Aaron woke up to a slight shove in the side, "Ugh, is it that time already?" "Yeah," Link said in a chipper tone, "Time for your daily beating." "Ugh, can this wait a few seconds for me to wake.....up...," as he was saying this Aaron felt the urge from his guitar that meant it was time to go. "Or not. Sorry Link, there won't be any Aaron beating today, she decided it's time to go. I'll be leaving right after breakfast, if that's okay with you," Aaron said, letting loose a slight sigh. "Yeah, no problem. You should be fine, you have become quite a skilled swordsman in the time you have been here. I mean it seems just like yesterday that I thought you were a threat. Now look at us, like, the best of friends," Link said with a smirk on his face, "I can't believe it's been 4 months." "Neither can I. Well, you're right, I do think I have learned enough swordsmanship to protect my life, and the blade you gave me is just perfect for my style," as Aaron mentioned this, he looked at his sword in the corner of the room, the sheath was a deep crimson red, the hilt was that of flowing blues, and the gem in the butt of the hilt, was that of a green emerald. The blade itself was strong black onyx.
Aaron proceeded to get up and put on his loose grey T-shirt and black pants, as he then slung his guitar over his shoulder and strapped his sword to his hip. "So, what's for breakfast anyway," as he said this, there was a light knock on the door, that when Aaron went to answer it, turned out to be Saria. "Oh, hey, is Link up," Saria asked with a slight blush on her face. "Yeah, he's up making breakfast. Oh yeah, might as well tell you now since Link already knows. She decided it was time to go, so after breakfast I'm going to be leaving." "Oh....okay, well, mind if I join you," Saria asked, with a slightly depressed look on her face. "SURE, I don't think Link would mind having one more for breakfast. LIIIIIIIIIINK, SARIA'S GOING TO JOIN US FOR BREAKFAST, OKAY!" "OKAY, JUST GIVE ME A BIT TO GET ANOTHER THING OF EGGS DONE!" Link said, allowing them to know that he was fine with it. Aaron and Saria walked back into the kitchen as Link was setting out the plates, after all the food was eaten and the plates washed, Aaron decided it was time to go. "Well, be seeing ya," he said as he stepped out of the house and pulled out his guitar. He then proceeded to strum that complicated tune on his guitar to open the portal. When the portal opened, he looked back one last time and waved at them, as he jumped into the portal and it closed behind him.
Aaron awoke in a back alley, as he then walked out into town, he looked around and noticed something. "Hmmmm, looks like I'm in my dimension again, I think. Looks to be Japan....again." As he was walking down the road he noticed a crowd of people, as he jostled his way into the crowd he noticed that they were all targeting one woman. She looked to be about 5'7", with thigh length vibrant red hair. Her age looked to be around 23, and as she faced him, he noticed the most curious pair of eyes other than his own. They were a piercing ice blue.
"So, what's going on here?" "Oh, just this b***h getting what she deserved," the young man to his right that looked to be 20 said. "What did she do?" "Beat the s**t out of our leader’s girl, that's what," the young man said again. Aaron was taking all this in when he noticed a man flying at him out of the corner of his eye. He drew his guitar and hit the man as if he was just a baseball. TWANG, the guitar let loose as it knocked the man into the guy that was about to attack the woman from behind, as he then slung his guitar back over his shoulder. "WELL, this seems a bit unfair to me, 50 guys against one woman. I think I'm going to help her out," he said as he proceeded to make his way to support the girl from behind.
As Aaron stepped into the fight, he intercepted a couple guys aiming for the girl from behind. Using the speed and strength he accumulated from his physical and swordsman training, he grabbed one by the neck and slammed him into the next guy, smashing them both against the pavement. As this was all happening, the guy he was talking to earlier charged at him holding a knife, he let his battle instincts take over, as Aaron dropped below the blade and knocked the guy out with a swift uppercut to the chin. He then noticed a guy aiming for the girl, so in one swift moment, he slung the guitar off his shoulder and aimed to knock the guy upside the head, but as he was swinging, the girl caught the guitar and looked up at him. Aaron did his best to put on a look that would have her trust him, but from the look on her face, he could tell she didn't, as he then continued through with a left punch past her head, hitting the guy square in the face and knocking him out.
