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Reply The Master Realm
Treading Lordaios (A Wings of Brass Continuation RP)

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Zeren the Morph
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Shy Shapeshifter

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 10:45 pm
Lordaios. Arthur did not have pleasant memories of this place. It was where he interred Carrol, on a cliff overlooking the ocean.

Just the thought made his eyes burn with tearing. A hand fell on his shoulder as he watched the Malestrom's approach to the tropical city from her bow. Max's heavy hand, gripping it. No doubt sensing the sand shepherd's anguish. And why wouldn't he? Their bond went beyond physical. It was two minds, vaguely intertwined and aware of each other. Such is the nature of bondmates, and it didn't help that Max was awfully perceptive for a human.

"You okay, captain?" Max asked. He always kept up the formalities, despite their closeness. After all, Max was a military man, respectful of chain of command.

"... I'll be fine, Max. Did First Mate Lebrente give you the manifest?" Arthur replied. Of course, he knew he couldn't lie to Max. He'd just see right through it, as the human did right then. He arched his brow at Arthur, but wisely let sleeping dogs lie.

"Yessir. We'll be resupplied by the next couple moons."

"Excellent." Arthur replied, still staring off into the distance. "So, Grey? What're you planning to do with your shore leave?" He asked, hoping to lighten the mood.

"You tell me, sir." Max said, his voice edged with subtle suggestion. Arthur smiled.

"I got plans for you, but not until tonight. I feel like wander the city for a bit. On my own." Arthur said. It took a moment for it to register with Max, as the human nodded.

"Aye-aye, captain."

Arthur draped a lithe arm around the human, the sheep-like spirit staring out into the horizon. As the ship begun to dock, he begun to ponder about Tika. How was she doing? Was she settling back in alright?

Might as well ask her, himself, as he disembarked the Maelstrom and into the town of Lordaios, the sun setting over the ocean and engulfing everything in a warm crimson.  
PostPosted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 11:55 pm

TIka rummaged through a box of new ordered books. She hummed softly to herself, enjoying the calm as the day came to a close. She had had a very productive day. Her shop had seen quite a lot of business so she was now grateful for some peace and quiet.
When it was quiet her mind often drifted back 3 years ago to the adventures she had had on the Malestrom and the friends she had made. She looked out the shop window and even though she couldn't see it, she imagined the place where she knew Carrol was buried. It had been suggested that he be buried in her home land. They had created a such a strong bond with each other in the small time they had shared. Tika still thought of him often, and smiled when she did. He was a good man. He died a good death, even though he did not break the curse that had been laid upon him, he had avenged his family, he regained his honor. That was very important to Tika's people. Retaining one's honor. She would pray for him and his remaining family tonight, as she did with all her friends, wishing them well and hoping to bring them comfort in these troubling times.
She picked up a hard bound book and inspected the cover. It was a book about Lordaios, the geography and culture. She stood up and placed it on a shelf. Despite the many fights between countries at the moment, Lordaios still saw plenty of tourism. It also helped that they were a main shipping port for many countries. Tika feared this would make them a target for an ambitious warlord but so far it seemed like they were being left untouched. She wondered how long it would last...  


Salty Phantom

Zeren the Morph
Vice Captain

Shy Shapeshifter

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 10, 2012 8:38 pm
The streets were busy, that much was for certain. Merchants plied their wares and crowds dominated the bayside as people conducted their business. Arthur stood out from the various races that populated the market, many of them giving him a wide berth. Old paranoia persisted with Celestia's actions, sullying his people's good name as many people feared he would steal their free wills with so much as a passing glance.

It irritated him to no end. His mortal life was dedicated to helping these people, and regarding his powers, using his goddess-given talents to better their lives. Even though none said anything hostile to him, he felt vilified.

His sagging spirits were lifted when he saw a familiar sight before him. Tika's shop. He figured it'd be nice to visit an old friend, now that they could meet under more fortunate circumstances. He pushed the door open, the heady scent of incense and warm lighting a boon to his mood. A gracing sensation of familiarity, tugging at the corners of the sheep's muzzle as he entered.

Little has changed, with the store still being full of foreign oddities.

"Tika? You here?" Arthur called out.  
PostPosted: Thu Aug 16, 2012 10:44 pm
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Phaeus hated this place. Jungle. His kind doesn't sweat or wear much. However, due to how friggin' prudish mortal tended to be, he wore his traveling duster, his puffy shirt open to vent out the heat.

He rode on the neck of a hulking quadruped, leaning forward as he peered through the brush. One could call her a gator, if they were this massive. Together, they blazed a trail through the lush foliage, the Di'Nocti looking forward to some air conditioning and a hot meal. Too long have they've been traveling by foot. As fleet as Shrui can be, they covered a lot of ground over the past couple weeks.

