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The world's most popular VRMMORPG quickly turns into a life or death struggle in a strange world only known as Aincrad. 

Tags: Sword Art Online, Alfheim Online, Role Play, Semi Literate, Literate 

Reply [RP Forum] Special Events | Current Event: Herald of the New Year!
[EVENT] - Herald's Southern Forest

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Friendly Phantom

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 11:45 am
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The southern region of the forest. The trees are less dense and there is a large lake nearby.
PostPosted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 9:28 pm

It was an incredibly disquieting and sickening feeling, Kaaz would wholeheartedly attest, to suddenly be ripped off of an allegedly mortal, solid body and to be suddenly teleported. Kaaz had done some looking into for teleporting and at its very essence it was being ripped apart molecularly and reassembled, hopefully in the same manner. Since this was just a virtual reality and his avatar, rather than real body, here, it was not nearly as bad as that sounded. In fact, he did not even feel it, yet what he assumed was a loading screen gave him the queasiest sensation. It was almost like a void of sight, touch, smell, hearing, and taste. A total sensory deprivation chamber, and here was Kaaz’s conscious floating along as though he was stuck in the widely accepted view of limbo. Frankly, it was terrifying. Absolutely terrifying. Maybe it was partly because Kaaz, living in an apartment, had to share his internet connection with many other people, or perhaps his hardware was somehow glitchy, it was Beta after all.

Stuck inside this absolute sensory void, Kaaz curled up what he thought where his body parts into what he felt was a fetal position. He couldn’t even see, detect, or feel his limbs! If this was anything similar to an out-of-body experience, Kaaz did not ever want to have one. Covering what he assumed was his ears with what he thought was his hands, he began to whimper, quietly and pathetically at first but quickly escalating in volume and alarm. He could not hear an echo. An endlessly dark void was stretching out before him and as he grew cold with fear, he began to scream in earnest, clawing at his face- his face! Where was his face?!

It could not have been more than a few seconds, an experience that felt interminable to Kaaz. Manifesting instantly as his virtual avatar was rebuilt and he regained control over the construct, Kaaz began hyperventilating, breathing deeply as, dropping his spear, he began to scratch at his face. It was there. It was there! Collapsing onto the ground, that stable beautiful snow-covered ground that supported his weight so he would not feel as though he was endlessly falling into a bottomless pit, Kaaz rubbed his face into it. Cold! That was a sensation! Grabbing his Beta Assault Spear off where he dropped it, Kaaz rolled over and made an asymmetrical, lopsided snow angel, the asymmetry caused by his spear. His heavy armor meant that his imprint in the snow was especially deep. While the process of getting up did, sadly, ruin the bottom half of the snow angel, the top part, which appeared especially poofy thanks to his spear, remained largely intact. It even looked like some snow was sticking onto his leather cloak and foot wear. The coding that went into each individual snow flake must have been enormous. Quite the feat of engineering it was, maybe they had some influence and help from the Pixar guys who worked on Monster’s Inc.? Kaaz also noted that though he could clearly feel a sense of warmth and cool, it wasn’t quite the biting cold the weather would suggest. It probably would be quite silly for the Sword Art Online Beta testers, or even players when the game was finally released, to die from frostbite and hypothermia as Tremont would surely if this mimicked reality.

Never the less, Kaaz felt his heavy armor and his cloak actually gave him an advantage in not feeling as cold as he should. And who knows, maybe he was right. He would not know unless someone gave him access to the coding of Sword Art Online and that simply seemed unlikely. He was a beta tester, not an administrator or a developer. It was important that he know his place and what to properly expect as a result from his position here. And speaking about knowing his place and his position… After recovering from his giddiness at regaining his senses after that hell of a potentially buggy loading screen, Kaaz finally took the time to stop expressing his full appreciation of his senses. After having rolled about the floor, felt the pseudo-coldness in the area, talked and babbled on about nothing to hear his own voice, he exercised his eyesight to look around him. It looked as though he was in a boreal forest, or a taiga, filled with a large amount of trees. As it was indeed a boreal forest, very common as a circumpolar biome that appeared to stretch around the earth, the trees nearby should be coniferous trees. Spruce, pines, larches, and other hardy evergreens that managed to survive in this climate. If Kaaz had to give a guess, this was approaching more of a taiga than a boreal forest and as such he switched about the way he referred to it as such from now on. The trees had decent amounts of space in between them though so it was not as though Kaaz had to chop his way through the underbrush with a machete. He could just walk normally and occasionally watch his head to make sure he wasn’t smashing into overhanging tree branches and knocking snow piles on top of himself. He wondered if the accumulated snow could knock him down and bury him. Hopefully that wouldn’t happen.

Oh look, right over there. It appeared there was a large body of water in the forest. Kaaz could not really get a good bearing of his location considering he was in a forest sprinkled throughout with conifer trees that reached for the sky and blocked his long distance viewings. So instead, Kaaz pulled out his map to check his surrounding area on the large scale first. The Event in Aincrad, Herald of the New Year, looked as though it was being held in a variety of places. Right now, he was in the Herald’s Southern Forest and some of the other areas revealed on the map were Herald’s Northern Forest, Herald’s City, and Herald’s Central Forest. He identified his location from, of course, the sparkling, pristine looking lake that was a few meters away from him. Swiping his right hand again to close the map, he headed towards the lake to take a brief break. It was simply a stunning sight to see. Now, Kaaz began to wonder about his beginning skills. If he recalled correctly, had he not picked up as one of the beginning skills the ability “Beta Fishing”? Perhaps that could be quite useful in a situation like this! Pristine lake, soothing wind, maybe, in snow-covered taiga, what else was a man to do but get a start on fishing? Yes sir, it was indeed a fact that some people simply lived for this situation. That was a good thing about the start of virtual reality. It made the entire world more accessible to people. While they would not get the same thrill of the moment as they would have if they were actually experiencing it in real life, kind of life how a picture of the Grand Canyon or of the peak of Mount Everest cannot even come close to comparing to experiencing either of those places first hand. It would allow for more exploration of the world, and perhaps even completely ridiculously situations such as fighting using the orbital gravitational fields to slingshot oneself around to double dropkick somebody else in the chest. The likelihood of that occurring in real life was astronomically low, not to mention potentially extremely fatal to both parties involved, thus virtual reality would come to the rescue of imagination once they fully mastered this technology.

