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Sekira Tora

PostPosted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 5:12 pm
So since we had already started this on our profiles, I'm just going to put them up here to continue. So this is whats going on so far.  
PostPosted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 5:18 pm
Miyo Jynko:
Miyo smirked, hazel eyes roamed over the figure of the overly bubbly young-in. "Yes its good to see you as well." The words were soft yet they head an edge of power to them. The woman before her was the raining queen of the Shinken tribe and she was here in request of a long time friend.

Sekira Tora:
Grey eyes skarkled as the voice of her long time best friend filled the room. Turning around quickly that her skirt lifted slightly from the movnent, a smile curved her lips as she looked over her friend. She had expected to see Miyo well, and was happy to find out that she was, although the tone in her voice wasn't missed and she hoped that the matter want to grave, tho that could be dealt with later. Rushing up to Miyo she threw her arm around her befor Miyo could say anything and huged her tight. Pulling away she smiled once more "Hello, my good friend. I've missed you so much! How have you been?"

Miyo Jynko:
A soft smile painted itself on her lips as she looked over at her long time friend, she had done will for herself in this time and age. Unlike Miyo that now stood before her in what was left of her battle wear with a white cloak over her shoulders. "The wars have been nothing but one fight after another but it seems like it soon will be over." She sighed as her mind drifted to that of Zion and Seraph as they continued on fighting. Yet she shook it off as Sekira held her with her warm embrace. "Its good to see you Sekira." Miyo didn't look too good at all, she was a lot thinner yet her muscle were even more noticeable as the war had taken its toll on her body. Her once neatly done locks now cascaded around her face and shoulder reaching down to her hips as her cloths were tattered.

Sekira Tora:
“I agree old friend, it shall soon be over." images of her beloved and good friend on the battle filed flashed though her mind, but she fought to push then aside. Sekira stood back, her hands placed loosely now over Miyo's shoulder as her eyes really took in her best friend for the first time in years. She had missed Miyo so much, needing her when her mother had died and having to take of 'business' so that her father didn't have to go at it alone. She noticed how thin Miyo had gotten, and that she was worse for wear, and in need of a fast change of clothing, and maybe some food. A soft smile spared across her lips. " And it is so great to see you, although I must say that you don't look... humm... how should I put this," she lifted her right had to tap her index finger on her chin as if thinking, and then smiled brightly hoping to make me friend smile. " Ah, I got it! You look horrible!" A twinkle could be seen in her eyes as a sign of her mischief. "How about we go back to my place and get you out of that get up you have on, and we can talk about what has been going on over dinner." Grading Miyo's hand before she even had a say in it, she started dragging Miyo with her, making her light pink sundress lift a bit and her long braid sway by her hips. Turning her head to look over her shoulder at Miyo she smiled "Oh and you will be staying over for some time, so I hope you didn't have any plans."

Miyo Jynko:
Miyo could only chuckle at her friends attempts at humor, it wasn't her strong suit but it sure did feel nice to have her try and before she knew it. There was Sekire going off on one of her tanjits grabbing her by the arm and forcing her to do what she wanted. Miyo couldn't help but to bring up the old times..."Hey...I don't work for you anymore...I haven't worked for you for a very long time Princess." Laughter consumed Miyo and it felt nice just to laugh and not having to watch her back at ever minutes time. Things had gotten really bad out there and in the back of her mind and heart there was always one person that she worried the most and preyed to the goddess the most about...Zion. Miyo shook her head, she knew that Serph was alright he was withing the castle limits at this time but Zion...while they didn't call him war for nothing. "So much has happen....am glad Serph sent you away."

