The expansion of Clan Ursa into the Baltic and the break up of the social order of southern Europe,helped create a power vacuum.Each of the remaining sovereignties vied for control during this time,Lord Ursa however had his own plans.Instead of controlling all the world’s many lands,his focus was on building up his already powerful nation with new talent,be they military or not.To accomplish this would be difficult,since it would require him to spend a great deal of time away from home.”Might I suggest Foula as a meeting place milord?After all that is where the High Council chambers will be built.”Templeton,ever the wisest of his advisors,had a sound point.If he could write up a summons,have it plastered all throughout the realms,then he could just await the arrival of the potentials and still manage his country’s affairs.Patting the little old man on the back,his Lordship went back behind his desk and began brainstorming on what to write.

To all those seeking a purpose,

I Lord Ursa of the Vallanir Kingdom,head of the world renowned Ursa Clan,invite any reading this to a meeting held in two weeks time on the Island of Foula.Coordinates to said island is provided at the bottom.

What this meeting pertains to is a possible job opportunity or maybe,just maybe,something greater.It is known to me that many this day and age travel abroad with no family,no real drive and absolutely no purpose.In the Ursa Clan,every one of those things can be found if the person is strong of will.

We of the Ursa Clan offer protection to the weak,challenges to the strong and riches both intangible and substantial.Most have heard of us,more then half despise us.Why?Because never in the history of our illustrious group,have we ever been defeated.Not even a skirmish have we lost.This reputation extends to every member,making any would be enemy think twice before making a move.

We of the Ursa Clan are also very caring and understanding,making even those weaker then ourselves feel important and loved.All that we ever ask,all that ‘I’ really ask,is that those who join do the same for any who come after.

Do not give this poster a second look if you are malicious and uncaring,for you will are who we,the Ursa Clan,strive to eliminate.You must be courageous,you must be patient and above all you must be accepting of others.If you are what we’re looking for and you are interested,please come to Foula and meet with me.

Thank you for your time,
Lord Kell Ursa

With the letter penned and by magic copied,Kell sent Templeton with a stack to Runic Blade’s commander.General Ike Greil then distributed the posters to his men and sent them off,each to a different country or realm marked on the Royal Map of Vallanir.It was all a waiting game after that.Kell would remain on Foula Island for another six months while the council’s hall was completed,hopefully in that time he’d have the chance to meet with many unique individuals.If not,then at least he wouldn’t have wasted any time traversing the realms by himself.