A question of whether or not the fishing system worked properly would be a good call. Setting up by the lake in the taiga, Kaaz gestured with his right hand to bring up his menu and went looking for his inventory for the basic fishing gear they had all been given in the beginning. Kaaz had been fully prepared to whip out his fishing rod and begin testing his luck on the piscine in the lake when something else caught his eye. Having been subjected to the sudden shock of being teleported into the oddest nd most terrifying loading screen that has ever existed in the history of gaming, Kaaz had completely forgotten not only about his party he had a hand in founding but the duel he had been engaged in too. It certainly did not get far before Kaaz’s attention span turned him away into other situations. Still, just from that short little dance about of positioning , Kaaz felt he would have held the upper hand. Kaaz was simply built like a fortress. Tremont might have been able to move much faster than Kaaz did, even if Kaaz didn’t have any armor on, yet Kaaz did not need to move much. If there was any one thing that worked against Berserker Axe Warrior Tremont’s favor, and despite his higher mobility, it was that his heavy two-handed axe, likely impractical, meant that when he swung, he had to dedicate himself to the maneuver. It would be immensely difficult to convincingly feint with a battle axe like that. Certainly it wasn’t impossible but all Kaaz had to do for a feint was pretend to jerkily move the spear towards a certain area and switch it up, someone like Tremont had to swing his hand in large motions that, through sheer momentum, would be difficult to stop. That would be when Kaaz would seize the opportunity to attack Tremont. Since Tremont opted not to wear a shirt and Kaaz had opted for heavy armor, he was fairly certain he could come out ahead in a situation like that. Not to mention the ranged advantage he had meant Tremont needed to get well within Kaaz’s range to attack while Kaaz could play outside of Tremont’s and if he was aggressive enough, could force the poorly armored man onto the defensive. Berserker Axe Warrior Tremont might claim to be inspired by the Vikings, but everyone, or at least everyone who studied the Norse and the infamous Scandinavian raiders, knew that the primary weapon of a Viking would have been the spear for its superior range and low production costs.

With what Kaaz had viewed as obvious advantages in his favor, Tremont was physically faster yet Kaaz’s spear would be faster and out-ranged the powerful two-handed swing that would be needed to go through his armor to take a shot out of his immense Defense and his health points. Kaaz was better armored, Tremont only had on a pair of armored leggings, and light ones at that. Tremont, to land a crippling blow, needed to either look for chinks in Kaaz’s armor or make them himself, and as though Kaaz would just let the man have a clear shot at his weak points. All Kaaz had to do was hit above Tremont’s waist. With his long-ranged weapon. If Tremont had gotten inside Kaaz’s range, Kaaz could either try to reposition the man back outside by back-pedaling, using the butt of his spear to attack, or simply Sprinting forward to close the short distance and make it into a straight up hand-to-hand brawl. Even there, even if Tremont was all that powerful and agile, with him juggling his battle axe around for no discernible reason, perhaps he was trying to show off to bystanders, Tremont would have to be punching iron armor and immense, inhumanly large and sturdy muscles. Kaaz’s mailed fist would be punching the soft, fleshy layers Tremont’s character had. Perhaps Kaaz was biased but he thought he’d have the clear advantage in that showdown. It’s not like Kaaz’s 0 agility meant he had trouble turning around in a circle. A sweep of his spear would also cover a decent amount of ground as it swept by. Still, Kaaz would admit surprise to seeing the little fat man moving so quickly with such agility while he foolishly just threw around his axe. It was like watching a sentient sea slug make good of its dragon-killing boasts while dual wielding bows and arrows.

None of that did anything for the sheer anger that bubbled up through Kaaz when he noticed something peculiar about his dueling record. He had sent Tremont a tie request, he certainly had. He even explained why he would have done so in a succinct and clear manner. Tremont had not made any verbal protest against it and thus Kaaz had seen that as confirmation of the terms. Yet, clearly labeled under Kaaz’s duel history was 0W 1L 0T. A 100% losing streak. Now if Tremont had managed to best Kaaz in a proper show of arms, perhaps Kaaz could have accepted that (a better chance of it but unlikely, he would just have less things to rage about). But a reported defeat because his sparring opponent, fellow party member, and brother in the band of Vikings, rejected a cease-fire? He felt the sniffles coming on as the giant of a man began rubbing at some strange irritation in his eyes. His nose suddenly clogged up with surprise mucus and his throat felt constricted. Sniffling all the way, Kaaz vowed, while attaching his spear to his back and now rubbing his eyes and wiping his nose with both hands sporadically, ”S-Stupid… stupid Tremont. I’ll… I’ll show him who the superior tactical fighter is in a fair one on one duel between two equally leveled characters… I won’t be nice to him like I was this time…” The big burly, poorly poised giant hiccupped a bit as the first and only tear slid down from his eyes. Gently he wiped away the tear drop and retook up his spear. Though he seemed calm now, or at least calmer than before, he wasn’t actually so. On a closer inspection, one would notice a large degree of fidgeting, especially of his wrists, and overall shaking. Tremont was certainly going to get it now. While in other MMORPGs Kaaz did not seem the talkative type simply because typing was a pain, and with the amount of information he’d tried to lay down in a session, he often could not fit its entirety in the limited text bar. Or the conversation would have moved on without him. How unfortunate for Tremont now that he could berate him about his unethical decision earlier on and give him a thorough lashing of Kantian and Aristotelian Ethics.


A truly inhuman screech of anger and anguish, like a slightly irritated howler monkey on the beginning of a morphine drip, ripped throughout the Herald’s Southern Forest. Why stop at one? As his echoes reverberated throughout the place, Kaaz let out a few more for good effect. He didn’t have anyone nearby to really direct it at so it naturally stopped. However, it appeared that something about his emotional state and the level of loudness had trigger his screams into full on Howls. Having been at a lake, a common watering hole for animals, although the snow meant it wasn’t the only source, when Kaaz managed to calm himself and his fidgets, he noted a light, largely muffled thumping noise. Multiple ones. Trying to pinpoint the source of the noise, Kaaz soon noticed some floating text approaching him. “Saint’s Deer”. In fact, four of these names were approaching him but Kaaz, now just paying attention, noticed a whole field of these floating names. Wasn’t the Event something about slaying Nikolai the Saint of the New Year? There was mention of a thief stealing the fireworks, and certainly it seemed off to Kaaz that the death penalty was in place for a firework thief. True, it was a quest in a fantasy setting though. And it was right about then that he took note of the fact that under the floating names were some well camouflaged deer that he originally glossed over. It seemed his Howl had provoked some unwanted attention from the local fauna. Not only did he have these initial four to deal with, it really looked like and honestly made Kaaz worry that something shifty was going on inside the forest.

Leveling his spear at the closest one, Kaaz’s previous worries about his abilities to murder what was essentially Bambi’s snow white mother, despite only being a code, was something he could accomplish. With the anger he had, he redirected it from Tremont to the deer. He felt stronger than normal staring down his four opponents. Was this the effect of Fighting Spirit? Kaaz was certainly stronger and faster than previously; he wondered if people could get addicted to the feeling that Fighting Spirit brought about. A sort of empowerment. Bracing the two handed spear under his right armpit and supporting it with his left arm, taking the “charge” position that pike men would assume in war, Kaaz felt a build-up of pressure in his feet and legs. Taking advantage of it, he exploded forward in a deadly Sprint. Stacking onto his Fighting Spirit enhancements and his couched spear, Kaaz rocketed in a straight line and slammed into two of the mobs. Due to his bonus stats from fighting four monsters at once, his momentum from his Sprint, and the added momentum from his own armor and body that lent itself to the couched spear, Kaaz had managed to shish kebab two of the Saint’s Deers. The foremost one was unfortunate enough to have its throat pierced, the spear head had gone through it completely and slammed into the side of the second Saint’s Deer’s chest area, not piercing too deep but dealing a good amount of damage. It was still “alive” however and as the first one exploded into data and leftover EXP, Kaaz pulled out the spear head and re-thrust it into the same general area twice more. The long range of the spear kept the deer from approaching closely and it too exploded into data.