Sekira Tora

Sekira Tora

PostPosted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 1:55 pm
Sekira giggled as she continued to pull Miyo along.She rememderd well when Miyo had worked as her bodyguard when she had to go on long trips for her parents, and that . "Oh Miyo, you know in no princess, at lease not yet. Also you know you could never resist seeing what new craziness I always pulled you into" She couldn't help but laugh along with Miyo, although her heart tightened at the thought of Seraph. There had been talk about them getting married before this dam war had started, but she pushed the thoughts away, only wanting to think about the now. The didn't happen though. Her fingers tightened around Miyo's when she heard the last comment. Quickening her pace to match that of her beating heart. "I know that a lot has happened, and it pains me every day to know that you have all been out there fighting this dam war while I've been stuck here!" Sighing she stopped and turned around to look at Miyo. "He had no right to send me away, I should of been fighting right along your side, and his as well. Not here worried sick about getting news, and hoping that it wasn't that one of you had died." A small sparkle could be seen at the corners of her eyes, where tears threaten to fall onto her cheeks. With an effort she held them back, still looking at her best friend.  
PostPosted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 3:24 pm
It wasn't her nature but for some reason Sekira always brought out the gentle side of Miyo. A tender hand came up to her cheek before the tear could fall and wiped it away. "We love you for that but your not a child of war...unlike Zion, Seraph and myself...So please no foolish ideas." Miyo pulled her friend in for one last hug as she then released herself from her grip to walk besides her. "So tell me what has been happening on your side of the world..."  

Miyo Jynko

Warrior In God

PostPosted: Sun Jun 08, 2008 7:15 pm


Xeon very contented with himself decides to a look at the area. "Well I guess I better go take a look around!" Smiling as big as he could.

Bariki's only response was a solem look. "Your taking a real pleasure in this aren't you?" The mortal world was truely not Bariki interest. In fact he uterly dispised it. He thought that mortals were not at all something to take interest in. But aparently Xeon had. "And by the way," Bariki now floated in front of Xeon faintly displaying himself before him. "There is nothing to look for!!!! I mean look it is a barren wasteland!"

"That is were you are wrong!" Xeon said suddenly cutting off Bariki. "There is a forest not too far ahead. And within that forest I sense a place where there are humans. We will go there and do not talk they might find me out!"

Bariki's only response was a retorectly snort. Then he fused with a crystal necklace around Xeon neck. Shinning faintly in the necklace Bariki only had one more thing to say. "So Mr. I know everyhting how are we supposed to get there!?"

"We will just fly."


But before Bariki could respond Xeon had alreadly made his wings appear and was in the air. Just about five feet off the ground. Speeding off into the distance at an unbeliveable volicity and within no time they arrived at a medium sized castle. Though he landed a little bit futher away so he wouldn't be detected. "We are here! It...should be...a little ways up.." Startled at his sudden loss of strength leaned on a tree. "What the!?"

"I was trying to tell you that your body has limits and you if you use your powers too much you will faint."

"Well thanks for that AFTER the fact!"

"Hey blame yourself! I tried to tell you!"

"Ya ya whatever." Xeon regaining his strength. "We should get going." Looking around to make sure no one saw anything he started off towards the castle. In a small clearing it stood. Basic but still elborate, looking about 50 years of age. White in color and square in shape. He approch the building only find a mere number of two guards at the entrance. Trying act as "normal" as he could he walked up to one. "I am here for the ones called Serika Tora and Miyo Jnyko."  
PostPosted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 1:50 pm
Finally after an hour and a half she decided it was time to remove herself from the bath. Muscles were relived of the strain that they had been feeling for the last 100years. War had been raging through the lands for some time now and it seemed that it was finally going to come to a conclusion. Yet it was still unsure what the King Seraph was planning but she knew that he would locate her in no time and she would be back on the field with her Shinken warriors and Zion at their front.

At that Miyo shook her head; she couldn’t think of Zion at the moment the memories to painful as he pushed their love aside for his one true love war. Nevertheless those thoughts were pushed as a sudden aura came to wake about fifty feet from Sekira’s small castle. It was a strange aura that Miyo had never ran in to before, so her one thought was that this person was not from this plane. With that she leaped out of the bath and ran down to her room where she pulled on some cloths that Sekira had left out for
her. At the moment she wasn’t worried that Sekira had left her a soft yellow sun dress that played nicely against Miyo’s tan skin. Yet Miyo didn’t even bother with the shoes as she ran to go get Sekira one of the guards called to her from behind as she was making her way through one of the halls but he was easily lost behind her due to her speed.

