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RP Thread: Medieval//fantasy Goto Page: 1 2 3 [>] [»|]

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 15, 2005 3:27 pm
As you enter the once prosperous town of border line, you know the now ended war against humans and elementals has changed it for worse. Many of the clean, neat houses are now homes for squaters, and half of the shops are now taverns. You shake your head sadly at the sight. Tethering your horse extra tightly you decend into the doomed town Even though you know you shoulden't, you enter the nearest tavern for a drink. It's very crowded and noisy, but it's comforting. You sit at one of the few free tables.

Post one- Intro to town

Post two- Applications.

Post three- Rules!  
PostPosted: Sat Oct 15, 2005 3:28 pm
Applications(post two) Note, please just send your application to me and I will put it up!
Guild Captain Edit: ~silent.~.pain~ hasn't replied to pms lately. Henceforth if you wish to RP in this thread, just jump in. PM an online guild mod if you wish your profile to be added to this post (all guild mods have permission edit posts in this thread).

User name:
Weapons/magical abilaties:
Followers(A raven, crow, cow, ext.):

User name: ~silent.~.pain~
Name: Kesstrell, or kess for short.
Age: fourteen in human years, seventie in elven years.
Race: Elven/unknown
Apperance: User Image
Weapons/magical abilaties: A sword with an exeptionaly long blade, and a few daggers. She can do some fire magic and a tad bit of wind magic.
Followers(A raven, crow, cow, ext.): Her follower is a raven named Alosha.

User name: Chisaruli
*Name Hazel Rah
*Age: 19
*Race: Egyptian//Neko chan
*Apperance: User Image
*Weapons/magical abilaties: Hazel has the ability to use psycic powers in many ways. She can read minds with the greatest of ease, but also use them to move objects, be they heavy or light, with her mind. She has harnessed this power at a young age, first using them in a small, but powerful, blast of cosmic energy. Thus she may use them as a powerful aide in battle, or just for fun as she snoops around people?s minds.

She also has an uncanny way of communicating with animals. It is not so much as a power, but more of an understanding of nature and it?s creatures. She befriends animals easily, and can also soothe wild beasts into loveable allies.

*Followers(: Hazel has befriended a small, jet black rabbit in her travels, and it now follows her most everywhere she goes. It has become not only a pet, but also a dear friend. It?s name is Ez-rah, donning the ?rah? part of it?s name form her last name.

User name: Kaori-RoseBlood
Name: Kaori RoseBlood [Nickname/preferred name: Maiden]
Age: 21 human years
Race: Sorceress
Apperance: Coming soon!

Weapons/magical abilaties: Blades of manny assortments, also stalves. Magic includes telekenesis, teleportation, summoning, and elemental manipulation. Her element she uses, is lightning, the rest she can only use if it's around, she cannot summon it like she can with lightning.
Followers: She has none, but she is not alone in this life. She has a wfie, and together they have a daughter.

User name: SoulySephiroth

Name: Tobias Grey

Age: 18

Race: Human

Apperance: 5'9, silver grey hair, slender frame with green eyes. Usally wears a black hakumi with his uper gei.
Face:User Image
Boby/cothing:User Image

Weapons/magical abilaties: Tobias' sword looks more like an elegant cleaver than a formal "katana". It has no crossguard and no proper hilt; what Tobias holds is the cloth-wrapped tang. Hi sword is as long as Tobias is tall, but the blade is a hand-width only at it's base. From there it tapers in one long arc into a sharp, pointed tip. The cloth wrapping on the tang seems to react to Ichigo's will, changing length at a thought or twining about the blade in an impromptu sheath. Instead of the heavy belt for the swords sheath, a red chain of interconnecting triangles (one that looks a lot like a spinal column if you look right) runs from Tobias' right shoulder to left hip. There's no connection or anything, he just puts The sword across his back and the blade sticks. His swords power is simple but deadly. iIt can translates Tobias' spiritual pressure into tangible energy.

Picture of sword and bandage:User Image

User name:The shadow knight reborn

Name: Tayven Hirantel

Age: 24

Race: Human

Apperance:Although only 24, Tayven looks to be around his mid thirty's. He has long, flowing, blonde hair, and Dark blue eyes. What can be seen of his face reveals very pale skin and a broad smile. He is almost always seen in white clothes ranging from elegant robes to a simple t-shirt and white jeans.