Now wheeling about, Kaaz noticed the approach of the two other deer. Oh dear, they were certainly closing in dangerously and Kaaz was beginning to feel a bit fatigued. His Stamina wasn’t that good and he had pulled off an ensemble of his skills. Feeling one more, Kaaz activated his Weapon Ability, Strike. The spear powered up and, in dealing extra damage, Kaaz spun in a circle to build up momentum, then slamming the glowing weapon into the body of one of the Saint’s Deer as it pounced. The vector of his spinning momentum meant that the deer was then slammed it into the nearby conifer tree, impaling the still not-quite-dead Saint’s Deer to the side of the tree, unable to escape as it kicked about trying to get free. Kaaz, almost completely worn out by those ferocious seconds, could barely even react as the final Saint’s Deer slammed into him horns first, knocking him into the ground, horns impaled in his armor. Looking down at the beast, Kaaz’s anger mixed in with his weariness and he simply rolled over. The attack should have done some damage, a small portion of Kaaz thought, but he had felt no pain from it. Now as he straddled the Saint’s Deer and wrapped one of his giant hands around its throat, pushing its horns out of his chest, he noted two small puncture points in his armor. How fortunate it was only a small-horned Saint’s Deer. Rather, fighting something else that had larger horns and was a mobbing monster definitely would have led to greater damage. Kaaz didn’t know if one simply did not feel pain in this game, but what he did know was that he did not feel anything from its horn piercings, perhaps because of his thick armor, and that his spear was slightly out of reach and keeping another monster from attacking him, assuming it could somehow recover from that. With the Saint’s Deer ineffectively trying to kick off the larger, heavily armored Kaaz, he did not appear to be a huge threat. So instead, channeling his anger into it like it was a soft pillow, Kaaz began slamming his mailed fists into the Saint’s Deer’s face. There was perhaps something disturbingly refreshing and relief-bringing about the slight crunch he heard each time his fists crashed down. He could even switch it up a bit and do double-handed punches and elbows. The deer wasn’t going to be going anywhere, although it sometimes tried to bite at his hands, in which case Kaaz would begin to move away from the mouth area and aim for the eyes or the throat.

If any stranger passed by, they would certainly see a disturbing scene of brutality. One pure white Saint’s Deer impaled to a tree trunk by a spear, almost forgotten as it feebly tries to escape, and another one being systematically punched by a giant of a man with bulging muscles and heavy armor. PETA would not be happy.

He did not have any real proficiency with Martial Arts, however, and since his weapon was the spear, his damage output wasn’t really impressive. It seemed to say he was going to be punching this one Saint’s Deer for a decent amount of time before it died. With each punch, it appeared to create a deeper imprint in the snow below, compacting and hardening it, and Kaaz could not but worry that this could be considered “provocative” or his earlier Howls were still aggroing monsters and he was in danger of being swarmed. Right now, he really wished someone else was in the area to help him fend off the wild and deadly Saint’s Deers. Where was his party members right now and what was taking them so long to show up too?

Word Count: 3,628 x 2 (Event Modifier) = 7,256
Total: 400 + 7,246 = 7,656
Pad Chief



Business Businessman


Friendly Phantom

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 4:26 pm
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A shiver erupted from the large man as the Teleport Gate dumped them in what seemed to be a forest of sorts. Even if this was a video game Mugen’s instincts made him feel the cold of the snowy and wintery air around them. It was amazing what technology could do these days. One moment him and his party were enjoying a rather pleasant day in the Town of Beginnings and now here they were in this freezing forest. As he continued to take steps forward his crimson eyes glanced back and noticed his other party members appearing where he must have also appeared from. How kind of Argus to just dump them in the middle of the forest rather than the nearby town. Mugen actually wasn’t sure that there was a town so he quickly opened up his Player menu with a flick of his right hand and checked out the map. Peculiar. The map provided information about a town as well as what seemed to be a straight path, but on either side of the divide was a dark and static mess. He sighed as he closed his menu and pulled his sword out of its sheath. This probably meant one of two things. One the Argus employee in charge of the event had failed to check the map data properly, which in Mugen’s mind was highly unlikely. The other – a guttural growl rumbled in the distance interrupting his train of thought for a moment. A tiny grin cracked through the stoic male’s visage as he tightened his grip on the two handed sword confirming his other thought. They had been dumped in the middle of a monster infested area. The event area was more or less equivalent to the dungeon of the First Floor and a perfect opportunity to gain some easy levels. “Get ready!” he called out to his teammates. The snow falling wasn’t too big of a bother. More of an annoyance really as Mugen had to shake his head from time to time to keep from the pure white crystals of ice from obstructing his vision. “Stay sharp and whatever you do try to stay together!” Although death was normal part of any game, it was hard to say that Mugen was comfortable with the idea of letting anyone die on his watch, even if it was just virtual.

Out from the shadows emerged a pack of wolves, the source of the growling that Mugen had heard upon arrival. The wolves themselves were a fierce looking bunch and there seemed to be at least eight of them slowly making their way to Mugen and his party members. What a way to start this event off. Despite the growing sense of danger the long haired man couldn’t help but let out a small laugh. This was how it was supposed to be! “So leader,” he began speaking in a slightly sarcastic tone to the cotton haired male that had formed the party. “What’s the plan?”

«Current Words: 0500 [x2] 1000» | «Total Words: 1500»
«HP: 650 | 650» | «EXP: 30 | 100» | «Status: Normal » | «Armor: 30/30»
«Level 9» | PARTY: « Menma » | « Seraphi » | « Caeruleus »
«STR: 50 [0] | DEF: 0 [30] | STA: 30 [0] | AGI: 20 [0]»


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Ty's Post Summary
Mugen and party arrive in the Herald of the New Year event only to be greeted by 8 Century Wolves.

”Idol Teen”

”Shiro no Kitsune”

”Fickle November”
PostPosted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 4:27 pm
Tremont's Stats
STR: 9 DEF:2 STA: 2 AGI: 7

Tremont's Equips: Beta Battle Axe (The axe is temporarily not used), Beta Light Leggings

HP: 173/250

Tremont had a 'similar' experience to Kaaz when it came to teleporting. His hardware and connection were top notch. He was a gamer and earned his own living. He could definitely afford to buy completely ridiculous machine and the hardware to go with it. Having no girlfriend or anything else to really spent it meant one had significantly more money lying around. Given that Tremont had effectively given his entire days to his unrewarding but profitable job he actually had a fairly decent amount of money saved up. Compared to Kaaz who had no personal income his brief moment in the void was like an instant and infinitely more terrifying. For just the briefest moment he experienced oblivion. Not like Kaaz who had time to understand, to bare witness to the feeling of that absolute nothingness and even to come to terms with it somewhat. It was gone as quick as it was there. The sense of nothing lingered in his brain as he appeared once more in the world. Stood stock still. His senses going haywire as they tried to make sense of what had just happened with his brain sitting motionless for an instant. No thoughts passed in or out.