Miyo made it Sekira’s room and knocked at the door she didn’t want to scare her friend but if she knew Sekira her powers would of giving away the presence of the on comer. Sekira was blessed with two of the most powerful and rare blood lines of the forgotten races at least when it came to magical powers. Miyo on the other hand was Foxfire mixed with Dragoon and those two mixed together made for one scary fighter.

“Sekira…there’s someone here…”

Little did the words leave her lips did one of the guards appear at the door.

“Lady Miyo…there’s a man at the door asking for you and Lady Sekira by name.”

Miyo nodded
“Do not allow him to enter until Lady Sekira gives word.”
With that the guard left making his way back to the entrance of the castle.  

Miyo Jynko

Warrior In God

PostPosted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 8:20 pm
(Things in parethese are from Bariki to Xeon. Things in italics in quotations is Xeon to Bariki. Things in italics are thoughts of Xeon.)

Another guard from the building approch Xeon with a stern look." I'm sorry sir but I'm going to have to ask to wait for now." This was one fatal strike to Xeon but never the less he held he composure. This was very pleasing to Bariki, smirking in his crystal resting place."That is fine. Thank you. I will wait over at the edge of the forest line." Bowing respectfully Xeon walk away podering what had just happened. (See what I told you!? They rejected you. I guess mortals are not as nice as you say they are. eheheh.) Xeon grimaced at the response trying not to take it in. "Oh will you just be quite! They said I only had to wait. They didn't say I was rejected!" Pouting Xeon tried to walked off with some dignity. Stoping at the edge of the forest he leaned on a tree crossing his arms. (Sure keep telling yourself that.) "Oh shut up." Reasoning it out with himself Xeon decide not to get upset with himself about it. Besides they don't know him... Yet...  
PostPosted: Tue Jun 10, 2008 5:02 pm
Miyo began to become inpatient at her Sekira's leisure with there being someone at the castle. All this time at war had made Miyo uneasy with new comers never knowing what side they were on it wouldn't be the first time she had to assassinate someone from coming to his castle Sekira would never know it but she had alway had one of her own or even herself watching the castle. At that Miyo couldn't wait anymore so she walked down to the end of the hall to a window facing the front of the castle.

"Click" The lock came lose as Miyo pulled open the large window with a small hop she was on the ledge and then she let herself fall over. To anyone watching it looked almost like if someone had gone crazy and was throwing themselves off but before she could hit the ground the ring of metalic blades sounded as her large wings spread opened at a radious of 20ft. The wings were made of pure magical metal and each feather looked like a scimatar lodged in to the base of her back. The wind caught under the wings pushing her up and around in a loop and then she pulled them closed. Causing her to be propelled downwards, Miyo slammed down on the ground catching herself on one knee and her fist resting on the ground. The force of the impact on the floor caused it to crack, Miyo then looked up at the man standing only a few feet from her. Being that she didn't know where or who he was she decided to take the formal introduction. Being of royal blood herself she always knew that you don't pull all your cards at once.

With that Miyo rose from her prone position, it most of been a strange site to him. Having a toned lean woman measuring at 5'9 with long brown locks and hazel eyes staring back at him. Not only that but her wings were that of metal something that was know to only one race the forgottens. Over her right arm and down her left legs were tribal markings that were known to her clan of Shinken.

Miyo's voice came soft yet firm her aura read that she was a warrior and that anyone should be careful with the manner that they stepped to her. She held wisdom and power even tho she looked no older then her mid twenties yet her true age was that of her mid five hundreds.

"Hello am Miyo Jynko...and this is my friend's Sekira's lands."

