Another Side of the Flower

As it blooms so do you,
i can not yet admire your beauty, your glamour, your glow.
Till it is that day you await me to pick you and allow me to keep you to myself.
As i would precious you forever and ever.
Till the day it comes i grow old and wither with you.
As i age before you the day i die with you.


As i walk through this traitorous place
I cant seem to find my way
It's pitch black
I cant see the road
I try to struggle through
But still can't find you
What has happen
Where have you gone
All i hear is silence
No wind, no noise, whats going on
I noticed all i can do is await for you
The day i await for you to return


Tick tock,
Tick tock,
Goes the clock,
The clock on our walls.
Tolling around in circles.
Leading to nowhere or somewhere at all?
It runs in circles chasing the big or little hand.
Who knows who will win?
We know though when it strikes the time,
The time to end.
What will become of us?
We sit watching, listening to every second stroke away.
The dwindling time seems so contlessly in our minds,
Images potray, voices scream inside.
The time comes near,
The time we die.
So lay at rest.
Dont you fret.
There in no meaning to stop time,
Time as it counts away.
Though cant you feel it?
The feeling of whithering away?
The feeling of your life counting down?


The darkness is mordifed by the moon as its fullness shines down on the city like a cemetry with a bunch of gravestones. Where you stalk the day with the night awaiting for that victim, that pray to pass by with no notice of you lurking in the shadows watching them for that moment till they are open up for your rave of blood. As you rush in with no noise, they only notice you draining there life away in to your viens. A rush of excitment feeds within you, as you feel as if you were reborn, as if you were alive once more. The beginning is thus not to start but yet to end your suffering.