He attempted to make words as he ended up in another world of white. As his senses were slowly shutting down from sheer terror he was dragged back into reality once more by the feeling of cold. Suddenly Tremont was back from a horror only possible inside VR and when one died presumably. Sensory deprivation even for such a short moment was very strange. There was no passage of time and yet it had happened in an instant. It was as though he had been lifted from his body entirely. Yes. Virtual Reality was something so strange and foreign. Tremont thought he would get used to the feeling simply by duelling but this wasn't true at all. He had only begun to venture into the VR world. He was reminded of Alpha Centauri briefly though that was for a mere moment.

As he regained control over his senses he too wished to place himself into the snow. Wait. Snow? Snow was cold. Tremont wasn't wearing a shirt. Not wearing a shirt meant your body wasn't insulated and not being insulated meant that your body was-

"H-h-h-h-h-oly b-b-b-b-b-balls. I am f-f-f-f-f-f-f-freezing." He said as he gripped around himself and the system began to adjust the temperature of his body until it was comfortably cool. Of course the Sword Art Online developers were not interested in murdering their Beta Testers through sheer cold and although the feeling of cold was there it was the same feeling of cold that Kaaz got. The system was not quite so complicated as to induce specific hallucinations for each person. The sheer amount of programming required for such a thing would be such a gargantuan feat that one could make an entire system based around it almost as large (if not larger) than most early three dimensional video games. Sword Art Online was complicated in just how well it could manipulate the senses but it was obviously not made by a perfect being and thus had its' limitations. Of course Tremont could not know this and thus the placebo effect began to kick in. Though Tremont was equally cold as Kaaz his teeth continued to chatter. He wrapped his arms around himself now looking for Kaaz.

It was not long before he found Kaaz. Fighting a bunch of Deer. Oh dear. Kaaz looked like he wasn't having too much trouble but Tremont felt it'd be best to step in and help out. Forgoing his cold Tremont began to charge. Quickly picking up speed as he drew his axe from its resting place. Right now he was aiming for a Deer which was going for an attack on Kaaz who had his back turned to it while he punched another of the Deer he had so cleverly decided to trap with his spear and yet had forgotten that there was three more of these Deer all who wanted his blood. Why were Deers so violent anyway? Normally they'd run away at you on first sight. Had he used his accursed Howl again? That stupid kid. He was gonna get himself in trouble for sure.

Tremont's charge continued. He was not able to use the Sprint skill which hampered his run up but he was sure he could still get there in time. His body going at full blast he slammed the side of his body with his axe held out into the deer coming at it like, well, a fat man with an axe. There weren't really many good ways to describe it beyond a fat guy with an axe that wanted his target extremely dead. Yes. A fat man with an axe explained it fairly well. As he crashed into the side of the which Kaaz had conveniently ignored his axe tore through its' flesh and the damage was applied only once however. Though with his motion included as a percentage which affected the multiplier. Somewhat akin to Mount and Blade. As Tremont ran he lifted the Deer from the ground and the animal started flying as he ran with it towards the lake. The snowy white beast hit the water with a splosh and Tremont jumped in after it bring his axe properly into both hands now. He leapt into the water and into the air with his axe held up for a crushing blow and then as the Saint's Deer was swimming back to the shore came down on it with his axe crushing its' face into two distinct halves. Though this was a starter enemy it was having trouble against a true born min-maxer like Tremont. In fact one could go as far as to say it never stood a chance at all.

With the polygons on his hands from his first kill Tremont looked back at the other deer. He was beginning to tap into that store of power. That berserk rage that lay beneath his usually calm surface.

"Come on you s**t heads! Who wants some!" He shouted at pieces of programming with neither personality nor intelligence. A pointless act through and through but one which mattered a lot to getting Tremont in a state of mind where he was ready to crack some skulls. Despite all this he had managed to gain their attention and if it had been that Tremont was an intelligent fighter he would have stayed in the shallower parts of the lake using it to slow down the charge of the when they attacked him so it was at a safe level but also using their motion to make his axe hit harder. Tremont was frankly not an intelligent fighter. He was a Berserker for a reason and that was because strategies sucked. He was bad at puzzles and he didn't really quite get how to not 'Stand in the Fire'. Tremont was going to kill those things and he'd do it with an absolute lack of style because that was his style and that was a contradiction he could live with.

Tremont began his slow walk towards one of the Saint's Deer. The Saint's Deer responded in kind. Tremont's steps grew longer. His feet fell further apart. The Deer began to move more rapidly towards him. Their stares were locked together though this was probably just a coincidence as they both began to ran at each other. Faster. Faster. Suddenly Tremont stopped midway and swung his axe as though to throw it. The weapon went flying out of his hands at a sideways angle and spun in the air. If the Deer was hit by that it'd be sure to get cut in half. Using the motion of the throw combined with the.

Oh. That hadn't ended particularly well. Sword Art Online was one of those games you needed to get used to playing. Almost as quickly as it had been thrown the axe simply fell to the ground. It looked like despite his, what was effectively, super strength Tremont still could not throw such a heavy axe without the assistance of the system and lacked the skill to throw it in general. The weapon skidded along the floor doing slight damage as the hitbox contacted that of the deer but not seriously damaging it. As it picked up speed Tremont realised he was not as fast in a straight line. He had to do something to stop it. He had to do something extreme and take a risk. This would quite possibly be his first death on account of his stupidity in throwing his axe like that. He opened his hands and with a battle cry gripped his hands around the tiny horns of the monster attacking him.

At first he felt like his arms were going to break. A sheer pain shot down both his arms and through his body. There was no way he would come out of this unscathed and already he had taken damage but as he gritted his teeth he noticed his hands firmly wrapped around the monster's horns. It wasn't moving it anywhere now. The beast shuffled along the ground trying to push Tremont back and it had made some progress but Tremont pushed back. This was a monster made for his level. He could handle it. They were supposed to be fought in packs of fours in fact. This was easy but he couldn't get complacent. Sword Art Online was unforgiving and this had taught him that lesson well.

As his grip tightened he using all his strength bent backwards. Using a combination of his extremely low weight (owing to his Axe being no longer in his hands) and his high strength combined with his skill to throw the deer over his shoulders and behind him. The deer slammed into the ground upside-down with its' back exploding almost with a burst of orangey triangles. The gore on this game was seriously toned down. In a way Tremont couldn't wait until someone had modified the code so that he could see blood. There was something so much more exciting about a good bit of blood. These orange glowing wounds just didn't do the job for him at all and the lack of blood on the snow. Orange polygons just weren't his cup of tea at all.

