and were humanoid, with two arms and two legs, but bearing no head of any form. "


"Our enemy utlisied a sophisticated array of devices which included a control override for our automated vessels. This override could not be broken by our best scientists...
As such, we now use manual vessels with as little communication equipment as possible, although our vessels do not see much use"


"The planet is in fact encased in a large sphere that took many decades to complete. It is covered with topsoil from another larger world, and the structure that you were investigating is a solar collector, harvesting the star's light for energy.
We have sealed ourselves from outside influence for two reasons. The primary reason is that, centuries ago, we were at war with another race. They released a bioweapon, a plague, that killed a great majority of our population. However, as in all cultures introduced to a supervirus, there were genetic oddities in some that meant that they survived. We did also have several military establishments able to impose a strict quarantine, also. Our government survived, mostly, and with what was left of the population we engaged in breeding programmes.
It was several years after this that we decided that we must construct a shield, a shell, around our planet. With our low population our enemy of old had no reason to continue to war with us, we posed no threat. But we were rebuilding, repopulating, so the shell would act as a planetary shield, aswell.
Our satellites, cloaked, would ordinarily have attacked you, but their scans of your ships indicated no weaponry capable of damaging the sphere."
Excess Information Guild

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