"Thanks," the girl said as Aaron spun around to take up one side of the fight. "No problem. Just didn't think it was to sporting for all these guys to gang up on one cute girl." Just then a group of five guys rushed at Aaron, as he, still holding his guitar, swung it up and deflected the knives with a TWANG, as he then dropped down and kicked the feet out from under them. Getting up from the ground, Aaron spun his guitar and slammed it up against another guy’s head that was running towards him with another loud TWANG. The guy flew back and knocked over two others, as the two others got up and noticed that Aaron and the girl could hold their own pretty well, as those two and a few others ran away, while still others charged at Aaron. He then jumped over the enemies, grabbing one as he jumped over and threw him into the others, knocking them out cold as they hit the wall. :Hmmm, these guys aren't nearly as fast as Link, nor do they hit as hard.:
As Aaron took a step towards a few of the remaining enemies on his side, he slightly heard the girl say something along the lines of, "Do you seriously think you are winning this?" As Aaron opened his eyes wide, letting the full of his eyes show, as he held up his guitar and shouted at the top of his lungs, "ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAR," scaring away another five guys, leaving only 3 left on his side. He then walked forward, holding his guitar, with a sinister grin on his face, as he got up to the first one, grabbed him by the neck, and slammed him into one of the remaining two, knocking them both out. Just then, the last guy tried to run, as Aaron took his guitar and slammed it into the back of his neck, knocking him out cold. "All done on my end."
Turning around, he notices the girl turning towards him, as she says, "Thank you for the help." Just then, a glint of steel caught Aaron's attention, as he noticed someone, which looked like the leader, charging at the girl with a sword raised above his head. "DUCK," as this was said, the girl did a perfect split, supporting herself with her hands, as Aaron drew his sword, the sun glinting off the black onyx, and locked blades with the leader. "GET OUT OF THE WAY," Aaron said to the girl, because she was directly beneath the blades, and was in his way of pushing the leader back.
The girl got up and ran off to the side lines, as Aaron slid the enemy’s sword down the edge of his own blade. The leader then lifted his sword for an overhead strike, as Aaron swung at the blade with all his strength, as the opponent’s blade snapped in two, as the top half flew off and embedded in the ground behind the opponent. As the man fell to the ground and begged for mercy, Aaron sheathed his blade. "Humph, I don't kill for no reason," as this was going on, the leader was pulling out a gun, as Aaron turned around, slinging off his guitar at the same time in one fluid motion, and struck the guy in the face, effectively knocking him unconscious. Aaron then proceeded to loot the unconscious bodies of the thugs for money, because, well frankly, he is flat broke.
Aaron then walked over to the girl and offered his hand to help her up. As the girl accepted the hand, Aaron helped her up, as she then spoke in a slightly depressed tone, "What have I done?" At this Aaron had only one reply, "Survived," he said with a stoic look on his face. "But, I'm a pacifist, I hate fighting," the girl continued. "Even pacifists fight when their lives are on the line," he said, as if he knew exactly what it's like. "Well, need help carrying your stuff back to your house," he asked as he started to gather up her scattered supplies. "Um, sure....Thanks again, for all your help that is," the girl said as a slight blush creeped upon her face, "My name is Alexzandria, but you can call me Alex," she said as she stretched out her hand. Aaron accepted the hand gratefully, "No problem, and I'm Aaron. Pleasure to meet you Alex. SOOOOO....where do you live anyway?" "I live this way, you can follow me," she said as she started to lead the way to her house. "OH WAIT, do you happen to know where I can buy some cigarettes," Aaron asked, just remembering that he now has the money for some. Alex just pointed to the right at one of the general stores sitting there. "Ahhh, thanks, I'll be right back," Aaron said as he started to walk into the store.