Please use at least 4 sentences or more when role playing.
-This simply means atleast use 4 or more sentences when role playing in the game, doing so will give your character at least some description without causing too much conflict with typing too much.

Try to be as literate as possible. -Literacy is key to have some of the better RPs because people can understand each other better then typing in ‘I SAL SLASI at U!1!’, no good, I couldn’t read that if I tried. NO ******** TEXT TALK

If you have problems with any person in the game, please inform a moderator
-Any problems caused by any players can easily be resolved if you’re willing to resolve them, I will try my hardest to make everything as comfortable as I can. If you need anything at all that is underneath my jurisdiction please ask me for assistance.

God Moding is not allowed.
-This just means take a hit every once in a while. Not Instant Kills!!

Bunnying is not allowed.
-Bunnying means where some player takes the role of another player for a moment in the game, no, you’re only allowed to play your character. BUT if the player give you their permission, then it will be allowed.

Please keep OOC minimal, non-existent if possible.
-OOC means out of Character, which just means that you’re talking to someone else in real life while role playing. This sometimes causes chaos; if not it makes the characters all go OOC and leave the RP behind. There will be a thread for OOC

Keep Sexual Content to a low.
-There are some contact in an Role Play but we’ll try to steer clear for that mushy stuff. But it can happen, some characters are bound to fall in love or get hitched in a game, whether high school, or a super futurist RP of Doom.

RP Space.
-If you want to make a rp in the guild, you have to contact either olorien or myself to get permission to create one.

This is a living document, meaning if there are problems, or any situations that were not mentioned at the present time, we will add more over time.