Username: Kable7

Character name:Kazuma


Birth Place:On the streets of phoenix Arizona





Markings/ Tattoos:none

Personality:hard headed, cocky, crazed, encouraging, short tempered, can be a nice person in his own way.

Occupation: ((Wind Mage, Fire Mage, Ice Mage, ETC.)) Warrior

Aura Color:a rainbow like color surrounds him

Likes:fighting, peace, music, women, to make jokes, having epic fights

Dislikes:rude people, anything that pisses him off, having a weak and pathetic fight.

Theme Song:


Bio/ History:

__________GUILD & RANK INFO.________________________________________

Current Guild:

Guild Mark:

Current Mage Rank:idk
((F-Rank, PM me for a higher rank))

Team": ((Name who your teamed with))
no one
__________WEAPON & MAGIC INFO.________________________________________

Weapon Name & Appearance: ((Having Weapon is Optional))turning his right arm into metal: User Image
Weapon Description: ((Must be written)) in the picture

Primary Type Of Magic: ((Earth, Fire, Wind, ETC.))the control over metal and anything solid he or his aura touches becomes metal