His compass wasn't broken. Lordaios had to be getting close. Still, the sun was setting, and it was ill-advised to travel at night in the jungle. Time to pitch camp. He patted Shrui's neck lovingly with a gloved hand.

"Let's stop... Ah, there! Over there." He said as he spotting a small clearing.

Zeren the Morph
Vice Captain

Shy Shapeshifter

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Salty Phantom

PostPosted: Thu Aug 16, 2012 11:11 pm

Shrui lumbered through the jungle, the heavy vegetation soft underpaw. She carried her master at the base of her broad neck, due to the large spikes she had further down her back, but she barely felt his presence. She was more hindered by the low hanging vines and foliage. The heat was annoying and the bugs were relentless but she was with Phaeus and that's all that really mattered.
She would follow him anywhere. It didn't matter to her where they went, as long as they were together. But the heat was starting to make her wish they could go someplace a lot colder. Despite her reptilian appearance, Shrui loved the snow, she thrived in it. She was idly daydreaming about it when she felt her master pat her neck.
"Let's stop... Ah, there! Over there." He pointed to a small clearing.
Shrui huffed her acknowledgement and padded over to the small clearing. She knelt down so Phaeus could easily slide off her neck.  
PostPosted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 7:35 am
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He nearly took a tumble as he slid off, hand grabbing one of the spikes on her back. The ground was soft underneath his boots, loamy. He wondered just how close they were to the ocean for this much sand to be present in the soil.

He wiped his brow. His kind didn't sweat easily, so you know it was hot and humid. Still, he felt a tinge of coolness in the air, brought on by the encroaching evening as the sun begun to dim. Trickles of dusky crimson poked through the tropical canopy, blending with the verdant greenery to create a warm yellowness around them as he sat up camp. Despite of the fact that Phaeus and Shrui were roughing it, he still prefer the finer things in life. He unrolled what appeared to be a simple carpet, a misconception by the casual observer that would be quickly shattered as the piece of rug suddenly begun to grow. A luxurious Moroccan-themed tent had magically sprouted as if from nothing, large enough to house the both of them. Lovely scents of spice wafted from the flaps, invitingly exotic.

Old, forgotten sand shepherd magic. After all, his kind used to be able to do much more than the typical skill set of zonking people to eat their dreams, but it's easy to forget who you are when you've been exiled from everything you've ever known. He parted the flap, contented to see that nothing inside had changed since the night before. He slipped inside, the air within comfortably cooler and drier. This was a massive relief as he cast off his traveling duster and plopped lazily on a plush cushion, staring up at one of the tented ceiling's many lanterns. Lovely tent. Had it's uses beyond shelter. Mortals found the spices relaxing. Made for an easy meal, when he wasn't eating dreams he'd partook in during one of his acts. But ever since all that business with Celestia a few years prior, he has had... Problems. He'd taken to avoiding the smaller settlements, sticking to more culturally-refined city-states. Had too, with his nature and Shrui's. The last time he stopped in a village, he had to brandish a pistol at a gang of brutes convinced that he was there to steal their souls. Thank the goddess that Shrui intervened. Blew their cover and had to leave, though. It was always a good idea to beat cheeks when you have to hypnotize a bunch of hooligans after they nearly got accosted by a massive alligator-like creature into believing that they had seen a regular ol' bear, instead.

He chuckled under his breath. Alligator or bear, those bastards still nearly pissed themselves. His top hat followed his coat to the floor, the sheep-like spirit now comfortably reclined.

Zeren the Morph
Vice Captain

Shy Shapeshifter

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Salty Phantom

PostPosted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 12:21 pm

Shrui waited until Phaeus had steadied himself on the soft ground before moving out of the way so he could set up camp. She could smell the ocean but she couldn't see it. It still excited her though, it meant there were fish nearby. Her mouth watered at the thought of fish. Even though she didn't need to eat everyday, she was an opportunistic hunter, so she would never turn down a fish meal.
She sat on her haunches and watched as Phaeus worked his magic. She always liked watching the tent rise up. It was her home, both of theirs, and she was always grateful that they could carry it with them.
She followed her master into tent, feeling the instant relief of the cooler air. She loved this tents magic. It looked smaller on the outside than what it actually was on the inside. They could move comfortably inside it without worry of bumping into each other or knocking things down. Then again, Shrui was very graceful for her size. It was the feline in her, giving her extraordinary balance and a certain agileness you wouldn't expect at first glance.
She stretched, her rump high in the air, flexing her webbed, scaly front paws and yawned loudly, showcasing her long teeth and bluish forked tongue. They had gotten a very early start that day, and towards the end she had to carry Phaeus because it was getting to be a lot, even for him. She didn't mind though. Traveling was just what they did. All she knew was a nomadic lifestyle and it suited her just fine.
She began to gently knead the pillowy floor, looking for a good spot to lay down. She watched her master flop onto a large cushion so she padded over to him and rested her head on his lap, the rest of her large form falling onto some remaining pillows. She began to purr loudly, another feline trait she had. It was loud and rumbly, almost like the clockwork machinery in the big cities. She closed her eyes and happily purred, content to be home and with her master.  
PostPosted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 5:37 pm
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The two settled in for the night, the moon casting beads of dim light upon the spacious tent. It glowed warmly from within, as Phaeus stoked the flames of a brass wood stove. The scent of dried fish in the pan mingled with the spices in the air, the halibut sizzled loudly.