She then awaited his reply once again there was something about his aura that read that he was not here for trouble but she still couldn't be sure.  

Miyo Jynko

Warrior In God

PostPosted: Tue Jun 10, 2008 8:59 pm
At first Xeon stood frozen, motionless at this interesting new subject. Still puzzled at what just happened he decided to try and respond. "Nice to meet you. I am uhhh.... Xeon, you can call me Xeon." Xeon eyed the young girl. She stood stiff and straight, hair flowing down like ebone wood, sleek and smooth. she was well difined and had skin that look smooth and also look like she had just washed. She was smaller that him though she was facing him at a hieght of 5'9. This seemed small to a man who was 6'8. He looked at her with golden like eyes staring deep within her tracing every memory, feeling, and thought. Still waiting to be unfolded.

Xeon was a very attractable person.
With dark chocolate skin tone that shone with radiance. Silver hair fell down his face shinning with even this smallest light. With a strong muscular and well difined body he leaned on the tree topless with striped shorts that were a charcol color. Golden tattos covered his body and happened to be flowing around him. Silver bracers sat on his wrist meeting black gloves on his hands.

"Hmm so your Miyo. Amazing who knew you were a assain. But don't worry no one will die by your hands today. I come in the most sincere peace. I have come to aid you and your purposes. But I'm sorry for startling you, I thought only Serika could sense my presence. Please calm down I am no one fear." Xeon now was standing still eyeing Miyo. "You have had a hard past full of struggle and pain only to be cofronted by a loveless love. Your soul is uneasy and tense always taking something to be a threat, trying to retret in the confines of your mind." There was a short pause between his next thought wondering if had peered too far in. "You should take care of those. They from a time lost and priceless to those even beyond this plane. I guess I'm still invited in yet huh?" Starting to lean back on the tree.  
PostPosted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 8:42 am
Miyo Jynko
It wasn't her nature but for some reason Sekira always brought out the gentle side of Miyo. A tender hand came up to her cheek before the tear could fall and wiped it away. "We love you for that but your not a child of war...unlike Zion, Seraph and myself...So please no foolish ideas." Miyo pulled her friend in for one last hug as she then released herself from her grip to walk besides her. "So tell me what has been happening on your side of the world..."

Cool fingers touched the warm surface of her cheek, filling her heart with a tender warmth that doesn't normally come with the cold. This was different though, she had missed her best friend deeply. Feeling shamed for having to say behind, safe and sound, while her loved ones went to fight in the war. The only reason she had stayed behind was because she didn't want to be in there way. They would of been more worried about her then the war they were fighting, and she too would of been searching for them every time she looked over the dead bodies. No, she had to say, even if it killed her inside and she had cried every night not know if they were well, she stayed for them.

As Miyo pulled her into the warm embrace od her arms, she just stood there, letting Miyo hold her as she got a tight hold on her emotions. She couldn't brake now, not when she had her friend back. Pulling away she smiled warmly at Miyo. "Children of war you say. Do you forget that i was right along your side when we were little, and the things we did too." She laughed as she rememderd that one time by the lake that she had tryed to hurt Zion, and failed. "Anyways, now all that matters is that your here, safe and by my side. You must tell me everything that has happed while you have been away." She started to walk again in the derection of her home. " We can have tea, and i can show you my new home and tell you everything that has happed while you've been away."

(ok so i ned to post again, this post was to the one that i quoted)  

Sekira Tora

Sekira Tora

PostPosted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 1:27 pm
The walk to her home didn't take all that long. Now living in what she liked to call her large villa, because castle was to much for her. She had wanted to move into a nice little home when she was told that her mother had died and had to help out her father. Maybe even something like the cottage that she had when she had first meet Seraph. Oh. but Seraph would hear nothing about it. He had told her that if he couldn't be around to protect her, then she would live somewhere that could be protected.