Weapons/magical abilaties:He always has a sword with a glistening white blade known to most as Paine, (Full name is Painzukodine) that is kept in a matching sheath with ornate carvings along it. The sword was made by his Mentor, Slasher, and is only one of the three sister swords Paine, Raine, and Baine.

Followers(A raven, crow, cow, ext.):Tayven is always seen with a small white dove perched on his shoulder. Its name is unknown to most.

User name: Kelwyn
Name: Kelwyn Tathar
Age: 133 years old (mid-late 20's, relative human years)
Race: Silvan Elf
Apperance: User Image


Weapons/magical abilaties:
Kelwyn is an expert wind sorceress, controlling the air around her not by incantations but simply by thought. This ability drains her energy, however, because of the means she uses to do so, depending on how much she is trying to do, so she does not use this power lightly.

As far as weapons are concerned, Kelwyn is proficient with the bow and arrow, however she prefers to use a staff, made of simple, unrefined wood. Relatively straight and coming up to her shoulder, the staff looks unadorned, but when Kelwyn is using her magical abilities the staff reveals elven runes covering its surface with a faint, silvery-blue light.

Her last means of defense is a small silver dagger she has sheathed on her left thigh. It appears plain, yet elegant, but when it is draw when the moon is shining in the sky, it glows softly in the moonlight. The power it draws waxes and waines with the moon, so during the daytime or when there is no moon, it is a plain dagger. When the moon is full, however, it is quite a formidable weapon. Kelwyn never removes this dagger from its sheath unless she believes her life is in danger.

Followers: She has a draconic companion, a copper dragon named Celes, but when Kel travels to more populated areas, Celes usually stays behind, thus few people ever see the pair together.

User name: XmasTree
Name: Rilan Strom
Age: 26
Race: Human
Class: Ranger
Appearance: Rilan has short brown hair, and a small goatee. He is muscular, but of small build. He's about 5'8" and carries an air of preparedness and confidence about him.
Weapons/magical abilaties: Rilan has a long sword named Iustus, who is his best friend. Iustus is sentient, and communicates with Rilan through telepathy. Although Rilan has no magic of his own, Iustus does. Iustus is able to cast a temporary forcefield, sense evil, and can cut through nearly every type of armor Rilan has come across. Iustus is also extremely durable, and has taken blows from giants.
Being a ranger, Rilan is very adept at tracking, and communicating with animals.
Followers(A raven, crow, cow, ext.): Rilan has none, but he is allied with the elves of Truandor, who trained him in the ways of a ranger.

User name: Kikuka
Name: Rika
Age: 15
Race: Witch
Apperance: User Image
Weapons/magical abilaties: staff/shadow,lightning, and earth magick
Followers: A shadow panther familiar, En.



PostPosted: Sat Oct 15, 2005 3:29 pm
Rules(post three)
1.NO Godmoding
2. Romance is ok as long as it's pg or under.
3. Swearing is encouraged(not really but swearing is fine!)
4. No killing others unless it's ok with both users.
5. Have fun!  
PostPosted: Sat Oct 15, 2005 3:39 pm
Kess closed her eyes. She sipped her cup of mead slowly, listening to the conversations. She knew she was getting strange glances because of her wings, but for once she did not care. Alosha nipped her ear, asking for some mead. She sighed and gave the raven some.  



PostPosted: Sat Oct 15, 2005 4:55 pm
"Hm. How odd. It's so silent..and so dead."

The lovely neko chan whispered to no one in particular. Well, she might have also been talking to her little companion. The fuzzy little bunny always brought a smile to her face. Ez-rah was it's name, and it sat perched upon her shoulder, quietly napping, the warm breath from it's nostrils hitting her neck. The neko grinned, rolling her eyes as she walked forward.

She saw not far from their current location, a small tavern that looked a bit more cozy than the rest. She curled her digits around her door knob, allowing herself entrance. Her emerald orbs glittered for a few moments as they adjusted to the new lighting of the room. They blinked curiously from person to person, and then she shrugged lightly. Finding a nice spot in the corner, she moved Ez-rah from her shoulder to her lap, petting the velvet fur of his neck as she continued to watch the room.
PostPosted: Sat Oct 15, 2005 11:39 pm
Kess looked at the new comer with intrest. She found the rabbit to be especialy cute. Her raven sratched her hand in a fit, for it wanted more mead. She slaped at alosha softly and scolded her.  



