At Kitten's request, I'm making a thread detailing certain aspects of their cyberpunkish world. I have a strong feeling that this could be further updated, so stay tuned, I reckon. Feel free to integrate aspects of your own. Your part of town or environment and so forth. Psychomorphs is public domain and nothing is quite canon yet, so go nuts. However, I'm laying down some basic aspects that are canon, in the form of Q&A.

Q: What sort of environment are we talking about?

A: It's cyberpunk. Early cyberpunk. If I had to put an exact date, maybe circa mid-22XX. Genetic modification is a common practice, most humans have had such radical modification that they resemble anthropomorphic animals. Most of these are born from such parents, so a majority of anthros have no idea what being human is like. There are still some pure-unmodified humans out there. However, following a spiritual revolution where many religious doctrines began loosening their standards on many social issues, including human/anthro marriage, pure humans are wildly out numbered by chimeras and anthros.

Q: Chimeras?

A: It's a blanket term for both anthro/human hybrids, humans with anthro ancestry or the other way around. Simply put? Mutts, although some consider being called a mutt a racial slur.

Q: Okay. What's the state of technology?

A: About as advanced as one would expect. Located in the Neutral Territories, the outer rim of the city is a cyber utopia. However, the inside of city, downtown, is a dystopic slum overrun by crime and gang warfare. Think artificial intelligences and holograms.

Q: Neutral territories?

A: Yeah. You see, in this alternate timeline, the American Civil War ended in a bloody stalemate, rather than the Union winning. The south remained the Confederacy and the north maintained it's Union. Over the years, both governments quarreled in a vicious cold war, flaunting it's political principles. By the turn of the millennium, both countries had succumbed to political extremism and rampant nationalism, the Confederacy becoming a fascist state where the Union became a communist state. Determined to maintain the vision of their founding fathers, the Midwest and the west coast broke off all contact from both the Confederacy and the Union and formed the Neutral Territories. They flourished technologically while the north and south staged a second civil war, the city the RP takes place in constantly receiving an influx of refugees seeking to escape a life of war and oppression.

Q: What sort of anthros are we talking about?

A: Psychomorphs and anthros. Go crazy, be imaginative if ya want.

Q: What's this about Off-Tac and SWD?

A: You see, the government regularly employs mercenary companies to police an area. Offensive Tactics, or Off-Tac, is a government-sanctioned private contracting firm that provides security and intravene management to the Sapient Welfare Division. SWD generally handles all social matters anthro and psychomorph, handling the paperwork where Off-Tac handles assigning caretakers and retrieving psychomorphs from dangerous people.

Q: Intravenes? Psychomorphs?

A: Follow the link to their specie profile.

(Will further update if necessary. Feel free to PM/IM me with questions, and I'll answer them via the Q&A.)