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Wulf in the Dark

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 10:16 pm
My name is Wulf. My experiment number is 1198. Thus I go by Wulf1198. I was human… once, till the experiments began. The changes were small at first then it somehow… I will explain that later. I am the first and the last of my kind. Wolfkin, that’s what I have named myself. So without further ado, this is my story.


I was smuggling some of my “friends” across the Mexican-American boarder. The night was steady, when all of a sudden there where yellow lights’ wildly flashing everywhere. I was drug out of my vehicle onto the ground. I knew what was happening, and my friends did too, fore they were ready to bolt as soon as the door opened. A man wearing green pants came up and sat next to me but that was the only thing that I could see of him. By this point I was on the ground.

“What are you up to son?” the man asked

I hate it when they use that!!

“Nothing much mister, just giving my pals a ride.” I replied as the man opened the back of my van. The strange thing was that none of my friends tried to bolt. It actually kind of caught me by surprise.

“ You look surprised? Where you expecting your friends to run? Sorry to disappoint you, trade secret.” he said in a sinister tone.

I have a bad felling about this guy

“Well what do we have here,” He continued, “ the proper paper work is not in order for these, aliens, I am afraid they will have to be taken into custody. What is your name, son?”

My teeth were grindings at this point “It’s Wulf, but why do you care? I am going to jail aren’t I?” saying this to distract him so that I could get out of the cuffs, but to my surprise man started to laugh. “what’s so funny?”

“Nothing, nothing at all. Well its just that your name is Wulf when we call what your doing the same thing.” he said snickering… but then he stopped laughing.

Oh Crap!!!!!

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” he said

“Do what?” I asked trying to look as innocent as possible.

The man got up and stomped on my hands. “THAT!” he yelled

Ouch!!!! He broke my finger.

“Now that we understand each other I just want to let you know that the outcome of tonight is solely based on how you respond to me, and I have to tell you that you are responding very poorly.” This person sounded as if he was reciting something that he had said several times before.

“And what is that suppose to mean?” I asked as I winced at the pain of trying to bend my finger. It was most definitely broken.

This time the guy didn’t respond right of the bat. “You’re about to meet a dear friend of mine in a couple of seconds.” Then he stood up as another vehicle drove up and stopped. Someone stepped out of the vehicle. This person was also wearing green pants.

Now I am gonna die. Grrrreat just great.

“So what can we expect from this one?” this was a lady’s voice

“Not very nice but strong willed all the same. I think we might actually might have a likely candidate.” that was the man.

Who are these people and why am I not dead? Can they not see me?

“Hello. I am right here, you do know that I can hear everything you say right?” I said “And when can I call my lawyer?” and that is when I felt a sharp pain in the back of my neck followed by a fiery feeling.

“Night-tee-night wolfie.” said the female voice as I saw a lock of red hair fall near my face. Then the world went dark.

When I woke up and I was surprised that I was not in a prison cell, but in fact I was in a fancy room. I did not know how long I had been out, but I did not care because I was curious as to where I was. So I started to explore. In the bedroom that I was in, there were two wooden doors. One that lead to a bathroom and the other lead to the kitchen. From the kitchen I could go around the island and into the living room. I decided that it was safe enough so I went and took a shower. When I was finished with my shower I went back to the bedroom and I looked in the dresser and I gasped as I saw the most amount of clothes I had ever seen in my life. Now some thing I think you should know is that I came from a poor family and I was use to only owning only like three sets of clothes and wearing the same thing over and over. At that very moment something struck me like a brick to the face. I ran to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. What I saw was me but the only thing wrong was that my eyes were golden instead of the normal brown. At this I started to panic, I ran into the living room searching for the door but there was non. There where no windows either I guess in my curiosity I had forgotten to pay enough attention to that detail.

Stupid me. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid me. Why did I not think of that, and why the hell does this place smell so strange its almost … wait? Why am I worried about smell? I rely on eyes and ears.

In the middle of this confusion a woman’s voice came out of thin air
“Don’t worry so much Wulf” she said

“Who are you and where am I?” I asked and what the f**k is happening to me. I finished the question in my head.

“ I am Angelia and you are home.” she said

“Home?? This is not my home. I thought I was going to be taken into custody.” I asked

“Well you don’t see any doors do you? Anyways you can stop panicking now.” Angelia said

“Why would I stop panicking? I woke up in this strange place with my eyes gold and my sense of smell completely different. WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU PEOPLE DOING TO ME?” at this point I had exhausted so much air that I felt faint, so I sat down.

“If you will kindly listen to me I will explain it all in due time. Now are you willing to listen?” Angelia asked in a very calm voice almost like a mother to a restless babe.

“O.K. I will listen to you.” for some strange reason her voice calmed me. I can tell a lot about people by their voices. I knew instantly that she was a good person doing a job that she didn’t want to. But it was rare for me to find a voice that I liked so I decided to listen.