PostPosted: Sun Oct 16, 2005 7:16 am
Hazel continued to rake her long digits along the scruff of Ez-rah. She spotted the waiter of the tavern, calling him over with a raise of her hand. She flashed a soft smile towards him, her row of pearly working the their usual magic. By nature she was a flirtatious person, which could be interpreted in many different ways.

She nodded as the man went to go fetch her drink. Her hands continued their relentless caressing of Ez-rah's fur. She had, from the corner of her eye, noticed another in the room, sitting along with a raven. She tilted her head to the side, raising a brow as she nodded her head, along with a light flick of her hand, in greeting. The raven was especially intriguing to her, and it was indeed the exact same color as Her rabbit.

Ez-rah sat up in her lap, yawning before scratching her lightly with his paws, signaling that he was hungry. She picked him up, chuckling as she nodded.

"Oh no worries Ezzie. I'll get you some food."

But as the waiter came back, bringing her cup of green tea, also brought along a few fresh carrots. Ez-rah jumped out of her arms and landed on the table, raising her paws in an attempt to reach the carrots. This made both the waiter and Hazel laugh.
He set them down, smiling towards her.

"Thank you so much Sir."

She said gratefully, flashing another smile in his direction as she brought the tea to her lips.
PostPosted: Sun Oct 16, 2005 4:32 pm
Kess hesatated slightly and walked to hazel, carfuly because the room was so crowded and her wings so large. Alosha landed on the table Hazel was at a second before she got through the crowd, snapping at a young man who tried to touch one of her wings. She said hesatantly, " My dubbance is kess, my ravens is Alosha, what might you and your rabbits names be? "  



PostPosted: Sun Oct 16, 2005 5:26 pm
Hazel took another slow sip of her tea, savoring the taste as it poured down her throat. It was nice to relax after a long, weary day of travel. Her finger ran around the rim of the cup in an aloof manner after she had placed it down upon the table. Ez munched happily upon the bunch of carrots he had recieved. It was amazing how far a simple smile could go even these days. She made a mental note to tip the waiter a little bit extra for his kindness.

After finishing the drink in one long, last sip, she looked up, and was greeted by the figure of another woman, who had been sitting across the room. She smiled, nodding a simple, casual greeting as she introduced herself and her curious raven.

"Ah, pleasure to meet you. I am Hazel, and this is my rabbit, Ez-rah. You can call him Ez for short if you wish."

She said with a light wink. Hazel eyed the woman's wings curiously, but asked no questions, her ears twiching with all of the noise in the tavern.
PostPosted: Sun Oct 16, 2005 5:35 pm
She noticed Hazel was lookign at her wings and touched them softly and self-contiously. Alosha once again nipped at her ear for more mead, sometimes she was imposible! She sat down at Hazels table, and set her cup down gently.

She returned her gaze to Hazel and Alosha began drinking. She smiled and said " Alosha might get a little drunk and cause some havock, please be warned. "

She wanted to pet Ez, but she knew how animals were when they were eating so she did not.  



PostPosted: Sun Oct 23, 2005 7:12 am
Hazel grinned lightly, taking another slow tip of her tea. She had noticed that by her staring at Kess' wings, she had made the girl uncomfortable.

"Beautiful set of wings you have their mate."

She said in an effort to relieve some of the akwardness. She ran a hand through her long pale locks, brushing some of the unruly bangs from her face. She looked back to Kess and her pet. She raven did amuse her, as it continued to n** at it's owner in an attempt, she thought, so get food. Hazel giggled softly, nodding towards Kess and Alosha.

"Would Alosha care for a carrot? Or is it busy with the drink.."

She said, noticing that the beautiful raven had now begun to drink. This made Hazel chuckle softly. Out of the corner of her eye, she had noticed that Kess seemed to want to pet Ez. Well, he was soft and floofy, so who wouldn't? She smiled.

"Would you like to hold Ez? He's quite sweet."
PostPosted: Sun Oct 23, 2005 11:02 pm
Kess hesatated slightly before saying yes, she would like to hold Ez.

While kess said that, Alosha had fallen asleep drunk. Kess sighed and picked up her cup of mead. The cup was like it weighed nothing so kess peered inside and sure enough, Alosha had drunk all the mead.

She signaled for the tavern boy to get her more and with a slightly flustered face, he managed to give her the mead without spilling any on her or her wings.  



