Bright magenta hued eyes gazed down towards a small, rather scuffed up laptop screen, once pristine and clean now worn and old. Upon the screen was some random music site, one of which you could pick and choose music you wanted to download, often you'd have to sift through bucket loads of tracks until you found the one you wanted, but all in all it was a pretty good site. Rather muffled music rang out from the built in speakers of the laptop, the volume having been turned down due to the laptop being in a public area, an Internet cafe to be exact. The individual using the contraption was named Merodi. A bit of an odd individual she was, clothed in usually bright colours, which normally consisted of magenta's, turquoise, purple and sometimes pink, though always she balanced the bright colors out with some black. Today she wore a large dull purple and turquoise hat, with a black, off the one shoulder, rather baggy shirt with long bright purple, equally baggy sleeves. A bright purple skirt with a light turquoise belt to hold it to her waist. Around her neck she wore a rose pink choker, hanging from the middle of it an almost white blue orb.

She was a fairly short girl, standing at 5'4, her skin a medium chocolate and her eyes magenta in hue. Her hair a light, platinum blond, cut short in a boyish fashion. Though her bangs having been kept long, reaching to touch her shoulders. Most of the time Merodi would be seen wearing her light blue, rather large headphones, barely ever taking them off. Though today she decided to just leave them hanging around her neck rather than wearing them, she thought it'd best to give her ears a rest from the usual loud music and often high pitched music ''Eeeh I'm bored.'' She sighed, tapping her hands upon the surface of the coffee table, her gaze shifting around the room, gazing from person to person and table to table. Her nose wrinkled at the sweet smell of cinnamon, probably coming from the kitchen behind her. One would probably think the female would like sweet things, but in actual fact she didn't, she found sweet things to be to sickly for her, and thus preferred mild tasting treats, easier on her taste buds.

The female was at loss for what to do, she didn't feel like going back to the house for a while, she needed a bit of a rest from her house mates, being with them twenty four seven got a bit tiring after a while. She also didn't want to stay cooped up in the Internet cafe all day either ''Oh dear.'' She sighed once more, pushing her laptop aside to rest her head upon the cool wooden surface of the table, flexing her fingers ever so often, attempting to help herself think of what to do. Sure there were many things she could pick from, but the thing was, she didn't like doing an awful lot alone, she was rather odd in that way.