“Now you first asked me who I was and I told you so for your next question. You asked what we are doing here well have you ever heard of gene-splicing?” she asked

“Isn’t that where you splice to different types of genes together and see what happens? … OH GOD Please tell me you didn’t OH GOD.” now my heart rate was picking up and not slowing down.


“If you keep freaking out we will never get anywhere with this, Wulf. Now stop your bitching and listen to me or I could just leave you alone so that you can find out what will happen to you on your own.” I couldn’t tell if she was mad or if she truly giving me crap.

This woman isn’t playing is she.

“Alright. Alright its just this is a lot of info to be taking in all at once. So what have I been spliced to a bird, dog, cat, what I would seriously like to know?”

“I will give you a hint what’s your name??” she asked

“What do you mean, my name is Wul…… wait you spliced me with a wolf??” I asked

Your kidding right?

“Nice guess Wulf. Is there anything else you would like to know?” she asked

“What’s going to happen to me Angelia?” I asked as my voice shook

“Nobody knows, you are the first of your kind. You are the first to make it this far.” Angelia said

“What does that suppose to mean Angelia??” I asked

“Well we have tried this before and all the others have died.” Angelia said with no emotion what-so-ever.

I felt my stomach sink. “So what you are telling me? That I could die at any second?” I asked with a coolness that even surprised me

Stay calm just relax. Don’t freak. Its ok you will get your way out of this you always do. Some how.

“No, bye all means you would already be dead if it didn’t work. There is a certain point at which your body starts to adapt and change and this is where we have had the most failure. You are the only one to make it this far … hold on.” she stopped talking on the microphone for a few minutes then a male voice took over

“Hello Wulf. It has been awhile since we last talked . . . well TALK isn’t really suiting more like screening.” he said evilly

“What do you want,” I Growled from the back of my throat.

Ok now I am gonna freak. What’s happening to me!!

“Well now watch that attitude we wouldn’t want anything to happen to you would we now would we?” he said with a smart a** hint to his voice

“And what in the world do you think you can do to me that would make me regret my attitude. . . Sir?” I smart assed right back

Right at that moment I felt a shock run from the base of my spine to the top of my neck. The pain was so strong that my body was flung to the ground and I started to spasm at the waves of pain. It finally stopped, and as soon as I could see straight and the ringing in my ears finally stopped. I stood up very slowly to the sound of that stupid mans laughing.

I am going to kill that man I swear it by all that I am I will rip him to pieces and laugh at his body as the light fades from his eyes

“So you think that is funny do ya? Well I will enjoy it when we next meet in person.” I said in a devilish tone that almost didn’t sound like me.

The laughing stopped and he starting talking I could almost hear the fear in him. “ And what do you intend to do Wulf? Hurt me from your cage?” he started laughing again.

“Why don’t you come in here and find out what I’ll do to you?” I replied. Suddenly the shock came again but this time it was worse then the last time it lasted longer. The weird thing was that I was still on my feet and I too was laughing. For some strange reason I felt the urge to howl… and that is exactly what I did. I blacked out after I ran out of breath.
PostPosted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 1:43 pm
I found a few mistakes that could use with fixing. Maybe next time you could read it through a few times more thoroughly, or ask someone to proof read it for you? Beta readers are excellent, my friend, let me tell you. Aside from that, the story seems to be moving a bit too quick. Perhaps some more descriptions would do the trick?

Overall it's a good start, though.  

Harpe Eolienne


PostPosted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 8:24 pm
I agree with Sebra, your writing is going the right direction just not at the pace it should be. Having it proof read by someone is a good idea but I think it'll be better for you to do it just for the practice and experience (will do you good).

I suggest you to add more detail, which might slow down the story. Talk more about your surroundings and such so we can have a better image of the story. Makes it a whole lot better xd

And this is just my opinion, but don't center the story. I'm use to reading books justified or align left.  
PostPosted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 10:56 pm
Here is more

Chapter II : Awakening

I woke to the smell of burning food. I jumped up and looked at the stove top and there wasn’t anything there. I looked behind me and there at the table sat a beautiful lady in a crimson dress with red hair and green eyes, a couple of candles and two plates that had food on them it smelled fantastic, but my eyes were on the lady. I felt the familiar feeling of nervousness whenever I would talk to a lady that I thought was an absolutely gorgeous woman.

“Hungry Wulf?” said a voice that I recognized

Who is this? I know that voice. Well I guess it is time to be a gentleman

“And who are you, my lady?” I said with a slight bow. Then I approached the chair and sat down.

She giggled and said “You already know me just not face to face.”

HOLY CRAP!!!! This is Anglia??

Slightly taken by surprise it took me a moment to reply … “I had know idea you would be so gorgeous.” it slipped out of my mouth. I had no warning, no control.

She blushed and asked “What is that suppose to mean? was I suppose to be some ugly wrench?”