He flipped it, seeing that both sides were well-cooked. He then slid it on a nearby plate and held it aloft. With his free hand, he pushed the large metal stove as if it was on invisible wheels. It sank into the silken wall and vanished into the folds, then the folds fell back into place as if nothing had disturbed them. A small amount of space was available within their little realm, but a whole warehouse of physical things could be stored on the fringes of the magic that enables that tent to exist.

He sat the plate down.

"Din-din!" He said cheerily to his friend before rummaging through an armoire for his pipe.

Zeren the Morph
Vice Captain

Shy Shapeshifter

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Salty Phantom

PostPosted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 8:22 pm

Shrui turned around excitedly. She had been watching the birds nesting in the trees outside, trying to figure out if she could catch one. But at the sound of Phaeus's voice, she immediately forgot all about that happily padded up to the plate placed down for her.
Fish! Her favorite. She made a happy growl and with one lick from her large tongue, she lapped it off the plate and began crunching it happily. Phaeus had a way with spices that just made the fish so.... so.... amazing! She swallowed it down and licked her chops. Murring in satisfaction.
Of course she could a lot more than the one fish that was offered but their supplies had begun to run low and Shrui knew how to hunt for herself if she needed to. Even though she was the only one who actually had to eat food, they went through it quickly because of how much she did need to eat. The fish was more of treat, not even close to a meal but it satisfied her for now.
She lumbered her way back over to the pillow nest that acted as their bed and curled up, watching Phaeus dig around for his pipe.  
PostPosted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 9:12 pm

Only hearing someone enter but not what they said, Tika shouted out to the main room, "Ewo memedk fcoujo!"*
She stood up, dusting off her skirt and lightly stepping over the box of books on the floor. She hadn't realized what time it was and should have already closed the shop for the day. But a customer was a customer so she came through the beaded door with a helpful smile on her face.
"Joo udokadw oei cabo... Arthur!"** Finally realizing who it was. She made a happy squeal and ran up and hugged him.
"My friend! Too long it has been! How many? Kxhoo Oouhj?*** 3 years? Yes?" She hugged him tightly then let go. "You look well! Spiffy outfit!" She giggled joyfully to herself. "What makes you come? Trouble?" Her face becoming concerned.

*One moment please!
**See anything you like.... Arthur!
***Three years?  


Salty Phantom

Zeren the Morph
Vice Captain

Shy Shapeshifter

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 9:46 pm
"No trouble, luckily. Just happen to be around in the neighborhood." Arthur replied, patting down his ruffled coat as he chuckled. "Thought about dropping by and saying hello, ya know? See what ya up to."


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He packed it full of guile leaf, a lovely herb that gave off a rich, deep aroma as he lit it. It washed the scent of fish out of the air as he puffed contently, settling down next to Shrui.

As luxurious as their surroundings were, he was still aware that they were still traipsing around in a jungle. His eyes landed upon the pistol on a coffee table nearby, just within arm's reach. Shrui usually kept a diligent vigil, so threats sneaking up on them wasn't an immediate concern.

He puffed several more times, then snuffed out the pipe and closed his eyes.
PostPosted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 10:25 pm

"This is good!" She broke out into a smile when she heard nothing was wrong. "Come! Sit!" She pulled him toward a chair and had him sit. "You still use Malestrom, yes? How was flying?"
While Arthur sat she excitedly moved about the shop, picking things up, making things tidy for her guest. Before he could answer she asked, "Thirsty? Drink would be good now right?" She quickly moved into the back room to get refreshments. She quickly came back out, holding a tray of iced drinks. "Take." She said happily, offering him a chilled beverage.
"Many adventures? Not too dangerous for Arthur?" She asked as she took a sip of one of the drinks, finally quieting enough for him to actually put a word in conversationally wise.

She snuggled up next to Phaeus. Content, she began purring again. She nodded off quickly, the calming smell of the incense and the sounds of the jungle bugs chirping lulling her to sleep.  


