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Tori wasn't like most ordinary people. No she was far from ordinary. She is an witch and tries very hard to hide that fact. At twenty six she already has a nick name among the things she hunted. The vampires called her 'Death'. She was a dangerous woman, but didn't look so when you saw her. She looked petite and harmless with her milk white skin and long light red hair with its natural curl. Her eyes were a startling green. Her home now destroyed she travels around with her small black cat named Binx.

It was a dark and stormy night. Tori was stuck out in the rain hiding beneath trees trying desperately to stay dry. The water was cold against her bare arms. Her red corset and black skirt were soaked, which made moving hard. She wondered through the forest with Binx at her feet. She saw a house through the tree line and smiled. She picked up her pace and slipped on the wet ground cutting her arm open on a rock. She cursed and got to her feet deciding to worry about the cut later. She wanted to get dry first before anything else. She walked up onto the porch of a very old manor.

She reached up to knock on the door and it opened. She pulled her hand pack and reached for her wand, that was tucked into her boots. She pulled it out every warning in her body screaming not to go inside, but she ignored them and went in anyway. As she walked inside she noticed no electricity it was all candle light. She hadn't seen that in a long time. She ignored it and kept walking further in, wand ready in case she needed to use it. She made it to what looked like a living room from the 1600's. She looked around in awe and couldn't believe what she was seeing. She sat near the roaring fire to dry her cloths and warm her body up. She tore a piece of her skirt off to wrap around her still bleeding arm. Binx curled up next to her purring softly. She smiled and stroked his head "well stay here until the storm passes" she said to him as she laid back onto her elbows.