PostPosted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 1:05 pm
An exhausted sigh passed through her lips as she stood on the street, leaning lazily against a light post. Her arm was raised above her head, pressing to the post, allowing her side to press more to it. She leaned her head sideways in a tilt, the side of her cheek pressing to her shoulder. She was staring at a little tavern. She'd been thrown out of her usual one, disruptive behaviour. He started it.. she thought with a twinge of anger.

Perhaps he wouldn't go to this one. She'd hope not. She taught him a good lesson about sexually harrassing a woman, but still... What if he was ignorant? She wouldn't put it past him after all, he didn't exactly seem like the brightest fellow.

In any case, so far she'd seen no sign of him anywhere here. She doubted that he would be in the tavern, he was a slow guy, she surely beat him here. What was she thinking about him for anyways? Anger bubbled higher up inside her, the more she thought of the man. His rotton smile, his putrid stentch, his shabby clothing. He was a low class bum, as far as she was concerned.

Slowly she pushed her body up from the position she leaned in. She stood straight on her feet, tilting her head slightly to crack the bones slightly in her neck; this was not something she often did, but it was stiff. She huffed slightly, and shook up a bit, to ease herself up a little. It was a bad idea to go into a tavern angry.

She looked up to it again. It was strange she never came here before, it looked so friendly. So cozy and inviting... She took a step forward, almost as if she were in a trance. She got out of it though. She quirked a brow, and then chuckled softly at her strange behaviour. She walked briskly forward, over to the door of the tavern, and reached for the handle. She took the handle in her hand in a firm grasp, and pulled the door forward, giving herself a way of enterance.

The scent of the bar hit her like a wall. Alcohol. Sweet alcohol. She'd been wanting a cup of.. Anything really.. Since this afternoon. She peered into the dimly lit area, cautiously almost. She was just double checking the people within the room was all.

Seeing that no one seemed excessivly threatening, she strolled into the bar. The door closed slowly behind her, and she continued her suave stroll straight up to the counter. She slipped onto a stool, sitting carefully, and rested an elbow on the counter. She leaned forward slightly, and gave a soft yawn as she waited for the bartender.

Once he arrived, she ordered her drink. She sat there quietly, waiting for her drink, looking about slightly nervously. She didn't know this crowd... And therefore was unsure if she should trust them all entirely.
PostPosted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 3:06 pm
Kess shivered slightly as the new person walked into the bar. She took a few sips of her mead to warm up and cuddled the drunk Alosha. She stroked Alosha's featheres for a few more minoutes then put him in her pants pocket.  



PostPosted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 6:12 pm
She was finished looking at the crowd, deciding just to ignore the most of them for the moment. She pulled the material of her thick cloth jacket closed a bit more. She looked down to the counter, and her deep purple eyes traced along the pattern of the wooden counter.

She was clad in a light beige gown, with the occasional highlight of a dark brown material. Her heavy looking cloth jacket was the same dark brown that highlighted her gown. On her left ring finger, an engagement ring, and a wedding ring.

The golden bands gleamed slightly in the light, and she looked down to the diamond. She suddenly missed her family, wishing she could return to the castle. She was here on business though. Just a little while longer.. she thought to herself, And then you can go home to Scarlet and Milani. Her wife and daughter. She missed them terribly. She reached into her pocket for her coin pouch as the bartender approched with her drink. Her fingertips brushed softly along a piece of paper in pocket. She pulled it out with her pouch and set them both on the counter.

She dug out the coins for the appropriate cost, leaving a decent tip. He nodded, she returned the nod, and she smiled softly. "Thank you," she said to him. Her voice was strong and confident, even though she was speaking softly, and there was a hint of a transylvanian accent.

She lifted the piece of paper, and looked over it. It was a tad crinkled, and folded in half. She carefully unfolded the delicate paper, as if her life depended on it. Her expression changed, first with a pang of sadness, then to a soft smile, love in her eyes. What she was looking at, was a sketch she drew, of Scarlet, her wife, holding thier daughter Milani. Her smile brightened, and she closed her eyes slowly, trying to blink away some tears.

She folded the paper back in half, again, fairly carefully, and gently stuck it into her pocket. She briefly glanced up to the ceiling, then back down to the counter. She sighed softly, almost happily. She looked to her drink then. Her cup beaded slightly with condensation. She lifted it, placing the lip of the glass to her lips. She drew in a sip, and lowered the glass as she swallowed. She set the cup back down, then shook a bit of water from her hand from the wet glass. They must be keeping the drinks outside to keep them cool, she thought with a bit of a nod.
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