She sighed just thinking about it as the bubbled swayed about her in her large tub. She had been so frustrated with him for not hearing her out, but in the end she had given in to him, knowing that it would give him peace of mind knowing that I was safe and away from the war. So she had had to get used to living in such a large place by herself.

As soon as they had reached the villa, she had showed Miyo around the place, letting her know to treat the villa as if it was her home as well. Miyo had full access to everything, and the guards where told that she was to be listen to at all cost. Miyo had picked to say in one of the biggest rooms of the villa, it also housed the largest tub. She had smiles at that, know that the first thing Miyo would want to do was soke in to for hours.

Smiling warmly at Miyo, she told her best friend that it might be nice if she would go take a nice long bath, to take away the stress from her travels, and that once she was finished they would have tea outside my the lake to catch up on old times and the things had had been happing. She had also told Miyo that she would leave something for her to wear on the bed, grinning at the thought of seeing Miyo in the yellow dress she had picked out for her.

As she laid in her own tub, think about what type of snacks she would have the cook prepare for her, she felt a slight pull in her mind. A soft fatherly warmth filled her mind as she let it pass her mental barriers. Her father had gotten used to making 'house calls' as he liked to call them, every so often so see how I was doing. Since he had to travel often, and was normally away long periods of time, he had started to contact me telepathically to see how everything was going.

"Hello papa how is everything going?". A soft smile played about her lips. "That's great, and yes yes everything is fine over here. Oh and guess what, papa, Miyo arrived today! I was so happy to see her." In fact her own father sounded pleased with the news that Miyo was in the villa, and knew that it was because that meant that his little girl would be safer with her best friend around. Her father had gotten into a long explanation about a great business deal that he was about to make when she felt a strange aura, and then a few minutes later she her Miyo calling to her. Know that it would take a few to get her father to let her talk, and that if there was any danger Miyo would take care of it, she let her father talk. Once he had stopped to think, she interrupted him. "Papa I seem to be really popular today, some more guest have arrived which I must attend to." Hearing the concern in her fathers voice she added. " Don't worry, I believe there friends, and if anything Miyo is taking care of them now."

As she told her father good bye, she stood from the tub and wrapped a towel around her toned body and went to her room to get dressed. She didn't really know who was on her grounds, but she didn't think that person was evil, but who could it be she thought. Quickly dressing in a light green summer dress with matching tie up sandles, she then started to make her way out to the front of her home.  
PostPosted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 11:41 am
His words toke no note on her manner as she continued to look him over there was no time for his antics of trying to read her mind. There was no human nor god for that matter that could read through her thoughs it was not something that she had learned for my years of her life time. His push she would admit was powerful but not enough to pass her metal barrers nor to get to her most inner thoughs. He most of been an impass and could pick up on her earlier feelings. With Miyo stood straight and bowed her head slightly as she spoke. "There is no need to bring up topics that you know nothing of..." Miyo then picked up on her Sekira's aura she would be out soon, tell Miyo that she would be down here with both of them soon enough. "Lady Sekira will be down in a moment and she will either allow you passage or ask you to leave either one she choices I will firmly stand by it." Her voice had more of a tone of warning then anything else to it.  

Miyo Jynko

Warrior In God

PostPosted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 1:21 pm
( mrgreen )

