-------For those of you who aren't already aware of the roleplay's basic plotline, if you are a recruit or some biz then this post is for you... So pay attention that way I don't have to repeat myself. I already have a short outline of the story on my profile but this is a bit more detailed.---------

Since the dawn of the family name, the Tanaka's have always been an avid group of warriors who each bore a seal of unrelenting power. Their abillities would vary depending upon their spiritual aura. Eventually, the power would get so out of hand that the family would attempt to whipe each other out completely. However, there was one brother of the family that saw what was happening and began to search for a way to destroy the cursed power. He would succeed by seeking an audience at with Terexx, God of Light. Terexx was a lot like Zeus in common greek mythology in the sense that he had control over all the other God's worshiped by the Tanaka's. Terexx saw the internal destruction of this once great family of blessed warriors, and decided that he had enough of their disrespectful, chaotic ways and would punish them by removing his gift from them. However, one day would come when the lineage of the seal would come once more. The first of the three that were to be unleashed would be The Seal Of Chaos. This seal would give the user the powers of the God of Chaos Xuriel. The seal would completely consume the child that was to bare it, corrupting the child with Godly power. The next two were to bring about the end of the destruction that the first born would bring about. The second seal would be the Seal Of Terexx. This gave the user control over the light, as Terexx himself would. The third seal would be known as The Seal Of Ruin. This seal would give the user control over the spirits of the damned, just as the God of Malevolence, Rin. 3,000 years later, this prophecy would come to pass. The Three Brothers of the Seal would come forth and set the chain of events in motion.

Haseo Tanaka grew up on the island of Dexeria. The island was divided into three seperate towns, Angier, Timire, and Yorlyn. He lived with his mother, Freya and his two younger brothers, Cassius and Daisuke in the town of Timire. In the beginning of the story, Haseo is only 18 whenever his life changes forever. . .

It was a cool autumn's night. The following night after Haseo's big day to be exact. He was to leave out at dawn to begin his training in solitude to become a man. It was a popular custom in their family from centuries past that when a son turns 18 that he is to begin his training as a warrior of the Tanaka family. Like his brothers, with the exception of Daisuke, Haseo was born with a birth mark, or as his family called it, a blessing of Terexx. This, of course was the seal from the prophecy. At any rate, on that same night as all of Dexeria lie asleep, the smell of smoke and ash would consume the land. The first to awake sounded the alarm at the top of mount Dexeria, which would awake all three of the sleeping cities, only to witness first hand that the island was now ingulfed with flames. As the sound of despair filled the island, people would run for their lives in a most subliminaly savage manor. Houses burned to the ground, bodies flew all across the sky, everything was completely disoriented. Haseo awoke to these very sounds only to find his brother Daisuke lying by the side of his mother. Daisuke seemed to be fine but Haseo's mother was regretfully not in such good shape. As Haseo rushed by her side, Cassius would rip through the carnage that lie all over. Once all of her sons were present, she would admit to the horrible confession of his brother Arisis, whom she believed to be responsible for the hell that now surrounded them. With her dying words, she told him to fulfil his destiny, and that she'd always be with him. Soon after, a malevolent shadowy figure would appear before the three brothers, standing blankly atop the burning pile of what used to be their home. At this, an outraged Cassius charged carelessly toward the figure, only to follow him into the wilderness that was now set ablaze all around the island. Haseo would follow, commanding Daisuke to remain with their mother's corpse. They would both come to find that this shadowy figure was indeed the fabled Arisis Schneider their mother had just told them about. Arisis, who obviously had his name changed to remove himself from the family that he believed disgraced his own name, made himself visible through the shrouded darkness that surrounded his body. Within the flash of an eye, Cassius would unleash his seal for the first time. The seal was so powerful that his entire body became consumed in the flames that it heald within. This condition would remain permanently apart of Cassius' body make-up until later on in the story, once he finally learned how to control it. Regardless of his undying rage that filled his heart, he was no match for Arisis. Neither was Haseo. At this, the two brothers were helpless. Deeming it a waste of time to destroy the two now, Arisis had a better plan, he would keep them alive until the time was right. After successfully raising hell in an almost literal fashion on the land of his birth, he took his leave and would remain shrouded in darkness until his later murder of the youngest brother, Daisuke.

There is a lot more events that take place in this story but the basic plotline is that Arisis and Haseo raise an army. After 14 years and MANY other chain of events and side stories, the war first of many bloodfilled battles would begin and with them, the war. The war between Haseo and Arisis, that would later be titled The Great War, would go on to last for four years. Unfolding the chain of events foretold by the prophecy of their family and the Gods that they worship.

-------Most scenes will probably be done in forums. However we can do the short ones in towns. ^^ -----------