The beast he had just shattered the back of gave an angry snork at him as it lay on its' back. Floundering in the snow. Though the attack had not done much damage he had weakened it (though at the cost of around seventy five hit points) considerably by putting it into such a position. Using this moment Tremont dashed over to his axe and scooped it up into both hands. Lesson learnt. Do not throw your axe without a skill for it. They're not made for it and you're not very good at it. Tremont and the beast were once again ready to fight. This time they would do it properly. Tremont would use his axe and this would be a truer test of their skills.

This time however Tremont didn't wait for the attack to come to him. He was a berserker. Not some poser. He bellowed at the top of his lungs some guttural rage and as the deer stumbled towards him cut it clean in half. His axe gliding through its' soft white coat like it was fabric. The axe came out the other side and slammed into the snow causing it to jump slightly all around the point of the blade. Then Tremont drew it up again placing the axe in the automatic fastenings on his back. The fight was over and he really needed to start regenerating some health. Else he was going to get into some serious danger. His skill would sort that out somewhat though.

Ah. Now to the problem at hand. He was going to have to actually communicate with Kaaz again. He was certain he'd have to talk to Kaaz now again. That was something he wasn't too excited about. Kaaz was probably mad at him for something. He got the feeling that he had entirely forgotten something that would be very important to someone like Kaaz but he could not remember for the life of him what it was so he decided to watch Kaaz punch a deer.

"Hello Kaaz. I see you're erm..." The scene was something quite grim. There was Kaaz a plate armoured behemoth punching this tiny deer in the face. Not just one but over and over. His moves steadily becoming more and more complex. It wasn't even doing that much damage so it seemed it was purely for fun. Then behind him an enemy was speared onto a tree literally. The poor thing was gradually bleeding out and by this point is was already almost doomed to die. "Having fun." Tremont decided this would probably be the best thing to say rather than 'Brutally killing this creature' or 'Angering PETA'. Those two suggestions sounded a bit too loaded.

"I'm just going to sit here and heal up then. Looks like you've got it under control" Tremont smiled nervously at the armoured giant. Their size difference highlighted by Tremont's tiny sitting position in the cold white snow. His blood was now flowing and Tremont had entirely forgotten how ridiculously freezing it had been. He leapt back up into a standing position and instead decided to just. Stand and watch. Stand and bare witness to this brutality against something that wasn't even real. Tremont knew now. He had to save one of these majestic creatures when next he had a chance. This, he could not stand for. Once was enough. This would be the last time he would allow Kaaz his violence against Deer. Absolutely the very last time.

A feeling was building in Tremont as he watched this. One of regret. One of misunderstanding. What had he just done? He had stopped the deer from avenging their comrades who had been subjected to such awful conditions. He knew this was just a game. That the deer was collections of code with pre-defined instructions. That the deer would never truly die respawning time and time again and yet. Here was something evil. Something that could not be allowed to happen twice. Tremont looked away. Not wanting to see this and instead waited for the lady with the enormous bosoms.

What was her name again? He'd forgotten it in the hustle and bustle of escaping from the city in which her inhuman tits held up only by a force that existed in the land of fiction resided. That was a place he wasn't too keen on visiting again. Well. It'd serve her (though more likely him) right when she ended up here and started thinking she was freezing to death just like Tremont.

2501 words



Pad Chief


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PostPosted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 8:35 pm
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LEVEL: 10 | ☓ HP: 575/700 | ☓ GUILD: NONE | ☓ WORDS: 1595 [3022]
"Someday when I finally go home I'll be waiting for you..."

The teleport gate was such a surreal experience it couldn't even be explained, he could feel a cold chill running through him as he moved from the Town of Beginnings into a snowy wasteland in a flash. It was true to its name, teleportation was exactly what had happened and now he found himself shivering from the experience, or the cold, either one. The snow was so amazing, he had barely seen any snow where he lived so it was instinct to reach down and pick up the cold clump of water crystals which he instantly regretted as a zap of icy chill went through his fingers and he felt almost numb. He guessed that they made the game realistic by tapping into your nerves and letting you truly feel and experience the game, but it didn't seem to follow true when it came to getting hurt or being in pain from what he could tell, a smart choice. Menma was amazed by it all, the trees blowing in the chilly wind and the white blankness of the sheet of snow, despite never being surrounded by so much he felt in his element, the snow fox unleashed in its true territory. He thrived here, he could feel it and he was confident in his ability to lead his party through these areas even if he didn't know too much about the game itself quite yet. Sticking out his tongue he let some of the flakes fall upon it gently before recoiling it to the recesses of his mouth and swallowing what had turned to water, the feeling he got from slurping it down was just like drinking a small portion of water in real life. They really did account for everything in this game of theirs and he found himself constantly thinking they couldn't do anymore before being shot down once again and finding another feat. Kayaba seemed to know exactly what he was doing when he decided to create Aincrad and the story of Sword Art Online, he was a true hero to all gamers of the world that much was for sure. He could truly feel himself being a part of this world, every exposed part of his arms and face were freezing with the weather just like it ought to be, of course there was nothing too cold about it to the point of frostbite, he accounted that the gear they started with wouldn't give them much protection from the elements that way. However he did find it strange they were in the middle of nowhere like this, he thought there would be some sort of town area they would start in for an event map like this, but it was the first event ever and he didn't have much information to go on either. In fact he didn't even know what they were doing here, he was sort of shocked by the lack of information provided by the event masters, what was their objective for this snowy wasteland.

His party was all accounted for, Mugen in front followed by himself, then of course Seraphi and Caeruleus, the four of them all seemed a little confused at the moment about what was going on. However all of that was quickly behind Menma as the giant of their party spoke his mind giving them warning of what was about to descend upon them, a pack of wolves. He heeded the words and quickly let his axe off of its sheath from his back, he was nervous as could be about their first encounter with enemy forces but excited at the same time. Menma was lost in the moment as his new found companion asked him what they would be doing about their guests, he wasn't sure what came over him but the next thing he knew he was barking orders like some sort of raid leader. "Alright men! Mugen and I will be the frontal assault, Seraphi and Caeruleus I want you two to follow up after we've successfully distracted the enemy" he explained quickly as he took his place next to the gigantic sword wielder he would be working with, he gave the man a nod of reassurance before the first of the enemies ranks made its move. Three wolves descended upon the party as the other five circled them waiting to find an opening that Menma wouldn't give them, he needed the team to flow together here or they'd be in some heat. Menma went forward as the three wolves came in, he needed the AI to understand that they couldn't rush the party in numbers so carelessly with a little trick of his own. As the wolves were now closing in on the party he directed their attention to him with a battle cry, instantly causing the three to adjust the pattern of attack focusing on the young soul brave enough to call them forward. With that done Menma was quick to tighten the grip on his axe, he needed precision timing here in order not to get mauled by these beasts, the three animals pouncing in unison fangs bared ready to dig into his open flesh. With a powerful thrust from his arms and a strong step forward he set in motion a twister of sorts spinning with his axe in a circular motion slashing into the enemy and knocking them backward with a few whimpers. Two black shadows were still recovering from the attack as the third was already on its feet and in a blur of motion was leaping once more to the axe carrier. Menma blocked swiftly the shaft of his axe taking a bite from the wolves iron jaws, he pushed the axe forward causing the beast to momentarily suspend in the air. "Switch!" he called to Caeruleus as he backed away into the party formation once more, he hadn't sustained any damage as of yet but he was finding it hard to fight with no real style to himself. He relied heavily on abilities there with a Howl Whirlwind combination and nothing more, he wanted to watch how Mugen did things instead of running in blindly like he had planned to do so at first.