I felt the heat in my checks raise and I replied “You know those commercials where there is the really hot sounding chick on the phone with some guy and she turns out ugly? Well I found in my experience that was usually true. But please by all means I didn’t know what to think when I heard your voice. At first you sacred me but that was because I didn’t know what was going on.” I said all in a rush without holding anything back.

Now she full out laughing. She took a breath the said “Yeah I remember those. Well what do you think of me?”

“Absolutely beautiful I mean you must be one of the sexiest woman I have ever seen” I said in all honestly

“Oh your just saying that.” she said while her face was red as a cherry
“shall we eat?” She asked

“Why certainly, I am famished, you?” I asked

“I am too” she said

We ate in silence. This was normal for me. I mean there was the normal noise of eating and enjoyment. But nothing of importance. I still couldn’t believe my eyes every time our eyes met she would look away. I am not sure if it was the fact that my eyes were gold or if it was that she thought the same of me as I thought of her? I figured it was my eyes.
When we finished I took the plates to the sink where I found the pans on the drying rack and Anglia was bringing in what I could not get in a single trip. We struggled over who would do the dishes I won that one so I did the dishes real quick and sat down directly in front of Anglia in the TVKitchenDining room in one of the comfy chairs

“So what can you tell me? How’s my progress?” I asked in a calm voice

“ Well I am permitted to tell you nothing.” but Anglia’s eyes wanted to say more than she did.

“So what are we supposed to talk about?” I asked getting frustrated at the lack of answers.

“How bout how was your day? Or nice dress Anglia. Or how bout thanks for the dinner Anglia. That would be a start. Now I want to know is there any thing you need?” she didn’t sound too upset, but it was all over her face.

“Well I want a punching bag and a martial arts teaching movie or something.” I said trying to sound sure of what I wanted.

“Wait what? Why would you want something like that??” asked Anglia dumbstruck.

“I am one of my kind, and I want to know how to defend myself.” I could almost see the understanding come into view.

There was a pause and then a smile. “I think I can arrange something? Anything else that you might want to consider? Say it now or forever hold your peace.” she said seriously.

Hmmm? I wonder.

“So, if you can’t tell me anything, who can? I would like info.” I said because I knew I would eventually have to meet the man in charge.

She was taken aback. “So you want to meet the Dean? Your talking about the man in charge right?” I nodded with a serious face, that slowly turned into a confident smile.

Anglia started to turn maroon to match her dress. “Umm I don’t know if he will see you, I mean he is always so busy…”

“Why should I be too busy to see our most successful project?” said a gentleman in white lab coat and black shirt and black pants. Nothing impressive. “I understand you want to meet me? Well here I am. Now how can I help you?”

Is this the Dean? This unimpressive man?

Awestruck by what I was seeing. I looked him up and down one time expecting more. “First, I am an experiment: what kind of experiments can I expect?”

“Well no human has ever survived this splice as long as you. We will want to check your physical limitations first. Then keep you healthy and fit so you get the best out of life. Yet there is an issue of you being a human being and I will need to know if you are comfortable with your surroundings?”

Does this guy care? Or is he trying to get a yes?

“Well I am as long as I am treated like one. Now I am not going to be a monster, am I?” I said trying to get more info out of the man

“Honestly no one knows what is gonna happen to you, Wulf. You are the first of your kind. I wish I could tell you that you’re are going to be OK but I would be lying.” said The Dean. Care seemed to emanate from him.

I’d say he cares.

“Ok I am fine with this but I would like to see the blue skies now and then. Please don’t make me a prisoner. Before we are done talking, who is the man who brought me here?” I asked the man whom I was growing to like already.

“He is Dan and he has to be mean in order to survive. He does bring in the best candidates. And he is the head of security so his job requires that he always be on alert about you.” The Dean said and my hopes of ever getting out of this place dropped. The Dean and Anglia where on their way out when a question hit me.

“Hey Dean! What the hell was that shocking thing when I pissed off Dan?” I asked with anger in my voice.

He said one word as they left out of a slab of my wall in my room that seemed to appear form nowhere and was now closing behind them.


Protection from what. Can I possible be that dangerous? …..

With my head rushing and my world seemingly slowing down, I threw myself to my bed. I had this picture of a wolf and a man standing together, then becoming one before my eyes. The figure turned and….. I woke up screaming not knowing why or what I had just seen but once my heart stop pounding on my ribs I laid back down and slept. No dreams just sleep.


India Farman

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 3:21 pm
I love this story so far and I don't see anything wrong with the spacing...
it only needs two things: a good editor for your grammar and spelling...
If you're interested in the help, I would love to edit this story for you, it has amazing potential...
and a slightly more detailed intro, I can even help with that if you want...

if you are uninterested in my help, I understand perfectly...

pm me your answer, ok?  
PostPosted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 4:22 pm
You're story in very interesting I was very disappointed when I reached the end. You have great poteinal  

Kuro Miko-Usa chan

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