Appearance: User Image

_________PERSONAL INFO._________________________________________

Username: XHiroAkendoX Rp

Character name: Emil Akihiko

Aliase/Nickname: Blitz the lightning dragon.

Birth Place Hargeon

Age: 18

Height: 5’6”

Weight: 127

Gender: Male

Markings/ Tattoos: Has a dragon tattoo on his right upper arm.

Personality: He is composed and thoughtful, a reliable ally who can keep a cool head through any situation. Emil is very reserved about his own affairs, and hides an extreme wariness of strangers behind a pleasant front. He is very protective of his fellow guild members who he considers as his family.

Occupation: Dragon slayer. (Lightning)

Aura Color: Gold.

Likes: Friends, animals, guild

Dislikes: Fighting, friends being hurt, people disrespecting Fairy Tail.

Theme Song: Linkin Park: New Divide.
__________BIO/ HISTORY_______________________________________

Bio/ History:Emil doesn't remember much about his past dew to memory loss, but he remembers one thing. He was raised by a Lightning Dragon called Thunderbolt that was his foster father. He taught Emil how to write, speak, and even how to use the Lightning-brand style of magic known as "Dragon slayer". He disappeared with all other dragons on 7-th July of 777, Emil continues to search for him. After the dragon disappeared when Emil turned 8, he wondered from city to town. He eventually settled In Hargeon and taken In by the guild, Fairy Tail. While he was there, he learned to control his magic powers and use his twin pistols. When he turned 14, Emil became a member of Fairy Tail, he's been on a lot of solo missions sense then but now he Is looking for a partner.

__________GUILD & RANK INFO.________________________________________

Current Guild: Fairy Tail

Guild Mark: User Image

Current Mage Rank: F-Rank

Team: Stella Hart.

__________WEAPON & MAGIC INFO.________________________________________

Weapon Name & Appearance: Red-right-, Cross-left-.User Image

Primary Type Of Magic: Lightning.