The following is a list of rules, and Member Terms of Use. These rules are Non-Negotiable, and are subject to Change at any time.

1.) Follow all Gaia Online ToS. Gaia Online’s ToS may be found at

2.) Do not argue with any member of the Guild Council. Members of the Guild Council are the Guild Leader, any Vice Captains, or Crew, and any member promoted to the Development Team. DevTeam Members will be denoted by a forum badge, and an annotation next to their Guild Member Profile.
2-a.) Debating with a Moderator is the same thing as arguing. When the Answer is no, please do not pursue the matter any further. Suggestions may always be submitted to the Guild Council for consideration, via Instant Messaging, Email, Gaia Online Private Messaging, or the Suggestion box.

3.) All members are required to set up a Guild Member Profile, upon entrance to any of the TSH family of guilds. Once set up, a guild member’s ‘base character’ (i.e. race, gender, etc.) may not be changed, except providing suitable RP situations, such as buying new armors or weapons, or extenuating circumstances, such as magickal reasons, or with the Guild Councils’ direct consent. Member profiles must be based on one of the three following options.
a.) Avatar Character- Character is based directly on a member’s Gaia Online avatar.
b.) Dream Character- Keeping in mind that earning gold can be troublesome, especially with the inflated marketplace, members may make use of a Tektek Dream avatar (web location ) to make their character however they wish. Members who choose this option are required to post the Dream avatar in their profile with an User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.b-2.) Members may also post Dream Avatars for the purpose of Non Player Characters, providing such an NPC benefits the RP situation, and does not provide distraction, (i.e. Waiters, cashiers, shopowner, taxi drivers, general public, etc.)

4.) There shall be no Cyber Sex in this Guild. You are entitled to your sexlife, but do not share it with us.
4-a.) Members are required to be fully clothed at all times. Nothing overtly sexual is to be worn. Cleavage, midriff, and leg is acceptable on female characters, while males may be shirtless.

5.) Posting format is to be in Proper English, containing proper grammar. The occasional typo is acceptable, or if a character speaks a certain dialect, such as with a Scottish accent, or is from “the Bronx.” Learning disabilities are an acceptable excuse, but knowing that some people are uncomfortable with their ‘handicap’, they do not need to broadcast it to everyone, simply inform any of the Guild Council, and they will make sure the proper people are informed.
5-a.) The use of dialect known as ‘txt talk’ is EXPRESSLY forbidden, even in situations where a person is texting another person on a phone, message pad, or other electronic communication device. If you have the time to sit on a computer and type out an RP post in a forum, you have the time to use proper grammar in a text on a cellular device so that the message is clear and understandable to all.

6.) “God Modding” is expressly forbidden in this guild.
6-a.) Any post that makes an action for another member’s character, or cancels out a previous action of another character is expressly forbidden.
6-b.) In situations where a Guild Council Member of Crew Rank, or above, ascertains that administrative action is necessary, they may make use of “god-modding” to remedy the situation.

7.) Slavery is against everything this guild stands for, any member found participating in a “master/slave” RP will be banned, without warning.

8.) Be aware that all posting should follow the guild rules, and that any inappropriate forum usage (i.e. posting a OOC topic in a roleplaying forum) will be subject to a warning, followed by banning.
8-a.) The guild leaders are happy to allow OOC chat in the OOC forum, providing they follow posting TOS. Inappropriate topic decorum is as follows: Politics, Religion, Sexual Orientation, Race, or anything else related to personal views. Feel free to discuss these topics so long as you are not flaming another's personal views, or trying to force your own upon other people. Debate is allowed so long as it is friendly and unoffensive.
8-b.) Do not post unnecessarily. Any post that is not part of an event, a post in the roleplay, or appropriate OOC conversation topic (i.e. a "bump" post) will be deleted. Any post deleted by a Guild Moderator, and the original author recreates the post, the user will be warned, and if the problem persists, banned.

9.) Unexcused, prolonged periods of absence will only be tolerated to a certain extent. Inactivity is a guild killer. If you are planning to be absent for an extended period of time (i.e. family vacation, illness, death in the family, severe depression, school, grounding, etc.) please somehow alert any of the Guild Council Members, and your absence will be noted, and accounted for. An accepted “extended absence” is considered by the Guild Council to be a period of time consisting of up to, but no longer than, two weeks. If a person does not check in after that two week period of time, a warning PM will be sent, if that person is gone longer than a month, without an occasional check in, the person will be automatically removed from the guild. If you are removed from the guild, but return with a valid reason as to why you were absent (such as loss of internet connection, computer failure, etc.) you will be asked to rejoin the guild.

10.) Badgering guild members for items, gold, or donations of any kind will result in being banned. Badgering may be directly reported to the guild captain or vice captains, all reports must provide proof, in the form of a screen shot, or by forwarding the PM to the Moderators.
10-a.) Questing threads in the OOC forum will be allowed, providing no one is overly pushy with them, and no one badgers another person to visit it.

11.) All existing “popular culture” characters that one may choose to play will be based on the most updated version of the character, also assuming the character never died. As always, the Guild Founder, would appreciated it more, if players were to create their own original characters, but has no issue with a person playing their favorite game/movie/manga/popular culture character. Two requirements of playing a pop culture character are; Characters must be played true to form (don’t alter their personality), and there shall be no more than one of each character in the TSH family of guilds. A list of character slots taken will follow:

12.) Advertising another guild or RP group in this guild is one of the fastest ways to get yourself in trouble. If you have your various guilds in your signature do not attach your signature to your posts. This includes posts in the OOC Forum.

13.) Our guild features a unique banking system. Instead of depositing any donations into the guild account, please make all donations to “TSHFirstBankandTrust” through a Trade. These donations, will be used, as the moderators see fit, to improve the guild, outfit new members if need be, or be used for funding future prize events. Donations may include any item that a member does not want, and nothing is too small. Any items from random gaia events are greatly appreciated.

14.) If you are a member of this guild, you may also be also be a member of any one of the branch guilds. You are entitled to change your mind, though people who are consistently indecisive will be denied a transfer request.

15.) All Captains and Lieutenants of the TSH: Spirit Haven are required to possess some sort of “spirit animal” that shall accompany them everywhere. For a full list of spirit animals please refer to the third post of the “Specific Rules” page of that guild (See third post down.).
15-a.) Every member of TSH: Spirit Haven starts at Rank Zero, and will have to earn their way up, by inviting new members (Please make sure that they say that you recommended them when they fill out the join request.) you may also work to a promotion through RP skill. (Some members may start out as a high rank by being recommended by a trusted and known member.)
15-b.) No member of the TSH: Spirit Haven may wear a full mask without a proper RP reason, (Such as unlocking ) or if Raven grants them a mask, at such time when a member can prove that they can control their Inner Darkness. However, the wearing of a mask must be taken seriously, no novelty or “prop” masks will be allowed, such as the “Chicken mask”

16.) The “Dragon and Kai” Ninja Headband, or any other “ninja headband” is a symbol of the TSH: RyuuKage branch guild, only members who are a member of that branch are allowed to wear any such items.