However his plans were interrupted as the wolves circling grew tired of being idle while their pack was being ravished by cold steal, two sprang from behind heading for the back line of the party, mainly Seraphi who would be defenseless with nothing but a dagger against these beasts, speed wasn't going to help with wolves. Menma was quick to react flanking to the back line and blocking one set of fangs as he had done the first time, as he pushed the enemy away he had no time to call for a switch as a second pair of teeth ripped into his gut. He watched his HP bar fall slightly and winced but no pain flowed from his wound, instead he found himself red with fury at these AI and their ability to think so human-like and react as swiftly as they do. He took up a fighting stance instantly feeling his power increased by the two wolves he would be encountering, he wasn't about to look weak as a leader in front of his team members. "Mugen you cover the frontal area where I just struck those wolves I'll take care of the back! These wolves are fast and know how to work as a pack so don't let your guard down! Caeruleus help Mugen fend off these beasts!" with his orders issued it was time for him to act, his power was increased slightly and he didn't plan to let it go to waste. Gripping his axe with such might he thought his hands might bleed the young berserker really was going berserk on these wolves, the two he had just encountered were regrouping and he wasn't about to let them get the jump on him, he dashed forward with great speed and slammed the butt of his axe into one of them before sideswiping the second one damaging it as well. It didn't take long for the wolves to react, they jumped at Menma viciously but he was able to take his axe to one of them slicing it clean in half and causing it to disappear as the other ripped into his left shoulder taking away more health and retreating. It seemed like as soon as he dealt with one of the beasts another would come to take its place meaning two more enemies were now at his throat, he was too caught up in his own battle to wonder how his teammates were fairing. "Rrrwggk!" he barked running blindly into the fray and swinging his axe wildly at the beasts, they exchanged blows clipping each other, but he pushed forward not giving them time to collect themselves and chopping the two wolves down like firewood. As another wolf jumped forward he felt his legs backing away until he stumbled and fell back into the small formation their party had made, the wolf walking cautiously closer as he lay there heaving. The cold air around him made it even harder to breathe but he could barely realize the sharp sting in his lungs compared to the near yellow of his health bar, he had totally lost it and nearly slipped up. He clutched his axe tightly as he still lay rear down in the snow slowly backing closer to his party as the wolf continued to stalk him, analyzing when best to strike out.

[Hope I did this correctly, first fighting post and all. Not sure how much damage to take or how many abilities I can use before it'll cost me.]

「Seraphi」« Online »
「Mugen」« Online »
「Caeruleus」« Online »

« Howl »
« Whirlwind »
« Fighting Spirit »


Shiro no Kitsune

Fickle November

EXP: 0/100 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
STR: 55 [0] | ☓ DEF: 10 [20] | ☓ STA: 25 [0] | ☓ AGI: 20 [0] |
"... So then our cherished moments can be frozen in time"
PostPosted: Sun Jan 06, 2013 4:02 am
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One moment, he was in the Town of Beginnings with his team mates and the next thing he knew, he was, along with the three other members of their party, teleported to what appeared to be a snowy white field. His own body would slowly materialize a short distance from the gate at about the same time as the other members of his party would. Head first, then neck, shoulders, torso and arms, all the way to the feet - a small, fragile looking body covered in black leather, blond hair and blue eyes. Caeruleus' avatar would come to being at about the same time as the others would, and he would be suddenly surrounded by people towering over him.It was Mugen's idea to go to this field, and he thought that he should probably thank him for letting the three of them know of this. The rumored alpha tester - Mugen, and the one who knows more about this game than any of them. He was a valuable asset in their party. Menma stood beside him, and the man named Mugen in front of him, and with Seraphi right behind him, he could not be seen at all. He took a step to the left farther away from Memna, and that made him visible to the others, and at the same time, made the surrounding environment visible to him. It was a winter wonderland - and it was cold, their breaths converted into mist as they exhale, and their throats feeling the crisp coolness of the air around as they took in the air. Caeruleus would look to the sky and notice its realistic blue hue, and then around, noticing that everything felt so real. The snow on the ground was thick and soft, and his feet sank as he took his first step forward in this field, a stage blanketed by ice and snow. The whistling wind drew him and his companions further away from the teleport gate, which was the only link that they had to the Town of Beginnings. They were now venturing into the world of Sword Art Online, and as far as his journey of discovery was going, Aoi found himself pleased and simply amazed by the game.

Just when things were beginning to become interesting to the young player, a low growl would have him turn his head to where it had come from. Caeruleus took a step back, and as he did, he found himself back to back against the rest of them as they now faced hungry wolves, monsters which, as the blue eyed, blond haired boy thought, were specially made for the event. He would then hear Mugen yell out, getting his attention. Immediately, he pressed his back against the gigantic Seraphi. As Menma would suggest, he would follow, and he would be taking the eight wolves, or at least half of them, together with Seraphi. The boy in the black coat extended his dominant arm, hands open, and in the blink of an eye, materializing out of nowhere would be a wooden polearm tipped with a sharp arrowhead - a spear. This was his weapon of choice. The gigantic man who would defend himself with only a combat knife would have been taken by its sharp, rabid fangs. With a sweep coming from the side, Caeruleus would make it, just barely in time, before the wolf could have its way with the big Seraphi. The spear would hit the wild, animated animal in the head, square, and it would get thrown to the side, rolling in the white misty snow and whimpering in pain. It was a critical hit, and Aoi would have to admit that his timing would have never been more impeccable. Good, but nevertheless, after a few seconds, it was up and it would be as if it was not hurt. Yes, that's right, they were inside a game, and the normal, biological and physical mechanics did not apply here. Which would mean that it would not be as painful to be bit by a wolf as it would be to strike it. Those computer generated monsters feel nothing, which means that he could go all out in trying to put them in their place - dirty, snow dogs.

Menma would then come into view with three or four wolves heading in for the kill. The young player did not even have enough time to count, his mind was too slow but his body wasn't. Hearing the command, he pulled forward and drew his spear to substitute. Switch! And as Menma called in for a switch, Caeruleus came in from the left and attempted to continue the combination. He was trying to keep up, and it was exhilarating - it was getting his adrenaline pumping. Skillfully, he would plunge the sharp tip of his spear down on the thick white snow until it would penetrate the pseudo earth underneath it. Gripping the shaft of the polearm, he would lunge towards the air and lower his head at the right height, causing him to flip forwards and bring the whole weapon into the air with a wild swing with a violent pull. He would go from inverted to up right, and at a good height in the air thanks to his Acrobatics. His arms raised, he would target one wolf and c**k the weapon backwards, only to land on the animal with a forceful thrust - eliminating one of the wolves via a combination attack from the acting leader and himself. Acrobatic Switch Strike combination - something that he simply came up on the spot, proving to be quite effective.