Salty Phantom

Zeren the Morph
Vice Captain

Shy Shapeshifter

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 18, 2012 7:48 pm
He took the glass with mild relish. He can't eat, but sometimes, he drinks. Hydration is key, after all. He gave her an appreciative nod.

"Thank ya. Anyways, yeah, I still have the Maelstrom. She's flying solidly. After all the war, we've been sticking to just cargo deliveries. Nothing too dangerous, but since Celestia's empire collapsed down south, the airways around there have been peppered with a bit of piracy." He replied, taking a sip. "But it's certainly nothing we can't handle."  
PostPosted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 11:13 pm

"Ah yes. Good working. Pirates not so good." She scowled at the thought of them. There was a band of pirates that operated within the slums of Lordiados. Theft and even murder was beginning to crop up more and more. It was even starting to spill into the main parts of the town. Pirates were bad news. The local law enforcement was doing its best but even they went missing sometimes.
With the local government in chaos, even three years after the fall of Celestia, organized crime was on an all time rise.
"Glad to have protection charms on shop." She nodded towards the door, above it were some runes scratched into. "If bad intentions are in heart, you may not enter. And if one try to enter with badness in their heart...." She smirked and took a sip of her drink.


Shrui slept for a long time. The tent's magic made it a comfortable climate to sleep in.
There was a small noise outside. One of Shrui's ears twitched, but she still kept her eyes closed. It happened again, only louder this time. She opened one yellow-green eye and stared at the tent entrance. Both ears swiveled forward, listening.
The noise was far off but she knew it might come closer. She lifted her large head and looked over to her master. He was still fast asleep. He probably couldn't even hear what she was hearing right now anyway.
Birds nesting in the nearby trees stopped singing as she heard the noise again. It almost sounded like a gun shot. It was definitely closer this time.
She quietly rose and crept to the tents entrance then poked her snout out between the flaps. The jungle heat immediately hugged her face. She sniffed the air, then tasted it with her long bluish forked tongue.
She could taste the trees and the moisture, even the birds up in the trees. But she tasted something else, tobacco... leather... sweat. Whoever they were, they hadn't bathed in a long time. She licked a scaly paw, trying to rid herself of that unpleasant odor.
She heard rustling and looked up, her ears attentive, focused on the intruders. They were still quite a ways off but they were slowly making their way towards the little camp.
Shrui turned back into the tent and padded up to Phaeus and whined. He still slept, oblivious. The journey must have really exhausted him. She knew he hadn't eaten too recently either, but every time she would offer him some fish he would turn it down. Which was crazy because fish was probably the most delicious thing ever. Well, that and chickens. Big, plump chickens.... so juicy.... she was getting distracted.
Shrui whined again. Phaeus groaned a little then rolled over, away from her.
She huffed in irritation.
Shrui rose up and loomed over him now. Nudging him while growling. Then she used her rough tongue and began to lick his face.  


Salty Phantom

Zeren the Morph
Vice Captain

Shy Shapeshifter

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 9:47 am
He looked up from his cup. Magic wasn't something unheard the southlands, but protection charms was among the more rarer arts. Something even he hasn't delved. Then again, the only thing he's ever really learned was how to shoot from Carrol, knifeplay from an ornery Assassin and carpentry from a stranger.

"Really now? That's a pretty obscure school of magic. Where did you learn such an art?"


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A sand shepherd's dreams are often vast and incomprehensible. Anybody who would try to peer into them without one of the sheep-like spirits to guide them through the labyrinthine machinations of their minds risk losing themselves in it. But Phaeus was more simpler than most, mostly because his desires were less complex and more merely hedonistic. He remembered Elforen fondly, his devoted servants who looked up at him like a god, and their lovely company. Like a lot of his dreams, it drifted along in mere memory, occasionally shifting into the perspective of one of the servants he fed on. The scent of wine upon his nose and the din of debauchery nearly deafening. It was all so wonderful until that blasted feral snake started licking his face.

Wait. What snake?

His eyes opened, staring at Shrui. She was smart and perceptive, so she wouldn't wake him unless there was something extremely pressing on hand. Something like an intruder approaching. He placed a bare hand on the side of her enormous head, reading her thoughts.

Tobacco... Sweat... Leather...

All he needed to hear. He scrambled up and clapped his hands. The inside of the tent was sound-proofed, so losing their advantage by making too much noise wasn't a fear. His pistol was trusty, but he wanted something that really made a nice statement. As soon as he clapped, a massive wardrobe-like piece of furniture slid out from the nigh-infinite folds of the tent wall, it's doors swinging themselves open of their own accord.

A massive array of firearms line it's shelves, meticulously arranged. Phaeus took a bit to peruse his selection, wondering which one would best suit the scenario.
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