Please do not feel like you are being attacked, mocked, or otherwise anything distasteful. I can promise you, I have no idea who said what.. Other than a couple 'signed' or noticeable responses. If you'd like a personal response from your survey responses, you're welcomed to PM me.. But you'll need to tell me which responses are yours! Lol.

I may put up the same, or similar, survey in a few more months to see how things are progressing.

I will be taking these responses into consideration and seeing what I can do about it! <3


Page: Just a few basic questions

1. Are you a current Voronwe or Lago owner?

Yes! Most people taking this survey have both a Voronwe and a Lago <3 A couple have neither.

2. If NO, do you plan on ever owning a Voronwe or Lago?

Those that own neither, plan to own both!

3. If YES, do you remember how you got your first Voronwe/Lago?

Most either got theirs from a FlatSale/Flaffle or as a Gift!

Page: Favorites and Preferences

1. Do you prefer FlatSales or Flaffles?

There's no true preference overall

2. If you had to choose a favorite Game from this list, which would you choose as a favorite?

Most prefer the coloring game/frankenpet, second place was Bingo

3. If you had to choose a favorite Contest from the list below, which would you choose?

Raffles are well loved, but the Advertising contest is good too

4. What do you wish you could see more of, other than activity (lol)

Free Raffles & Free Games are both tied! You'll definitely be seeing those!

Paid FlatSales came in as second!

Random Games & Paid Raffles both came in as third!

And Roleplay Games came in as a close fourth!

Page: Non-Voronwe Questions

1. How many, if any, other BC shops do you frequent?

Most frequent at least 7! Wow!

2. What helps determine what BC shops you go in? Select one, or select a few!

Most look for their favorite animal, or go where they know people at already or have unique lines.

3. Please feel free to include any other comments or suggestions here.

.. I won't put the signed name, but thank you!! <33333 Very kind of you!


Survey 2

1. What type of edit(s) on a Voronwe would you really like to see? Feel free to specify in 'Other' if an edit would be male-only or female-only

Antlers are a definite favorite, but hair on the females or a mane on the male came in second!

Pack-related edits came in third!

2. What are some Voronwe updates you'd like to see?

Different wing choices for females would be awesome! Different horn choices for the males would be cool, too.

3. If Voronwe were to have Roleplay-Required Voronwe/Lago, what would you think of that?

The votes were everyone! By one vote, people would be OK with the idea. But my general feel is that it wouldn't be a good idea to make Voronwe a RP Required shop, but possibly have RP Required pets as part of some events or offer special edits, breedings, or cool items.

4. Tell us something, anything at all - no matter how crazy - about something that you'd like updated, changed, re-done, re-drawn, etc. Can be new species/familiar suggestions, thread suggestions, guild suggestions, etc.

For those that commented on humans, we don't currently have humans wink So, sorry, can't do anything about that! Eventually we will have Humans just haven't find an artist yet.

And apparently I suck at coloring, lol.

And, yes, for those who commented on Permas, I already have plans for having them grow <3

5. Overall, how satisfied are you with Voronwe? Remember, these responses are completely anonymous!

Most are moderately satisfied, which I completely understand. Presently, getting a cert and a growing takes sometime which I plan on fixing with proper staff and help.

6. Feel free to add any additional comments here

Thank you.. Very much! I'm going to do my absolute best.