Caeruleus would retrieve his spear from the vanishing corpse of the computer generated animal and roll it slowly with his untrained hands. He would jump back now beside the black haired Mugen, another giant in the party who was a sword player. He would secure the spear with his dominant hand behind him, holding it for the weapon that it was, and he would stand his ground, knees bent for stability as the young boy and the tall, black haired player character would press their backs against each other, now faced with three wolves - as one was already taken care of. The player Menma was heading to the back of the line along with Seraphi to fend of the wolves which were preparing to attack the rest of them while he and Mugen defended the team from the front - as Menma instructed.

"That wasn't so hard. I bet I could do a lot better once I gain a few more levels though. Well, anyway, I believe Mugen and I have this covered. Three more here. How's it going at your end?" the young player would ask, a smile on his face in spite of the situation that they were in.

1 1 4 5 | 1 1 4 5

CAERULEUS: [ ███████████████████ ] 100% [ 700 | 700 ]

GUILD: « None »
PARTY: « No Name »
          •• NAME: Menma | TITLE: Not Applicable | LEVEL: 10 | GUILD: None
          •• NAME: Seraphi | TITLE: Not Applicable | LEVEL: 5 | GUILD: None
          •• NAME: Mugen | TITLE: | LEVEL: 9 | GUILD:
          •• NAME: | TITLE: | LEVEL: | GUILD:

LOCATION: •• Herald's Southern Forest.
ACTIVITY: •• Fightingt Wolves. Used Switch with Menma, Acrobatics and Strike Skills.

Idol Teen

Shiro no Kitsune


Fickle November

Fluffy Bunny

9,000 Points
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  • Falling For You 25

Cor Contritum


PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 3:00 pm
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|| Health: 250/450 || Armor: 20 || Strength: 15 || Defense: 20 || Stamina: 20 || Agility: 25 ||

                                            Seraphi was slightly reluctant, the feeling of going to someplace unknown was unwelcome to him, especially when it came to a place where you could get killed rather easily at a low level, but it seemed that he had little to no choice, nor would he reject the ones given to him. He'd rather travel with them and let them be his first lesson in combat rather then suffering through anything on his own, after all, this game was designed to be realistic. A coldness rushed through him as he would be pulled through the warp gate, eyes closed as he felt like gravity had fallen away for the moment, and then he felt something soft and sinking under him, extreme cold braced his entire body and he would begin to shiver automatically, he was the most under dressed of the four people here. Crossing his arms over his chest he would feel snow start to cover his sandals and slowly his toes felt like they were frozen, this is fantastic, dressing up in summer clothing during the winter. ******** great. Closing his eyes as he would breath in and out, he could feel snow already piling on his shoulders, the white was slowly melting and dripping down his shoulders now. Annoyance ran through him at the feel of his shirt getting wet, gritting his teeth as he would open his eyes to glimpse around at the landscape, it was all white with forest, this was the event area was it not?

                                            Taking a few steps forward away from the gate he would almost immediately trip, he already hated this place and now he hated it even more, his foot had sunken in the snow previously and when he tried to walk he got caught in the suction as snow tried to fill in the place his foot was previously. He couldn't stand in one spot for longer then a little bit, sighing as he would push himself off the snow covered ground, his whole front feeling numb as the cold weather sunk into what he felt like was his bones. The game was pretty accurate, Carter had been in some pretty bad weather previously so this wasn't exactly all new to him. As he dusted the frozen moisture off he would hear the sound of growling, and as soon as he glanced up everything burst into a form of action, the child was barking orders and wolves were being downed as fast as possible. He blinked trying to catch up as he watched the shorter kid run up and swing his spear around, the sound of growling all around him made him aware of what was going on. Wolves were attacking them, that was rather great, he would look to see Menma suddenly moving towards him and he would turn around seeing the boy eyeing something behind him, fangs merely met their target as he would raise his arm and take one of the wolves bites to his arm. He spotted his health bar going down some as he would then pull his dagger with his free hand, knuckles turning white as he ripped the dagger from its sheath and side swiped the wolf with his dagger shoving it straight through it's skull. The wolf's jaw slackened and released before it jumped back, in real life, that thing would have been dead, utterly and completely dead. Seraphi grumbled in complaint as he looked at the holes that were colored bright red in his arm.

                                            Looking to Menma as he fended off a few of the other wolves, he wouldn't hesitate to plan what to do next, well up until Menma stumbled back heaving, Seraphi would move careful this time to not trip as he dragged his feet from the hole he was in. One wolf slowly approached Menma and Seraphi wouldn't let the kid die, not on the first outing, after all, the more trust the kid had for him the better reaction he'll have when he betrays them later no? Moving easily, he'd sprint to the wolf dagger raised in one hand as his feet would barely skim across the snowy floor. The wolf reared up and attempted to latch onto him again, he'd allow it as the wolf would grab his injured arm in its teeth, claws digging into his arms as the wolf used him for support to hold it up. His other hand came around, the dagger clasped firmly in it as he would stab the wolf in his underbelly and ripped it down, he'd feel the wolf's grasp slacken, but it still clung to his arm. It would fall to the ground as Seraphi checked over his wound and would take a few steps back, Menma had taken out most of them, but Seraphi did help some, he felt a bit useless this time around, hopefully that would change, walking over he'd offer a hand to the fallen white haired child, it must be hell helping out a weakling after all, "Good job." he'd state in a simple monotone as the other kid in the party would ask how it was over here. He'd look to the boy, "Our fearless leader almost got himself killed. Though he seems to have made it out just fine." he'd state not intending to be rude, but it may come off as such to Menma if he felt that way. So far this wasn't a bad start to this kind of event.

Word Count: 914 x 2 = 1828
Total Word Count: 1828

<< Sprint >>
<< Sting >>

Fickle November


Idol Teen
PostPosted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 7:49 pm
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xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxK A M O N
▅▅▅▅▅▅ ▅▅▅▅▅▅▅ ▅▅▅▅▅▅▅ ▅▅▅▅▅▅ ▅▅▅▅▅▅▅ ▅▅▅▅▅▅▅

About three seconds. That was all the time it took for Kamon to be teleported into the event area. That new wiring really was the right choice. The loading screen had been almost nonexistent. As blue flashed to white, he felt his legs find purchase on solid ground again, and his first reaction was to the cold. "Wow...that...is cold. Really cold." At least, that was his initial sense. But as he stood there for just a few seconds, Kamon realized that the cold wasn't a biting chill, but rather just a bit of sensation layered over his skin like a lacquer. While he felt it, his body temperature was staying the same. At least...that's what he guessed. He was no expert on biology.