Xeon was suprised at this reaction. He thought mortals would be... nicer. But certainly, he guessed, they don't take well to strangers. "I'm sorry, that was just ramblings to those. Sometimes I just go into my on world." Xeon causully as he tried to play the remark off. "Ok I can wait I think I see her in the distance... Though I have one question... Why are you being how should I say firm? I mean no harm and I carry no weapons. Why so stiff?" His eyes once again gazing to hers. "A beauty like you shoudn't stress so much." The words curving a small smirk in his face. "I do not mean anyone in anyway discomfort. So I.... I understand if I have to leave." This reamark pierced Xeon himself knowing that he might be welcome and most likey rejeced. This turn his smile uneasy. Now that former emotions that had no effect before now hit him at full force. Eyes shifted to the ground but he thoguht not to be suspesuse he then look into trees avoiding the eyes of the woman before him. Thoughts flew by in his mind almost driving him insane with the new storm of emotions. What if they don't want me. What happens then? Do I follow them? Xeon's smile had now fully disapeared. Distressing about what to do next. Bariki felt some sorrow for his master. Knowing that the emotions were becoming too much for him.  
PostPosted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 2:57 pm
Making he way down the main stairs that lead to where Miyo was, she heard Ires calling to her from the landing. A touching smile appeared on her lips when she noticed that Ires already had a picnic basket ready for her. "You know Ires, this is why I love you so. What would I ever do without you?" Ires had a warm smile when she looked up at Sekira "Oh my lady, I'm honored to hear you say that. Now, I have everything ready for you, and I think you better hurry."

Just then Sekira felt Miyo's aura flare with annoyance, which meant that things really weren't really going to well with our guest. "Guess its time to see just who has come to visit me. Thanks Ires for having this ready for me." Nodding Ires handed Sekira the picnic basket to continue with the daily chorus around the villa. "This can't be good. Miyo had been away at war for so long, that she might even kill whoever is here if she even thinks they are a threat to me." The thought crossed her mind as she imagined the look on Miyo's face as she faced the new comer.

Rays of light made her eyes sparkle as she walked out through the main wooden doors of her home. Instantly her keen eyes caught sight of Miyo's powerful form in the shadow of the huge maple tree that was about a mile away. Just over Miyo head a mop of silverish white could be seen. "Guess that's our guest. I wonder what he wants." Just then a strong wave of emotions hit Sekira at full force making her pause. Its was a strange mix of uneasiness, fear and disappointment. It really sucked that being a Psychic multiplied everything tenth fold when she was caught unaware.

"Wow!" Closing her eyes briefly, she placed her left hand to her temple, a worried look crossed her eyes as she opened them. "I really wasn't expecting that. What in the name of the Goddess is going on over there." She knew without a bought that the aura she was feeling belonged to the guy that was standing in front of Miyo. "What in the world is making him feel this way." She wondered as the emotions kept assaulting he mind. There was no way that she would make it to them fast enough to satisfy her curiosity.

Beginning to concentrate her power to safely teleport herself to there side, a sly smile crossed her lips as she thought of the destination that she would be appearing at. Suddenly she felt the all too familiar pull on her body as her mind began to transport her body to the place she wanted to go. Disappearing in the blink of an eye, Sekira reappeared sitting high above them on one of the maple's branches. Swinging her legs as she leaned slightly forward to look down at them she started to giggle. It had been a long time since she had done anything like this.  

Sekira Tora

Miyo Jynko

PostPosted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 2:13 pm
A sigh left her lips as Miyo shook her head slightly at the ripple of energy that pasted over her. It was Sekire none the less playing with her powers, it was a scary thought at times to think that one as herself held such great power. Yet she was too kind hearted to use them against others. Due to the war Miyo's abilities tripled in strength and were honed to almost perfection. Miyo was no laughing manner when it came to a fight and being that she was naturally able to charm her opponents it would be very little trouble to finish them off.

Even with all of Sekira's power Miyo could predict her location of appearing as she looked above to find her giggling in amusement. It was a good thing that she was not allowed to partake in the battles. Not having the weigh of war above her to change her playful nature. In truth it was the one reason she held Sekira so dear, her beloved friend always made it easy to smile. To want to be a child again in those times were they use to play in the gardens those times almost seemed like dreams in this day and age.

In that Miyo looked up at Sekira..."You know you could of always flown and not wasted you talent on something so simple." As always it was Miyo's way of teaching her to focus her abilities. In a way she wanted to scold her for making such a display in front of the stranger but in truth Miyo held much confidence in her fighting abilities.

"Come down from there I can see right up your dress...and AM sure you wouldn't want you know who to hear wind of this now do you."  
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