It didn't take more than a cursory glance for Kamon to examine his surroundings. A forest, blanketed with snow. A large lake was nearby, which he could see through the trees. That seemed as good a place to start as any. A quick recheck of the quest's objectives reminded him he needed to locate the boss and give him the sharp end of the stick.

"But nobody said I couldn't use my trusty fishing kit!" With a few quick inventory swipes, a rod and tacklebox materialized in front of the spearman, and he snatched them from the air with little of the awkwardness he had experienced with the Beginner's Manual. Things came quickly to those who played SAO, it seemed. "I probably won't be able to solo this guy, I mean...I'm only Level 1. I bet I can score some sweet XP from fishing in this event area."

His booted feet made convincing footprints in the crunching snow as Kamon slung the pole over his shoulder and started to trod through the landscape towards the lake. "Ya know, I hope it's not frozen solid. And if it is...I hope this kit includes Ice Fishing stuff."

▅▅▅▅▅▅ ▅▅▅▅▅▅▅ ▅▅▅▅▅▅▅ ▅▅▅▅▅▅ ▅▅▅▅▅▅▅ ▅▅▅▅▅▅▅

xxxx Health: xxxxxlxxx████████████████████ xxx250/250 ₧

xxxx Experience: xxxx ████████████████████ xxx0/100 ₧

xxxx Level 1 ♦ Unaffiliated ♦ Previous Word Total: 1,567 ♦ Current Word Total: 1,885

xxxx STR: 5 ♦ DEF: 4 ♦ STA: 7 ♦ AGI: 5

xxxx CMB: 6 ♦ NCMB: 5 ♦ PSV: 2 ♦ WPN: 7

Electric Spark

Friendly Explorer

6,150 Points
  • Forum Sophomore 300
  • Signature Look 250
  • Hygienic 200

Utsuha Moon

Sparkly Lunatic

21,075 Points
  • Megathread 100
  • Grunny Harvester 150
  • Object of Affection 150
PostPosted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 7:19 am
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I am isolated. My heart wilts. My soul cries. But I'm still alive.

Level 1 | HP 250/250 | EXP 0/100 | Word Count 1102 (x2) ; 14,700
x x x x x x x x x x x

A soft breeze turned Asmea’s attention to the teleport gate. This would be the first event he participates in. How fun would it be, working with other players he had never encountered towards one common goal. Upon learning of the event, he couldn’t help but be interested. It was, after all, an once in a lifetime chance to participate. Who knows when will the next event be? Besides, this little encounter could show Asmea just how hard beating the boss is, since to his knowledge, the Floor One boss hasn’t been found, much less conquered. And he was sure the players had already cleared at least ten levels. He may have underestimated the capabilities of the final bosses. This and several other factors forced him to grind through levels he didn’t need to. Well, as people all say, “the stupid bird flies first.” And he, even though wasn’t stupid, still flew first and levelled until a satisfyingly high level.

This’ll be fun,” he said. Upon entering the gate, he felt like his consciousness was tugged around in all sorts of different directions, as various parts of his brain activated for him to see the virtual world that would appear before him. He didn’t like this feeling, since it felt like he was on a very bad roller coaster ride that he didn’t know when it would end. And when that finally ended, Asmea found himself in a very snowy mountain. The snow sparkled, reflecting the shining sun above his head. The soft, cool breeze of the winter made him flinch from the cold, like spears stabbing into his exposed skin. He was losing heat fast, but it wasn’t unpleasant like in the real world, where frostbite would most likely occur if he were to go out in simple clothing like his avatar was wearing right now. The magic of virtual reality; Anything was possible, like trekking through the snow in one layer of clothing. The fact that he had light metal armor on him didn’t help, since metal easily lost heat to the surrounding area. It would be a wonder if in real life, someone’s skin didn’t freeze to the metal. About him the sun shone, supplying him with a little heat otherwise nonexistent in this winter land. The clouds slowly floated by, just like any other summer day. Not a sign of danger nearby, and Asmea thought perhaps he could have some fun before doing anything.

As he adjusted to the surroundings, he didn’t feel any different as if he was walking through the vast grasslands back where those Frenzy Boars roamed. Some miracle, this Aincrad could perform. Noticing a fairly large lake, he walked over to it. The water sparkled, giving Asmea the illusion that it was warmer than actuality. The clear water of the lake teased, giggled for Asmea to jump in and splash around. But the blond wasn’t fooled. He knew better than to jump into an icy lake. But that didn’t stop him from kneeling down and placing his hand into the freezing water. A human should not place their hands into water in below-freezing temperature for longer than five minutes, or they risk extreme pain and frost bites. But in Aincrad, there was no such thing as cellular damage. Or at least, Asmea hoped not. The water was cold, but much less painful than in the real world, of course. He retracted his hands, just in case something bad would happen if he remained in there for too long, like health damage or something similar to that effect. Besides, the teenager was sure that the creators didn’t mean for players to freeze to death, judging by how his body temperature had adjusted.

Time to hunt a little,” Asmea said, unsheathing his long sword and swinging it around like a children’s playtoy. Walking close to the lake, he hoped that mobs wouldn’t suddenly jump at him. After all, he was alone and God knows how high levelled these monster mobs are. Using common logic, he assumed that the mobs would most likely appear deeper in the forest, instead of out in the clearing. After all, it wouldn’t be a mob if players could see them coming at you long before the attack, giving players many, many chances to save themselves from a possible doom. As a solo player, fighting against more than a couple monsters meant a higher risk, since he was alone, with one set of skills and statistics. If someone else was with him, at least they could act as a backup in case Asmea was to take a large amount of damage and needed to replenish his health. Not buying health potions before teleporting to his place was a very bad idea, the blue-eyed boy just barely realized. Well, it was too late now. He’ll just have to be more careful.

However, even being alert, because Asmea was a solo player as of now would provide him with major disadvantages. It would’ve been better if he hanged out at the portal and joined a party before entering this place. He even saw a couple people loudly advertising for people to join their party too. He guessed that he was so excited that he didn’t think twice about joining one. Now he was regretting it. But what could he do now? The boy hoped that he would randomly bump into a party, and follow them around like a lost pup so he wouldn’t die within an hour of setting foot into this winter wonderland. This gave him a good lesson too. No matter how excited you are, always sit back and think your options through before actually doing them. Kage always told himself this, and still never followed such wise words. Well, he was human, after all. And being a human, he would ignore more common sense in the future. It was a given. Just like how being in the game, he was ignoring his studies, which meant his rank would most likely slip back into the two hundreds again. Nah, he’ll just study harder like he did before. If he could pull it off once, he would definitely pull it off a second time.

As Asmea continued to walk around the lake, he came upon another seemingly solo player. The older player was clad in blue, and... fishing? Normally, players would enter this sort of event to mob monsters. Though perhaps it was simply because Asmea was blind to what other enjoyable activities SAO offered. “Compared to fighting monsters, would you say fishing gives you more XP?” The blonde randomly asked the other player.

I'm not normally this fast, but I typed up 80% of it awhile ago, so... ^^;;
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